Pokemon X and Y Gameplay Trailer

Check out this new Pokemon X and Y Gameplay Trailer. These games mark the first installments in the sixth generation of the main series of Pokemon games.

"New Pokémon, people, and places have been revealed! Check out the latest Pokémon X and Pokémon Y trailer to get a first look at new towns in the Kalos region. Meet cool characters like Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Serena, and Calem, as well as the Gym Leaders for this region. Finally, catch a glimpse of new Pokémon, including Flabébé, Litleo, Scatterbug, and Spewpa! Learn more about both games at the official site: http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/root/".

Pokemon X and Y is due to be released October 12, 2013 on the Nintendo 3DS.