Xbox One Vs Xbox 360 Controller Comparison + PS3 Vs PS4 Controller Comparison

Xbox One Vs Xbox 360 Controller Comparison + PS3 Vs PS4 Controller Comparison

Check out this new side by side comparison of the Xbox One controller and the Xbox 360 controller, and learn about the new features of the Xbox One controller.

This looks pretty interesting. It looks like Microsoft improved on the great design of the 360 controller by adding subtle changes instead of drastically changing it. The trigger motors sound great, and I think they will add a lot of immersion. The Xbox One controller looks like it would be great for PC gaming as well.

Update: Also here is a PlayStation 4 controller compared to the Xbox One.

And here's a PS4 controller compared to the PS3 controller. (Thanks to TechRadar for this image)

PS3 vs PS4 controller's a DualShock 3 morphing into DualShock 4! is a super high quality screenshot of the PS4 controller: (click the image for the full size)

What do you guys think of the next gen controllers? Post a comment below and let me know!

Posted by George