Skyrim Realistic Water Textures mod by Isoku.
Description: Brand new textures based off of actual, high resolution photography. The full version includes water B with waterfalls, foam, and blacksmith's water. Waters A and C are the same as water B but differ by light reflectivity. Water D is an alternate surface with cleaner, more parallel waves.
To see the comparison image better, right click the thumbnail and open the image in a new tab/window. If you don't want to deal with options just download and install the full package.
Sample Video:
Download from Skyrim Nexus
Extract "textures" folder from 7zip file and place in [...]\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data folder.
Updating the mod:
Extract "textures" folder from 7zip file and place in [...]\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data folder and overwrite everything.
Uninstalling the mod:
defaultwater.dds in data\textures\water.
fxwhitewater.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwhitewater01.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwhitewater02.dds in data\textures\effects.
Blacksmith and possibly other standing water:
fxwatertileflat_d.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwatertileflat_emask.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwatertileflat_n.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwatertile01.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwatertile01_n.dds in data\textures\effects.
fxwatertile02_n.dds in data\textures\effects.
Splashing (optional file):
fluiddrops.dds in data\textures\effects.
fluiddrops02.dds in data\textures\effects.
fluidsubsplatfilm.dds data\textures\effects.