Monster Hunter Tri Unlockables

Monster Hunter Tri Unlockables

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Argosy License Trade in all 7 Rare
Commodites to the Argosy Captain Champion's BadgeComplete all coliseum challenges
Chief's GarbComplete Village 1-3* quests
Chief's PipeComplete all Village quests
Farm CertificateUpgrade farm to max level
Gem of the DepthsSlay a Ceadeus
Giant CrownSilver Crown on all Village Monsters except Ceadeus
Lackey Testimonial Raise Cha-Cha to Lv30
Old Childhood MaskCollect all Cha-Cha masks and learn all dances
Scroll of the SageComplete at least 10 pages of the Combination List
Tidal NecklaceHunt a Lagiacrus
Vow of BrotherhoodUpgrade all ships to level 3