Even years after its release, Dragon Age: Origins is still being patched. Below are the patch notes for the latest 1.05 patch which fixes DLC, performance and installation issues with the game. You can tell a company is dedicated to providing a quality product when they patch their games years after their release.
Release notes:
General Fixes
Downloadable content will properly authenticate once installed.
Fixed an issue where some users with DirectX10-era video cards were experiencing significant lag within menus and interfaces as well as sudden spikes in area load times.
Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition Fixes
The Ultimate Edition installer for the EA Download Manager (EADM) version of the game was placing the CD-Key in the wrong location in the Windows registry. EADM has been replaced with EA’s Origin system and this error has been corrected in the new Origin installer. For those who purchased and installed the Ultimate Edition via EADM, the Patch 1.05 installer will copy that CD-Key into the correct Windows registry location.