Bioshock Infinite Guide / Walkthrough by Sokkus.
Introduction Welcome to my guide for Irrational Games' latest entry into the Bioshock franchise - Bioshock Infinite! If you see any errors, have a question, a tip or an alternate strategy for a section of the guide please head to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know! If you like what you see here, be sure to check out more of my guides, reviews and podcasts at www.consoledomination.com and consider donating to my Paypal if you are feeling a little generous! Note: In its current state, the guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with 100% of collectibles collected. > Vigor upgrades and tactics guide. > Weapon upgrades and tactics guide. > Enemy Tactics guide. > Equippable Gear list. > 1999 Mode Tips and Tricks. > Collectible Locations Guides: > Equippable Gear Locations Guide. > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations guide. > Voxophone Locations Guide. > Infusion Upgrades Guide. > Achievement/trophy Guide. > Easter Egg locations. Join me on Facebook ___________________ I have started a facebook group for readers to keep track of the latest updates to my guides, you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sokkus/356910437737253 =============================================================================== Want to know what I thought of Bioshock Infinite? Check out my review here: http://consoledomination.com/review/bioshock-infinite-review/ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Donations =============================================================================== After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for helping you out if you wish to do so. Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding. Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some time, money and frustration in some small way. By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated whether it be 10 cents or $10. Thankyou for all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my Paypal address is listed below, if not, skip down to the table of contents below and get stuck into the lofty world of Columbia in Bioshock Infinite! Paypal ID; sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _ _ ___ (_______) | | | | / __) _ ____| | _ | | ____ ___ | |__ | | / _ | || \| |/ _ ) / _ \| __) | |____( ( | | |_) ) ( (/ / | |_| | | \______)_||_|____/|_|\____) \___/|_| ______ / _____) _ _ | / ___ ____ | |_ ____ ____ | |_ ___ | | / _ \| _ \| _)/ _ ) _ \| _) /___) | \____| |_| | | | | |_( (/ /| | | | |__|___ | \______)___/|_| |_|\___)____)_| |_|\___|___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to jump down to where you want to go in a flash! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite Campaign Walkthrough \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 1. Hints and Tips.................................... [HNTTP] | | | | | 2. Campaign Walkthrough.............................. [WLKTH] | | | Prologue: The Lighthouse | | | | 2.00 Chapter 00: The Lighthouse ............... [ACT00] | | | ACT 1: Comstock Centre | | | | 2.01 Chapter 01: Welcome Centre ............... [ACT01] | 2.02 Chapter 02: Raffle Square ................ [ACT02] | 2.03 Chapter 03: Comstock Centre Rooftops ..... [ACT03] | | | ACT 2: Monument Island | | | | 2.04 Chapter 04: Monument Island Gateway ...... [ACT04] | 2.05 Chapter 05: Monument Tower ............... [ACT05] | | | ACT 3: The Hall of Heroes | | | | 2.06 Chapter 06: Battleship Bay ............... [ACT06] | 2.07 Chapter 07: Soldier’s Field .............. [ACT07] | 2.08 Chapter 08: The Hall of Heroes ........... [ACT08] | 2.09 Chapter 09: Inside the Hall of Heroes..... [ACT09] | 2.10 Chapter 10: Hall of Heroes Gift Shop ..... [ACT10] | 2.11 Chapter 11: Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza [ACT11] | | | ACT 4: Finkton Docks | | | | 2.12 Chapter 12: Finkton Docks ................ [ACT12] | 2.13 Chapter 13: Beggar’s Wharf ............... [ACT13] | 2.14 Chapter 14: Fort Franklin Pier ........... [ACT14] | | | ACT 5: Finkton Proper | | | | 2.15 Chapter 15: Worker Induction Centre ...... [ACT15] | 2.16 Chapter 16: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 1) ... [ACT16] | 2.17 Chapter 17: The Good Time Club ........... [ACT17] | | | ACT 6: Shantytown | | | | 2.18 Chapter 18: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 2) ... [ACT18] | 2.19 Chapter 19: The Gunsmith Shop ............ [ACT19] | 2.20 Chapter 20: Shantytown ................... [ACT20] | 2.21 Chapter 21: The Bull House Impound ....... [ACT21] | 2.22 Chapter 22: The Bull Yard ................ [ACT22] | | | ACT 7: The Factory | | | | 2.23 Chapter 23: Finkton Proper ............... [ACT23] | 2.24 Chapter 24: On to the Factory ............ [ACT24] | 2.25 Chapter 25: The Factory Courtyard ........ [ACT25] | 2.26 Chapter 26: The Factory .................. [ACT26] | | | ACT 8: Emporia | | | | 2.27 Chapter 27: Emporia ...................... [ACT27] | 2.28 Chapter 28: Port Prosperity .............. [ACT28] | | | ACT 9: Downtown Emporia | | | | 2.29 Chapter 29: Downtown Emporia ............. [ACT29] | 2.30 Chapter 30: Memorial Gardens ............. [ACT30] | | | ACT 10: Comstock House | | | | 2.31 Chapter 31: Comstock House ............... [ACT31] | 2.32 Chapter 32: The Atrium ................... [ACT32] | 2.33 Chapter 33: Warden’s Office .............. [ACT33] | 2.34 Chapter 34: The Operating Theatre ........ [ACT34] | | | ACT 11: The Hand of the Prophet | | | | 2.35 Chapter 35: The Hand of the Prophet ...... [ACT35] | 2.36 Chapter 36: Hangar Deck .................. [ACT36] | 2.37 Chapter 37: Engineering Deck ............. [ACT37] | 2.38 Chapter 38: Command Deck ................. [ACT38] | 2.39 Chapter 39: Sea of Doors ................. [ACT39] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite Gameplay Guide \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 3. Vigors, Vigor Upgrades & Vigor Tactics .......... [V1GRS] | | | 3.01 Possession ................................ [VIGRP] | 3.02 Devil's Kiss .............................. [VIGRD] | 3.03 Murder of Crows ........................... [VIGRM] | 3.04 Bucking Bronco ............................ [VIGRB] | 3.05 Shock Jockey .............................. [VIGRS] | 3.06 Charge .................................... [VIGRC] | 3.07 Undertow .................................. [VIGRU] | 3.08 Return to Sender .......................... [VIGRR] | | | | | 4. Weapons & Weapon Upgrades ....................... [W3PNs] | | | | | 5. Equippable Gear & Passive Bonuses ............... [G3AR0] | | | 5.01 Gear - Hats .............................. [G3ARH] | 5.02 Gear - Shirts ............................ [G3ARS] | 5.03 Gear - Pants ............................. [G3ARP] | 5.04 Gear - Boots ............................. [G3ARB] | | | | | 6. Enemies & Enemy Tactics Guide ................... [ENMYS] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite Collectible Locations Guide \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 7. Campaign Collectible Locations................... [CLTBL] | | | 7.01 Voxophone Locations ...................... [VXCTL] | 7.02 Kinetoscope & Telescope Locations ........ [KSCTL] | 7.03 Infusion upgrade Locations ............... [INCTL] | 7.04 Equippable Gear Locations ................ [GRCTL] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite 1999 Mode Guide \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 8. Introduction to 1999 Mode ....................... [M1999] | | | 8.01 1999 Hints and Tips ...................... [H1999] | 8.02 Choosing a Build ......................... [B1999] | 8.03 Difficult Confrontation Strategies ....... [S1999] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite Achievement/Trophy Guide \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 9. Achievements/Trophies Guide....................... [ACHMT] | | | 9.01 Game Completion Achievements/Trophies .... [ACMT1] | 9.02 Story Achievements/Trophies .............. [ACMT2] | 9.03 Combat Specfic Achievements/Trophies ..... [ACMT3] | 9.04 Vigor Specfic Achievements/Trophies ...... [ACMT4] | 9.05 Weapon Specfic Achievements/Trophies ..... [ACMT5] | 9.06 Upgrade specfic Achievements/Trophies .... [ACMT6] | 9.07 Collectible Achievements/Trophies ........ [ACMT7] | 9.08 Miscellaneous Achievements/Trophies ...... [ACMT8] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite Easter Egg Locations \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 10. Easter Eggs ...................................... [ESEGG] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Miscellaneous \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 11. Contact........................................... [CNTCT] | | | 12. About Me.......................................... [INTRD] | | | 12.01 Me | | 12.02 Donations | | 12.03 Console Domination | | | | 13. Special Thanks.................................... [STHNK] | | | 14. Version History................................... [VHSTY] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[HNTTP] _ _ _ _ _______ _ | | | (_) _ | | (_______|_) | |__ | |_ ____ | |_ ___ ____ ____ _ | | _ _ ____ ___ | __)| | | _ \| _) /___) / _ | _ \ / || | | | | | _ \ /___) | | | | | | | | |__|___ | ( ( | | | | ( (_| | | |_____| | | | |___ | |_| |_|_|_| |_|\___|___/ \_||_|_| |_|\____| \______)_| ||_/(___/ |_| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Before beginning the campaign, here are a few tips and tricks that may help to adjust to the game and get through a few sticky situations with ease! __________ / Combat \_________________________________________________________________ \__________/ \ > Like most shooters, soon after the start you will be given a shield that can be monitored by the golden status bar directly above the red health meter. It will recharge when you are not taking damage. Always wait for your shield to recharge before rushing into combat! > Sky-lines are a great addition to the game and can make taking one enemy combatants a much easier as they will have a tougher time shooting at you as a moving target. > If there is a group of enemies attacking you and no cover about, hop onto a sky-line to quickly exit the danger area to allow your shields time to regenerate. > When facing large numbers of enemies with both standard soldiers and more advanced enemy types (e.g Handymen, Motorized Patriots), try to focus your fire on the smaller, less shielded enemies first. The bigger, badder enemies are a lot less tough when you don't have 3-4 other enemies shooting at you! > Experiment with weapons and vigors as they become available.Unfortunately you will never have enough money to upgrade everything, so be sure to try each one out and upgrade those you feel most comfortable with. > Use environmental damage to your advantage! There are plenty of oil slicks that can be ignited by the Devil's Kiss vigor, puddles that can be electrofied with Shock Jockey and plenty of fireworks containers to shoot in other places. > Having trouble killing something? Check out the Enemies & Enemy Tactics Guide to read up on what you are likely to encounter in-game! Follow this shortcut: [ENMYS]. __________ /Vigor Tips\_________________________________________________________________ \__________/ \ > Its easy to get carried away with shooting, so a reminder - don't forget to use your vigors! > Vigors are meant to be used together. Try different combinations for various new effects. > Vigor traps are extremely effective at dealing damage. Planting traps and luring enemies into them is a great way to thin out the crowd. > Using vigors such as Bucking Bronco, Murder of Crows and Shock Jockey can stun enemies as well as increase damage dealt by your weapons whilst they are under the influence of the vigor's effects. > Want to know the basics of each vigor, what their upgrades are and how to use the combination attacks? Check out the Vigors, Vigor Upgrades & Vigor Tactics Guide. Just follow this shortcut: [V1GRS]. __________ /Elizabeth \_________________________________________________________________ \__________/ \ > Keep relatively close to Elizabeth in combat. Whilst She will take care of herself during combat, she will also forage items from the environment including ammo, salts and health kits and throw them to you. > Ensure that once Elizabeth gets the ability, you use the tears in the environment to your advantage. Use cover, turrets and ammo/health/salt crates when and if required. > Note that you can only have one active tear at a time, so be sure to switch the active one up during fights as necessary. > Elizabeth will revive you if you fall during combat. > Always ensure that you keep an eye out for lock picks. Using these Elizabeth is able to open a good number of doors, most of which contain collectibles, equippable gear or other goodies. __________ /Misc Tips \_________________________________________________________________ \__________/ \ > Explore everywhere! There is tonnes to see and do in Columbia and the world is so finely crafted and detailed that everywhere you go is a treat. Heck! You might even find a secret stash of goodies or two. > Loot, loot , loot! There are plenty of trash cans, cash registers and all other manner of lootable items to be found. The more you loot, the more money you have. The more money you have, the more upgrades you can purchase. The more upgrades you can purchase, the more... Well you get the point. > Although equippable gear gives you passive bonuses that can give you a slight edge in gameplay, it is important to try and equip gear to suit your play style to garner maxiumum advantage from it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got a hint or tip? Send me an email and let me know, if I like it I will include it in the guide and credit you for your contribution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[WLKTH] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | || || | | | | _ | | | | | || || | ____| | | _| |_ | | _ ____ ___ _ _ ____| | _ | ||_|| |/ _ | | | / ) _)| || \ / ___) _ \| | | |/ _ | || \ | |___| ( ( | | | |< (| |__| | | | | | |_| | |_| ( ( | | | | | \______|\_||_|_|_| \_)\___)_| |_|_| \___/ \____|\_|| |_| |_| (_____| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== This walkthrough will provide players with the fastest route through each chapter from beginning to the end. By following this guide you will be introduced to new types of enemies and special abilities as we bump into them and it will also enable you to collect all of the hidden voxophones, Infusion Upgrades, kinetoscopes, telescopes and pieces of equippable gear that have been liberally scattered across the Columbia. There is a lot of looting to be done in Columbia and most of it is self explanatory. The guide only incorporates the most important of lootable items in particular I have listed as many lock pick pickups as possible as there are many locks to be picked and on my first run through I never seemed to have enough! Throughout the guide, I have also listed the upgrades available for purchase from the Veni! Vidi! Vigor! and Minuteman's Armory as they become available. Once these are available, they will remain in all future machines of the same variety until you purchase them. So without further ado, lets get started! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Prologue: Lighthouse [ACT00] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lighthouse <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] We’ll begin the game in the back of a boat being Telescopes............0 ] rowed to a lighthouse in the centre of the ocean Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] (familiar right Bioshock fans?). Once you arrive, Gear .................0 ] use the interact button to climb the ladder to the ________________________] left. Enter the small shack here and look on the floor to find a couple of silver eagles (the game’s currency), then it is time to exit and make for the lighthouse. At the end of the dock, climb the stairs until you reach the door. You can follow the platform around to the left if you want some more money and a barrel to open. When ready, interact with the door at the top of the stairs. Upon entering, you can interact with the basin in front if you like and check the back of the room for some more money and a lootable barrel if you wish. Climb the stairs. On this floor are a cabinet to loot and a wallet under the bed containing a bigger sum of money. Head up the next flight of stairs. Here you’ll find a couple of coins on the bench next to the corpse and a barrel to loot near the next set of stairs. Climbing the next set of stairs will take you to the very top of the lighthouse. We need to interact with the door here (although there is one final lootable barrel if you continue all the way to the right). Once you have interacted with the door, booker will pull out a card. You need to ring the corresponding bells in the order given. After a few moments, the door will open. Run over and interact with the chair to complete the prologue. Enjoy the view, its great! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Written in the Clouds’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 1: Comstock Centre =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 01: Welcome Centre [ACT01] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Welcome Centre <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............4 ] Kinetoscopes..........3 ] After exiting the pod, you will be free to move Telescopes............1 ] about. Grab the coins on the bench here if you Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] like before heading down the stairs to the left. Gear .................0 ] Around the statue here are three other doors. Go ________________________] through the door to the left first (it’s the room with flowers all over the floor). At the far end of the room, look in the alcove to the right. Here you will find your first VOXOPHONE ‘Love the Sinner’ (Voxophone 1/4). Loot the rest of the room to find some coins scattered around the altar and a gift box and some more coins in the alcove on the right. Return to the statue. You can check out the room on the right as well if you want a few more coins to find but when you are ready, go through the door opposite the stairs we came from. Follow the spiral staircase all of the way down. At the bottom, proceed to the far end of the room. Let the priest continue his sermon if you wish (although it does go on for a little while), when you are ready to proceed walk up to the people in front and hit the interact button to enter the circle. When the priest holds out his hand to you, move forward and interact with it for a scene. DeWitt will have a short flashback type sequence and you’ll find yourself in another area. Simply walk up to the door at the far end of the room and open it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Garden of New Eden <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< When you are back in Columbia, climb the stairs in front and grab the apples for some health and coins from the nearby bench at the top. Note that just about everyone in this area has something to say if you want to hear it, so be sure to hear them all out if you like that kind of thing. Follow the set path around to the left and enter the door at the end. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Eden Square <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter, the floating city segment in front will join onto the one you are on, allowing you to cross over. Do so when you are able. As you progress through the next area, look out for trash cans to loot and food and coins stashed around the place as there is quite a bit to be found. When you reach the giant statue of the prophet, look to the right. Wait for the floating shop named “Hudson’s” to dock. When it does cross over and head inside. Walk up and check out the first KINETOSCOPE ‘Father Comstock’s Gift of Prophecy’ (Kinetoscope 1/3) on the left side of the counter. Behind the counter you’ll also find another VOXOPHONE ‘Undeserving’ (Voxophone 2/4). Exit the store and continue down the street on the opposite side of the prophet statue. Wait at the police roadblock until the parade floats pass and then continue across the bridge when it lowers. At the far end, climb the stairs and you’ll see another section of the city dock to the left. Before heading over there, go over to the grocery store on the right. Look against the wall to the left of the entrance to find a KINETOSCOPE ‘Beware the False Shepherd!’ (Kinetoscope 2/3), you can go inside for a couple of lootable boxes and some coins if you are keen. When ready, continue over to the next platform that has docked. Climb the stairs and follow the road to the end. On a table in the garden here is another VOXOPHONE ‘Everyman, All at Once’ (Voxophone 3/4). Return back to the previous platform with the grocery store and continue along the path to the left. Note the quartet singing a Beach Boys song in 1912 – awesome! Climb the stairs to the right at the end and enter the gateway flanked by angel statues for a quick scene. After receiving the telegram, turn left and find a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) here, note you will need to interact with it for it to count as a collectible. Once you have that, continue back past the entrance door and up the stairs in the distance to find the entrance to the fair. At the top of the stairs and before going in the gate check out the KINETOSCOPE ‘The Envy of all his peers’ (Kinetoscope 3/3) on the wall to the right. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Fairgrounds <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The fairgrounds are quite large and surprisingly detailed and before continuing onwards, there are a number of mini-games that you can do in the fairground that bear no real importance on the game, but acts as a brief tutorial of sorts for the shooting and vigor attacks. In addition to introducing a few controls, you can earn you a little extra money from them by beating the high scores if you feel the need. The carnival mini-games are located in the following places: 1. Cast Out the Devil –---------> You’ll see this one as soon as you enter the fairgrounds. You’ll be given a Devil’s Kiss vigor (something to look forward to later) and you’ll need to shoot the devil with it whilst avoiding the woman in the foreground. 2. Bring Down the Sky-line Vox –> This mini-game is located to the right of the entrance and has you shooting down targets moving along the rails at the back of the booth using a shotgun. Hitting 20, 10 or 5 targets will reward you with prizes. 3. Hunt Down the Vox –----------> This mini-game is located to the left of the entrance and has you shooting down pop up targets using an air rifle. Hitting 20, 10 or 5 targets will reward you with prizes. Note that hitting the bonus target will award you with a couple of points. These are completely optional however and to progress with the game, you can pass through the fairgrounds by following the road to the left and speaking with the lady standing in front of the ‘Free Sample’ sign under the tent to the left of the locked gate for a scene. Afterwards you will have your first Vigor – Possession. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Possession \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | As with all of the vigors in Bioshock Infinite, possession has two | | functions. Simply hitting the vigor button will possess a targeted | | machine although it should be noted that this can be upgraded to | | possess living enemies as well at a Veni! Vedi! Vigor! vending machine| | following a little story progression. | | | | Holding the button down and releasing will create a possession trap | | andany enemy that wanders into it will be possessed. Useful stuff!Note| | that if your possessed enemy is the last enemy remaining, he will turn| | his weapon on himself and save you the hassle of killing him too. | | | | When you acquire them, Possession can be used in conjunction with | | Devil's Kiss and Shock Jockey to perform combination attacks. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Possession \ \_____________________________/ Note that vigors use up salts signified by the blue bar in the bottom left of the screen. To refill these, you will need to use a salt machine – there is one just on your left, or by picking up blue vials in the environment – there are several on the table in the possession tent. Use possession on the robot gatekeeper next to the possession tent and he will open the gate for you. Grab some salts to refill your supply and then continue through the now open gate. Approach the two strangers blocking your path for a scene. Hit the interact button when prompted during the scene and they will walk off. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Path of the Scroll <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Walk forward and you’ll see a Dollar Bill vending machine in front. These machines can be used to purchase weapon ammo, health and salt. Turn to the right and follow the path down the stairs and around the corner to the left. As you round the corner and continue along the road, you will be prompted to hit the interaction button to look at a statue that is morphing. Look at the base of this statue to find the final VOXOPHONE ‘For I am Lonely Too’ (Voxophone 4/4) for this chapter. Continue up the road and through the large archway in front for another scene. Continue into the next area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 02: Raffle Square [ACT02] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Raffle Park <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Climb the stairs to the left and continue to Telescopes............0 ] follow the next few sets of stairs up, past the Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] fountain and through the gate to find a large Gear .................0 ] gathering of people singing. As you approach, the ________________________] singing will stop and a woman facing the crowd at the foot of the stage will call to you. Walk over and interact with the basket when she holds it out and a scene will play. Make a decision during the scene (it makes no difference that i could tell other than a slight change to the location of a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR later on). When you regain control, the policemen in the area will have turned hostile and you now have your skyhook. The game will give you a brief tutorial on how to melee attack. Note that if you can see a small skull above an enemy’s head, you can hold down the melee attack button for a pretty gruesome execution move. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Founder Policeman \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The policemen are one type of the standard fodder enemies present in | | Bioshock Infinite. They only appear very early on in the game and are | | usually equipped with pistols and melee batons. They are relatively | | weak, with a few shots from a pistol or a melee swing or two killing | | them. A headshot will result in an instant kill against these guys. | | | | ____________________________|_ \__________________________________________/ New Enemy: Founder Policeman \ \______________________________/ After killing the first policeman, another pair will come down the stairs to confront you. Kill them and climb up to the road above. There is another pair of policeman here. Melee them to death as you did their friends, and continue to the right. As you approach the gate another pair of enemies will enter the area, one of whom has a pistol. Again kill them both and loot the bodies to get the weapon. Once finished, there is a health pack in the information booth nearby if you need it and salts in the back of the Fink MFG wagon. Go through the gate that the last enemies emerged from and down the stairs. Look between the cages on the left for a VOXOPHONE ‘Solution to Your Problems’ (Voxophone 1/1). To the right of the cages you’ll find a new type of vending machine – Veni! Vidi! Vigor! These vending machines allow you to purchase upgrades of your vigor powers once you unlock them. This one contains the following upgrades for purchase: [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] ______________________________________________ / Vigor/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|_____________________|_________/ ______________________________________________ | Possession | Possession Aid | $50 | | | | | |______________|_____________________|_________| For now use it to purchase an upgrade to Possession. There is a purse full of coins at the base of the machine if you don’t quite have enough yet. When you are ready, ascend the gangplank behind the vending machine to find yourself on a fireworks barge. At the far end you will see a new type of enemy - an automated turret. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Automated Turret \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | Auto-turrets are a common sight in Columbia and are similar to the | | turrets encountered in previous Bioshock games. They resemble world | | war one era soldiers (torso and up) with a weapon in front. They will | | remain inactive until they see you at which point they will open fire.| | They have a high rate of fire and are extremely accurate. There are | | two types ofthese turrets: one with a machine gun and one equipped | | with an RPG. | | | | Auto turrets are automatons and as such have a colored indicator to | | let you know what their status is at a glance. The green light | | indicates that the auto-turret has not seen you and will not attack. A| | yellow light indicates that the turret has spotted you and is warning | | you to stop (if you duck out of sight at this point, they will return | | to green). Finally, red status means that they have seen you and are | | attacking. | | | | The auto-turrets can be possessed with the Possession vigor to become | | a temporary ally. This is useful for both distracting enemy units and | | adding additional damage to yours. This is especially useful at the | | front end of the game before finding/upgrading more advanced weapons | | and vigors. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Automated Turret \ \_____________________________/ Approach the auto-turret and use possession on it. A large number of policemen will appear in the park area below and the auto-turret will give you a good helping hand in dealing with them. Grab the salts from the nearby crate before jumping down to help the turret out. After a short while, the possession will wear off, so either destroy the turret or stay out of its sight. Go down the stairs nearby and follow the street along to the right. Kill the policeman as they appear and keep an eye out for another auto turret on one of the raised planters on the right. Use possession on this to make things easier, or kill it and the policeman both. There is a Dollar Bill vending machine near the second turret if you wish to buy health/salts/ammo. When you are ready, continue along the street, go on past the police roadblock and through the open gate. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shady Lane <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Follow the street downhill and kill the two policemen that are awaiting your arrival. Once they are dead, you can loot the open shop on the left side of the area. Continue down the road and around the corner to the right. Open the large gate. After a short scene you’ll encounter a new type of enemy – the fireman. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Fireman \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The fireman are a little tougher than your average infantry units as | | they are equipped with a bit of fire resistant armour. They will spend| | most fights throwing grenades at you using the Devil’s kiss vigor and | | as such you will need to continue to keep moving when fighting against| | them to avoid constant splash damage the subsequent explosions dish | | out. If you get in to close to him, he will send out a fiery shockwave| | that will damage you and set you on fire, doing a little damage over | | time to you as well. | | | | Fireman can absorb a lot of damage and at least at the start of the | | game headshots are an effective way to deal with them as they seem to | | do the most damage. As you progress through the game, new vigors and | | weapons become available to make things a little easier for you. | | | | Once they have lost a good portion of their health, the fireman will | | explode. Before they do, they will have a grenade indicator appear | | over their heads. At this point, they will stop lobbing grenades and | | will charge at you in an attempt to catch you in their explosion. | | Either shoot them down quickly or run away until they explode. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Fireman \ \_____________________________/ Deal with the fireman using the wagons as cover when required and remember to keep moving to avoid the explosive grenade damage. Try to hit him with headshots and remember to stay away from him upon the explosion as he dies or you will be copping a lot of damage. Once he lies dead, loot his remains for a new vigor – Devil’s Kiss. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Devil's Kiss \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | As with all of the vigors in Bioshock Infinite, Devil’s Kiss has two | | functions. Simply hitting the vigor button will throw fiery grenades | | that explode shortly after impact. Holding down the vigor button and | | then firing the grenade somewhere will create an explosive trap | | similar to a proximity mine which will explode when an enemy comes | | into range of it. | | | | Devil’s Kiss can also be used to ignite pools of oil that are | | occasionally seen on the ground, which will set any enemies standing | | in them on fire. | | | | When you acquire them, Devil's Kiss can be used in conjunction with | | Possession, Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco and Charge vigors to | | perform powerful combination attacks. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Devil's Kiss \ \_____________________________/ After the fight, follow the street around to the left and try out your new vigor on the auto-turret on the right hand side of the street. Proceed up the street towards the turret you destroyed a short way and a number of policemen enemies will come down the stairs on the left. You can use Devil’s kiss on the oil on the road or shoot the explosive fireworks barrels to finish them off quickly, or finish them off the traditional way. When you are ready, loot the area, climb the stairs that the policemen descended from and enter the door at the top to the ‘Blue Ribbon Restaurant’ to complete the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 03: Comstock Centre Rooftops [ACT03] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Blue Ribbon <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............6 ] Kinetoscopes..........4 ] As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see Telescopes............1 ] three KINETOSCOPES (‘A Look Back at Opening Day’ Infusion Upgrades.....3 ] (Kinetoscope 1/4), ‘The Prophet Stands up to Foes: Gear .................2 ] Within and Without!’ (Kinetoscope 2/4) and ‘We ________________________] Secede from the So-called Union’ (Kinetoscope 3/4) directly in front of you. View each of these and then enter the room to the right. At the far end, interact with the woman blocking the door to the next area to pick up your first INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/3). This one is given to you as a shield, but others that you find in future will give you the option of increasing either the health, salts or shield bars. From here on in you will now have a shield, the state of which can be monitored by the yellow/gold bar located just above the red health bar. Like many contemporary shooters, this will protect your health until it is destroyed at which point you will start taking meaningful damage. It will regenerate over time when not being shot, so keep an eye on it and try to not rush into a combat situation without it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have purchased the Bioshock Infinite season pass, when you enter the main bar area of 'The Blue Ribbon' there will be 4 pieces of EQUIPPABLE GEAR on the table to the right. On the bar there will be 3 INFUSION UPGRADES. On the table at the far end of the room will be another 2 INFUSION UPGRADES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have picked up the upgrade, the woman will move. Enter the kitchen and grab the VOXOPHONE ‘Half a Jew’ (Voxophone 1/6) from the table to the left. Continue through the set path (looting as you go of course!) out of the kitchen and down the hallway behind it until you find your way back outside. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Hooks <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Upon exiting the Blue Ribbon, turn right and go down the stairs. Look at the next building across. See the hooks hanging from the side? Target that with your reticule and a button prompt will appear – use the jump button to jump over to it. From the first hook, jump across to a second nearby and from here to the hooks on the next building. Before jumping down to the platform below, target the enemy and another button prompt will appear for a ‘Sky-line Strike’ hit the jump button to perform an aerial attack on the guard. The guy we just killed had a machine gun, so pick that up and continue down the nearby stairs. Here you’ll encounter another group of 4-5 new enemies – Founder Soldiers. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Founder Soldier \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The founder soldiers are a more advanced version of the policemen that| | we encountered earlier and a little harder to kill. They are decked | | out in body armour and helmets, making them a little more resistant to| | damage that their policemen colleagues. They are also equipped with | | more advanced weapons including machine guns, carbines and shotguns. | | They will take coverand try to kill you from safety and will run | | between cover to get a better angle on your position. As with the | | previous enemy types, aim for the headand stay in cover to deal with | | these guys in a time-effective manner. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Founder Soldier \ \_____________________________/ Try to deal with these guys from a distance as there is a floating barge to the left of the rooftop with an auto-turret that will attack you if you get too close to it. Once you see no more enemies, work your way to the far end of the rooftop, killing the turret on the barge as you go. Climb the steps at the end and turn right. When you reach the next set of stairs leading down, more soldiers will appear to greet you. Again use the height advantage of the raised platform to take them out. There is an oil slick near the bottom of the stairs that you can ignite if you wish to help things along. When you can see no more enemies, proceed down the stairs a short distance and look to the left. There is another barge here with an auto-turret on it so possess this (it will help you thin out the enemies on the adjacent rooftop) or destroy it before progressing down the stairs to the rooftop. Help the turret mop up any remaining enemies (4-5 soldiers) on the nearby rooftop below. There is another oil slick on the side of this rooftop closest to the barge with the auto-turret if you want to make use of it. When all of the baddies are dead or dying, hop down to the lower rooftop yourself. Shoot out one of the skylights and drop into the building. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lansdowne Residence <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Loot the area and before exiting the house as the game wants you to, locate the stairs leading down to the right of the exit. At the bottom of the first set of stairs, go past the next set leading down and enter the door on the right to find a bedroom. On a shelf here you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Otis’ Nimble Fingers’ (Voxophone 2/6). Loot the rest of the room and note the big blue chest – opening that is an optional task and we’ll be back to do that later! Exit the bedroom and take the next set of stairs down to the ground floor, there is a non-hostile citizen here as well as some salts and money to loot. When you are ready to continue, go back upstairs to where we dropped in from and go through the door to exit the house. Target the hook above and in front to leap over to the nearby building and from here jump across to the next rooftop. Loot the alfresco area here if you wish, before entering the door to the right. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Montgomery Residence <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As soon as you enter, go through the door on the left. Go past the printing machines in here and once you meet the non-aggressive owners of the house, turn right and follow the corridor into the next room. Loot the room before proceeding out the door to the left. As you exit, turn to the left and kill the soldier here. Attacking him will cause another 4-5 soldiers to spawn in the distance and come towards your position. Try to stay near the exit from the previous building as there is an auto-turret to the right of the winged statue behind the tent. Note the stack of crates at the foot of the stairs a short distance away just to the left of the tent. There is an oil slick here we can ignite with Devil’s Kiss to kill or damage the enemies if you wish to do so. Shortly after the initial enemies are clear, either use possess on the aforementioned turret or return back to where we entered the area out of its line of sight as another group of bad guys will appear. These include a fireman and 3-4 soldier types who will attempt to melee you. Once they are dead, edge forward and take out the turret. Now to have a look around the immediate area! Return to the door we entered this area from. From here, turn right, climb the stairs to either side of the Dollar Bill vending machine and turn left at the top. Look behind the tent here for a kINETOSCOPE ‘Danger on all Sides!’ (Kinetoscope 4/4). From here, go down the nearby stairs and climb up on the stage in the grassy area to find a VOXOPHONE ‘A New Hunt’ (Voxophone 3/6). Loot the rest of the area before climbing up the stairs between the winged statue and the turret we knocked out. Enter the building at the far end. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fraternal Order of the Raven <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Proceed past the statue of the serpent and enter the door on the far side of the courtyard. Once inside you will come across a large statue of John Wilkes Booth with doors on both the left and the right as well as a set of stairs behind it. Enter the door to its left first to find a small bar of sorts. As you enter the patrons will become hostile so kill them all. Afterwards head up to the bar and pick up the VOXOPHONE ‘The Gift of the Emancipator’ (Voxophone 4/6) that is sitting on top of it. Loot the rest of the room and return to the giant statue. The door on the right contains a few food pickups and a back passage to the room on the left containing a few coins, so go and check those out if you are interested. When you are ready to continue with the game, head up the stairs behind the statue and enter the door at the top. You will find yourself in a large hall occupied by raven cultists below. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Raven Cultist \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | As with the policemen we encountered earlier, the cultists are another| | type of the standard fodder enemies present in Bioshock Infinite. They| | only appear at one area in the game and are equipped with pistols, | | machine guns and large clubs. They are relatively weak, with a few | | shots from a pistol or a melee swing or two killing them. A headshot | | will result in an instant kill against these guys. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Raven Cultist \ \_____________________________/ If you have any salts on you, I would recommend going up to the railing directly in front of the entrance and using a charged up Devil’s Kiss trap in the centre of the gathered cultists below. This should kill a large number of them before they even know that you are there! Once the trap has gone off, the others will obviously become alerted to your presence. Stay where you are. There is a set of stairs on either end of the room towards which any surviving melee enemies will run whilst any gun toting baddies are likely to stay down in the room and take pot shots at you from below. Once everything is clear, make your way down to the lower room and look on the benches for a VOXOPHONE ‘The Lie of the Emancipator’ (Voxophone 5/6). Check out the altar at the front of the room for an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 2/3) and grab the KEY sitting next to it. Remember the blue chest we saw earlier? This key will unlock it. If you wish to complete the optional task, follow the guide below, if you do not wish to do so, skip past it and continue the walkthrough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you wish to unlock the ‘Infused with Greatness’ achievement/trophy you must complete this optional task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________________ _________/ Optional Mission – Find the Lock that Fits the Key\__________ / \___________________________________________________/ \ | | | Reward/s: INFUSION UPGRADE | | | | Retrace your steps back upstairs, through the door, past the statue of | | John Wilkes Booth and back outside. Go past the statue of the serpent | | to return to the previous area. Go down the stairs back towards the | | house thatcontained the printing presses and you will note that the | | courtyard outside is now occupied by 4-5 fresh Founder soldiers. Kill | | them all and remember that handy oil slick which can help you out again| | here. | | | | Return through the printing press building and exit out the far side. | | Turn left and proceed to the end of the rooftop. Jump over to the | | nearby hook and then again back over to the balcony outside the | | Lansdowne Residence. Enter the building, go down the stairs on your | | left and enter the door onthe right just past the next set of stairs | | leading down. | | | | Once inside, use the key on the giant blue chest. Within you will find | | a health kit, some more salts and an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 3/3). | | Grab these to complete the optional mission. Now head all the way back | | through the level until you arrive at the altar in the Fraternal Order | | of the Raven building where we found the key. | | | | ___________________________________________________ | \_________/ Optional Mission – Find the Lock that Fits the Key\__________/ \___________________________________________________/ From the altar, there is an open door on the right. Climb the stairs inside and through the door to enter a library area. At the back of the room you can listen to a radio broadcast for a little backstory if you like. When ready go through the next door to enter an elevator. Hit the button to take it to the next floor. After getting off the lift, go around the central wall to find another door. There is a Dollar Bill vending machine opposite if you require health/ammo/salts. Go through the door to find yourself in a projector room. Loot the large central table and enter the door on the left. Inside look on the desk at the far right, directly below the ‘Protecting Our Race’ seal on the wall for a VOXOPHONE ‘Symbols of Our Lady’ (Voxophone 6/6). Loot the rest of the room. Return to the large circular table room and look directly across to see a bookcase. Run over and interact with this to unveil a secret room behind it. Inside you will find a present containing some EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/2). Exit back to the circular room and interact with the door at the top of the stairs opposite where we entered for a scene. When we are back in control, exit to a courtyard area. Here we will encounter a new type of enemy – the Crow. ______________________________ / New Enemy: The Crow \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | Crows, like the fireman we ran into earlier in the game are equipped | | with a vigor and as such, they have attacks that highlight the use of | | that vigor. Their vigor is the Murder of Crows. The Crow attacks with | | a melee club weapon and is able to transform into a flock of crows | | rendering him invincible for a short period of time. | | | | The trick to beating the crow is to get him out of his crow form so | | that you can kill him. Unfortunately he only does this when he is | | close enough to get a melee attack in on you. As such, in order to | | kill him easier, plant traps by using charged up vigors and lure him | | into them. The Devil’s Kiss trap is especially useful as the fiery | | explosion causes damage over time. Once the traps go off, he will be | | in a humanoid form and knocked to the ground or stunned for a few | | seconds. Take this opportunity to fill him with lead. You’ll probably | | need to repeat the process a few times, but it’sreally not that | | difficult once you know how to handle them. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: The Crow \ \_____________________________/ As mentioned above, the easiest way to kill the crow at this point in time is to plant a Devil’s Kiss trap and to kill him as he takes. If you require additional salts, you can find some near the entryway across from the gramophone and another vial is on a pillar on the left hand side at the end of the bridge over the pond just inside the door. Once you have dealt with the Crow, you’ll be able to loot his remains for the Murder of Crows vigor. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Murder of Crows \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | Whilst the Murder of Crows vigor can be used to damage enemies, its | | damage output is relatively low. As such, it is much more effective as| | a method of crowd control. Hitting the vigor button will summon a | | group of crows to swarm and attack a target enemy; this will stun them| | in place. Holding down the vigor button will create a crow trap, so | | any enemy that gets too close to it will be attacked by the crows and | | stunned. | | | | Whilst enemies are stunned and being attacked by crows they will not | | attack you, allowing players to focus on other enemies until the vigor| | runs out. Additionally, bad guys under attack from your crows will | | also take additional damage from your weapons and vigors allowing you | | to deal with them in a more efficient manner. | | | | When you acquire them, Murder of Crows can be used in conjunction with| | Devil's Kiss and Shock Jockey to perform powerful combination attacks.| | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Murder of Crows \ \_____________________________/ Once the crow has been killed, the doors at the far end of the room will burst open and a pair of Founder soldiers will emerge from each. Kill them before proceeding up either set of stairs and into the room. As you enter, immediately look towards the centre of the room to see a broken vending machine. On the ground next to it you will find another present containing a piece EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/2). Exit the door on the far side of the door from the entry to return outside. As you exit the building, look to the left to see a floating barge. Jump over to this and use the TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) on board. Jump back to the main balcony and you’ll see a number of hooks ahead. Jump between them. After the second hook you can jump down to a balcony below and explore a house, note there is not much inside except for a few coins and some food so it’s probably safe to miss this one unless you are really keen. There are also three policemen downstairs getting a description of you which is kind of cool to see. When you are ready to continue, return to the balcony and jump for the next hook. Again, after the second, you’ll be ready to jump down to the next area, so you may as well target the lone enemy and hit him with a sky-line strike to kill him. He has a mate around who will be alerted once you kill him, so finish the second guard off too before looting the area, climbing the stairs and enter the large door at the top. This will complete the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 2: Monument Island =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 04: Monument Island Gateway [ACT04] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>> Monument Island Gateway <<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........1 ] As soon as you enter the station, look to the Telescopes............1 ] right to spot a KINETOSCOPE ‘Uncanny Mystery in Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] Columbia’ (kinetoscope 1/1). On the opposite side Gear .................1 ] of the room you can find a Dollar Bill and a Veni! ________________________] Vidi! Vigor! vending machine with some new upgrades available to purchase. [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] _______________________________________________ / Vigor/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \_________________|____________________|________/ _______________________________________________ | Murder of Crows | Crow’s Trap Aid | $1485 | |_________________|____________________|________| | Devil's Kiss | Devil’s Kiss Aid | $1241 | |_________________|____________________|________| When ready, enter either one of the doors leading to the main room. The main room is has a number of pillars and an auto-turret at the far end ready to shoot you if you come into its line of sight. There is also a bunch of Founder soldiers with 2-3 located on the near side of the room and 8-10 on the far side of the area near the auto-turret. There is a mix of melee and gun equipped soldiers, so it’s best to either possess or destroy the turret as quickly as possible to give you some freedom of movement. Once everything is dead, climb the stairs at the back of the room and check out the rooms to the left and right for some loot if you are interested (there is a fair bit of money lying around in here) before proceeding out the far door to enter a hallway with a red carpet. Turn right as you exit to find another set of Dollar Bill and a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machines for you here if you wish to use them. To the right of the machines is a door leading to another room with a bit of loot. Exit to the hallway and follow it until you are back outside. Now that we are outside and the gondola isn’t going anywhere, we finally get to use those sky-lines! Target the sky-line to the left with your reticule you’ll see that each sky-line consists of two rails which will each take you in a different direction. Target the one going away from the platform you are on and ride it down and up until it goes through an archway. At this point, you will see a blue platform to the left of the sky-line with a Founder soldier. Jump down and kill the soldier and his friend inside. Check out the doorway to the right inside the maintenance area here and you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) on a desk. Loot the rest of the area and return to the balcony. Head over and use the TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) on the right hand side. Hop back up to the sky-line. Ride the sky-line until you come to a stop inside a building. Hop down and kill the Founder soldier here. Proceed into the room to the right. Grab the VOXOPHONE ‘Another Ark for Another Time’ (Voxophone 1/1) from the desk in here. Exit the room and look to the left of the machinery in front to find a lever. Pull that to clear the sky-line. Get back up onto the sky-line and ride it until you can go no further once again. Jump down (or sky-line strike the enemy) to land on the barge on the right. Jump over to the hook opposite and drop down to the raised platform. From here kill the three enemies below. Leap up to one of the hooks attached to the main building and then get down to the balcony below. Enter the open door here. There are three soldiers in here, so kill them as you progress through. When they are all dead, return to the bedroom and look behind the bedside table on the right to find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Once you exit the far end of the building, get back onto that pesky sky-line again. Once more, ride it until it ends and hop off. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Tolling <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Once you are on the platform, the Founder soldiers here will immediately stop attacking you. Feel free to kill them if you like for some machine gun ammo as they won’t fight back. Head over to the door they are facing and enter it. Inside, you will see more of the same with non-hostile soldiers kneeling before a giant screen. Run to the back of the room and throw the lever here to activate an elevator. Once it reaches the top, climb off the lift and follow the platform around to the left and into the hallway until an explosion takes out part of the wall. At this point, run to the new opening and you will see a zeppelin. Target the hook on its side opposite the hole in the wall and then jump down to the platform below. There are four Founder soldiers inside the zeppelin and three will emerge from within to attack you as you land. Clear them out and then enter the main deck via the open door, kill the remaining soldier before entering the door to the left. Interact with the control panel at the front of the ship for a scene. Once you regain control, turn around and you will see the interior of the zeppelin is now on fire. Sprint back into the main room and you will see a door in the floor opening up. When you are able jump out of the zeppelin via this exit and hit the jump button to grab the sky-line below. Ride it until you can go no further. Drop down to the platform below and use the Dollar Bill and a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machines if you have need of them. Enter the door at the top of the stairs between the vending machines to complete the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Welcome to Monument Island’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 05: Monument Tower [ACT05] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Monument Island <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............4 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As you enter, continue past the empty fountain Telescopes............0 ] until you reach a locked gate. Look up and to the Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] right to find a hook, so jump up to this and drop Gear .................0 ] down on the other side. Climb the stairs to the ________________________] top and enter the door here. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Monument Tower <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As soon as you are inside, look to the left and check out the open locker there for a VOXOPHONE ‘Tiger by the Tail’ (Voxophone 1/4). Proceed past the statue and enter the door opposite the entry. Follow the hall to the right and enter the next door. There are three levers here you can pull if you wish. When you are ready, go around to the back of the room and enter the next door. In the hallway here, take the first left and enter the door. Inside you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘To R.Thompson Re: Fuses’ (Voxophone 2/4) on a desk against the right hand wall. Loot the rest of the room and then exit back to the hallway. You can explore the rooms on the left and right if you like for a few lootables before entering the door at the end of the hallway. As you enter the next room, look on the desk directly in front of you for a VOXOPHONE ‘A Reward Deferred’ (Voxophone 3/4). Look around the right hand side of this desk, tucked away behind it is an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1). Head down the stairs and across the room. Enter the elevator on the far side and hit the switch to take it up to the next area. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specimen Observation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you get off the lift and hit the lever in front to have a look into the room beyond. Continue down the hallway to the left. Activate the Specimen Tracker on the wall here. This will open the door to the left. Follow the wooden walkway around until you find the next door. Hit the lever in here for a scene. Afterwards, head through the now open door on your left. Again activate the Specimen Tracker on the wall here. This will open the door to the left. Follow the wooden walkway around until you find the next door. Once again, hit the lever for a scene. Once the story sequence is done, the door to the left will open. Go through here and go through the next door that opens. Climb the ramp outside and take the next set of stairs up to the next observation area. Grab the VOXOPHONE ‘The Source of her Power’ (Voxophone 4/4) from the chair on the right. When you are done, hit the lever to observe the specimen. Enter the door to the left and activate the Specimen Tracker to open the next door. Open the door at the end of the hallway. We are now outside! Follow the platform to the right until you find another door. Enter this and follow the hallway until a scene plays. Once the scene is done, follow Elizabeth through the door and down the stairs. Continue along the set path after her until you reach the elevator. After another short scene, the lift will disappear. Jump through the gap and climb the set of stairs in the next room all the way to the top. Interact with the door here. Once back outside, follow the ramp to the right all the way to the top until a scene plays. When you regain control, DeWitt will be in another short flashback type sequence again and you’ll find yourself in another area. Simply walk up to the door at the far end of the room and open it. This will end the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 3: The Hall of Heroes =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 06: Battleship Bay [ACT06] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Battleship Bay <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............5 ] Kinetoscopes..........2 ] You will awaken on a beach. Note that as with the Telescopes............1 ] just abouteveryone in this area has something to Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] say if you want to hear it, so be sure to hear them Gear .................2 ] all outif you like that kind of thing. Once you ________________________] are backin control, head up to the very back of the area and beneath the main structure, you will find ared and white striped shed with wheels. Beneath this you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Born in the River’ (Voxophone 1/5). Head over to the door with the lines of fence pickets in front and go inside. Follow the short passage around until you find the next exit. Look on the wall opposite this for a KINETOSCOPE ‘Battleship Bay’ (Kinetoscope 1/2). To the left of this is a maintenance room we can enter to loot a few bits and pieces. Return through the door and exit to the next beach area. Look to the right and you’ll see a group of people dancing at the end of a pier. Work your way over here to find Elizabeth. As you arrive, interact with her and a short scene will play. Afterwards, follow Elizabeth over to the far side of the area and enter the turnstile. Once inside, you’ll be in a gift shop. Loot the room and check out the maintenance door to the right for some loot and then return to the gift shop and climb the stairs opposite. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Upper Boardwalk <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Follow Elizabeth along the boardwalk until she runs into those two strangers that we’ve seen a couple of times previously. Walk up and interact with Elizabeth for a scene. During the scene make a choice (it doesn’t really matter, from what I can tell it’s just an aesthetic decision). Shortly after the scene, you’ll be prompted to hit the action button to look at something. Do so. Loot the rest of the area and when you are ready to continue onwards, climb the stairs on the right side of the dock leading to the arcade. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Arcade <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter, turn right and head over to the door there. Interact with it and Elizabeth will come along and unlock it for you. Inside, loot the room before continuing through the next door. Climb the stairs in here and enter the door at the top. There is a Dollar Bill vending machine at the top. Use this if you feel the need and continue past it and through the door at the far end of the hallway opposite where we came in from. Inside, in a basket on the right you can pick up a VOXOPHONE ‘Heaven’ (Voxophone 2/5). There is also a gift on the table to the left of this with a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/2) in it. Return to the hallway and when you reach the vending machine, turn right and head into the hallway here. At this point there is a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/2). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: The gift box for this piece of GEAR may appear in one of two spots. Where it appears is dependent on a decision you made at the start of the game. If you decided to throw the baseball at the inter-racial couple, it will appear in the arcade next to one of Fink's employees. If you decided to throw the ball at Fink, it will appear in the hallway leading to the Arcade. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you enter the Arcade, go to the opposite side of the arcade from the entry find the White bathrooms. Follow the hallway past the bathrooms and at the end you will find a KINETOSCOPE ‘Solving the Irish Problem’ (Kinetoscope 2/2). Do a 180 degree turn and enter the male bathroom. On a table next to a row of sinks there is a VOXOPHONE ‘A Dog’s Loyalty’ (Voxophone 3/5). Return outside and go back to the arcade, turn left and climb the stairs here. Go through the turnstiles here. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gondola Station <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Follow the path to the left and climb the stairs to the top until you find yourself in a large room with a ticketing area. Make your way across the room and to the ticket window against the far wall. Ring the bell here for a scene. During the scene make a decision. Once the scene is complete, all of the citizens in the room behind you have turned hostile. Kill them all whilst trying to use the pillars as cover if you need it. Once they are all dead Elizabeth will run off. After a few moments, the gates on the left side of the room will open and another 6-7 Founder soldiers will enter, two of them will charge with melee whilst the others will keep their distance. After ventilating the lot of them, loot all the bodies (and the rest of the room), you can find a shotgun in one of the violin cases if you are interested. When you are good to go, climb up the stairs and through the now unlocked gate. At the top of the stairs, turn to the right and enter the open office at the end of the corridor. Inside there is a VOXOPHONE ‘Take Her Alive’ (Voxophone 4/5). Picking this up will cause another hostile citizen to spawn in the hallway behind you; he will come to melee you so kill him before he does. Exit to the hallway and continue straight along it, past the stairs and around the corner to the left. Here, you want to enter the first door on the left. Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) on a desk against the right hand wall. Loot the rest of the room and then continue to the far end of the room from whence you entered and take the other set of stairs leading out. At the top, enter the doors to the left. Inside, climb the stairs down to the very bottom and look beneath them for a small workbench area with a VOXOPHONE ‘The Golden Path to Heaven’ (Voxophone 5/5) on a box nearby. Return back up the stairs and through the door. Once back in the main area, take the first left to find the gondola platform. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gondola to Soldier’s Field <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Make your way around to the right and up to the gondola. Enter the cabin facing the waterfall and throw the lever in here for a short scene. Once you have arrived at the other platform, exit the gondola and loot the area. Climb up to the top tier of the platform. In the centre of the railing looking back towards the gondola you will see a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) that you can use. Do so for your collectible count! When you are ready to continue with the game, go through the nearby turnstiles to complete the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 07: Soldier’s Field [ACT07] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>> Soldier’s Field Welcome Centre <<<<<<<< Voxophones............8 ] Kinetoscopes..........4 ] As you enter the area, go down the stairs and take Telescopes............0 ] a right. Go down the smaller set of stairs here Infusion Upgrades.....2 ] to find a new type of vending machine – Gear .................2 ] MinuteMan’s Armory. This type of vending machine ________________________] allows you to purchase upgrades for your weapons this one has the following upgrades on offer: [Minuteman's Armory Machine] ______________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Pistol | Clip Increase | $275 | |______________|______________________|________| | Machine Gun | Damage Boost 1 | $236 | |______________|______________________|________| Upgrade if you wish and pick up the lock picking kit from the crate to the right. Continue down the next set of stairs to find a miniature map of Columbia. Against the back wall you will find a KINETOSCOPE ‘A City in the Sky? Impossible!’ (Kinetoscope 1/4). Return to the main part of the room and now check out the side area to the left. Grab the lock pick from the floor in front of the locked door and get Elizabeth to open it (requires 1 lock pick). Inside, you’ll find an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/2) on a desk against the left wall. Additionally if you follow the room to the end there is a small office with a lock pick on the desk, a safe you can unlock for 200 coins (requires 5 lock picks – at this point I wouldn’t bother as lock picks are quite hard to come by) and an open locker with a VOXOPHONE ‘A Place in the World’ (Voxophone 1/8). You’ll also find a new weapon – the carbine against the wall in here. When you are done with all of your looting, return to the main room. As you approach the door opposite the entrance, the gate will slam closed. Run over and interact with it to go through to the next area. Follow the room round until you reach the exit and feel free to use the salt machine here to replenish your salt if you need to do so. Exit the building to enter Soldier’s Field. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soldier’s Field <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Note that in this area, the citizens and police will be non-hostile and like the start of Battleship Bay or the welcome Centre they will all usually have something to say if you let them. Looting willy-nilly as we have done previously will not go unpunished. Before picking up items inside shops, know that if an item description has a pinkish hue, picking it up will be considered stealing and all of the police in the area and the shop owner will become aggressive and attack. After going beneath the ‘Soldier’s Field’ sign, take a left. There is a small observation deck to the left before the ice cream shop that has a KINETOSCOPE ‘Mighty Songbird Patrols the Skies’ (Kinetoscope 2/4) on it. Enter the aforementioned Ice Cream shop to find a VOXOPHONE ‘I am his Mirror’ (Voxophone 2/8). Exit the shop and turn right. See the building with the ‘Patriot’s Pride Confections’ sign on it? Head over to left of this building to find the Founder’s Bookstore. At the back of the room there is a VOXOPHONE ‘Viewing the Infinite’ (Voxophone 3/8) on a desk at the top of the short flight of stairs. Exit the book store and go straight ahead until you find a ramp leading down to the right. Follow the path here until you reach the sign reading ‘Gondola to the first lady Aerodrome’. Continue past it and at the end of the platform here pull the lever. After the short scene, head back to the Founders bookstore and climb up the stairs to the right of its entrance. As you reach the top, you will pass a police roadblock which will cause all the police in the area to become hostile (there are 6-7 of them). Additionally the road block will be manned by 4-5 Founder soldiers. You can kill them all if you wish, alternatively you can keep running past the Dollar Bill vending machine and information booth and up then next set of stairs on the left side of the area, enter the next area and take the elevator without killing anyone. Either way, before entering the elevator, loot the lock pick from the floor near the crates to the left of the door, there is also a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine to the right if you require it. When ready, head inside and ride the lift to the next area. When the elevator goes offline, interact with the fuse on the wall for a scene. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sky Road Entry <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< After getting off the lift, go down the stairs and check out the side area on the left. Here you will find a broken vending machine and on the floor next to it a lock pick. There are two doors we can explore here. Facing the broken machine, enter the right hand door first. Kill the two soldiers in here. Loot the room and then do the same with the door to the left. Make your way around the display in the very centre of the main area and find the door on the far side of the room marked ‘Employees Only’. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door for you. Once it is unlocked, enter with caution and look to the left. There is an auto-turret in here. Destroy it. After that is done, work your way down the right hand wall of the room, here you will find a desk holding a VOXOPHONE ‘Never Seen the Face’ (Voxophone 4/8) and a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/2) . In the back room where the auto-turret was, there is a safe we can open (requires 5 lock picks) for a sum of money. Exit back to the main room and take the door to the left. Grab the golden vigor flask from the box here for a new vigor – Bucking Bronco. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Bucking Bronco \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Bucking Bronco Vigor is a handy addition to your arsenal. Hitting | | the vigor button will send out a shockwave a short distance in front | | of you that will launch any enemies it touches into the air for a | | couple of seconds. Holding down the vigor button and dropping a vigor | | trap will launch any enemy that comes too close to it into the air. If| | an effected enemy has only a small amount of health left, the vigor | | will slam them into the ground and kill them. | | | | As with the Murder of Crows vigor, enemies who are in the air, under | | the influence of the vigor’s effects will take additional damage. | | | | When you acquire them, Bucking Bronco can be used in conjunction with | | the Devil's kiss and Charge vigors to perform powerful combination | | attacks. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Bucking Bronco \ \_____________________________/ Continue along the path there until you exit the building. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sky Road <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you exit the building, you will see a large group of Founder soldiers in the plaza in front of you. They will remain stationary for a brief period of time, so use the opportunity to drop a Devil’s Kiss trap in the middle of them from a distance. This should kill the majority of enemies that you can see. Unfortunately there are a whole lot more of them lurking about that we can't see who will become aggressive. In total there are around 20 soldiers in the area below and they will emerge from both the ticket building on the right (including one or two on the upper balcony of the ticket building), the gondola platform in the distance and from the 'Fellow Traveller' building on the left. There is also an auto turret on the left side of the gondola area. In addition to sticking behind the crates at the top of the stairs, you can also use the hooks above the ticket building to access the balcony there and attack from above. Once the enemy numbers start dwindling a Crow will also enter the area. After all of the hostiles have been subdued, head over to the gondola platform and throw the lever to clear the sky-lines of cargo to allow us access to the next area. Before we go however, there is an optional task and a few collectibles lying around this area to collect. Return to the ticket building and go inside. On the left hand side of the lower level in the room closest to the main area you will find a KINETOSCOPE ‘Who are the Vox Populi?’ (Kinetoscope 3/4) and in the far left room you will find a locked door (requires 3 lock picks to unlock) containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/2) and a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine which now features the following upgrades: [Minuteman's Armory Machine] ______________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Carbine | Damage Boost 1 | $357 | |______________|______________________|________| | Machine Gun | Accuracy Boost | $512 | |______________|______________________|________| | Pistol | Damage Boost 1 | $199 | |______________|______________________|________| | RPG | Damage Boost 1 | $385 | | RPG | Clip Increase | $816 | |______________|______________________|________| | Sniper Rifle | Damage Boost 1 | $349 | | | | | |______________|______________________|________| Head up the stairs in the main area of the ticket building and look beneath the arcade machines. There is a lock pick and some coins to be found there. Against the railing overlooking the ground floor you will also find a propped up Carbine. On the ground next to it is another VOXOPHONE ‘A True Soldier’ (Voxophone 5/8). Head across the road to the Fellow Traveller building and make your way inside. As you enter, look on the table to the right of the entrance for a lock pick. Head over to the bar. Enter the door behind and to the left of the bar and grab the VOXOPHONE ‘Vox Contraband inventory’ (Voxophone 6/8) stuck on a cupboard on the back wall of the room. Return to the bar and go down the hallway to the right of it. Enter the first door on the left and examine the scribble on the wall. This will begin the optional mission – Find the Cipher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you wish to unlock the ‘Infused with Greatness’ and the 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy you must complete the following optional task. It is the quickest and easiest of any optional tasks in the game so it should not take longer than a minute or two. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________________ __________/ Optional Mission – Find the Cipher \_________ / \___________________________________________________/ \ | | | Reward/s: INFUSION UPGRADE, VOXOPHONE | | | | To find the Cipher, all we really need to do is go back across the | | street to the ticket building. On the ground floor is a large canon on | | a pedestal. Dangling from the end of the barrel is a code book. Pick | | this up and return to the scrawled code inside the Fellow Traveller. | | Elizabeth will decipher it for you. | | | | Exit to the hallway and enter the next door on the left. Interact with | | the hat on the hat rack here to open up a secret passage nearby. Enter| | the passage and climb down the stairs to the room below. On the shelf | | to the left you can pick up an RPG, to the left of this on another | | bench is an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 2/2) and on the desk in the | | centre of the room is a lock pick and a VOXOPHONE ‘Their Sun is | | Setting’ (Voxophone 7/8). Loot the rest of the room and head back | | outside. | | | | Note that four more soldiers will have spawned during the time you were| | in the secret room, two in the Fellow traveller building and two out | | on the main street. Once they are dead, you are all done! | | | | ___________________________________________________ | \__________/ Optional Mission – Find the Cipher \_________/ \___________________________________________________/ After you have finished looting the area, return to the gondola platform and use the sky-line. When you can go no further, hop over to the second sky-line nearby and ride it up to the platform in front of the Hall of Heroes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hall of Heroes Plaza <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Upon arriving, drop down to the ground. Take the stairs nearby down and investigate the parked gondola. If you didn’t do the optional mission just before, you can grab an RPG from the crate to the left of the gondola and inside it, there is a VOXOPHONE ‘A Final Stand’ (Voxophone 8/8) on a chair. When you are ready to continue, take either set of stairs up to the main platform. As you arrive a sniper will open fire on you from the upper balcony on the left side of the building ahead. Take cover behind one of the statues immediately in front and Elizabeth will throw you a sniper rifle. Grab it and shoot the sniper. Continue forward a short distance and 10-12 Founder soldiers will spawn around the base of the building in the distance. A couple of them will charge at you with melee weapons, so deal with them first before using your newly acquired sniper rifle to pick off the ranged attackers. Once they are all dead, you can use the Dollar Bill vending machine on the main tier of the plaza if you require any salts/ammo/health before proceeding up the stairs at the back of the area. Before entering the door to the next zone, look to the right and grab the KINETOSCOPE ‘Who Needs the Power Company?’ (Kinetoscope 4/4). Return to the main door and continue inside. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 08: The Hall of Heroes [ACT08] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Hall of Heroes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Once inside, go past the statue in the centre of Telescopes............0 ] the first room and continue down the hallway until Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] you reach a crossroads. To the right you’ll find Gear .................0 ] a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine and to the ________________________] left a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine. Neither of which has any new upgrades as yet. Enter the door to the right of the Minuteman’s Armory machine and you’ll find a VOXOPHONE ‘Comrades of Necessity’ (Voxophone 1/1) on the table to the left, at the far end of the room, under the desk you can also grab a lock pick. Loot the rest of the room and return outside. You’ll find a pair of a new brand of enemy waiting for you – Slate’s veterans. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Slate's Veterans \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | Slate’s veterans are found throughout the Hall of Heroes and like the | | Founder Soldiers are more advanced variant of the standard fodder | | enemies in the game. They are a little harder to kill as they are more| | resistant to damage the standard fodder bad guys. They are also | | equipped with more advanced weapons including machine guns, carbines | | and shotguns. As with the soldiers, they will take cover and try to | | kill you from safety and will run between cover to get a better angle | | on your position. As with the previous enemy types, aim for the head | | and stay in cover to deal with these guys in a time-effective manner. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Slate's Veterans \ \_____________________________/ Once the pair of them are dead, head through the doorway on the left at the crossroad. In the next room you’ll find a giant statue in the centre and no way out…yet. After a short conversation with a voice over a loud speaker, the door to the right of the statue will open and a group of 4-5 veterans will emerge. Kill them, using the statue as cover if you require it. Once they are dead, the door at the far end of the room will open. Ignore this for now and proceed into the room from which the enemies came. Go to the back, right hand corner of the room to find an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) on the table here. Look to the left to find a statue propped up against some crates. Beneath its foot you will see a lock pick. Loot the remainder of the area and return to the previous room. Head through the door at the back of the large statue room. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 09: Inside the Hall of Heroes [ACT09] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Hall of Heroes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] In this room is a rotunda with a circular Telescopes............0 ] historical guide in the centre with three Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] exhibits behind it: The Boxer Rebellion, The Gear .................2 ] Battle of Wounded Knee and The First Lady – note ________________________] that the First Lady exhibit will unlock once the other two have been cleared out. To the left and right of the entry door is a Dollar Bill and a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine so use them if you need them! When you are good to go, lets clear out the Boxer Rebellion exhibit first. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peking Exhibit <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Proceed along the path until the door opens automatically in front of you. Continue along the path a little further until you climb a short flight of stairs. At the top, enter the door to the right marked ‘Employees only’. Grab the piece of gift wrapped EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/2) off the table at the back of the room. Loot the rest of the area and return to the exhibit. Kill the enemy that has appeared during your short stint in the side room and then follow the path straight ahead and through the next door. You can interact with the statue in this room for a bit of historical poetry if you are into that kind of thing and to continue, proceed through the door behind the statue. After a short moment, a group of enemies will attack. There will be 4 veterans and a fireman. Kill them all. Note that the fireman spawns in the raised platform at the back, right of the room so be sure to use the bits and pieces of exhibit to stay in cover whilst avoiding those grenades! Once the room is clear, we need to backtrack through the exhibit to the hub room with the circular guide in the centre. As you approach the room, you will see another four veterans to kill. Finish them off and then it’s time to head into the Wounded Knee exhibit. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wounded Knee Exhibit <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Follow the passage straight ahead along the set path until you reach the first short set of stairs. At this point, enter the door to the left marked ‘Employees only’. Kill the veteran lurking inside and then check out the desk at the back of the room. Here you’ll find a gift box with some new EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/2) and an RPG if you wish to use one. Go back out to the exhibit. Follow the path straight ahead and through the next door. As with the Peking Exhibit, you can interact with the statue in this room for a bit of historical poetry and to continue, proceed through the door behind the statue. Similar to the Peking Exhibit, in this room you will need to fight off a number of enemies. 10 veterans will attack, coming in 3-4 at a time before a Crow appears to add a bit of flavour to the end of the fight. There is plenty of cover to be had amongst the props in the exhibit to take out the veterans and enough open space in the centre of the room to lure the crow into traps so you should not have too much difficulty. Once you have successfully destroyed the enemies, it’s time to backtrack to the rotunda. When you arrive, you will note the First Lady exhibit is now accessible. If you have some salts available, throw a trap at the foot of the door to this exhibit. As you approach the door, three veterans will run out of it to attack. Kill them before proceeding inside. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Memorial to Our Lady <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Proceed through the room here, down the stairs, past the statue and enter the door at the top of the short stairs at the far end of the area. As you enter the next room, go under the bridge to the left and have Elizabeth unlock the door here when you are able to do so. Upon entering the next room, look in the side area to the right and you’ll find a VOXOPHONE ‘Unconditional’ (Voxophone 1/1) on the chair in front of a fireplace. Proceed down the stairs and through the next door. Head across the room here and enter the last door here to exit the exhibit. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Courtyard <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Go down the stairs and Elizabeth will slip through the gate here. At this point you will get a brief tutorial on tears and how Elizabeth is able to use them whilst you are in combat to give you a helping hand. The gist of it is to aim at the tear until a ghostly image of the object that can be brought into the world appears and then hit the action button to have Elizabeth make it so. Throughout the rest of the game, these tears will now appear in combat situations. Note that you can only have one active tear at a time. Bring in the freight hooks behind the gate and use the skyhook to jump over the gate. You’ll now be shown a couple of tears that Elizabeth can use to bring objects into this area. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. An auto-turret in the centre of the courtyard below. | | | | 2. A series of freight hooks around the top of the room. | | | | 3. A discount Dollar Bill vending machine at the top of the | | stairs at the far end of the room. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Now as you can see, the courtyard is not empty. There are 4-5 veterans that we can see, an enemy auto turret on the stairs at the back of the room and another 3-4 veterans who will enter the room (including an RPG gunner on the stairs) once we begin our attack. For now, I recommend activating the freight hooks and using them to jump across and down to the balconies on the left of the main room without being detected. Next possess or destroy the auto turret on the stairs. Finally bring in the friendly auto-turret and assist it in picking off the enemies below. Note that there is an oil slick on the left hand side of the room which may be of assistance in killing enemies more efficiently with a bit of Devil’s Kiss. Once the area is clear, hop down to the courtyard below and climb the stairs at the back. At the top of said stairs there is another tear which can be used by Elizabeth to bring in a discount Dollar Bill machine. It offers prices at 50% off their usual value, unfortunately the only upgrade on offer is: [Discount Minuteman's Armory Machine] ______________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Pistol | Clip Increase | $220 | | | | | |______________|______________________|________| Grab the upgrade if you like and when you are ready to go, enter the next door. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 10: Hall of Heroes Gift Shop [ACT10] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>> Hall of Heroes Gift Shop <<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........3 ] As soon as you enter the gift shop, you will find Telescopes............0 ] a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine on the right Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] with no new weapon upgrades and a Veni! Vidi! Gear .................0 ] Vigor! vending machine to the left with a new ________________________] upgrade: [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] ______________________________________________ / Vigor/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Possession | Possession for Less | $1653 | | | | | |______________|______________________|________| Before entering the open doorway to the next room check out the KINETOSCOPE ‘The Lamb is the Future of the City’ (Kinetoscope 1/3) and KINETOSCOPE ‘Behold the Miracle Child! A Prophecy is Fulfilled!’ (Kinetoscope 2/3) sitting either side of the door frame. When ready, enter the next room. As you enter, note the tears that we can get Elizabeth to open in this room. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Crate of Medical kits In the centre of the room. | | | | 2. Barrel of Salt vials On the left side of the room. | | | | 3. A friendly auto-turret can be rought in on the right side of | | the room. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| After a short bit of rhetoric over the loud speaker, a new enemy will break through the glass at the back of the room and attack you – the Motorized Patriot. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Motorized Patriot \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The motorized patriots are one of the more difficult enemies you will | | encounter in the game and are large, durable robotic automatons with a| | large reserve of armour making them very resistant to damage, it also | | means they will never seek cover and continue to proceed towards you | | even in the face of gunfire. They are slow moving and are equipped | | with the Peppermill Crank Gun – a minigun that can dish out enormous | | amounts of damage due to its very high rate of fire. They can also | | perform a devastating melee attack if you get in too close to them. | | | | The motorized patriot’s major weak point is the gears located in the | | centre of its back. At this point, to reach the weak spot, your best | | bet is to plant a trap to stun it and run around behind tthe patriot | | or attempt to outmanoeuvre the patriot around one of the pillars. Note| | that vigors that cause increased damage for your weapons such as | | Murder of Crows and Devil’s Kiss will make life a little easier | | against these guys. Once you obtain it, the Shock Jockey vigor is | | also quite effective at chain stunning the patriots. | | | | The Patriots are automatons and as such have a colored indicator to | | let you know what their status is at a glance. A green light indicates| | that thePatriot has not seen you and will not attack. A yellow light | | indicatesthat it has spotted you and is warning you to stop. Finally, | | red status means that they have seen you and are attacking. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Motorized Patriot\ \_____________________________/ The motorised patriot will emerge from the glass case at the back of the room and make its way over to you. Before it gets too far, get Elizabeth to bring in the auto-turret on the right. Plant a trap or two to snare the patriot with some damage over time (Devil’s kiss) or weapon damage bonus (Murder of Crows). Now try to kite the patriot over to the left so that the turret can attack its weak spot whilst the patriot chases you. If things get a little hectic, get Elizabeth to bring in the health or salts as required. Once the patriot is dead, check out the KINETOSCOPE ‘A City Mourns…’ (Kinetoscope 3/3) which is attached to the circular desk in the centre of the room. Head over to the back left corner of the room and open the locked door here. Inside you’ll find a safe we can open for a tidy sum of money (requires 5 lock picks). Return to the gift shop and backtrack to the courtyard again. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Courtyard <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You’ll notice things are a little different this time around. Slate and his men are now occupying the area and will attack you in a series of waves. You need to simply wipe them out to progress. Slate himself sits on the raised balcony that we came in from the first time we came through the courtyard. He has the Shock Jockey vigor equipped which gives him the ability to throw electrified crystals that will damage you if you get too close to them and will use these to limit your range of movement around the ground floor. Additionally there are a number of tears that Elizabeth is able to open to assist during the sequence. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Shotgun and ammo at the base of the stairs to the left. | | | | 2. Crate of Medical kits at the base of the stairs to the right. | | | | 3. Frieght Hooks allowing access to the upper balcony directly | | above the foot of the stairs. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| I recommend using the freight hooks to access the upper balconies to the left and right and using the high ground to your advantage. Between waves, take the opportunity to hop down to ground level and refill that health if you need to do so from the medical kit tear before returning up to higher ground. After each wave is summoned, Slate will run out of the room, only returning once you have killed them all. The first wave consists of 6 veterans who will appear both in the courtyard at ground level and on the upper ledge on which Slate is standing. The second wave of enemies will come from the door on the left hand side of the ground floor and consist of 6 veterans and a fireman. The third wave will enter from the left hand door on the upper balcony and consists of a motorized patriot and 3-4 veterans. Once the third wave has been defeated, Slate will open the right hand door on the ground level for you. Drop down to the ground level and rather than proceeding to the right, go through the door on the left (the door the second wave came from). On the left side of the room is a work bench with a VOXOPHONE ‘A Soldier’s Death’ (Voxophone 1/1) on it. In the tool box behind this, you can also locate an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) – note that you may need to jump up on the table in order to find an angle from which to pick it up. On the way out, hug the left wall and you can also grab a lock pick from behind some crates. Return to the courtyard and head through the door on the right side of the room. Climb the stairs and continue along the path to the left. As you proceed, more of those electrified crystals will be throw in your general direction to block your passage and a group of 4 veterans will come down the stairs in the distance. Clear them out before climbing the stairs they attacked from and turn left. Enter the door at the end. As you exit, walk over and interact with the body in the spotlight for a scene. Make a decision during the scene (as far as I can tell the decision does not matter story wise, but whether or not Slate appears later in the game depends on the choice). After the scene, grab the Shock Jockey vigor from the ground next to him. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Shock Jockey \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Shock Jockey vigor is one of the more useful vigors that you will | | find in game. Hitting the vigor button will fire off a wave of | | electricity that will shock any enemies within a short distance in | | front of you and stun them for a short period of time. Holding down | | the vigor button will allow you to fire off a trap that takes the form| | of a series of crystals. Electricity will form networks between | | crystals, creating a large field of damaging electricity when | | upgraded. Again, these electricity traps have a chance to stun enemy | | combatants. | | | | From here on in, you will occasionally come across pools or puddles of| | water in the environment. Shooting off shock jockey into these pools | | will damage or kill any enemies that get too close or stand in said | | pool. | | | | When you acquire them, shock Jockey can be used in conjunction with | | the Possession, Murder of Crows and Undertow vigors to perform | | powerful combination attacks. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Shock Jockey \ \_____________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Shock Tactics’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we have Shock Jockey, we can start back to the gondola. Backtrack through the Hall of Heroes until we are back outside. On the way you will encounter a pair of veterans in the Our Lady’s memorial exhibit and a Crow at the rotunda. Once you reach the entrance, you will see that the door has now closed. Use the salt machine to its left if you need salts and then shoot the power conduit to the right with Shock Jockey to open the door. Exit back to the plaza to complete the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 11: Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza [ACT11] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hall of Heroes Plaza <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As you exit from the building, there will be 10-12 Telescopes............0 ] Founder soldiers waiting for you. Have Elizabeth Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] use the tear to bring in the mosquito (a flying Gear .................3 ] auto-turret) in the distance and then help it ________________________] clear up the rest of the plaza, there is also a tear just to the left of the starting position if you want a sniper rifle. Once the area is clear, check out the rightmost section of the main building (opposite the Dollar Bill vending machine). You will find another power conduit; hit this with Shock Jockey to unlock the nearby door. Climb the stairs here and do a 180 degree turn at the top, head to the end of the walkway and grab the lock pick kit and gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/3) from the table. Loot the rest of the balcony area and head down to where the gondola is docked. Hop on to the sky-line to the right of the gondola and ride it down to the nearby building. Here we’ll encounter a new type of enemy – the rocketeer. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Rocketeer \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | These Founder soldiers are tougher than your standard run of the mill | | soldier type. They are heavily armoured, so are more durable to not | | only weapon damage, but explosive damage too. These guys are equipped | | with RPGs and grenade launchers and are quite accurate. Traps and | | headshots are the way to defeating these enemies. | | | | Note that vigors that cause increased damage for your weapons such as | | Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco and Devil’s Kiss will make life a | | little easier against these guys. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Rocketeer \ \_____________________________/ The platform we land on has two tiers. There is a rocketeer and 4 soldiers on the building itself and a second rocketeer and an additional 2-3 soldiers on a floating barge docked on the far side of the building. There are two tears that we can make use of here. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Friendly Motorized Patriot on the lower level. | | | | 2. Crate of Medical kits on the upper floor. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Have Elizabeth bring in the patriot and then hop back up to the sky-line and attack the enemies on the upper level from above. When they are done, hop down to the upper platform and use the ledge overlooking the barge to take down any remaining enemies below. Once they are dead, loot the area, you can find a lock pick beneath the stairs leading to the upper level on the side of the building closest to the Hall of Heroes. When you are ready, jump onto the barge and ride the sky-line here down to the platform below. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sky Road <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Back here again! This time around, you will have to kill the 5 soldiers and a fireman that are now occupying the zone. The upper balcony of the ticket building accessible via freight hooks on the left side of the area will provide you with a nice vantage point over the area below. Remember that there is also an oil spill here we can ignite (or have the fireman ignite) with Devil’s Kiss which may help thin out numbers if you can get the standard soldiers to fall for it. Once the area is clear, backtrack through the building at the far end of the area and kill the motorized patriot inside. Shocking it with Shock Jockey constantly to stun it and unloading on it with an upgraded weapon with a fast rate of fire (e.g Machine Gun, Carbine etc.) will take it down quite quickly. Enter the elevator at the far end of the room and ride it back up to the previous area. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soldier’s Field <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< After getting off the lift, use the Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine to the left if you require it before heading down the stairs in front. Note that we are now able to use the sky-lines in this area. See the building with the ‘Hotel Soldier’s Field’ sign on it? Use the sky-line closest to this and the freight hooks nearby to access a balcony on the upper level of this building closest to the gondola platform. Use the Shock Jockey vigor on the power conduit here to open the door. Proceed inside here on a bed you can grab another VOXOPHONE ‘Calling You Out’ (Voxophone 1/1). On the bed stand nearby, there is a gift wrapped new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/3). Look behind the nearby cabinet against the left hand wall for a lock pick. Exit the building and work your way over to the carousel. To the right of this is a toy store you may have explored earlier. The door is now down, but interacting with this will allow you access. Inside you will find another power conduit. Hit this with Shock Jockey to open another locked door. Here you will find another new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 3/3), a sniper rifle (if you want one) and a bunch of containers to loot. Exit back outside and make your way over to the gondola control lever. Before we hit this, know that when we do, we’ll have to protect the switch against an incoming horde of enemies. We also have an array of tears now scattered around the environment that we can use to help defend. You can find them at the following locations. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Automated turret on the roof of the Ice Cream Shoppe. | | | | 2. Piece of cover on the roof of the Ice Cream Shoppe. | | | | 3. Crate of medical Kits on the lower roof of the ‘Patriot’s | | Pride Confections’ building. | | | | 4. Automated turret on the roof of the Toy Store. | | | | 5. Piece of cover on the roof of the Toy Store. | | | | 6. Friendly motorized patriot on the boardwalk next to the | | carousel. | | | | 7. A sniper rifle and ammunition on one of the hover barges that | | shows up once the sequence begins. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| All up there are around 10-15 soldiers, a pair of rocketeers and a motorized patriot to deal with. In most cases, a good number of soldiers will hang out on the roof of the Toy Store, more will use the barges and sky-lines to reach the ground and approach the gondola controls. Two barges show up once you have activated the gondola and each of these will act as a base of operations for a rocketeer. Once the majority of enemies have been defeated, the motorized patriot will activate and walk towards the gondola. As such, the two most useful tears I found were the auto-turret on the roof of the Toy Store (although it won’t last long) and the friendly motorized patriot next to the carousel. Focus on killing the rocketeers first and then using a sniper rifle from the barge (it’s a good vantage point with cover) to eliminate the enemies below. Alternatively, you can go crazy on the sky-lines, which is infinitely more fun, if not a little riskier. Once all the enemies have been dealt with, go to the gondola and have Elizabeth open the door. Grab the lock pick and some coins from a small shelf to the left and then throw the lever to activate the gondola. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The First Lady’s Aerodrome <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< After the gondola arrives, climb the stairs nearby and enter the main room. Kill the 5 soldiers waiting for you in here. At the back of the room between the two flights of stairs you can find a KINETOSCOPE ‘A City Mourns…’ this one is a repeat of one we found in the Hall of Heroes, so will not count towards your collectible totals. On the wall opposite this, behind a counter is a Dollar Bill vending machine we can use to replenish salts/ammo/health if required. If you head back to the hallway we just entered from you will find a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! and a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine. Neither has any new upgrades, but you can upgrade your weapons using any existing ones if you require. When you are ready to go, climb the stairs and enter the lift. Hit the button to ride it up to a new area. Run across the gangplank and enter the zeppelin at the end. As soon as you get inside, turn right and grab the INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) from the table here. Loot the rest of the room and then make your way over to the controls. Interact with them for a scene. During the scene walk over and interact with Elizabeth to complete the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘First Class Ticket’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 4: Finkton Docks =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 12: Finkton Docks [ACT12] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Beggar’s Wharf <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] When you regain control, you will be in a new Telescopes............0 ] area. Look to the left to find the building with Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] ‘Delivery centre’ written on the side. Enter this Gear .................1 ] building, turn left and look between the pair of ________________________] desks along the left-hand wall of the room for a VOXOPHONE ‘God’s Blueprint’ (Voxophone 1/1). You will also find a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine on the back wall. This has two new upgrades available for purchase: [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] _______________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \_______________|______________________|________/ _______________________________________________ | Devil's Kiss | Devil’s Kiss Boost | $666 | |_______________|______________________|________| | Bucking Bronco| Bronco Aid | $777 | | | | | |_______________|______________________|________| Exit the building and turn left. Follow the set path to the main building and round to the right. When you reach the stairs, climb up and enter the door to the left. On a table at the back of the room on the right is a lock pick. Go back down the stairs and work your way across the barges to the opposite side of the docks from where we started. There is a building marked ‘Employees only' here. Inside, behind a desk next to a policeman you will find a gift wrapped piece of new EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Note that picking this up will turn all the police in the area hostile - there are five of them, including the one in the building with you and they will all come and try to melee you, so hang out inside until they are all dead. Upon exiting the building, there will be three mosquitos (the floating auto-turrets) patrolling the dock and although we have seen them before through tears, this time we get to fight them as enemies. Here's a short description of them: ______________________________ / New Enemy: Mosquito \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | Mosquitos are similar to the auto-turrets and rocket auto-turrets | | except instead of being locked in place, they are suspended from | | balloons in the air, allowing them freedom of movement and a nice view| | over any potential battlefield. | | | | Mosquitos, like the other forms of turrets are automatons and as such | | have a colored indicator to let you their status is at a glance. The | | green light indicates that it has not yet seen you and will not | | attack. A yellow light indicates that the mosquito has spotted you and| | is warning you to stop (if you duck out of sight at this point, they | | will return to green). Finally, red status means that they have seen | | you and is attacking. | | | | As with the auto-turrets mosquitos can be possessed with the | | Possession vigor or brought in through tears to become a temporary | | ally. This is useful for both distracting enemy units and adding | | additional damage to yours. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Mosquito \ \_____________________________/ Once the mosquitos are destroyed, walk down the ramp and follow the dock to the right. When you reach a point at which you can see the entrance to the building on the right, look behind the red pillar on the left to find a lock pick. Proceed into the building and exit out the far side. This leads us to the next chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 13: Beggar’s Wharf [ACT13] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Beggar’s Wharf <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Go past the man with the clipboard and grab one of Telescopes............0 ] the vials of Shock Jockey on the ground here if Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] you need to replenish some salts. Go through the Gear .................0 ] open container on the left. Drop down the other ________________________] side and approach the door in front. Interact with it for a short scene. Now you will need to follow Elizabeth through the shipping yard. The path is linear and there is no real good loot or collectibles about for the time being, so there’s nothing to really do except follow. As you continue through, you will experience three tears that will block your path. After the third one, enter the building ahead. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fort Franklin Pier <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter, you will see Elizabeth disappear through another tear. Behind a partition on the left hand side of the room is a pair of desks with one holding a VOXOPHONE ‘Shame of my Service’ (Voxophone 1/1). There is an RPG on the floor nearby if you want one. Now go and look behind the partition on the right hand side of the room for a door, head through here to exit the building to the next chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 14: Fort Franklin Pier [ACT14] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fort Franklin Pier <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] After exiting the office, if you feel like Telescopes............0 ] grabbing a sniper rifle, you can pick one up from Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] a crate on the barge at the end of the gangplank Gear .................0 ] directly in front of you. If not, loot the area ________________________] and follow the boardwalk to the left. Climb the stairs at the far end and enter the building at the top. Turn left to find yourself at an opening overlooking an open area below and a building opposite that appears to be a police station. There is a sky-line here as well if you wish to use it. From the vantage point we have, kill the soldiers in the courtyard below, there are 6 of them initially and one or two of them will use the sky-lines to come up and try to melee you. After they have been dealt with, a barge will appear to the right with a rocketeer and an auto-turret aboard; it will also drop off another 5-6 soldiers. Once the area is clear, enter the lower level of the police station. Look in the cell on the left hand side and you should be able to grab an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) from between the bars. Exit the building and use the sky-line to reach the upper level of the police station. Ignore the big red door for now and enter the opening opposite. There is a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine (no new upgrades yet) and a Dollar Bill vending machine on the left hand wall that you can use if you wish to do so. When ready, return to the big red door and interact with it for a scene. Take the sky-line that has now appeared and ride it until it ends. Drop down and walk towards Elizabeth for another scene. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 5: Finkton Proper =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 15: Worker Induction Centre [ACT15] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>> Worker Induction Centre <<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........1 ] When you regain control, turn to your left to Telescopes............1 ] spot the gondola. On the railing to the left of Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] this is a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) you can use Gear .................1 ] to add to your collectibles tally. On board the ________________________] gondola is a door that Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks). Inside is a present containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Exit the gondola and climb the stairs at the back of the area. At the top, there is a Dollar Bill vending machine (this is one of the few machines in the game to sell lock picks, so be sure grab what is on offer!) to the right of the large door leading to the next area and a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine on the left with some new upgrades. [Minuteman's Armory Machine] ______________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Carbine | Clip Increase | $484 | |______________|______________________|________| | Machine Gun | Clip increase | $391 | |______________|______________________|________| | Pistol | Ammo Increase | $404 | |______________|______________________|________| | Shotgun | Damage Boost 1 | $255 | | Shotgun | Reload Increase | $456 | |______________|______________________|________| | Sniper Rifle | Fire Rate Boost | $654 | | Sniper Rifle | Recoil Decrease | $288 | |______________|______________________|________| | Volley Gun | Damage Boost 1 | $522 | | | | | |______________|______________________|________| When you are ready to continue, go through the next door to Finkton Proper. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finkton Proper <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter the building, turn to the left. At the end of the hall here you will see a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine (no new upgrades yet). On the wall to the left of this is a KINETOSCOPE ‘The Path of the Vox Populi…’ (Kinetoscope 1/1). Follow the path around until you reach the main room. When you arrive, enter the open door behind the counter on the left. On a desk in here you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘A Product Like Any Other’ (Voxophone 1/2). There is also a lock pick jammed into one of the desk’s drawers. Exit the office and head to the left. Follow the wall to the office we just exited all the way around to the far side of the room. Here you will find a door that Elizabeth can open (requires 5 lock picks). Inside there is an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) on a desk. There is also a new weapon – the volley gun on another desk at the far end of the room if you wish to grab one. Go back out to the main hall and approach the elevator. It’s not going anywhere. Look to the left or the right to see stairs on both sides of the room behind the elevator. Climb down either of these (it makes no difference, they go to the same place) and have Elizabeth pick the door here. Follow the platform out into the next room and look down at the room below. There are around 10-12 policemen and a motorized patriot we will need to destroy before we can continue. Whilst they have not yet noticed you, drop a trap or two down there to thin out the numbers (or possess the motorized patriot if you have the upgraded Possession). Once everything is dead, descend to the lower level. The elevator we need is marked by the door signed ‘employees only’. Instead of heading in there right away, look opposite. There is an office here with a Dollar Bill vending machine to its right and a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine (no new upgrades yet) to its left. Inside the office, there is a safe that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick) for some money. Head over to the left of the elevator room and look in the corner for a lock pick. Enter the room with the elevator and loot the desks. There is a lock pick on the rightmost desk in the room. Before entering the elevator, check out the lockers to the right of it. Inside the open locker is a VOXOPHONE ‘Seed of a Lie’ (Voxophone 2/2). Call the elevator and when it arrives, enter and hit the button to ride it down to the next area. About halfway down, the lift will stop. Interact with the phone on the wall to continue. After exiting the lift, loot the table in front of you for a lock pick, some money and a new weapon – the hand cannon. Speak to the guy next to the door and he will open it for you. This will start the next chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 16: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 1) [ACT16] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plaza of Zeal <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As soon as you enter the Plaza area, there is a Telescopes............0 ] Minuteman’s Armory vending machine in the open Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] building to your left (no new upgrades yet). Use Gear .................2 ] it if you like, and then from the entrance, turn ________________________] to the right. Go down the stairs and follow the right hand wall until you find a doorway leading out to a small wooden dock area overlooking the clouds. There is a locked door here that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick) and a lock pick kit on the crate to the right of the door. Inside the door you’ll find another Vox cipher that will give you an optional task. There is also a lock pick to grab on a desk on the left hand side of the room. We can’t do anything else for now, so loot if you will and then exit back to the main plaza area. Use the freight hooks to jump up to the low roof surrounding the central building and have a look around, you’ll find a volley gun, a lock pick and hidden away behind the Chen-Lin sign, you will find a sniper rifle and gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/2). Return to the ground. Head back past where the auction was going on earlier and go round the left side of the building. Locate the door on the right here leading into the cental building and go inside. On the table directly in front is a VOXOPHONE ‘We’ve Need of a Shepherd’ (Voxophone 1/2). Enter the door behind the counter to the left. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chen-Lin’s Shop <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Once inside the shop, find the stairs and climb to the very top of the area. Loot the area here; there is a lock pick on the bench on the opposite side of the machinery. After a few moments, Elizabeth will say something about “someone being downstairs”. Head back down the stairs and talk with the woman blocking your way. After the conversation, head back downstairs and go through the door. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plaza of Zeal <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Exit the shop and look to the right. Those police that were guarding the roadblock are no longer there. Approach the road block and a new enemy will appear – the handyman. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Handyman \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Handymen are one of the most difficult enemies you will encounter | | during your time in Columbia. They are large, golem-like enemies that | | are incredibly strong, very fast and extremely durable to damage. The | | handymen can leap large distances to close ground between you and | | them very quickly. They will always remain unarmed and will often try | | to get in close to DeWitt in order to unleash a charge or melee | | attack. | | | | In addition, they are smart enough to occasionally take cover and | | will throw other enemy units or electricity bolts at you if you are | | out of reach. Even sky-lines are not safe for long with handymen | | around as they can jump up onto a sky-line and electrify it, causing | | significant damage if you are attached at the time. | | | | The handyman’s weak spots are its large glowing heart in the centre | | of its torso and its head. Using traps to stun them does work and | | the Shock Jockey/Undertow vigors can be mildly effective at | | temporarily stunning them, but the safest tactic is to kite them | | around and when you are a safe distance, turn around, shoot them a | | few times and run off again. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Handyman \ \_____________________________/ Once you have killed the handyman, grab the present that he drops for a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/2). Now let’s head back to the left side of the main building and approach that police roadblock again. Destroy the auto-turret behind it and enter the door to the left of it for a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine (no new upgrades yet). Also in the adjacent room is a red tear playing some contemporary music. Exit the building and go through the gate behind the roadblock. That’s the Good Time Club on the left and we need to go there. Ignore it for now and continue through the opposite gate. Shoot the auto turret here. Look slightly to the left. See the Dollar Bill vending machine? Run over to this and continue to follow the wall past it until you find a VOXOPHONE ‘The Invisible Color’ (Voxophone 2/2) on the ground near some boxes against a wall. When you are ready to continue, return through the gate and enter the Good Time Club. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 17: The Good Time Club [ACT17] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Good Time Club <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........3 ] Once you are in the club, climb the stairs to the Telescopes............0 ] top. Here you’ll find a KINETOSCOPE ‘Crime Comes Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] to Shanty-Town…’ (Kinetoscope 1/3) and next to it Gear .................1 ] a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine if you ________________________] require it. When ready, continue through the door here. You are now in a large room with a balcony running around to the left. The downstairs area below has a number of tables and a raised stage that occupies the far end of the room and also has a walkway that protrudes into the centre of the room. There are three tears in this area that Elizabeth use can help you out during the next gameplaysequence. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Crate of medical kits behind the bar to the right of the entry| | on the upper level. | | | | 2. RPG on the wall along the left hand side of the upper level. | | | | 3. Volley Gun and ammo on a small raised area on the left hand | | side of the ground level. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| The room plays out in a series of waves. During each waves you must defeat all of the enemies in the room in order to continue. There are three waves in total. During this sequence, you’ll be introduced to a new type of enemy – Fink Applicants. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Fink Applicant \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | As with the policemen or the cultists we faced early on in the game, | | the applicants are yet another type of standard fodder enemies present| | in Bioshock Infinite. They only appear during the Plaza of Zeal areas | | of the game and are usually equipped with pistols, shotguns and melee | | weapons. They are relatively weak, with a few shots from a pistol or | | a melee swing or two killing them. A headshot will result in an | | instant kill against these guys. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Fink Applicant \ \_____________________________/ In first wave waves the enemies will emerge from the curtains on the stage at the back of the room. As such, be sure to plant a trap in front of the curtain before it starts to make things a little quicker. The first wave consists of 6-7 applicants and a fireman. The second wave consists of 6 applicants and a Crow; they will enter the room from the inaccessible balcony on the right side of the room. The final wave consists of a patriot who will spawn at the end of the stage projecting into the lower room, an auto-turret and three mosquitos. Once the room below is clear, drop down and get looting! From the end of the stage that is jutting into the room, look straight ahead to find a short hallway with a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine (no new upgrades yet). To the left of this is a KINETOSCOPE ‘The First Lady’ (Kinetoscope 2/3). Behind you, explore the toilet on the left for a lock pick and loot the other too if you like. Exit the short hallway and turn right to find a Dollar Bill vending machine. To the right of this is a door we can go through. Inside you can grab an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) from the bar and a lock pick from under one of the tables. Loot the rest of the room and return to the stage area. Go through the opening in the curtain and exit the stage via the door here. On the dresser to the left as you enter there is a VOXOPHONE ‘Changing My Tune’ (Voxophone 1/2). Continue through the next door. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Good Time Club Basement <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< At the bottom of the stairs, kill the two soldiers and enter the door to the left for a lock pick. Return and continue through the other open door when you are ready. Have Elizabeth unlock the door in here. Enter the now unlocked door and kill the two soldiers inside. Check out the stack of crates to the right of the circular chamber with the burning coals in it for a VOX CODEBOOK (this is for that Vox Code we saw earlier). Continue through the open door, through the projector room (looting as you please) and out the other door on the far side. You will now be in a corridor that stretches to the left with a number of cells lining either side. Before proceeding in that direction, look on the nearby stool for a VOXOPHONE ‘His Design for Cruelty’ (Voxophone 2/2) there is also a lock pick on the floor below it. Continue down the hallway and kill the Founder soldiers patrolling here. At the far end of the hall are doors to cells 8 and 9. The door to cell 8 can be unlocked at the expense of 5 lock picks and contains a gift with a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1) in it. Exit and have Elizabeth unlock cell 9. Go on in. Loot the table here if you like and then climb all the way down the stairs until you reach the bottom. Check out the table to the right of the open cell for a lock pick and then enter the cell itself. Head over to the lit up light switch at the back of the room. Hit the button. Interact with the body in the chair for a scene. Afterwards interact with the tear. Backtrack through the basement, noting all of the changes as you go and climb back up the stairs to the dressing room. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Good Time Club <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Exit the dressing room onto the stage, go out from the curtain and you’ll see 8 soldiers waiting for you on the ground floor. Eliminate them all before heading up one of the sets of stairs. Work your way over to where we initially entered the stage room the first time around and go through the door. Note that whilst the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine is still here, the KINETOSCOPE has moved from its left hand side to the right hand side. Go and grab it for KINETOSCOPE ‘Gun-smith Set Free’ (Kinetoscope 3/3). Go down the stairs and exit back to the Plaza of Zeal. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 6: Shantytown =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 18: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 2) [ACT18] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plaza of Zeal <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As you exit the club, you’ll notice that the right Telescopes............0 ] hand gate has been locked shut. The gate on the Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] left however is wide open. As you go through here, Gear .................0 ] you will be ambushed by around 5 founder soldiers, ________________________] and a new enemy type – the grenadier. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Grenadier \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | As with the rocketeer, these Founder soldiers are tougher than your | | standard run of the mill soldier type. They are heavily armoured, so | | are more durable to not only weapon damage, but explosive damage too. | | These guys are equipped with grenade launchers and are quite accurate.| | | | Using cover whilst advancing and planting headshots are the fastest | | way to defeating these enemies. Sticking vigor effects on them that | | increase weapon damage (e.g. Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco) is also | | a good way to whittle away their health a little quicker. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Grenadier \ \_____________________________/ Note that there are a pair of tears Elizabeth can open along the street here. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A volley gun about half way up the street. | | | | 2. A crate of medical kits in the wooden dock area in the far | | left corner. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| To deal with the bad guys, you can take cover, or use the freight hooks to jump up to the low roof surrounding the central building and pick off enemies from the vantage point that the elevated position affords you here. After clearing the initial group of enemies, pass the police barricade and continue up the street another 14-15 soldiers will appear from both sides around the central building. So take cover and deal with them as they come. If you follow the road around to the right, there is also an auto-turret on the far side of the main building. Once the area is clear, it’s time to complete the optional mission I mentioned earlier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you wish to unlock the ‘Infused with Greatness’ and 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy you must complete the following optional task. As we have already recovered the code book from the Good Time club, it should take no time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________________ __________/ Optional Mission – Find the Cipher \_________ / \___________________________________________________/ \ | | | Reward/s: INFUSION UPGRADE, VOXOPHONE | | | | Now if you have followed the guide, you should have picked up the CODE | | BOOK in the basement of the Good time Club. If you didn’t pick it up at| | that time, head back inside the club, go down to the basement and in | | the third room check out the stack of crates to the right of the | | circular chamber with the burning coals in it for a VOX CODEBOOK. | | | | Once you have the CODE BOOK, return to the Plaza of Zeal and proceed | | up the street on the left hand side of the large central building. If | | you hug the left hand wall as you, go you should see an opening at the | | end. Through here is a small wooden docking area overlooking the | | clouds. There is a locked door here that Elizabeth can open (requires | | 1 lock pick) – if you have followed the guide so far you will have | | already done this. Inside the door you’ll find another Vox cipher. | | | | With the code book in hand, Elizabeth will tell you what to do. Go | | over and interact with the clock on the right hand side of the | | scrawled note. This will open, revealing a hidden safe. Inside you will| | find an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1), a VOXOPHONE ‘A Truer | | Allegiance’ (Voxophone 1/1), a lock smith bag (3 lock picks) and a | | volley gun. You will also have completed the optional task! | | | | ___________________________________________________ | \__________/ Optional Mission – Find the Cipher \_________/ \___________________________________________________/ Head over to the gun smith’s shop and go inside. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 19: The Gunsmith Shop [ACT19] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chen-Lin’s Shop <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Once inside the shop, find the stairs and climb Telescopes............0 ] to the very top of the area. Talk with the man Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] here. After a few moments, he’ll tell you to “go Gear .................0 ] downstairs”. Head back down the stairs and talk ________________________] with the woman blocking your way. After the conversation, head back downstairs and go through the door. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plaza of Zeal <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Once you are back outside, turn left and go back around the front of the main building. Great, there are another 7 soldiers here waiting for us! Watch out as the enemies will use the auction platform and the stairs to the right to try and get a vantage point on you if you let them. Also note that one or two will try to sneak around the back of the central building to attack you from behind. There is a one more soldier out by the door to the optional task we completed earlier and you can go and kill him if you like. Once the area is clear of hostiles, head down the road towards the Good Time Club. Look for the building with the ‘Shantytown’ sign on the right side of the street. Go into the door here. Inside you will find a Dollar Bill and Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. Use them if you want (no new vigor upgrades here yet) and then use the lever opposite. Head on through the now accessible door. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Path to Shantytown <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From where you are standing, you should be able to see a few Founder Soldiers standing around ahead; there are five of them in total and a rocketeer who is standing on the raised platform straddling the centre of the area. They will not attack right away, so have a look at the three tears that Elizabeth can use here. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A freight hook on the left side of the area. | | | | 2. A piece of cover directly in front of you. | | | | 3. A friendly auto-turret on the boardwalk of the adjacent | | building on the right. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Use the cover first so that you can kill the rocketeer from safety (and any other soldiers who venture too close) and then activate the friendly auto turret to help you mop up the remaining enemy forces. Once it is safe to do so, check out the open door on the adjacent building behind the auto-turret tear for a Minuteman’s Armory if you wish to upgrade some weaponry. Or, keep on going along the bridge. Climb the stairs at the end and go around the large wall here. As soon as you reach the other side, look towards the middle of the room to spot an office. Go inside and loot the desks. There is a hand cannon on one and a lock pick on the floor between two of them. You will also see a vigor locked up behind bars at the back of this room. We can’t get this yet, but remember that it is there for the trip back! Exit the office and climb the nearby steps. Enter the elevator here and press the button to descend to Shantytown. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 20: Shantytown [ACT20] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shantytown <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] After getting off the lift, move forward, past Telescopes............1 ] the vocal preacher and continue onwards until you Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] reach a railing. In the distance, you can see a Gear .................1 ] sign reading ‘The Graveyard Shift’. Turn to the ________________________] left and follow the railing until you come across a couple of hostile citizens. When they attack, kill them and grab the INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) that was sitting on the crate behind them. Now work your way over to the Graveyard Shift bar, note that on the way there is a lock pick in the water coming from the pipe to the left at the bottom of the stairs. Kill some more hostile citizens out front before entering the Graveyard shift bar. As you enter, you’ll find one of each of the three types of vending machines: Veni! Vidi! Vigor!, Minuteman’s Armory and Dollar Bill (there are no new upgrades on sale in any of them). There is also a lock pick on the ground to the right of the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine. Go through the door to the right of the bar and climb down the stairs to the basement. Approach the guitar propped up against the chair here for a cool scene. When you are done, look on the bench nearby for a VOXOPHONE ‘Fanning a Flame’ (Voxophone 1/2). Against the back wall you will find an overturned crate with a lock pick inside and just next to this a barrel with a set of KEYS on top. Grab the KEYS to start an optional mission. Exit the bar and climb the stairs back up to the main level. Turn left and follow the street. At the top of the next set of stairs, have Elizabeth use the tear on the street at the foot of the stairs when she points it out. Go down the short alley to the left and pick up the lock pick behind the flaming barrel. Head down the aforementioned stairs and follow the street to the left. After the singing children, look behind the wall for a lock pick and continue onwards until you reach the end of the slum area. Climb the stairs to the left, heading past the stockade and through the gate beyond. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bull Yard <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter, you should spy a gift box at the base of a broken vending machine on your right. Grab this for a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Edge down the stairs slightly and you will see a good number of soldiers in the courtyard below. Look up to the left. Hop up to the freight hook here and drop down to the upper ledge here. There is a sniper rifle on the crate here if you want one. A little further along the railing is a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1); use this to add it to your collectible count! From the ledge here, survey the area. Directly in front of you across a gap is the police impound where we need to go. Note the pair of large rocket turrets above and flanking either side of the main gate. We need to destroy those. There is a pair of sky-lines linking your current platform with the impound building across the abyss and between them are three buildings that we can play around with. The left hand building has a rooftop area, the central building has a small platform with a few pillars for cover and the right hand building has a lower platform and an upper platform. But first, a little info about the large rocket turrets! ______________________________ / New Enemy:Large Rocket Turret\__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | We'll only encounter the large rocket turrets a few times during the | | game, but they are quite a formiddable force when you do encounter | | them. They appear as large, bronze/copper objects featuring a number | | of barrels that can quickly loose numerous rockets in your direction. | | As they can burn a large amount of ground in mere seconds, it is | | important to either find some good cover or keep moving (sky-lines are| | great for this) when you encounter them. | | | | In addition to wall mounted turrets, these can also be found on the | | underside of some zeppelins and gunships. On these vehicles, | | destroying the large rocket turret will also destroy the vehicle. | | | | They are susceptible to most weapon fire, but the RPG or Volley | | Gun/Hail Fire do the most damage. | | | | Unlike other automatons, this form of turret is not susceptible to | | the Possession vigor. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/New Enemy:Large Rocket Turret\ \_____________________________/ This is a sizaeable combat area and as such, there are a number of tears that we can get Elizabeth to use for us to make things a little easier. They are in the following locations. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. RPG and ammo on the top floor of the right hand building. | | | | 2. Mosquito patrolling back and forward close to the right hand | | building. | | | | 3. Crate of medical kits on the lower floor of the right hand | | building. | | | | 4. Sniper rifle and ammo on ledge of central building. | | | | 5. Friendly rocket auto-turret on the left building rooftop. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Unfortunately, in addition to the two rapid firing rocket launcher turrets on the building, there are also a tonne of soldiers (15-20 of them) running around as well, so we should deal with them first. I’d recommend grabbing the sniper rifle from nearby if you haven’t already! Attack the soldiers in the courtyard below you, there will be 5-6 of them. Once they are clear, hop down and run over to the edge. Take the sky-line leading to the top of the right building. Have Elizabeth phase in the RPG. Once you have it, spawn in the mosquito for some support and use the walls of the upper floor here as cover. From here we can use the RPG to shoot up the rocket turrets on the face of the impound building from relative safety. Having said that, ensure that you keep your eyes (and ears) open for enemies approaching via sky-lines and deal with them if they land to attack you. Once both rocket turrets have been destroyed, have Elizabeth phase in the friendly auto-turret or the mosquito to help you out and shift your attention to the enemy auto-turret on the lower level of the impound building.Afterwards, switch back to the sniper rifle and pick off the enemies on the balconies out in front of the impound and firing at you from other rooftops (alternatively you can choose the more fun option of flying around on the sky-lines and wiping out any soldiers you see). After killing the vast majority, a motorised patriot will appear on the lower platform of the impound building. Finish him off to clear the way into the impound. Before entering, take a sky-line back up to the upper level on the right (where the RPG tear is) and in a small niche in the covered area you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Trapped’ (Voxophone 2/2). Take a sky-line down and jump over to the lower platform of the compound, climb the stairs and have Elizabeth unlock the door. Head on through to end the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 21: The Bull House Impound [ACT21] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bull House Impound <<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............3 ] Kinetoscopes..........1 ] Once you are inside the police impound, move up Telescopes............0 ] and through the open gate in the distance. As soon Infusion Upgrades.....2 ] as you are through, ignore the door to the next Gear .................1 ] area in front and instead enter the open office ________________________] door to the right. On the desks in here are a new weapon – Vox Repeater, a lock pick and some other goodies. There is also a KINETOSCOPE ‘Fitzroy Spotted!’ (Kinetoscope 1/1) here as well. Return to the main room and enter the door opposite the gate. The first thing you will see inside the door is a tear. That’s right, there’s another fight to be had in this room as well! The main floor of this room has open office to the right and in front, a pair of stairs leading down either side of another office directly in front of you. There is set of stairs to the left of the entrance leading to a upper walkway with three additional rooms. There a total of 3 tears in the room here. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A piece of cover in the centre of the lower area. | | | | 2. A Crank Gun from the room to the right of the piece of cover | | tear. | | | | 3. A crate of medical kits on the second floor. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| You are going to want to create the cover right away because as soon as you move into the room slightly, you will be attacked and from behind it you can take pretty much every standard enemy on the ground floor out. There are 5-6 soldiers on the ground level and a further 1-2 taking pot shots at you from the upper walkway. Once you have dealt with the initial threats here, a motorized patriot will show up. As usual kite him around using your vigors to stun or slow his movements. When he has been dealt with, head upstairs and clear out the balcony and side rooms, there will be no more than 1-2 soldiers in each. Now that the area is clear of bad guys go into the door to the left at the top of the stairs. There is a locked door in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks) that contains an UPGRADE INFUSION (Infusion 1/2) and a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Continue along the upper level and enter the next door you come across. Duck into the small office on the back left. Inside you’ll find a lock pick on the floor as you enter and a VOXOPHONE ‘That Goddamn Key’ (Voxophone 1/3) on a desk to the right. On the floor to the left of this is a large blue chest. This is in need of being opened to complete an optional task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you wish to unlock the ‘Infused with Greatness’ achievement/trophy you must complete this optional task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________________ __________/ Optional Mission – Find the Lock that Fits the Key\_________ / \___________________________________________________/ \ | | | Reward: UPGRADE INFUSION | | | | Now if you have followed the guide, you should have picked up the KEYS | | for the chest here in the basement of the Graveyard Shift Bar. If you | | didn’t pick it up at that time, backtrack outside all the way to the | | main Shantytown area and enter the bar, go down to the basement and at | | the back of the room on a barrel, you will find the KEYS. | | | | Once you have the keys return to the chest in the police impound. Use | | the KEYS on the chest to open it and grab your reward – an INFUSION | | UPGRADE! (Infusion 2/2) In doing this you will have also have | | completed the optional task. | | | | ___________________________________________________ | \__________/ Optional Mission – Find the Lock that Fits the Key\_________/ \___________________________________________________/ Loot the rest of the top floor and then head back down the stairs to the lower level. Make your way over to the stairs leading down on the far left side of the room. Near the top of these you will find an open door. Under a desk in here is another VOXOPHONE ‘Terminated’ (Voxophone 2/3). Loot the rest of the ground floor and then go down the stairs at the back. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door here and follow the stairs all the way to the bottom. As you reach the end of the stairs, check out the cell in front for a lock pick on the floor. Loot the rest of the cells here before going to investigate the large, locked up piece of machinery in the centre of the room. There is a tear here. When you are ready to continue, have Elizabeth open it for you. Once the scene finishes, go back up the stairs. At the top you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Kindling’ (Voxophone 3/3) on a desk that was not previously there. Grab this and then continue backtracking until you leave the compound. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 22: The Bull Yard [ACT22] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bull Yard <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As you exit, there will be a soldier in front of Telescopes............0 ] you who will be promptly shot. You will now notice Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] that you have allies - the guys with the red faces Gear .................0 ] are your friends, so try not to kill them. Either ________________________] assist them in taking out the soldiers or, let them handle the situation and ride the sky-line over to the previous area. Once you land, there are 6-7 soldiers up at the top of the stairs in front and on the raised platform to the left. Use the cover here to fight your way through them and climb the stairs. Run past the stockade and continue through the slum tunnel area, killing any soldiers that stand in your way. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shantytown <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< When you get back to the main Shantytown area, go down and look in front of the Graveyard Shift Bar, you will see that there is a dead Handyman here. Under the body you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘That Eternal Shore’ (Voxophone 1/2). Now go on into the Graveyard Shift Bar. On the left hand side of the bar inside is a new VOXOPHONE ‘Drawing Dead’(Voxophone 2/2). Exit the bar and head on over to the elevator that will take us back to the previous area. Ride it up to the bridge back to the Plaza of Zeal. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 7: The Factory =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 23: Finkton Proper [ACT23] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Path to Shantytown <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As you get off the lift, go and investigate the Telescopes............0 ] office area straight in front of you. The bars at Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] the back are now open, allowing you to loot the Gear .................0 ] room. Be sure to grab the vigor here. This will ________________________] give you a new vigor ability – Charge. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Charge \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Charge vigor is a melee based vigor that will allow you to extend | | the reach and drastically increase the power of your standard melee | | attack. Hitting the vigor button will do just that. Holding down the | | vigor button will further increase the power of the melee attack that | | occurs when you let go of the button. | | | | When you acquire them, Charge can be used in conjunction with the | | Bucking Bronco and Devil's Kiss vigors to perform powerful combination| | attacks. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Charge \ \_____________________________/ Head behind the office and we’ll be back in familiar territory. From where you are standing, you should be able to see a few Founder Soldiers standing around ahead; there are five of them in total including a sniper who is standing on the raised platform straddling the centre of the area. Additionally there is a rocketeer on a barge hovering above the right of the platform. They will not attack right away, so have a look at the three tears that Elizabeth can use here. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A freight hook on the right side of the area. | | | | 2. A piece of cover on the far side of the area. | | | | 3. A friendly auto-turret on the boardwalk of the adjacent | | building on the left. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Activate the friendly auto-turret and whilst the soldiers are distracted, take out the sniper and any other infantry at ground level before focusing on the rocketeer. To make things easier, you can have Elizabeth phase in the freight hook and from here you can jump to the barge and try out your new charge vigor on him! When the area is clear, enter the door at the end. Inside, you can use the Dollar Bill and Veni! Vidi! Vigor vending machines if you require them. Throw the lever opposite to access the previous area. When you are able, go through the door back to the Plaza of Zeal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Plaza of Zeal <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Upon going through the door you will see a number of Founder soldiers ahead and to the left. Fortunately you have several allies who will help you eliminate them. Follow the street uphill to the left and take out any soldiers as you go. Watch out for the new auto-turret and mosquito occupying the area near where we saw the auction earlier. Destroy them all. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 24: On to the Factory [ACT24] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On to the Factory <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Once you have cleared the Plaza of baddies, enter Telescopes............0 ] the gun shop. On a shelf to the left you will find Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] another VOXOPHONE ‘All Debts Paid’ (Voxophone Gear .................0 ] 1/1). Investigate the bodies on the floor. Exit ________________________] this room and head for the door directly across the road leading to the Factory with your allies arrayed in front. It will open as you approach. Follow them across the next room and through the next door. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 25: The Factory Courtyard [ACT25] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Factory Courtyard <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] You will find yourself on a long bridge-type Telescopes............1 ] platform with the factory of interest in the Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] distance. Our goal is to make it across to the Gear .................0 ] other side. It’s not as easy as it sounds though ________________________] as there are numerous enemies guarding the way. As you enter the area, there are a set of three auto-turrets just ahead that you will need to attend to before proceeding. Up the stairs behind these are another 4-5 Founder soldiers. Once they are dead, climb the stairs behind the destroyed turrets. At the top you will see that further in the distance is a motorized patriot, a couple of additional soldiers and another pair of turrets. Behind them is the gate we want to get to. You can’t see it from here but at the base of the right hand side of the gate is an oil slick we can use Devil’s Kiss on to help with the standard soldier types if they get too close to it. Additionally, at this point there are three tears we can get Elizabeth to manipulate for us. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A crate of medical kits on the left side of the bridge. | | | | 2. A friendly rocket auto-turret in the centre of the bridge. | | | | 3. A piece of cover in the centre of the bridge below the | | friendly auto-turret. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Use the tears as you see fit, although I’d use the rocket turret personally to assist in drawing fire and then the piece of cover below when the turret is destroyed. Take out the turrets and the patriot and work your way over to the locked gate they were guarding. Finish off any remaining Founder soldiers on the platform here. As your buddies work to open the gate, a new challenger appears! You are now going to have to take out that security zeppelin to continue. Run over and jump on the sky-line beneath it and ride it all the way around until you are able to land on a section of the zeppelin itself. Drop down and kill the soldier here. Use the nearby short section of wall to take out the auto-turret and the enemy soldiers below before dropping down to the main platform. Follow the wooden platform to the end and enter the main cabin. There is a motorized patriot and four soldiers in here to deal with. Three soldiers and the patriot stay at ground level, whilst a fourth soldier will hang out on a raised platform at the back and shoot at you from here. There is an RPG propped up against the control panels at the front of the ship if you want to use that. Try to eliminate the soldiers first before dealing with the patriot as you deem appropriate. When the room is clear, approach the circular chamber at the back of the room and interact with it to destroy the engine. Now run back outside and hop onto a sky-line, be sure to watch the fireworks as you zoom away! When you are ready, hop down to the bridge and go through the now opened gate. Climb the stairs to the top. Just at the top of the stairs, be sure to use the TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) in order to add it to your collectible count and then enter the nearby door. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 26: The Factory [ACT26] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Factory <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] We are now in the factory. Continue up the stairs Telescopes............1 ] and through either of the doors at the top. There Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] is a rocket auto-turret at the back of the room Gear .................3 ] and 3-4 Founder soldiers to boot. clear them out ________________________] and proceed across the floor and through the doors at the far end. As you enter, look for a tipped over cart near some bodies. Beside this is a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/3). Head over to the still functioning elevator. On the ground beside it is a lock pick set. Grab that and enter the lift, hit the button to ride it up to the next area. You’ll need to interact with the phone to continue around half way up. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Office of Jeremiah Fink <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< After getting off the lift you will notice that your allies are your allies no longer. As such we have a new enemy to talk about – Vox Soldiers. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Vox Soldiers \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Vox soldiers are almost identical to the Founder soldiers except | | they are equipped with Vox weapon variants instead. As such they are a| | more advanced version of the standard fodder enemies such as the | | policemen and Fink applicants that we encountered earlier and a little| | harder to kill. They are more heavily armoured, making them a little | | more resistant to weapon damage and are also equipped with more | | advanced weapons including repeaters and burst guns. | | | | As with the regular Founder soldiers, the Vox soldiers will take cover| | and try to kill you from safety and will run between cover to get a | | better angle on your position. As with the previous enemy types, aim | | for the head and stay in cover to deal with these guys in a | | time-effective manner. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Vox Soldiers \ \_____________________________/ After killing the Vox soldiers, enter the side room to the left. As you enter, you’ll find one of each of the three types of vending machines: Veni! Vidi! Vigor!, Minuteman’s Armory and Dollar Bill. There is a gift hidden on the ground behind the Dollar Bill vending machine containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/3). There are also new upgrades available in both the Minuteman’s Armory and Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machines. The Minuteman’s Armory vending machine has the following new upgrades available for purchase: [Minuteman's Armory Machine] ________________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \________________|______________________|________/ ________________________________________________ | Hand Cannon | Reload Increase | $656 | | Hand Cannon | Damage Boost 1 | $448 | |________________|______________________|________| | Carbine | Recoil Decrease | $333 | |________________|______________________|________| | Burst Gun | Damage Boost 1 | $423 | |________________|______________________|________| | Pistol | Damage Boost 2 | $199 | |________________|______________________|________| | Machine Gun | Damage Boost 2 | $236 | |________________|______________________|________| | Sniper Rifle | Damage Boost 2 | $349 | | | | | |________________|______________________|________| The Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine has the following new upgrades available for purchase: [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] ________________________________________________ / Vigor/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \________________|______________________|________/ ________________________________________________ | Shock Jockey | Shock Chain Aid | $1265 | |________________|______________________|________| | Murder of Crows| Crows Boost | $545 | |________________|______________________|________| | Charge | Charge Aid | $1614 | |________________|______________________|________| | Bucking Bronco | Bronco Boost | $421 | | | | | |________________|______________________|________| When you are ready to keep on going, return to the main room and turn left. When you reach the door to the next area, look on the chalkboard to the right to find a VOXOPHONE ‘A Child Needs a Protector’ (Voxophone 1/2). Look at the body in front of the door. From this you should be able to find a new vigor – undertow. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Undertow \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Undertow vigor is one of my personal favourites. Hitting the vigor| | button will create a burst of water directly in front of you pushing | | any enemies within range to the floor (think Jedi force push!). This | | is incredibly effective when standing close to the edge of a railing | | or when taking on enemies aboard barges as the push can send them | | toppling over the edge to their deaths. | | | | The secondary fire is performed by holding the vigor button down | | whilst targeting enemies. It creates a watery tendril that will grab | | them, draw them to you and hold them in front of you. Releasing the | | button will have them fall to the floor, but whilst they are suspended| | they will take additional damage from your weapons. | | | | Undertow's primary (button press) ability can be used on turrets to | | temporarily short circuit them. it can also stun handymen. | | | | Undertow can be used in conjunction with Shock Jockey for a powerful | | (and quite lethal) combination attack. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor: Undertow \ \_____________________________/ Now that we have all we need, loot the rest of the room and then have Elizabeth pick the lock on the nearby door. Continue through to the next area. Run up the stairs in front to watch a scene through the window. Afterwards all hell will break loose. This area can be quite difficult. The clock tower is situated in the centre of the zone and there is an upper and lower walkway surrounding it. There are larger circular platforms on either side of the clock tower both at the entry and directly opposite and a sky-line circling the area. There is also a raised platform at the top of the sky-line opposite the entry. There is a pair of tears we can get Elizabeth to utilise in the area. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A Sniper rifle and ammo on the raised platform on the far | | side of the room. | | | | 2. A Tesla coil trap on the large circular platform at the far | | side the room. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| As the scene ends, a barge will appear from the left laden with 4-5 Vox soldiers and a Vox Rocketeer. Use the sky-line to ride around whilst shooting them or head to the raised platform at the back for a sniper rifle to pick them off (alternatively you can leap onto their barge when it gets into range and use Undertow to push them all over the edge at once!). Afterwards things will get a little more hectic. I counted 24 Vox soldiers, a fireman and a handyman that need to be killed before you can continue. Initially the game will throw a few Vox soldiers at you in groups of 3-4 at a time and once you have killed around 10-12 of them, the handyman will show up. The fireman will show up once you kill around 18-20 of them. Obviously, once the heavy hitters show up, it becomes a lot more difficult! My tactic was to have Elizabeth activate the tesla coil tear and then use the sky-line to travel between the two larger platforms on either side of the clock tower, drop down, kill a few enemies and wait for the handyman to approach and then sky-line back to the opposite circular platform, drop down, kill a few enemies and repeat. Doing this means you will not spend a long enough period of time on the sky-line to warrant the handyman using his electrical powers to zap you and you should be able to focus on killing the soldiers and the fireman in turn before focusing your attention to the main threat – the handyman. When it comes down to a one on one with the handyman, at this point you can once again activate the tesla coil and kite him around the far platform so that the tesla coil can help you out whilst you fight it. Other than that its stun and heart shots all the way! Once the handyman is dead, look out for the gift he drops. It contains a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 3/3). Go to the far platform and find the TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1) on the railing. Use this so that is counted towards your collectibles. Return to the clock tower and head up to the other window for another short scene. Interact with the piece of the wall to the left of the window. Head back to the window and interact with it for yet another scene. Once the door opens, approach Elizabeth and interact with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Working Class Hero’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afterwards, before following Elizabeth through the door straight ahead, check out the door to the left to find an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) on a table and inside the door to the right you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Apology’ (Voxophone 2/2). Return to the central room and enter the door Elizabeth walked through previously. Make your way down the hallway and enter the airship docked at the end. Upon entering, loot the area and then interact with the door on the right. Afterwards, head over to the controls at the front of the ship and use the action button to set a course. During the scene, interact with the controls once more as necessary to end the chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 8: Emporia =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 27: Emporia [ACT27] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosperity Plaza <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] When you regain control, help Elizabeth open the Telescopes............1 ] door and then follow her over to talk with the Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] people blocking your path. During the scene, grab Gear .................1 ] the note that the man gives you. After the ________________________] conversation is over, interact with the piano to move it out of the way. Go through the short tunnel. Turn right and climb the stairs here and cross the bridge further along to your left. Ahead you will see another short bridge leading to large building with a ‘Port Prosperity Station’ sign on the roof. That’s where we are headed. To the right is another short tunnel acting as an alternate route to the courtyard below the station. There is a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine in here. The Minuteman’s Armory vending machine has the following new upgrades available for purchase: [Minuteman's Armory Machine] ______________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Carbine | Damage Boost 2 | $357 | |______________|______________________|________| | Hand Cannon | Damage Boost 2 | $448 | |______________|______________________|________| | Heater | Reload increase | $752 | |______________|______________________|________| | Repeater | Recoil Decrease | $711 | |______________|______________________|________| | RPG | Damage Boost 2 | $385 | |______________|______________________|________| | Shotgun | Damage Boost 2 | $255 | | | | | |______________|______________________|________| When you are ready to continue, have a look over at the courtyard below the station you will see a number of Vox soldiers and a couple of tears that can be opened. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A piece of cover at the far end of the next bridge. | | | | 2. A mosquito patrolling in the air around the area. | | | | 3. A water puddle near the door to the station. | | | | 4. Crate of medical kits at the end of the tunnel past the | | Minuteman’s Armory machine. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| There are 6-7 Vox soldiers here now and additional barges will show up and drop off another 10-12 soldiers and some rocketeers once you start your attack. Your best bet is to keep your distance and use the mosquito to help eliminate a few enemies. If you need to approach, cross the bridge and have Elizabeth phase in the cover here. If you feel like it, you can have Elizabeth phase in the puddle of water and toss a Shock jockey trap onto it to kill any enemies that touch it (although you are likely to get mown down in the process). Once the area is clear of baddies, head for the door to the station. Look under the cart to the right of the door for a lock pick. When you are ready to continue, make your way over to the door to have Elizabeth unlock it. Continue inside. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port Prosperity <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As soon as you enter Port Prosperity station, Look behind you and up above the entrance to find a tear to bring in a frieght hook. Have Elizabeth phase this in and hop up to it. From here look for a nearby platform with a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Drop back to the ground floor and turn to the right to spy a locked gate.Have Elizabeth pick the lock here (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find a new weapon – the Heater and at the far end of a hallway in a metal tub you will also be able to grab an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1). In the main lobby, against the far wall from the entry you will find a Dollar Bill and a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. The Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine has another new upgrade for sale: [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] ______________________________________________ / Vigor/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \______________|______________________|________/ ______________________________________________ | Undertow | Undertow Aid | $306 | |______________|______________________|________| Now with all the looting done, head up the set of stairs on the right side of the room and through the open gate. Follow the hallway to the left. Kill the 3 Vox soldiers around the first corner and continue until you are back outside. Below is a gondola platform and in the distance you will see the gondola headed your way. Observant players will have noticed that there are a couple of tears here, which can mean only one thing – another fight is coming up! ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Friendly motorized patriot on the right as you enter the area.| | | | 2. Friendly auto-turret at the left end of the gondola platform. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Activate either of the tears which will help you out once the gondola arrives. You should also consider planting a trap or two on either side of the docking area to speed up the fight. As the gondola arrives, 3-4 Vox soldiers and a motorized patriot will emerge. Eliminate the enemies. Before proceeding, look on the right hand side of the gondola station for a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1). Use this to add it to your collectible count. Jump on the gondola and grab the lock pick from the floor near the doorway. Have Elizabeth pick the lock on the door opposite. Enter and pull the lever inside too cruise over to the next area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 28: Port Prosperity [ACT28] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port Prosperity <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............5 ] Kinetoscopes..........1 ] When the gondola reaches the far end, exit the Telescopes............0 ] vehicle and loot the area before proceeding up Infusion Upgrades.....2 ] the stairs. At the top, enter the door to the left Gear .................2 ] and kill the pair of Vox soldiers inside. Note ________________________] that there is an oil slick on the floor below them so you can make the fight a lot faster by tossing a Devil’s kiss vigor at them. Enter the door on the left hand side of the room. There is a safe you can have Elizabeth open here (requires 5 lock picks) for some cash. At the far end of this room, there is another door you can open with a new weapon – Hail Fire in it. Return to the main room and kill the two new enemies that have appeared here. Now we can use the Veni! Vidi! Vigor! and Minuteman’s Armory vending machines if you require them (although they do not feature any new additional upgrades as yet). Continue down the hallway to the right of the vending machines. Around three quarters of the way up the hallway, look out for a chest on the left with a corpse on it. There is a VOXOPHONE ‘Coming for Comstock’ (Voxophone 1/5) on the floor below the chest and a lock pick on the chest next to the body. Follow the hallway until it exits into a larger room. Ignore the stairs for the moment and enter the ticketing office on the left. There is a safe in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Exit and go to the door to ‘The Salty Oyster’ on the opposite side of the room. Elizabeth can also unlock this one (requires 3 lock picks). Enter the Salty Oyster. There is a group of three Founder soldiers in here who will attack as you move inside. Once they are dead, check out the right side of the room. In the corner closest to the window on the floor next to a chest is a lock pick. Turn around and beneath one of the tables here is a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/2). Continue past the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine and between the two bathrooms you will find a KINETOSCOPE ‘Lutece’s Brother Arrives in Columbia!’ (Kinetoscope 1/1). There is an RPG in the furthest toilet if you want one. Loot the rest of the bar and head back outside. Climb the stairs here and use Elizabeth to bring in the tear at the top for a friendly auto-turret. Proceed into the room ahead and kill the 4 Vox soldiers and the fireman inside. There is another Minuteman’s Armory vending machine at the back right of the room. Climb the stairs at the back of the room to enter a large open room. As you reach the top of the stairs you’ll see a group of Vox soldiers and a motorized patriot. If you have some salts, possess the patriot and help it murder its friends. After this initial fight a whole bunch of additional enemies are going to enter the room. If we take a quick look around you will see that there is a large open area in front with raised walkways on the left and right hand side of the area with stairs leading up from both the back and each side. There are a number of tears we can utilise here to help us out. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Tesla coil trap on the right side of the large ground floor | | area. | | | | 2. Tesla coil trap on the left side of the large ground floor | | area. | | | | 3. Box of medical packs between the sets of stairs we used to | | enter the room. | | Pride Confections’ building. | | | | 4. Crank gun at the top of the stairs to the left. | | | | 5. Volley gun and ammo on a small balcony on the right. | | | | 6. Piece of cover at the top of the right hand stairs at the far | | end of the room. | | | | 7. Piece of cover at the top of the left hand stairs at the far | | end of the room. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Another 20-22 Vox soldiers and 2 firemen will spawn in the area and come to attack you. They will come from both the left and the right and from both sets of stairs at the back end of the room. As such, you should stay near where you entered the room and have Elizabeth switch between phasing in the pair of tesla coil traps to hit enemies when they get close whilst using your vigors and weapons to pick off the other enemies. When no more enemies come your way, cautiously work your way up to the far side of the room, eliminating any further resistance as you go. Once the room is clear, look back to where you entered the area. There is a ticket office to both the left and the right of the stairs. The office on the right contains a safe Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks) for some coins and a small store room near it that contains a VOXOPHONE ‘Whispers Through the wall’ (Voxophone 2/5). The left hand office doesn’t have much of interest although inside the small store room within you will find a lock pick. Loot the rest of the large room (there are plenty of bodies about!). When you are ready, climb the stairs at the back of the room and have Elizabeth unlock the gate here. Immediately inside you will see a pair of tears. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A piece of cover in the centre of the floor in front of you. | | | | 2. A freight hook on the back wall of the room near the roof. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Spawn the cover and hide behind it as you kill the sniper on the raised walkway above and his Vox soldier buddy that will jump down to the ground level to attack you. Afterwards you can use the freight hook at the back of the room to jump up to the walkway to find a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine if you require it. Note that the turnstile at the end of this room takes us to the next area, but before we do that there is some looting and an optional task to do! Beneath the raised walkway, there is an open door to the left. At the back of this area is a locked door with a sign for ‘Founders Bookstore’, there is also a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! and a Dollar bill vending machine nearby. Have Elizabeth unlock the door to the Founder’s Bookstore (requires 1 lock pick). As you enter look to the right. On a counter beside a teddy bear you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘A Window’ (Voxophone 3/5). Turn around and look on the central counter for a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/2). Now go down the stairs at the back of the store. After entering the basement, you will hear some enemies saying “check the basement”. Four Vox soldiers will come down the stairs behind you. So finish them off before exploring the area. In the centre of the room you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Sally’ (Voxophone 4/5). This VOXOPHONE will also give you an optional objective – Investigate the Bar. Exit the book store and return to the previous room. There are four new Vox soldiers hanging out in here. Kill them all. Now let’s do the optional task. This one will net us our eighth and final vigor a little bit early and give us another INFUSION UPGRADE to boost those base stats. If you are not interested in doing it, skip down below the optional walkthrough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you wish to unlock the ‘Infused with Greatness’ and 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy you must complete this optional task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________________ __________/ Optional Mission – Investigate the Bar \_________ / \___________________________________________________/ \ | | | Reward/s: INFUSION UPGRADE, VOXOPHONE, New Vigor - Return to Sender | | | | Remember the Salty Oyster bar that we explored earlier? We need to work| | our way back there. As we go through the large open area where we had | | the massive gunfight earlier there will be a pair of Vox grenadiers in | | the area. Feel free to use the pair of tesla coil traps once again to | | help you out. Once they are clear, continue down the stairs. | | | | Go through the next room, down the hallway and hop over the ledge to | | the room below. Head into the Salty Oyster and go over to the bar on | | the left. Look beneath the cash register for a previously non-existent | | button here. Hit this to open the nearby door. | | | | On a table inside you will find a new vigor – Return to Sender, a lock | | pick kit, an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 2/2) and in a metal tub on the | | left of the room a VOXOPHONE ‘One and the Same’ (Voxophone 5/5). | | | | ______________________________ | | / New Vigor: Return to Sender \___________________________________ | | \______________________________/ \ | | | | | | | The Return to Sender vigor is a more defensive vigor than any | | | | other. | | | | | | | | Hitting the vigor button will create a piece of cover for you | | | | in the form of a magnetic shield that DeWitt will hold out in | | | | front of himself for a few seconds. This will draw bullets | | | | nearby to it, preventing you from taking damage. | | | | | | | | Holding the vigor button down creates a shield that Booker | | | | will carry around in front of him for as long as the button | | | | is held. This will drain your salts, but will absorb bullets | | | | in front, and prevent them from hitting you. If you are | | | | holding it out, when the shield turns red, let go of the | | | | button and Booker will throw the red shield and all of its | | | | absorbed damage at an enemy that you target. | | | | | | | | The Return to Sender vigor can be upgraded to absorb bullets | | | | that are fired at you. These will be added to your ammo count.| | | | | | | | note that this vigor cannot be used in conjunction with any | | | | other vigors for a combination attack. | | | | | | | | ___________________________|_ | | \____________________________________/ New Vigor: Undertow \ | | \_____________________________/ | | | | Exit the bar and a group of 4 Vox soldiers will be waiting for you. Get| | Elizabeth to phase in the friendly auto-turret on the upper platform to| | help you out before focusing on killing the rest of the enemies. When | | they are dead, backtrack through the area until you reach the turnstile| | I mentioned earlier that will exit the area. | | | | ___________________________________________________ | \__________/ Optional Mission – Investigate the Bar \_________/ \___________________________________________________/ When you are ready to progress, continue through the turnstile. After going through, turn right and at the end of the room hit the button to call the elevator. After the conversation, run over to the counter furthest from the elevator and inspect the book on the counter for a scene. Once the scene is done, run over and talk to Elizabeth at the elevator call button. Enter the lift and hit the button to travel to the next area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 9: Downtown Emporia =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 29: Downtown Emporia [ACT29] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thoroughfare <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............4 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] When the elevator stops, you will find yourself Telescopes............0 ] in the thick of the action. In front of you is the Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] Financial District of Emporia and the Vox are Gear .................3 ] attacking in force. Below you is a small platform ________________________] and across the gap is a large platform with a red roof and around this in front and to the right is a street. There is a pair of sky-lines circling the entire area from the lower platform, over the central rooftop and back again. On the far side of the area is a balcony overlooking the rest of the zone. There are also a number of tears that we can use. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A barrel of salts on the lower platform below the elevator. | | | | 2. There is a Mosquito patrolling around the central area. | | | | 3. An Oil spill on the central platform beneath the winged | | statue. | | | | 4. Crank gun on the wooden walkway at the bottom of the central | | platform. | | | | 5. Crate of medical kits on the street to the right of the | | central platform. | | | | 6. Water puddle on the street right of the central platform. | | | | 7. Decoy on the street to the left of the central platform. | | | | 8. Crate of medical kits on the street right of the central | | platform. | | | | 9. RPG and ammo on the balcony on the far side of the area. | | | |10. Volley Gun and ammo on the balcony on the far side of the | | area. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| There are a large number of Vox soldiers and a couple of rocketeers running around and as you kill them additional barges will show up to drop off fresh reinforcements. After a short while a handyman will also show up to attack as well. Use the sky-lines to keep moving between the different sides of the area in order to avoid the handyman and attempt to kill the other Vox enemies as you go. Once the others are dealt with, get rid of the handyman. After he falls, he’ll drop a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/3). After the fight is over, use the sky-line to access the balcony on the far side of the area from the elevator. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door here (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you’ll find a VOXOPHONE ‘A City Suspended’ (Voxophone 1/4). Drop down to ground level and below the balcony you can find one of each of the vending machines. The Minuteman’s Armory vending machine has the following new upgrades available for purchase: [Minuteman's Armory Machine] _________________________________________________ / Weapon/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \_________________|______________________|________/ _________________________________________________ | Burstgun | Recoil Decrease | $822 | | Burstgun | Damage Boost 1 | $423 | | Burstgun | Ammo Increase | $672 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Hail Fire | Clip Increase | $399 | | Hail Fire | Radius Increase | $415 | | Hail Fire | Damage Boost 2 | $688 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Hand Cannon | Recoil Decrease | $350 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Heater | Damage Boost 2 | $554 | | Heater | Spread Boost | $467 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Repeater | Damage Boost 2 | $416 | | Repeater | Clip increase | $449 | |_________________|______________________|________| | RPG | Speed Boost | $333 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Shotgun | Spread Boost | $360 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Volley Gun | Radius Increase | $536 | | Volley Gun | Damage Boost 1 | $522 | | Volley Gun | Clip Increase | $740 | | | | | |_________________|______________________|________| The Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine has the following new upgrades available for purchase: [Veni! Vidi! Vigor! Machine] _________________________________________________ / Vigor/s: | Upgrade/s: | Cost: \ \_________________|______________________|________/ _________________________________________________ | Shock Jockey | Shock Duration Aid | $575 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Charge | Charge Boost | $555 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Return to Sender| Send for Less | $898 | | Return to Sender| Sender Aid | $1287 | |_________________|______________________|________| | Undertow | Undertow Boost | $1143 | | | | | |_________________|______________________|________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point and until the end of the game, all of the Vigor and Weapon upgrades are now available for purchase at the Veni! Vidi! Vigor and Minuteman's Armory vending machines. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you are ready to go, run on over to the gate marked ‘Harmony Lane’. Have Elizabeth unlock it and head inside. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Beggar’s Alley <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you go through the alley, you can pick up the Return to Sender vigor from a crate on the right if you did not do the previous optional task. For those people here’s a bit of information on your new found ability. ______________________________ / New Vigor: Return to Sender \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Return to Sender vigor is a more defensive vigor than any other. | | | | Hitting the vigor button will create a piece of cover for you in the | | form of a magnetic shield that will draw bullets nearby to it. Holding| | the vigor button down creates a shield that Booker will carry around | | in front of him. This will drain your salts, but you will absorb the | | bullets. If you are holding it out in front, when the shield turns | | red, if you let go of the button Booker will throw the red shield and | | all of its absorbed damage at an enemy that you target. | | | | The Return to Sender vigor can be upgraded to absorb bullets that are | | fired at you. These will be added to your ammo count. | | | | note that this vigor cannot be used in conjunction with any other | | vigors for a combination attack. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Vigor:Return to Sender \ \_____________________________/ Behind the crate with the Return to Sender vigor is a stack of crates with some ammo and a lock pick on it. Continue through the open door to the left. In this room there is a Dollar Bill, Veni! Vidi! Vigor! and a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine if you require them. To continue, keep going up the stairs until you are back outside. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harmony Lane <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you exit, you will see a number of tears in the next area. You will also come under attack from snipers almost immediately. Run up and stand behind the sign in front reading ‘Emporia towers’. From here we can activate a couple of tears. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Sniper rifle and ammo just to the right of the sign. | | | | 2. Freight hook above and to the right of the sign. | | | | 3. Decoy at ground level on the walkway to the left of the sign. | | | | 4. Piece of cover on the balcony directly in front of you. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| There are a total of 4 snipers in the area. One on the balcony directly in front of you, another on the roof above this balcony, the third sniper is on the balcony to the left of the one in front of you and a final sniper is on another balcony on the left side of the street a little further in the distance. Have Elizabeth phase in the sniper rifle if you don't have one and grab it. Next have her activate the decoy tear. Now take out the four snipers from the cover of the sign whilst they are distracted. Once they are all dead, before heading across the nearby bridge, look along the wall of the building we just exited to find a door Elizabeth can unlock. Inside you will find a lock pick kit and few other lootables. Another two Vox soldiers will enter the building whilst you are in there though so be sure to be ready to defend yourself. Exit and take the path down below the bridge with the decoy for some salts and another lock pick. Return up the stairs and cross the bridge. As soon as you are over, enter the open door on the right. Find the stairs leading downstairs. At the bottom, kill the Vox soldiers ahead of you. When they are dead, go and look where they were sitting. Behind the table on the right you will see a carton on a shelf with a VOXOPHONE ‘Beyond Redemption’ (Voxophone 2/4) in it. Loot the rest of the place and head back out to the street. Across the street you will see another door, this one has a lock on it that Elizabeth can open for you (requires 3 lock picks). Kill the aggressive citizen inside and head upstairs to find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/3). Exit to the street and continue along it until you reach a set of stairs. Head on up the stairs until you reach another street at the top. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Downtown Emporia <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< At the top look to the right and you’ll make out a few Vox soldiers and a fireman running in the opposite direction. There are a few of them and they are heading over to attack a motorized patriot and a group of Founder soldiers at the end of the street. Let them fight it out a little and try to see the patriot destroyed before attacking (unless you want to kill it of course!). Whilst you wait, you will notice a few tears about in this zone too. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Friendly auto-turret on the raised walkway straddling the | | street. | | | | 2. Freight hook on the left hand wall of the area. | | | | 3. Freight hook on the right hand wall of the area. | | | | 4. Piece of cover in the centre of the street towards the far end| | of the area. | | | | 5. Piece of cover on the raised walkway on the left of the street| | near the far end of the area. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Once you are ready to begin, spawn the friendly auto turret to draw enemies and kill them from cover. When the bad guys stop coming, head over to the raised platform on the left and have Elizabeth spawn the cover there. Work your way up to that and eliminate any remaining enemies from here. When it’s all clear, you can go beneath the bridge with the auto-turret to find one of each vending machine if you feel like upgrading or buying some salts/health/ammo. About halfway between the end of the left side of the bridge and the tear for cover on the left hand platform you can find a locked door that Elizabeth is able to unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 3/3) in a present on the left counter and a VOXOPHONE ‘The True Color of my Skin’ (Voxophone 3/4) on the right. Exit the building and follow the street to the end. Head up the stairs behind the open gate on the left and exit through the door at the top. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Z.H. Comstock Victory Square <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As soon as you enter, look to your right to spot a small alleyway with one of each vending machine if you feel like upgrading or buying some salts/health/ammo. Make your way over to the large building at the top of the stairs on the left. Check out the base of the statue of the woman directly in front of it to find a VOXOPHONE ‘Pen Pal’ (Voxophone 4/4). Approach the gate to the main building and interact with it for a scene. Afterwards, turn around and head down the stairs to the left and through the gate signed ‘Memorial Gardens’. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 30: Memorial Gardens [ACT30] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memorial Gardens <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............8 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As soon as you are past the gate, look to the Telescopes............1 ] left for a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1). Use this to Infusion Upgrades.....3 ] make sure it counts towards your collectible Gear .................4 ] totals. ________________________] Follow the street and you will see an open door to the left. Inside you can find a lock pick, more lootable stuff and a safe Elizabeth can open for a tidy sum of cash (requires 3 lock picks). Return to the street and enter the gate further along to the right for the ‘Memorial Gardens’. Follow the path to the right and climb the stairs here. Go through the first crypt and you will reach the graveyard proper. Elizabeth will point out the ‘Our Lady’ tomb. As we head over to it, you will see a few tears around and that means fighting is bound to occur. So keep that in mind! When you reach the tomb of interest, turn around to face the courtyard. We will be fighting as soon as we get back out out of here, so we should familiarise ourselves with their locations now. Here is where you will find the tears. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Shotgun and ammo on the raised walkway opposite the entrance | | to the ‘Our Lady’ tomb. | | | | 2. Crate of medical kits in a small tunnel beneath the walkway | | jutting out into the graveyard opposite the entrance to the | | tomb. | | | | 3. Crank gun on the wall next to the raised walkway to the left. | | | | 4. Crate of medical kits in an open tomb to the right. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| When you are ready to progress, enter the lady’s tomb and have Elizabeth interact with the lock on the door. Open the door when prompted to do so. After an exchange of words, walk around to the back of the coffin and interact with the lock for a scene. To continue, you need to open the gate back out to the graveyard. Here you will encounter a new enemy – the Siren. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Siren \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The siren is one of the tougher enemies you will encounter in the | | game. They appear as ghosts in appearance and have a number of | | abilities that make encounters with them difficult. Firstly, they have| | a shockwave attack they will unleash if you get too close to that will| | force you back and is quite damaging. | | | | Secondly, and most annoyingly, sirens have the ability to resurrect | | dead people...dead people with guns. She won’t just stop at one or two| | zombies either; she will continue to spawn them until she has a | | veritable army defending her. Additionally the siren has the ability | | to perform short range teleportation similar to the crows so she can | | escape your attacks and spawn enemies elsewhere. | | | | When facing the siren, you need to weigh up whether to attack the | | ghost directly or to kill the enemies she has spawned. When she dies, | | all of the spawned enemies will die as well, however she usually stays| | at the back of the battlefield or stays very mobile moving from place | | to place, making shooting her difficult without being shot to pieces | | by her thralls. | | | | For those favoring a direct assault, the Return to Sender vigor is | | quite useful in protecting you from damage whilst you attack her | | directly whilst also giving you an offensive tool in the throwable | | shield. | | | | A good tactic is to throw Devil’s Kiss or Shock Jockey traps at her | | whilst she is stationary and reviving enemies as when the enemies hit | | the floor, they will also activate the trap damaging her and killing | | or wounding almost all of them in the process. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Siren \ \_____________________________/ After destroying the siren, a pair of familiar faces will show up at some open graves to the right of the lady’s tomb. Go and chat with them. Once they disappear, go up to the tomb at the top of the hill behind them. See the pair of torches on either side of the gate? Hit each of them with a Devil’s Kiss and they will light up. After which the gate will open. Inside against the back wall you will find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/4). Now go over to the crank gun tear and look near the flames to the left for a lock pick kit. Backtrack to the entrance to the area for another short conversation sequence. This will update our objectives. When the scene is done, exit the Memorial Gardens. You will notice some ghostly footprints. These will lead you where you need to go. When we are back on the street, turn right and follow the crumbling ledge here. Once you reach the far side of the narrow ledge and are back on the street, turn around to see an open door to a building floating behind us. Jump over to this. Approach the red tear to hear another bout of contemporary music. Also in the room you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘Out of Thin Air’ (Voxophone 1/8) and on the ground nearby a lock picking bag. Return to the street and continue along it. Near the end of the street, go down the stairs to your right to enter the Market District. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Market District <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As soon as you reach the base of the stairs, there is a Dollar Bill machine to your left if you need to replenish supplies of ammo/health/salts. Continue along the road to the next left and head down the path here. Below in a square with a fountain in the centre, you will see a group of 6-7 Vox soldiers out in front of a building on the left. Work your way down the path and kill them all. Have Elizabeth unlock the door to the building that they were guarding. Head on in the door when able. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Laboratory Lutece <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Enter the door directly in front of you and then go up the stairs to your right. At the top enter the open door to a bedroom. On the left side of this room you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE (1/3) on a table. On the right side of the room, on the floor between the bed and the left hand bedside table you will find a VOXOPHONE ‘A Theory on Our “Death”’ (Voxophone 2/8). Return downstairs and enter the room at the end of the hall. Ignore the tear here for a moment and enter the open door to the right. Here on a table at the back of the room is a VOXOPHONE ‘on the Entropy of Genes’ (Voxophone 3/8). Loot the rest of the area and head back out to the tear. Interact with the tear for a short scene. After the tear disappears, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE ‘Child of Science’ (Voxophone 4/8). Now that we are done here, do any final looting you require before heading back out of the house. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Market District <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you exit, you’ll notice an open shop across the square to the right. In here there is a bit of ammo and a lock picking kit behind the counter if you are interested. Exit to the street and look behind the green and white tent for another door. This one Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside find the back room, here there is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 2/4). Exit to the street again and continue down the stairs. There is an open shop here that is on fire. Inside there is one of each vending machine if you feel like upgrading or buying some salts/health/ammo. There is a lock pick on the wall to the right of the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine. When ready exit the shop and continue down the next few sets of stairs. You will reach another street. Follow this to the left and as you reach the corner a firemen will appear. Once you have dealt with him turn around and look for a sign saying ‘Wilson Bros. & Company’. This building has a door we can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). There is an INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 2/3) inside. Return to where the fireman we just killed came from and follow this path. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, enter the door to the right marked ‘Hudson’s’. Behind the bookshelf at the top of the stairs is a lock pick. Downstairs you will find a lock pick bag and a safe we can open (requires 3 lock picks) for some money. In the small side-room near the safe, there is also a CODE BOOK on a shelf that we can grab that will start an optional task. Return back to the main street. Follow the path to the end until you reach a locked gate. Have Elizabeth open it for you. Once you go through, we’ll be back in the Thoroughfare again. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thoroughfare <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< After going through the gate, turn right and follow the walkway. See the white set of stairs nearby? That’s the entrance to the bank and our next destination. The same tears are still in effect from our previous visit to the area. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. A barrel of salts on the lower platform below the elevator. | | | | 2. There is a Mosquito patrolling around the central area. | | | | 3. An Oil spill on the central platform beneath the winged | | statue. | | | | 4. Crank gun on the wooden walkway at the bottom of the central | | platform. | | | | 5. Crate of medical kits on the street to the right of the | | central platform. | | | | 6. Water puddle on the street right of the central platform. | | | | 7. Decoy on the street to the left of the central platform. | | | | 8. Crate of medical kits on the street right of the central | | platform. | | | | 9. RPG and ammo on the balcony on the far side of the area. | | | |10. Volley Gun and ammo on the balcony on the far side of the | | area. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Have Elizabeth activate the auto-turret and plant a vigor trap or two on the stairs as well. As we set up the stairs to the bank, a pair of crows will emerge from the door at the top. An additional 8-10 Vox soldiers will pour out after them. Once they are all dead a fireman will show up, so use the sky-lines and tears as you deem appropriate to sort them all out. When all the bad guys are dead, climb the stairs to the bank and enter the door at the top. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bank of the Prophet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter, grab the lock pick sitting on the pillar at the back right and follow the path to the left. In the next room are three KINETOSCOPES against the far wall (‘A Look Back at Opening Day!’, ‘The Prophet Stands up to foes: Within and Without!’ and ‘We Secede From the So-called Union’) and they are all repeats so as long as you have been following the guide, you will have picked these ones up previously. Even so, feel free to use them again just to ensure that you have them. When ready, enter the nearby elevator and hit the button to ride it down to the next area. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bank of the Prophet Main Hall <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you exit the lift, turn left to see a Dollar Bill vending machine. Use it if you wish. The main hall here is occupied by 10-12 Vox soldiers and we will need to kill them all. Deal with them as you wish. Once the hall is clear, you will note that there are two teller areas on the lower level on either side of the room with a good deal of loot in each. Of particular note is that the room on the left has a safe inside that can be opened by Elizabeth (requires 1 lock pick) for a nice sum of money. The right hand room has a lock pick on a table. Go up to the large vault door at the back of the room. Enter the door to the left. Follow the path here and on the second desk on the left you will find a lock pick kit. Continue along the hallway here until you reach a corner. There will be a door in front so head on in here. On the ground on the right hand side of the room is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 3/4). Exit this room via the other door and follow this corridor until you enter the small office room at the end. Look on the desk here for a lock picking kit and another Vox code. This will start an optional task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you wish to unlock the ‘Infused with Greatness’ and 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy you must complete this optional task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________________ __________/ Optional Mission – Find the Vox Code \_________ / \___________________________________________________/ \ | | | Remember when I told you to go and check out the shop with the | | ‘Hudson’s’ sign on it a little while ago whilst going through the | | Market District? If you picked the CODEBOOK up as I told you to | | earlier, you are good to go! | | | | If you didn’t pick it up earlier, you will need to backtrack out of the| | bank to the thoroughfare area, turn to the left and follow the pathway | | here until you reached the unlocked gate we previously came through | | from the Market District. Climb the stairs and in front of you at the | | end of this passage you will find the ‘Hudson’s’ shop. In the basement | | of this building, in the small side-room near the safe the CODE BOOK | | is sitting on a shelf to the left of the sink. Now head back to the | | bank and to the code room once again! | | | | Once you have the CODE BOOK, head around behind the desk and after | | Elizabeth tells you what to do, interact with the type writer. This | | will unlock a secret room nearby that contains an INFUSION UPGRADE | | (Infusion 3/3), a lock pick bag and a VOXOPHONE ‘The Imagination of | | God’ (Voxophone 5/8). There are also a few gold bars and coins lying | | around near the safe. | | | | ___________________________________________________ | \__________/ Optional Mission – Find the Vox Code \_________/ \___________________________________________________/ Now that we are all looted out, it’s time to get back to business, return to the main hall with the vault door. This time around we want to take the right exit. Follow the hallway until you reach the room at the end. Go through the left hand door. Kill the 4-5 Vox soldiers in here and the sniper through the doorway at the end of the hall. Loot the room (there’s a fair bit of loot to be had!). Head through the room with the sniper and enter the left hand door. At the end of this hallway you will see an hole inthe wall to the left. Ignore this for now and continue past it to the dead end. Here you will find a corpse next to a twisted metal grill on a door. Behind him you will find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 4/4). Go back and enter the opening we ignored a second ago. You will see another tear in the centre of the room in front of you. Ignore this for now and enter the room to the left. There is a safe in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks) for some additional money and behind this is a VOXOPHONE ‘No Longer’ (Voxophone 6/8). Return to the tear and as you approach, the crow that we have been seeing around will attack you. Kill him off and then head over to the tear again and interact with it. After the tear disappears, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE ‘A Broken Circle’ (Voxophone 7/8). After grabbing that, run around behind the statue in the middle of the room and approach the vault door. It will open for you. As soon as the door is open you will see a siren resurrecting some enemies. Goody! During the fight with the siren, feel free to use the cover provided by the pillars on the lower level and the pair of offices on either side as well. The siren will hang out mostly in the middle, but will also spend a bit of time on the upper levels as well. Just remember to throw traps at her whilst she is reviving to make her and her thralls a little easier to handle. When she is dead, return to the far end of the main hall and ride the elevator back up to the bank. Backtrack out of the bank and exit to the thoroughfare. Follow the path around to the right and enter the gate to Harmony Lane once again. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harmony Lane <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Continue through the street where we fought the snipers earlier and climb the stairs at the far end. At the top you will see a lock appear on the door directly across the street (‘Columbia’s finest Photography’ is written on the window). Have Elizabeth pick the lock and go on inside. Interact with the tear in here for a scene. After the tear disappears, look on the table behind where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE ‘The Customer is Late’ (Voxophone 8/8). Loot the rest of the shop and when you are ready to get going, exit and turn left. Follow the road towards the large winged statue in the distance. This place was a little tricky earlier, but this time around it is much more sparsely populated. There is a pair of Vox rocketeers on balconies overlooking the street and a regular Vox soldier to deal with. Kill them and proceed up the stairs on the left at the end. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Z.H. Comstock Victory Square <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< We are back at the gate to Comstock house again. Note that this time around there is a tear for a sniper rifle and some ammo over on the right side of the area below a raised platform. Approach the female statue in front of the building and a conversation with Elizabeth will play out. Once the conversation is done, a siren will appear and resurrect a bunch of enemies on the steps here. Remember to hit her with traps when she pauses to resurrect so that she and her underlings will take damage. Other than that, do your usual siren tactics to take her down. Note that there is plenty of cover available and if you are the standoffish type the tear with the sniper rifle will give you the option to take her down from afar. Once the siren has been defeated, return up to the statue and another scene will play out. After the scene, enter the now opened gate and through the door inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: At this point, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Blood in the Streets’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 10: Comstock House =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 31: Comstock House [ACT31] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>> Bridge to Comstock House <<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As soon as you enter run over and pull the switch Telescopes............0 ] at the far end of the room. As you do, a scene Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] will play. Gear .................0 ] ________________________] DeWitt will have another of his washed out flashback type sequences and you’ll find yourself in another area again. Simply walk up to the door to the right of the desk and interact with it. After another short scene, run over to the new hole in the wall and look below. There is a freight hook below we can jump to. Hop onto this and then from here leap back down to the platform with the control panel we pulled earlier. You will see that the bridge is now activating so run across to the far side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comstock House <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< When you reach the other end, run up the steps to where the tear is. When it disappears, enter the building and run up to the next tear ahead. Continue through the next door. Climb up the stairs on either side of the large statue and work your way to the door on the far side of the room there is another tear here. Once the tear vanishes go through the door. As you enter, you will see a couple of new enemies in the room beyond: Mannequins directly in front and a Boy of Silence on the other side of the central partition. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Boys of Silence \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Boys of Silence, like the mannequins are only found in a short | | section of the game in Comstock House. They can be identified by the | | large metal helmet on their heads with the large earpieces sticking | | out on either side. | | | | These guys act sort of like the security cameras in Rapture from the | | first two Bioshock games. They Stand in a specific location and will | | survey the room around them. You can tell where they are looking by | | the spotlight that illuminates the area they are investigating. If | | they look at you, the spotlight will turn yellow and they will assume | | an action pose. If you are unable to escape his gaze behind cover for | | a second or two whilst the beam is focused on you and yellow, it will | | turn red and the Boy of Silence will sound an alarm before teleporting| | from the room. | | | | The alarm will cause all of the enemies in the immediate area to | | attack you. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Boys of Silence \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Mannequins \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | The Mannequins only appear in Comstock house. You will find they look | | like a partially phased out version of citizens with creepy masks on. | | They are usually found in large groups of 8-10 guarding a room. They | | remain relatively still and are passive, even if you walk up and touch| | them. They will stay like this until you alert a Boy of Silence. When | | alerted to your presence, they will rush you in a large pack and use | | melee attacks to damage you. | | | | As with the policemen or the cultists they are relatively weak, their | | danger lies in the large numbers. If you do accidentally alert a pack| | of them, you should cut large circles around the area to draw them | | together and drop traps into their midst as you go. Fortunately | | conflict with these guys can almost always be avoided, as long as you | | don’t bother the Boys of Silence in the rooms they occupy. | | | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Mannequins \ \_____________________________/ The next few rooms have a number of Boys of Silence inhabiting them. As mentioned, it is entirely possible to go through the next few sets of rooms, avoiding the Boy of Silence and not having to enter combat at all. Unfortunately the first room here is the only exception as you are unable to reach the door without being spotted. As such, shoot the boy of silence so he sets off his alarm and mop up the mannequins that come to attack. Once they are all dead, loot the room and use the intercom on the door that the Boy of Silence had been guarding. Enter the lift that appears behind you. Inside the elevator is another tear and a VOXOPHONE ‘A Leash’ (Voxophone 1/1). Once the tear disappears, hit the button to ride up to the next area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 32: The Atrium [ACT32] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comstock House Atrium <<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........3 ] As soon as you get off the lift, you will see a Telescopes............0 ] mannequin in front of you at the end of a short Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] path. In the room beyond, slightly to the right of Gear .................1 ] the door is another Boy of Silence. When he is ________________________] looking away go into the room and use the pillars here for cover. There are two exits to this room. We want to take the left hand exit first when it is safe to do so. On a pillar near the dead end here is a KINETOSCOPE ‘Sunrise’ (Kinetoscope 1/3). Return to the room with the Boy of Silence and work your way over to the right exit this time when it is safe to do so using the pillars as cover. After entering the doorway, go through the door directly to the left beside the ‘Where we Weep’ sign. Inside a coffin at the base of a furnace you will find another VOXOPHONE ‘The Value of Choice’ (Voxophone 1/2). Exit the furnace room and enter the circular operating theatre with the fancy chair in the centre of the previous room to find another tear. Enter the door nearby with the ‘Where we Cleanse’ sign. There is another tear we can listen to at the far end of this room. Exit the next door when ready. This room is a long bedroom type area that holds another Boy of Silence in it. The Boy of Silence is standing on a bed in the centre of the room. In front and behind him are beds and pipes that will obstruct his view. We’ll need to use these as cover. Wait for him to look away and head over to the far side of the room. There is a tear on the bed here we can listen to. Afterwards, when the spotlight is not on it, enter the door nearby. You will see the elevator in front of you and a set of stairs to the left and the right of it. Near the top of both of these stairs is a pair of auto-turrets that will attack you if you go out in the open. Pick them off from the cover here. Once the turrets have been destroyed a crow will appear, kill him but stay in the area around the base of the lift/stairs whilst you do. DO NOT go back into the Boy of Silence room whilst you are fighting him, otherwise the fight will get a lot tougher! After killing the crow, eliminate the Founder soldiers at the top of the stairs before climbing them when it is safe to do so. At the top of the stairs, go into the hall on the left. There is another tear here. After it vanishes continue down the corridor nearby and at the end you will find a KINETOSCOPE (Kinetoscope 2/3) 'Hummingbird'. Enter the door on the left. Check out the tear in here and grab the locksmith bag from the table before continuing out the back door. As you enter the next large room, there is another Boy of Silence at the far end. Cruise up to the pillar in front of you here and peek around the corner. See the crates ahead? Crouch down and use them as cover to move up into the room. Now we want to get to the small room behind the Boy of Silence here. You will notice the gift on the table behind him that contains a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1).Carefully work your way between the crates when he is not looking. Grab the gear when safe to do so and then continue into the room behind the wall here. Grab the VOXOPHONE ‘Debts’ (Voxophone 2/2) from the table. Continue to the other end of the wall and look back towards the Boy of silence. To his right is the exit. When he looks way make your way over there and through it. Enter the next door to enter a projector room. Watch the video if you like and then climb up and through the broken window. Go through the door at the left of the room here and look to the right to find a KINETOSCOPE ‘Battleship Falls’ (Kinetoscope 3/3). Follow the hallway until it empties into a larger room. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 33: Warden’s Office [ACT33] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Security Centre <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............3 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Go to the far end of this room and look in the Telescopes............0 ] back right hand corner to find another projector Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] on a desk. Siting on the desk next to this is a Gear .................1 ] VOXOPHONE ‘A Last Chance’ (Voxophone 1/3). Now ________________________] find the stairs and look on the desk opposite the base of them to find a gift containing another piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Climb the stairs here. At the top of the stairs, follow the walkway around until you find the Warden’s Office. Inside there is a VOXOPHONE ‘Smothered in the Crib’ (Voxophone 2/3) on the chair. Pull the nearby lever when you are ready to continue. Turn around and Boo! It's time to fight some enemies. Head over to the doorway to the Warden’s office and use this as cover whilst you take out the enemies beyond. 5-6 Founder soldiers will come up the stairs behind you. Kill them all before heading back down the stairs and backtracking past the projector room. Exit and in the main hallway take the opening to the right to enter a balcony overlooking the elevator below. Kill the 4 Founder soldiers on the balcony here and the other two running around on the stairs below. When the area is clear of hostilities, hop over the railing to the floor below and enter the lift. Grab the new VOXOPHONE ‘Ending It’ (Voxophone 3/3) that is now here. Hit the lift’s button to ride it to the next area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 34: The Operating Theatre [ACT34] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Operating Theatre <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Exit through the elevator and through the now Telescopes............0 ] open gate. Continue past the statue ahead and Infusion Upgrades.....1 ] walk up to the people blocking the door here for Gear .................0 ] a short conversation. Once they disappear, enter ________________________] the room turn left and walk to the far end of the room. Interact with the person here when able for a scene. Take the card when it is offered to you. After another short conversation you will be teleported to another area. Descend the stairs in front and enter the doorway at the far end of the carpeted hallway. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surgery <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As you enter you will see a surgery room in front of you. To the left and the right are doors we can go through leading to hallways. At the end of each hallway is a set of stairs with an auto-turret at the top. I’d recommend killing both of these before doing anything else. Once the turrets are destroyed you will encounter some new enemies – Founder Heavy Soldiers. ______________________________ / New Enemy: Heavy Soldiers \__________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ | | | These Founder soldiers are just like regular soldiers. They use the | | same weapons (shotguns, machine guns etc.) and tactics as the regular | | soldiers. Where they differ is in their armour. As with the | | rocketeers/grenadiers these enemies are heavily armoured, so are more | | durable to vigor, weapon and explosive damage. As with the other | | armoured enemies traps,sustainable vigors that increase weapon damage | | and headshots are the best damage dealers when facing these enemies. | | ___________________________|_ \___________________________________________/ New Enemy: Heavy Soldiers \ \_____________________________/ In total there are 6 of these heavy soldiers and whichever stairway you choose to climb, 3 of them will be waiting at the top for you. Kill them and peek in the door at the top of the stairs. There are another pair of auto-turrets in here that you will need to dispose of. Attacking these will alert the other 3 heavy soldiers who went over to the opposite stairwell and they will come to attack you as well. Once all the hostile forces have been neutralised, make sure that you go and loot the bodies and the destroyed auto-turrets – I was running dangerously low on ammo at this point, and you probably will be as well... it’s been a long time since we’ve see a vending machine! In the large room at the top of the stairs you will find two open doors and a locked door (we’ll get to this shortly). To destroy the machine as our objective requires, we need to enter each of the open doors and pull the lever inside. Go on in and pull one of the levers. Return to the main room. As you do a motorised patriot and 3 heavy founder soldiers will be waiting for you. Kill them all and then enter the next side room and pull the second lever to deactivate the machine. As you pull the second lever, a rather cool scene will play. Once the scene is over, return down the stairs and interact with Elizabeth for a scene. Continue to interact with her as prompted. When you regain control, climb back up the stairs to the upper room and have Elizabeth unlock the door between the two openings that lead to the levers (requires 3 lock picks) – it’s directly across from the gate where we need to go for the objective. Inside at the top of the stairs is a desk with an UPGRADE INFUSION (Infusion 1/1) and a VOXOPHONE ‘Pavlov’s Bell’ (Voxophone 1/1). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and picked up all of the infusions along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Infused with Greatness’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit this room and have Elizabeth unlock the gate opposite. Enter the lift and hit the button to take it up to the next area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ACT 11: The Hand of the Prophet =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 35: The Hand of the Prophet [ACT35] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Library <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As we get off the lift we will be in a large room Telescopes............1 ] that has tonnes of corpses, desks and other bits Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] and pieces to loot. Ensure that you pick up some Gear .................0 ] more ammo and use the Minuteman’s Armory machine ________________________] here if you want to apply any additional weapon upgrades. Behind this you will find another lock pick if you need it. When you are ready to progress with the story, have Elizabeth pick the lock so that you can go out the door. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comstock House Roof <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Turn left and follow the path until you reach the corner to the left. Ahead you will see a bridge leading to another large building. There are a couple of tears Elizabeth is able to manipulate here. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Piece of cover at the near end of the bridge. | | | | 2. Mosquito patrolling around the central bridge. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| As you approach a pod will fall to the ground near the centre of the bridge and a second will land on the walkway besides the building beyond the bridge. From these pods motorized patriots will emerge. In addition, a grenadier will appear at the far end of the bridge and 5-6 Founder soldiers will also spawn. Use your usual tactics to take out the closest patriot before focusing on the soldiers. To make things easier you can have Elizabeth activate the mosquito and attempt to possess the motorized patriot at the far end of the bridge. Once all the enemies are dead, go to the far end of the bridge. As you do a barge will pull up and drop off reinforcements over by the structure to the right. There are 6 regular Founder soldiers. Kill them all. Now return to the building at the end of the bridge and have Elizabeth unlock the door here (requires 3 lock picks). Once inside, Head over to the lift at the back of the room, there are 2 lock picks on the floor here. There is a safe containing some money that Elizabeth can unlock (requires 1 lock pick) in the open office room to the right. Enter the door to the left to find a VOXOPHONE ‘An Ultimatum’ (Voxophone 1/1) on the floor between 2 desks. There is also a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine in this room for any last minute Vigor upgrades you might desire. When you are ready to continue onwards, return outside to where the barge dropped off the reinforcements earlier. Look to the left here to find a TELESCOPE (Telescope 1/1). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and have viewed all of the Kinetoscopes and looked through each telescope along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Sightseer’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump onto the barge. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hand of the Prophet Gunship <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Once on board the barge, pull the lever and the barge will set a course for a zeppelin in the distance. After a few moments of solitude, a number of enemy gunships will approach our barge and attack us. We need to kill them to progress. This is an absolutely fantastic time to use the Undertow vigor as we can hop up to the freight hook on enemy ships, drop down and then use Undertow to instantly push all of the enemies off the ship to their deaths. The first ship will come from the front and to the left, hop over and undertow the unfortunate souls overboard. Jump back to your ship and a pair of mosquitos will appear. Shoot them down as they approach and once the mosquitos are destroyed a second gunship will approach from in front and to the left again. Once again hop up and use the undertow vigor to polish off the crew quickly. A pair of gunships will start fighting each other to the left. Let them do it as you do not want to draw their fire. Eventually they will move on without bothering you. The next drop ship will approach from behind and to the right. If you still have salts left, repeat the undertow trick on the Vox soldiers before returning to your ship. The final assault will come in the form of 2 mosquitos and a gunship from in front and to the right. I’d suggest dealing with the occupants of the gunship first before turning your hand to the mosquitos. With all of those foes vanquished a conversation will ensue and after a few moments you will arrive at the Hand of the Prophet. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 36: Hangar Deck [ACT36] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hand of the Prophet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............1 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] As we dock with the Hand of the Prophet we will Telescopes............0 ] be on the Hangar deck. This is a large oval area Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] with a pair of raise platforms in the centre and Gear .................1 ] a wooden walkway leading down the outside of ________________________] either side of the ship. There are 12 Founder soldiers running about in here. Fortunately they will not come at you all at once. Note there are a pair of tears in the area that Elizabeth can use. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Friendly mosquito above the outer deck to the left. | | | | 2. Friendly rocket auto-turret outside on the right hand deck. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Kill any soldiers in the immediate area and pop out the door to the left. Destroy the auto-turret ahead (you can use the mosquito tear here if you desire) and go back to where we came from. This time head over to the opposite side of the area and take out the auto-turret on the other side of the ship (you can use the rocket-turret tear to help) killing any additional soldiers that get in the way. After clearing the two turrets, enter the door on one of the walkways and follow the cabin through until you exit out onto the platform with the destroyed turret. From here, if you turn to the right we can approach the control centre at the front of the ship. There always seems to be 4-5 Founder soldiers here and on either side of the control room is an auto-turret. Take the lot of them out. Now interact with the button at the front of the ship to clear the sky-lines. Whilst you are waiting for them to be cleared, go and loot the rest of the deck. Check out the cabins next to each of the two auto-turrets that we destroyed first. In these rooms you will find a Minuteman’s Armory and a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. When you are ready to progress, use the sky-line to reach the next level above. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hangar Deck <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As the sky-line passes the deck, try and land on the wing of the zeppelin. From here you can use the supports as cover to work your way up to the stairs in front and to the right towards the control panels whilst clearing out the 6 Founder soldiers currently inhabiting the area as you go. When you reach the control panel to drop the pods from the next sky-line, do not press it just yet. Instead, go down the nearby stairs. At the base you will find a locked door that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick). Enter the door. Inside, go into the open door immediately to the right if you want a crank gun. Exit and continue through the back of the room via the doors either side of the headless patriot. In the next area you will see a table with a VOXOPHONE ‘What’s Done is Done’ (Voxophone 1/1) on it next to a flag. Continue around behind this section of wall and you will find a door with a button next to it. Hit the button to open the door. We’ll be back on the deck! And right in front of us is another locked door. Have Elizabeth unlock it (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, there is an RPG on the table to the left and at the very back of the room on a desk is a gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Backtrack all the way to the button to clear the next sky-line. Before we hit the button, turn around so that your back is to the controls and survey the area. There are three tears here that we can use in the coming fight. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Friendly auto-turret down the stairs to the right. | | | | 2. Friendly auto-turret down the stairs to the left. | | | | 3. Crate of medical kits in the middle of the upper raised | | platform. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| Activate the auto-turret on the right. As soon as we hit the switch three gunships loaded with Vox soldiers and a grenadier or two will approach from the right and drop off their crew. A short while later, another group of ships will dock on the left hand side of the airship and drop off more Vox soldiers and a motorized patriot. Monitor the situation and have Elizabeth change up the active auto-turret when required. Shoot any soldiers that come too close to you, but try to keep close to the controls. Keep in mind that we do not need to kill all the enemies to proceed, merely wait a minute or so until the sky-line is clear. When Elizabeth tells you that it is clear, hop onto the sky-line behind the control panel and ride it up to the next platform. Once you have landed, climb the nearby ramp and enter the door at the top. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 37: Engineering Deck [ACT37] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Engineering Deck <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............2 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Now that we are back inside, grab the salts here Telescopes............0 ] if you need them and climb the stairs all the way Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] to the top. Enter the door there. Weare now at Gear .................1 ] the end of a fairly long, large room. ________________________] The room consists of two smaller rooms adjoined by an open door halfway. The first room has raised platforms on the left and right sides running almost the length of the area, there is a sky-line here encircling the room. The second room in the distance is much smaller and has a pair of wall mounted auto-turrets flanking the doorway. The next fight is a little tricky so due to the presence of said turrets, for now, we need to try and keep the fight quarantined to the first, larger room. The first room has a number of tears to use. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Friendly auto-turret on the right hand raised platform. | | | | 2. Crate of medical kits on the ground below the far end of the | | raised platform on the left. | | | | 3. Friendly Rocket auto-turret on a platform in the centre of the| | room. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| As we enter the first room, a good number of 5-6 Vox soldiers will begin to attack you. As the battle is joined, a handyman will also come crashing into the area from the room at the back of the area. This will encourage a few more Vox soldiers to join him. The best way to deal with the situation is to ride the sky-line around the room and whilst on it activate one of the auto-turrets. Return to the entrance to the room and help the turret out by picking off enemies in the distance. When the handyman comes to meet you here, either take him on immediately before clearing the soldiers from the rest of the room, or alternatively, when he arrives, hop back on the sky-line and ride it back to the far end (activating the other turret if the first is no longer functioning). Again when the handyman approaches, return to the start of the area. By avoiding the handyman and kiting him around the room, there is a good chance that he will wipe out a number of Vox soldiers for you. When no more soldiers are lurking about, finish off the handyman. Once he is dead loot the gift he drops containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR (Gear 1/1). Go over to the entrance to the back room. Killing the handyman will have allowed an additional 4-5 Vox soldiers to spawn in there. Take them out from cover you can use in the first room. When they are dead, climb the stairs to the second room. As we do the wall mounted auto-turrets flanking the doorway will activate. Try to edge up the stairs whilst facing each side to eliminate them one at a time. Now that the room is clear, climb the stairs and make your way to the very back of the room. Here you will find a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine, so upgrade your weapons if you wish to do so. When you are ready to continue, use the sky-line here. Ride it all the way around to the far end of the ship and drop down on the deck below when you are able to do so. Enter the door here. Approach the sculpture in the middle of the room for a conversation, and then continue through the door behind it when Elizabeth opens it for you. Approach the far end of the room here for a scene. Hit the buttons when prompted. Once the scene has finished, enter the door behind the fountain. Climb the stairs and follow the wooden walkway until you reach another short set of stairs. At the top of these, ignore the larger set of stairs leading up once more for the moment. On this platform here are two doors we can enter. The door on the left is an office area with a desk inside with a VOXOPHONE ‘The Mirror of Sin’ (Voxophone 1/2) and a hand cannon sitting on it. The door on the right is a bedroom and in here. Mounted on the wall next to the door is a sniper rifle and a shotgun and on the bed nearby is another VOXOPHONE ‘The Prophet is Dying’ (Voxophone 2/2). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and have acquired all of the Voxophones along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Eavesdropper’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit back to the main area and climb the stairs. Follow the walkway to the end and have Elizabeth unlock the door here. Once inside, interact with the control panel directly in front of you for a scene. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 38: Command Deck [ACT38] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Command Deck <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] Once the scene is finished, you will be able to Telescopes............0 ] drop down to the Command deck below. Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] Gear .................0 ] In front of you, you will see a large blue power ________________________] core. In the top right hand corner of the screen you will see a blue status bar appear, this signifies the power core’s strength and it will drain when the core takes damage. If the core is damaged too much, the core will be destroyed and you will fail and unfortunately you will have to try again. This next part is probably the hardest area in the entire game. It is by no means easy, but it is achievable. There is a veritable horde of enemy combatants in the next gameplay sequence and they will be dropped in regularly via both gunships and zeppelins. Fortunately you will now have the ability to call in Songbird to attack the various enemy vehicles. He will be able to kill any one that he targets instantly, but it takes around 30 seconds for him to recharge and be ready for another strike following each attack. On the deck here are a bunch of tears around the area for you to use and they can be found in the following locations. ________________________________________________________________ / Tears in this Location \ |\________________________________________________________________/| | | | 1. Crate of medical kits in the cabin behind the core. | | | | 2. Piece of cover on the upper deck to the right of the core. | | | | 3. Piece of cover on the upper deck to the left of the core. | | | | 4. Crate of medical kits left of the core on the lower deck. | | | | 5. Crate of medical kits at the far end of the raised walkway on | | the left. | | | | 6. Sniper rifle and ammo on the sniper platform at the top of the| | area. | | | |__________________________________________________________________| The actual attack sequence will play out almost like a series of waves, with each bringing a little more craziness to the situation. The waves can sometimes overlap if you are unable to finish off the enemy forces quickly enough, so be sure to read ahead as well so that you know what to expect! The waves play out as such: 1. The first gunship will drop enemies off at the front of the ship.Use Songbird to destroy the ship and mop up any remaining enemies. 2. A pair of gunships will drop 3-4 Vox soldiers each on the upper walkways on the left and right. Kill them all. 3. A gunship will drop off another 2-3 Vox soldiers and a pair of rocketeers near the front of the deck and a barge with an attached large rapid fire rocket turret will hover around the front of the ship as well. Have Songbird take out one of them and deal with the other yourself. 4. Next up, a zeppelin will approach from the back right and when it is in line with the deck, it will launch a pair of pods containing motorized patriots. These will appear at the far end of the deck. Have Songbird destroy the zeppelin. At the same time another gunship will drop off some Vox soldiers on one of the upper platforms and a barge with an attached rapid fire rocket turret will hover around the front of the ship as well. Destroy the large rocket turret ASAP before focusing on the other enemies. 5. Another zeppelin will approach from the back left and when it is in line with the deck, it will launch another 2 pods with motorized patriots in them to the far end of the deck. Have Songbird destroy the zeppelin. At the same time another pair of gunships will drop off a Vox rocketeer each on the upper platforms either side of the core. Try to take out the rocketeers before focusing on the patriots. 6. Another zeppelin will approach from the back right and when it is close enough; it will launch another 2 pods with motorized patriots in them to the far end of the deck. Have Songbird destroy the zeppelin. At the same time another gunships will drop off a group of 5-6 Vox soldiers at the far end of the deck. Note that If you do get into a real sticky situation, you can use Songbird to attack the deck and he will eliminate any enemies in his area of effect. No matter what you do, the core will take some damage and no matter how efficient you are at dispatching the bad guys, you will still end up with soldiers and motorized patriots attacking the core. To counteract this, place some traps around the deck at the core's base and by the stairs. Shock Jockey is especially effective at chain stunning enemies, allowing you some time to return and help out. Feel free to grab a patriot’s crank gun too as this will make short work of both the Vox infantry that you encounter and the patriots when under effect from a vigor or by firing on their weak spots. This segment of the game is by no means easy, but in the end it is just a case of prioritising your fire and managing damage control on the core. Eventually the game will run out of enemies to throw at you and you can continue with the mission. Once the fight is done with and your task is updated, join Elizabeth near the railing at the far end of the deck and interact with her for a scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: For completing the Hand of the Prophet segment of the game you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘The Bird or the Cage’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 39: Sea of Doors [ACT39] =============================================================================== Collectibles: | ] -------------- ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sea of Doors <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Voxophones............0 ] Kinetoscopes..........0 ] When you regain control, you will be in a familiar Telescopes............0 ] area that fans of the first 2 Bioshock games will Infusion Upgrades.....0 ] recognise immediately. Follow Elizabeth through Gear .................0 ] the nearby door and onwards until she gets into ________________________] the bathysphere. Inside, pull the lever. When it surfaces, climb the steps and enter the lighthouse. Follow Elizabeth down the stairs to the left and across the bridge that forms for you, you can take the bridge to either the left or right (I don’t think it makes a difference). When you reach the next lighthouse enter the door. After a brief conversation, again follow Elizabeth across the bridge as it forms and when you reach the next lighthouse go through the door. Now walk up to the man in front and hit the button prompt when required. After the scene climb the hill behind the pool and enter the door there. Walk into the door on the right. Interact with the object in here and give it to the man in the doorway. Open the door again. We are back on the boat from the start of the game. When you reach the dock, climb the ladder and make for the lighthouse. Enter the door here. Approach the people in the distance and hit the button when prompted. When you regain control, head up and interact with the door on the left. Wait until Elizabeth stops talking and then enter the tear that she opens. We are back on the boat from the start of the game. When you reach the dock, climb the ladder and make for the lighthouse. Enter the door here for a scene to end the game. Congratulations, you have just finished Bioshock Infinite! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you completed the game on EASY, you will unlock the achievement ‘Tin Soldier’. If you completed it on MEDIUM, you will unlock ‘Saw the Elephant’ and if you completed the game on HARD you will earn the previous two listed achievements/trophies and ‘Stone Cold Pinkerton’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: For completing the game you will also unlock 1999 mode. This will earn you the achievement/trophy ‘Should Auld Acquaintance…’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[V1GRS] _ _ _ ______ _ _ | | | (_) / _____) (_) | | | | | |_ ____ ___ ____ | / ___ _ _ _ _ | | ____ \ \/ /| |/ _ |/ _ \ / ___) | | (___) | | | |/ || |/ _ ) \ / | ( ( | | |_| | | | \____/| |_| | ( (_| ( (/ / \/ |_|\_|| |\___/|_| \_____/ \____|_|\____|\____) (_____| ___________________________________ | Vigors, Vigor Upgrades and Tactics| |___________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Bioshock fans will remember the fancy plasmids that were able to be used in the first two Bioshock games. These are replaced in Bioshock Infinite by a similar set of abilities known as vigors. There are total of 8 vigors in the game and each of these has a pair of functions. Some vigors increase your damage output, others are better used for crowd control and some for defensive purposes. As they vary so much, players will soon learn that each vigor has its own strengths and weaknesses and each is best suited for specific tactics. As this is the case, it is best to experiment with various uses of each vigor to determine which ones you feel more comfortable with and which should be used in specific situations. Bioshock Infinite also allows players to switch in between vigors during combat to enable vigor combination attacks. These attacks combine the effects of both vigors involved and have some very interesting effects. The combination attacks available for each vigor is listed under its entry in the guide below. Vigors can be upgraded using the Veni!, Vidi!, Vigor! vending machines found throughout the game and each of them can be upgraded twice. Below you will find a list of the 8 vigors in the game, their locations, a description of their powers, a list of upgrades and the combination attacks in which they can be used. Vigors are listed in order of appearance. For quicker navigation, please use the shortcuts here: > Possession ...............[VIGRP] > Devil's Kiss .............[VIGRD] > Murder of Crows ..........[VIGRM] > Bucking Bronco ...........[VIGRB] > Shock Jockey .............[VIGRS] > Charge ...................[VIGRC] > Undertow .................[VIGRU] > Return to Sender .........[VIGRR] =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Possession [VIGRP] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== Fairgrounds, Welcome Centre. ===================== Description: ===================== As with all of the vigors in Bioshock Infinite, possession has two functions. Simply hitting the vigor button will possess the targeted machine although it should be noted that this can be upgraded to possess human enemies as well at a Veni! Vedi! Vigor! vending machine following a little story progression. Holding the button down and releasing will create a possession trap and any enemy that wanders into it will be possessed. Useful stuff! Note that if your possessed enemy is the last enemy remaining, he will turn his weapon on himself and save you the hassle of killing him too. When you acquire them, Possession can be used in conjunction with Devil's Kiss and Shock Jockey to perform a combination attacks. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Possession Aid ______________________________/ Cost: $50 Effect: Allows you to possess human enemies. Upgrade 2: Possession for Less ______________________________/ Cost: $1653 Effect: Reduces salt cost of possession. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Possession + Shock Jockey _____________________________/ Possess an enemy and then use the Shock Jockey vigor on them. The affected enemy will run around, spreading electricity damage to other enemies in the vicinity. 02. Possession + Devil's Kiss _____________________________/ Possess an enemy and then use Devil's Kiss on them. The affected enemy will run around, spreading flames to other enemies in the area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Devil’s Kiss [VIGRD] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== After killing the Fireman, Raffle Square. ===================== Description: ===================== As with all of the vigors in Bioshock Infinite, Devil’s Kiss has two functions. Simply hitting the vigor button will throw fiery grenades that explode shortly after impact. Holding down the vigor button and then firing the grenade somewhere will create an explosive trap similar to a proximity mine which will explode when an enemy comes into range of it. Devil’s Kiss can also be used to ignite pools of oil that are occasionally seen on the ground, which will set any enemies standing in them on fire. When you acquire them, Devil's Kiss can be used in conjunction with Possession, Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco and Charge vigors to perform powerful combination attacks. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Devil's Kiss Boost _____________________________/ Cost: $666 Effect: Increases the damage dealt by the Devil's Kiss vigor. Upgrade 2: Devil's Kiss Aid ____________________________/ Cost: $1653 Effect: Allows the devil's Kiss projectile to split into several parts, causing cluster explosive damage. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Devil's Kiss + Bucking Bronco _________________________________/ Use Bucking Bronco to suspend enemies in the air and then use the Devil's Kiss vigor to hit them as an easy target. This can also cause a chain explosion. 02. Devil's Kiss + Charge __________________________/ Toss a Devil's Kiss at a bad guy and then immediately do a charge attack for extra damage. Note that If you are going for the achievement/trophy for using all of the vigor combinations, this particular combination can be difficult if you have upgraded Devil's Kiss. If you are having trouble, equip the Burning Halo piece of Gear and just use Charge normally. If the Halo effect goes off during a Charge attack, it will count towards unlocking this one. 03. Devil's Kiss + Murder of Crows ___________________________________/ Hit an enemy with the Murder of Crows vigor and follow it up with a Devil's Kiss attack. This will light the crows on fire, causing both crow and fire damage over time whilst increasing your weapon damage to the affected enemy. 04. Devil's Kiss + Possession ______________________________/ Possess an enemy and then use Devil's Kiss on them. The affected enemy will run around, spreading flames to other enemies in the area. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Murder of Crows [VIGRM] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== From defeating the Crow, Comstock Centre Rooftops. ===================== Description: ===================== Whilst the Murder of Crows vigor can be used to damage enemies, its damage output is relatively low. As such, it is much more effective as a method of crowd control. Hitting the vigor button will summon a group of crows to swarm and attack a target enemy; this will stun them in place. Holding down the vigor button will create a crow trap, so any enemy that gets too close to it will be attacked by the crows and stunned. Whilst enemies are stunned and being attacked by crows they will not attack you, allowing players to focus on other enemies until the vigor runs out. Additionally, bad guys under attack from your crows will also take additional damage from your weapons and vigors allowing you to deal with them in a more efficient manner. When you acquire them, Murder of Crows can be used in conjunction with Devil's Kiss and Shock Jockey to perform powerful combination attacks. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Crows Boost ________________________/ Cost: $545 Effect: Increases the duration of the stun effect. Upgrade 2: Crow Trap Aid ________________________/ Cost: $1485 Effect: Causes the dead bodies of those killed whilst under the effect of Murder of Crows to become a Murder of Crows trap. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Murder of Crows + Shock Jockey ___________________________________/ Use Murder of Crows on an enemy and then quickly switch to Shock Jockey and hit them with that as well. This will electrify the swarm of crows, causing both crow and fire damage over time whilst increasing your weapon damage to the affected enemy. 02. Murder of Crows + Devil's Kiss __________________________________/ Hit an enemy with the Murder of Crows vigor and follow it up with a Devil's Kiss attack. This will light the crows on fire, causing both crow and fire damage over time whilst increasing your weapon damage to the affected enemy. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Bucking Bronco [VIGRB] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== Sky Road, Hall of Heroes. ===================== Description: ===================== The Bucking Bronco Vigor is a handy addition to your arsenal. Hitting the vigor button will send out a shockwave a short distance in front of you that will launch any enemies it touches into the air for a couple of seconds. Holding down the vigor button and dropping a vigor trap will launch any enemy that comes too close to it into the air. If an effected enemy has only a small amount of health left, the vigor will slam them into the ground and kill them. As with the Murder of Crows vigor, enemies who are in the air, under the influence of the vigor’s effects will take additional damage from your weapons and vigor attacks. When you acquire them, Bucking Bronco can be used in conjunction with the Devil's Kiss and Charge vigors to perform powerful combination attacks. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Bronco Boost ________________________/ Cost: $421 Effect: Doubles the duration of float time. Upgrade 2: Bronco Aid ________________________/ Cost: $777 Effect: Adds the ability to chain floating effects from one enemy to others nearby. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Bucking Bronco + Charge ____________________________/ Use Bucking Bronco to suspend enemies in the air and then use the charge vigor to launch them into the distance. Great for knocking enemies off of cliffs! 02. Bucking Bronco + Devil's Kiss __________________________________/ Use Bucking Bronco to suspend enemies in the air and then use the Devil's Kiss vigor to hit them as an easy target. This can also cause a chain explosion. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Shock Jockey [VIGRS] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== From defeating Slate, Hall of Heroes. ===================== Description: ===================== The Shock Jockey vigor is one of the more useful vigors that you will find in game. Hitting the vigor button will fire off a wave of electricity that will shock any enemies within a short distance in front of you and stun them for a short period of time. Holding down the vigor button will allow you to fire off a trap that takes the form of a series of crystals. When upgraded, electricity will form networks between crystals, creating a large field of damaging electricity. Again, these electricity traps have a chance to stun enemy combatants. Once you acquire Shock Jockey, you will occasionally come across pools or puddles of water in the environment. Shooting off shock jockey into these pools will damage or kill any enemies that get too close or stand in said pool. When you acquire them, shock Jockey can be used in conjunction with the Possession, Murder of Crows and Undertow vigors to perform powerful combination attacks. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Shock Duration Aid ______________________________/ Cost: $575 Effect: Increases stun duration. Upgrade 2: Shock Chain Aid ______________________________/ Cost: $1265 Effect: Adds ability to chain lightning strikes from one enemy to others nearby. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Shock Jockey + Murder of Crows ___________________________________/ Use Murder of Crows on an enemy and then quickly switch to Shock Jockey and hit them with that as well. This will electrify the swarm of crows, causing both crow and fire damage over time whilst increasing your weapon damage to the affected enemy. 02. Shock Jockey + Possession ______________________________/ Possess an enemy and then use the Shock Jockey vigor on them. The affected enemy will run around, spreading electricity damage to other enemies in the vicinity. 03. Shock Jockey + Undertow ____________________________/ Hold down the undertow button to draw an enemy to you. As they arrive, they will float in front of you for a second or two, held in place by a tendril of water. Whilst covered in water, hit them with a blast of Shock Jockey to elecrocute them for an instant kill! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Charge [VIGRC] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== In an office on the bridge between Shantytown and the Plaza of Zeal. Must be obtained on the way back. ===================== Description: ===================== The Charge vigor is a melee based vigor that will allow you to extend the reach and drastically increase the power of your standard melee attack. Hitting the vigor button will do just that. Holding down the vigor button will further increase the power of the melee attack that occurs when you let go of the button. When you acquire them, Charge can be used in conjunction with the Bucking Bronco and Devil's Kiss vigors to perform powerful combination attacks. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Charge Boost ________________________/ Cost: $555 Effect: Adds explosive damage to the charge attack. Upgrade 2: Charge Aid ________________________/ Cost: $1614 Effect: Gives the player temporary invulnerability whilst using the vigor whilst also restoring the player's shield. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Charge + Bucking Bronco ____________________________/ Use Bucking Bronco to suspend enemies in the air and then use the charge vigor to launch them into the distance. Great for knocking enemies off of cliffs! 02. Charge + Devil's Kiss __________________________/ Toss a Devil's Kiss at a bad guy and then immediately do a charge attack for extra damage. Note that If you are going for the achievement/trophy for using all of the vigor combinations, this particular combination can be difficult if you have upgraded Devil's Kiss. If you are having trouble, equip the Burning Halo piece of Gear and just use Charge normally. If the Halo effect goes off during a Charge attack, it will count towards unlocking this one. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Undertow [VIGRU] =============================================================================== Location: ===================== The office before the belltower in the Factory ===================== Description: ===================== The Undertow vigor is one of my personal favourites. Hitting the vigor button will create a burst of water directly in front of you pushing any enemies within range to the floor (think Jedi force push!). This is incredibly effective when standing close to the edge of a railing or when taking on enemies aboard barges as the push can send them toppling over the edge to their deaths. The secondary fire is performed by holding the vigor button down whilst targeting enemies. It creates a watery tendril that will grab them, draw them to you and hold them in front of you. Releasing the button will have them fall to the floor, but whilst they are suspended they will take additional damage from your weapons. Undertow's primary (button press) ability can be used on turrets to temporarily short circuit them. it can also stun handymen. Undertow can be used in conjunction with Shock Jockey for a powerful (and quite lethal) combination attack. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Undertow Aid __________________________/ Cost: $306 Effect: Doubles the effective range of the Undertow vigor. Upgrade 2: Undertow Boost __________________________/ Cost: $1143 Effect: Increases the number of enemies that can be pulled towards you whilst using the charged version of the vigor. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== 01. Undertow + Shock Jockey ____________________________/ Hold down the undertow button to draw an enemy to you. As they arrive, they will float in front of you for a second or two, held in place by a tendril of water. Whilst covered in water, hit them with a blast of Shock Jockey to electrocute them for an instant kill! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Return to Sender [VIGRR] =============================================================================== Locations: ===================== Port Prosperity, Emporia (optional task) OR Downtown Emporia. ===================== Description: ===================== The Return to Sender vigor is a more defensive vigor than any other. Hitting the vigor button will create a piece of cover for you in the form of a magnetic shield that will draw bullets nearby to it. Holding the vigor button down creates a shield that Booker will carry around in front of him. This will drain your salts, but you will absorb the bullets. If you are holding it out in front, when the shield turns red, if you let go of the button Booker will throw the red shield and all of its absorbed damage at an enemy that you target. The Return to Sender vigor can be upgraded to absorb bullets that are fired at you. These will be added to your ammo count. note that this vigor cannot be used in conjunction with any other vigors for a combination attack. ===================== Vigor Upgrades: ===================== Upgrade 1: Send for Less ________________________/ Cost: $898 Effect: Increases the duration of the shield when pressing the button and decreases the salt cost of the shield generated when holding the vigor button. Upgrade 2: Sender Aid ________________________/ Cost: $1287 Effect: Adds the ability to absorb and collect incoming ammunition. ===================== Combination Attacks: ===================== > There are no combination attacks for the Return to Sender vigor. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[W3PNs] _ _ _ ______ _ _ | || || | / _____) (_) | | | || || | ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ | / ___ _ _ _ _ | | ____ | ||_|| |/ _ ) _ | _ \ / _ \| _ \ /___) | | (___) | | | |/ || |/ _ ) | |___| ( (/ ( ( | | | | | |_| | | | |___ | | \____/| |_| | ( (_| ( (/ / \______|\____)_||_| ||_/ \___/|_| |_(___/ \_____/ \____|_|\____|\____) |_| ___________________________ | Weapons & Weapon Upgrades | |___________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== The weapons in Bioshock Infinite are pretty much run of the mill for any first person shooter game. You have your stock standard pistol and the inevitable shotguns, machine guns, rifles and the trusty old rocket/grenade launchers at the meaty end of the damage scale. Interestingly, there is a pair of variants for most weapon types on offer and often there is very little difference between the two which makes some weapons choices seem a little redundant at times. As with vigors, these can be upgraded. To upgrade weapons, you must go to a Minuteman's Armory vending machine and purchase them. Each weapon has four upgrades available, however the higher end upgrades will not appear until late in the game. Just keep checking each Minuteman's Armory vending machine that you come across! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Broadsider Pistol - "Pistol" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== As with most shooters, the pistol is the starting weapon. it is also the first weapon you are likely to dispose of when the next weapon comes around! Rounds can be fired in fairly quick succession, making it a decent weapon to use on stunned enemies. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $199 Effect: Increase Pistol damage by 35%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $199 Effect: Increase Pistol damage by 25%. 03. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $275 Effect: Increase Pistol clip size by 50%. 04. Ammo Increase ___________________/ Cost: $404 Effect: Increase Pistol reserve ammo by 50%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Paddywhacker Hand Cannon - "Hand Cannon" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The hand cannon is a pistol that appears later on in the game that packs a bit more of a punch than the standard pistol. It does however trade off power for slower rate of fire, a great deal of recoil, slower reload time and reduced amount of ammo. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $448 Effect: Increases Hand Cannon damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $448 Effect: Increases Hand Cannon damage by 25%. 03. Reload Speed ___________________/ Cost: $656 Effect: Increases Hand Cannon reload speed by 50%. 04. Recoil Decrease ___________________/ Cost: $350 Effect: Decreases Hand Cannon recoil by 20%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Founder Triple R Machine Gun - "Machine Gun" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The machine gun has a high rate of fire and a decent ammo capacity. It is one of the more useful weapons in the game, especially early on and is great for taking down enemies under the effect of a vigor. Try to fire it in short bursts so that the recoil remains negligable. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $236 Effect: Increases Machine Gun damage by 35%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $236 Effect: Increases Machine Gun damage by 35%. 03. Accuracy Boost ___________________/ Cost: $512 Effect: Decreases Machine Gun weapon spread by 75%. 04. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $391 Effect: Increases Machine Gun clip size by 100%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Vox Repeater - "Repeater" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The repeater is the Vox Populi equivalent of the Founder Triple R Machine Gun. This variation of the machine gun has a slightly larger clip size and ammo capacity than the standard machine gun and is more subject to recoil as well.As with the other machine gun, fire in short bursts to reduce the amount of recoil. Again, this one is best used for mowing down enemies under the effect of damage enhancing vigors (E.g. Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco). ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $416 Effect: Increases Repeater damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $416 Effect: Increases Repeater damage by 25%. 03. Recoil Decrease ___________________/ Cost: $711 Effect: Decreases Repeater recoil by 50%. 04. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $449 Effect: Increases Repeater clip size by 100%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== China Broom Shotgun - "Shotgun" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== Perhaps unsurprisingly, the shotgun acts like the stock standard weapon that we have all come to know love as shooter fans. It is brutal at close range causing a huge amount of damage, but is next to useless against mid-long range enemies. It has a lengthy reload time, meaning there is a lot of downtime between clips which can be difficult whilst in the middle of a tough combat situation. Probably best used as a secondary weapon that can be held onto for when enemies get up close and personal. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $255 Effect: Increase Shotgun damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $255 Effect: Increase Shotgun damage by 25%. 03. Reload Speed ___________________/ Cost: $456 Effect: Decrease shotgun reload time by 50%. 04. Spread Boost ___________________/ Cost: $360 Effect: Increase Shotgun cone width by 20%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Vox Heater - "Heater" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== This is the Vox Populi equivalent of the China Broom Shotgun. It has a greater propensity to causing damage, but has a much lower ammo reserve and clip size. It has the same weaknesses as the standard shotgun with a lengthy reload time, meaning there is a lot of downtime between clips which can be difficult whilst in the middle of a tough combat situation. As with the founder shotgun variant, it is probably best used as a secondary weapon that can be held onto for when enemies get up close and personal. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $554 Effect: Increases Heater damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $554 Effect: Increases Heater damage by 25%. 03. Reload Speed ___________________/ Cost: $752 Effect: Decreases Heater reload time by 50%. 04. Spread Boost ___________________/ Cost: $467 Effect: Increases Heater cone width by 20%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Founder Huntsman Carbine - "Carbine" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The carbine is one of the better weapons in the game. It has a decent clip size, is most effective from mid-long range and has a fairly quick rate of fire and damage output. When upgraded, there is very few weapons that can match it's usefulness. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $357 Effect: Increases Carbine damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $357 Effect: Increases Carbine damage by 25%. 03. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $484 Effect: Increases Carbine clip size by 50%. 04. Recoil Decrease ___________________/ Cost: $333 Effect: Decreases Carbine recoil by 60%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Vox Burstgun - "Burstgun" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The Burstgun is the Vox Populi's version of the Founder Huntsman Carbine. It has a similar ammo reserve and clip size but has a different fire method. The burstgun has a scope and fires off a fairly accurate three round burst, the only problem with it is that whilst it has a high rate of fire and accuracy, it has a decreased amount of damage when compared with the regular Carbine. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $423 Effect: Increases Burstgun damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $423 Effect: Increases Burstgun damage by 25%. 03. Recoil Decrease ___________________/ Cost: $822 Effect: Decreases Burstgun recoil by 50%. 04. Ammo Increase ___________________/ Cost: $672 Effect: Increases Burstgun reserve ammo by 50%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Bird's Eye Sniper Rifle - "Sniper Rifle" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The sniper rifle in Bioshock Infinite is a great weapon, not only does it do a massive amount of damage, it is highly accurate. Its bolt-action orientation means that there is a slow rate of fire, but this can be upgraded to minimise waiting time. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $349 Effect: Increases Sniper Rifle damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $349 Effect: Increases Sniper Rifle damage by 25%. 03. Fire Rate ___________________/ Cost: $654 Effect: Increases Sniper Rifle rate of fire by 100%. 04. Recoil Decrease ___________________/ Cost: $288 Effect: Decreases Sniper Rifle recoil by 50%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Barnstormer RPG - "RPG" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The RPG is found hidden away in a number of areas in Bioshock Infinite and is the weapon of choice of the Founder/Vox rocketeers. It fires a projectile that explodes on impact and packs quite a punch if you can hit someone with it. Unfortunately without upgrades, the projectile speed is quite slow and unless you are targeting a turret, or some other slow moving or stationary object, you are very unlikely to hit anything unless you are at close-mid range. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $385 Effect: Increases RPG damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $385 Effect: Increases RPG damage by 25%. 03. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $816 Effect: Increases RPG clip size by 50%. 04. Speed Increase ___________________/ Cost: $333 Effect: Increases RPG projectile speed by 100%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Founder Pig Volley Gun - "Volley Gun" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The volley gun is Bioshock Infinite's grenade launcher. Like the RPG it fires explosive rounds, but to distinguish itself from the RPG, it can fire multiple rounds at a fairly good rate of fire. The Volley fire does not shoot in a direct line however and you will need to lob the shots in order to hit your targets. Whilst it does have a better rate of fire than the RPG, the aiming mechanism is a little harder to wrap your head around and the projectiles themselves cause a lower amount of damage. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $522 Effect: Increases Volley Gun damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $522 Effect: Increases Volley Gun damage by 25%. 03. Radius Increase ___________________/ Cost: $536 Effect: Increases Volley Gun explosion radius by 50%. 04. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $740 Effect: Increases Volley Gun clip size by 100%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Vox Hail Fire - "Hail Fire" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The Vox Hail Fire is the Vox Populi equivalent weapon of the Founder Pig Volley Gun. It has essentially the same set up as the Volley Gun in that you need to lob the projectiles in order to hit your targets and again, whilst it does have a better rate of fire than the RPG, the projectiles themselves cause a lower amount of damage. The unique thing about this weapon is that if you hold down the fire button, you can choose when to detonate the projectile - when you let go of the button, the projectile will explode. This allows you to bounce it off walls and the ground if you wish. ===================== Weapon Upgrades: ===================== 01. Damage Boost 1 ___________________/ Cost: $688 Effect: Increases Hail Fire damage by 25%. 02. Damage Boost 2 ___________________/ Cost: $688 Effect: Increases Hail Fire damage by 25%. 03. Radius Increase ___________________/ Cost: $415 Effect: Increases Hail Fire explosion radius by 100%. 04. Clip Increase ___________________/ Cost: $399 Effect: Increases Hail Fire clip size by 60%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Peppermill Crank Gun - "Crank Gun" =============================================================================== Description: ===================== The Peppermill Crank gun can only be acquire from detroying a Motorized Patriot or through a tear that Elizabeth opens. It is a mini-gun and as such has an extremely high rate of fire and causes a massive amount of damage. The only problem is that is takes a short amount of time to warm up before firing and once you have expended all of the ammo, you will have to discard it as there is no ammo for it to be picked up or purchased in the game. This weapon has no upgrades. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[G3AR0] ______ ______ _ _ / _____) / _____) (_) | | | / ___ ____ ____ ____ | / ___ _ _ _ _ | | ____ | | (___)/ _ ) _ |/ ___) | | (___) | | | |/ || |/ _ ) | \____/( (/ ( ( | | | | \____/| |_| | ( (_| ( (/ / \_____/ \____)_||_|_| \_____/ \____|_|\____|\____) ___________________________________ | Equippable Gear & Passive Bonuses | |___________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Gear is a new addition to the Bioshock franchise and replaces the tonics from the first two games. Equipped gear provides players with useful passive bonus abilities that vary greatly between the various bits and pieces. There are four types of Gear that can be found: Hats, Shirts, Pants and Boots and players can equip one of each type at a time, allowing four to be equipped simultaneously. Gear can be found in small gift wrapped boxes either from defeating some of the more powerful enemies such as handymen or located tucked away in hard to find places. There is a large number of different pieces of Gear in the game and picked up Gear is randomised. This means that picking up the same box twice is unlikely to yield the same piece of gear. For locations of all the gifts containing pieces of Gear in the game, check out the guide after this shortcut: > Gear Locations Guide ........... [GRCTL] Below is a list of all of the pieces of gear that I have found in the game to date along with the in-game description of the effect they give. They are organised alphabetically and by slot. Use the following shortcuts to jump down to the desired sub-category quickly: > Equippable Gear - Hats ......... [G3ARH] > Equippable Gear - Shirts ....... [G3ARS] > Equippable Gear - Pants ........ [G3ARP] > Equippable Gear - Boots ........ [G3ARB] I have also included the available DLC Gear. These include those obtained from the Early Bird DLC (from purchasing the Season Pass), Collector's Edition DLC and the Industrial Revolution DLC. When unlocked, these pieces of gear will be availbale to equip from the Gear section of the menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: To get yourself a Industrial revolution DLC code, go to the following website:(http://www.finkmanufacturing.com/) and play through the puzzles until you unlock it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Equippable Geat - Hats [G3ARH] =============================================================================== In-Game Gear: ===================== Ammo Cap -----------> When shooting, empty clips have 40% chance of auto filling without reload. Burning Halo -------> 70% chance that melee target is set ablaze. Victim takes 300 damage over 4 seconds. Electric Touch -----> 50% chance that a melee target is stunned. Victim is vulnerable for 3 seconds. Gear Head ----------> Become harder to detect. Affects automated turrets, zeppelins, and Motorized Patriots. Hill Runner's Hat --> Shield breaking increases movement speed. 50% faster for 5 seconds. Quick Handed -------> Decrease weapon reload times by 30%. Rising Bloodlust ---> After each successful kill (up to 5), weapon damage is increased. Resets 10 seconds after last kill. Sheltered Life -----> Grants brief invulnerability when gaining health from snacks and health kits. Storm --------------> Killing with Devil's Kiss, Shock Jockey, or Bucking Bronco causes effects to chain to nearby enemies. Spare The Rod ------> 30% chance melee target becomes Possessed. Possessed victim is an ally for a few seconds. Throttle Control ---> Increased throttle and breaking control on Sky-lines. ===================== Downloadable content: ===================== Electric Punch -----> Requires Early Bird DLC. -----> 70% chance that a melee target is stunned. Victim is vulnerable for four seconds. Extra! Extra! ------> Requires Collector's Edition DLC. ------> When found, Voxophones also provide Silver Eagles when collected. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Equippable Gear - Shirts [G3ARS] =============================================================================== In-Game Gear: ===================== Blood to Salt ------> Enemies provide Salts upon death 40% of the time. Bullet Boon --------> Increases clip size for all weapons by 50%. Coat of Harms ------> Enemies become easier to melee execute. Drop Cloth ---------> Landing off a Sky-line increases movement speed. 50% faster for 5 seconds. Executioner --------> Melee strikes against staggered enemies add 60% chance to critical hit. Victims take 25% more damage when struck. Nitro Vest ---------> Increase radius of explosive weapon splash damage. Pyromaniac ---------> When struck, 50% chance to burn nearby enemies. Victims take 400 damage over three seconds. Scavenger's Vest ---> Enemies provide ammo upon death 40% of the time. Shock Jacket -------> When struck, 50% chance to shock nearby enemies. Victims take 50 damage, vulnerable for two seconds. Sky-Line Accuracy --> Increases weapon accuracy on Sky-lines. Winter Shield ------> Jumping to or from Sky-line grants brief invulnerability. ===================== Downloadable content: ===================== Ammo Advantage -----> Requires Early Bird DLC. -----> Increases clip size for all weapons by 75%. Sugar Rush ---------> Requires Industrial Revolution DLC. ---------> After eating a snack, move 50% faster for three seconds. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Equippable Gear - Pants [G3ARP] =============================================================================== In-Game Gear: ===================== Angry Stompers -----> When extremely low on health, deal 2x damage. Brittle-Skinned ----> Melee targets briefly vulnerable. Victim takes 2x damage for 5 seconds. Deadly Lungers -----> Melee strike range increased by 3x. Fire Bird ----------> Jumping from a Sky-Line has a 100% chance to burn nearby enemies. Victims take 400 damage over three seconds. Ghost Posse --------> Killing with a Vigor trap has a 50% chance of causing the enemy's gun to become a ghostly ally for a few seconds. Head Master --------> Increases critical hit damage by 50%. Health for Salts ---> When out of Salts, you will use health to cast Vigors. Last Man Standing --> When very low on health, killing an enemy gives health. Sky-Line Reloader --> Jumping on or off a Sky-Line reloads your weapon. Spectral Sidekick --> Dropping a weapon creates a ghostly ally for a few seconds. Urgent Care --------> Decrease shield recharge delay by 1 second. Increase shield recharge rate by 2x. ===================== Downloadable content: ===================== Bull Rush ----------> Requires Collector's Edition DLC. ----------> Melee targets are knocked back. Ghost Soldier ------> Requires Early Bird DLC. ------> Killing with a Vigor trap has a 70% change to cause the enemy gun to become a ghostly ally for a few seconds. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Equippable Gear - Boots [G3ARB] =============================================================================== In-Game Gear: ===================== Death from Above ---> Increase weapon damage by 30% on Skylines. Fit As A Fiddle ----> When revived, recover full health. Kill To Live -------> Melee executions have 65% chance to give health. Newton's Law -------> Landing off a Sky-line knocks back nearby enemies. Nor'easter ---------> Killing an enemy from a Sky-line gives 50% chance of brief invulnerability. Overkill -----------> Killing with excessive damage stuns nearby enemies. Tunnel Vision ------> Aiming increases damage by 25%. Hip firing reduces damage by 25%. Vampire's Embrace --> Melee kills give health. ===================== Downloadable content: ===================== Betrayer -----------> Requires Collector's Edition DLC. -----------> Killing a Possessed human causes them to explode. Nearby enemies take 360 damage over five seconds. Eagle Strike -------> Requires Early Bird DLC. -------> Increases weapon damage by 50% on Sky-Lines. Fleet Feet ---------> Requires Industrial Revolution DLC. ---------> When evading, movement speeds are increased. Affects side strafing and backpedaling. Handyman Nemesis ---> Requires Industrial Revolution DLC. ---> Increases damage against Handymen by 50%. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[ENMYS] _______ _ ______ _ _ (_______) (_) / _____) (_) | | _____ ____ ____ ____ _ ____ ___ | / ___ _ _ _ _ | | ____ | ___) | _ \ / _ ) \| |/ _ )/___) | | (___) | | | |/ || |/ _ ) | |_____| | | ( (/ /| | | | ( (/ /|___ | | \____/| |_| | ( (_| ( (/ / |_______)_| |_|\____)_|_|_|_|\____|___/ \_____/ \____|_|\____|\____) _______________________________ | Enemies & Enemy Tactics Guide | |_______________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== There is an abundance of hostility going down in Columbia and Booker is sure to be on the recieveing end of a lot of it. As such, it is best to be prepared! Below you'll find a list of the enemies you will encounter during your time playing Bioshock Infinite, a little about each and a tactic or two on how to eliminate them in an efficient manner. Enemies are listed in order of appearance: ______________________________ / New Enemy: Founder Policeman \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Raffle Square, Battleship Bay, Finkton Docks, Finkton _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The policemen are one type of the standard fodder enemies present in Bioshock Infinite. They only appear very early on in the game and are usually equipped with pistols and melee batons. They are relatively weak, with a few shots from a pistol or a melee swing or two killing them. A headshot will result in an instant kill against these guys. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Founder Policeman\ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Automated Turret \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Almost everywhere! _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ Auto-turrets are a common sight in Columbia and are similar to the turrets encountered in previous Bioshock games. They resemble world war one era soldiers (torso and up) with a machine gun in front. They will remain inactive until they see you at which point they will open fire. They have a high rate of fire and are extremely accurate. There are two types of these turrets: one with a machine gun and one equipped with an RPG. Auto turrets are automatons and as such have a colored indicator to let you know what their status is at a glance. The green light indicates that the auto-turret has not seen you and will not attack. A yellow light indicates that the turret has spotted you and is warning you to stop (if you duck out of sight at this point, they will return to green). Finally, red status means that they have seen you and are attacking. The auto-turrets can be possessed with the Possession vigor to become a temporary ally. This is useful for both distracting enemy units and adding additional damage to yours. This is especially useful at the front end of the game before finding/upgrading more advanced weapons and vigors. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Automated Turret \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Fireman \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Raffle Square, Hall of Heroes, The Factory, Emporia _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The fireman are a little tougher than your average infantry units as they are equipped with a bit of fire resistant armour. They will spend most fights throwing grenades at you using the Devil’s kiss vigor and as such you will need to continue to keep moving when fighting against them to avoid constant splash damage the subsequent explosions dish out. If you get in to close to him, he will send out a fiery shockwave that will damage you and set you on fire, doing a little damage over time to you as well. Fireman can absorb a lot of damage and at least at the start of the game headshots are an effective way to deal with them as they seem to do the most damage. As you progress through the game, new vigors and weapons become available to make things a little easier for you. Once they have lost a good portion of their health, the fireman will explode. Before they do, they will have a grenade indicator appear over their heads. At this point, they will stop lobbing grenades and will charge at you in an attempt to catch you in their explosion. Either shoot them down quickly or run away until they explode. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Fireman \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Founder Soldier \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Comstock Centre, Monument Island, Soldier's Field, Shantytown, The Factory, Emporia, Comstock House, The Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The founder soldiers are a more advanced version of the policemen that we encountered earlier and a little harder to kill. They are decked out in body armour and helmets, making them a little more resistant to damage that their policemen colleagues. They are also equipped with more advanced weapons including machine guns, carbines and shotguns. They will take cover and try to kill you from safety and will run between cover to get a better angle on your position. As with the previous enemy types, aim for the head and stay in cover to deal with these guys in a time-effective manner. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Founder Soldier \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Raven Cultist \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Fraternal Order of the Raven, Comstock Centre _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ As with the policemen we encountered earlier, the cultists are another type of the standard fodder enemies present in Bioshock Infinite. They only appear at one area in the game and are equipped with pistols, machine guns and large clubs. They are relatively weak, with a few shots from a pistol or a melee swing or two killing them. A headshot will result in an instant kill against these guys. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Raven Cultist \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: The Crow \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Comstock Centre, Hall of Heroes, Emporia _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ Crows, like the fireman we ran into earlier in the game are equipped with a vigor and as such, they have attacks that highlight the use of that vigor. Their vigor is the Murder of Crows. The Crow attacks with a melee club weapon and is able to transform into a flock of crows rendering him invincible for a short period of time. The trick to beating the crow is to get him out of his crow form so that you can kill him. Unfortunately he only does this when he is close enough to get a melee attack in on you. As such, in order to kill him easier, plant traps by using charged up vigors and lure him into them. The Devil’s Kiss trap is especially useful as the fiery explosion causes damage over time. Once the traps go off, he will be in a humanoid form and knocked to the ground or stunned for a few seconds. Take this opportunity to fill him with lead. You’ll probably need to repeat the process a few times, but it’s really not that difficult once you know how to handle them. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: The Crow \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Slate's Veterans \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Hall of Heroes _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ Slate’s veterans are found throughout the Hall of Heroes and like the Founder Soldiers are more advanced variant of the standard fodder enemies in the game. They are a little harder to kill as they are more resistant to damage the standard fodder bad guys. They are also equipped with more advanced weapons including machine guns, carbines and shotguns. As with the soldiers, they will take cover and try to kill you from safety and will run between cover to get a better angle on your position. As with the previous enemy types, aim for the head and stay in cover to deal with these guys in a time-effective manner. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Slate's Veterans \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Motorized Patriot \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Hall of Heroes, Soldier's Field, Emporia, Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The motorized patriots are one of the more difficult enemies you will encounter in the game and are large, durable robotic automatons with a large reserve of armour making them very resistant to damage, it also means they will never seek cover and continue to proceed towards you even in the face of gunfire. They are slow moving and are equipped with the Peppermill Crank Gun – a minigun that can dish out enormous amounts of damage due to its very high rate of fire. They can also perform a devastating melee attack if you get in too close to them. The motorized patriot’s major weak point is the gears located in the centre of its back. To reach it, your best bet is to plant a trap to stun it or to attempt to outmanoeuvre the patriot. Note that vigors that cause increased damage for your weapons such as Murder of Crows and Devil’s Kiss will make life a little easier against these guys. Once you obtain it, the Shock Jockey vigor is also quite effective at chain stunning the patriots. The Patriots are automatons and as such have a colored indicator to let you know what their status is at a glance. The green light indicates that the Patriot has not seen you and will not attack. A yellow light indicates that it has spotted you and is warning you to stop (if you duck out of sight at this point, they will return to green). Finally, red status means that they have seen you and are attacking. Note that these automatons can be possessed with the Possession vigor and at some points during the game, can be brought through tears to become temporary allies _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Motorized Patriot\ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Rocketeer \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Almost everywhere from Hall of Heroes onwards _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ These Founder soldiers are tougher than your standard run of the mill soldier type. They are heavily armoured, so are more durable to not only weapon damage, but explosive damage too. These guys are equipped with RPGs and are quite accurate. Traps and headshots are the way to defeating these enemies. Note there are both Vox and Founder variants of the grenadier. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Rocketeer \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Mosquito \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Finkton, Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ Mosquitos are similar to the auto-turrets and rocket auto-turrets except instead of being locked in place, they are suspended from balloons in the air, allowing them freedom of movement and a nice view over any potential battlefield. Mosquitos, like the other forms of turrets are automatons and as such have a colored indicator to let you their status is at a glance. The green light indicates that it has not yet seen you and will not attack. A yellow light indicates that the mosquito has spotted you and is warning you to stop (if you duck out of sight at this point, they will return to green). Finally, red status means that they have seen you and are attacking. As with the auto-turrets mosquitos can be possessed with the Possession vigor or brought in through tears to become a temporary ally. This is useful for both distracting enemy units and adding additional damage to yours. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Mosquito \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Handyman \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Finkton, The Factory, Emporia, Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The Handymen are one of the most difficult enemies you will encounter during your time in Columbia. They are large, golem-like enemies that are incredibly strong, very fast and extremely durable to damage. The handymen can leap large distances to close ground between you and them very quickly. They will always remain unarmed and will often try to get in close to DeWitt in order to unleash a charge or melee attack. In addition, they are smart enough to occasionally take cover and will throw other enemy units or electricity bolts at you if you are out of reach. Even sky-lines are not safe for long with handymen around as they can jump up onto a sky-line and electrify it, causing significant damage if you are attached at the time. The handyman’s weak spots are its large glowing heart in the centre of its torso and its head. Using traps to stun them does work, but the safest tactic is to kite them around and when you are a safe distance, turn around, shoot them a few times and run off again. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Handyman \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Fink Applicant \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ The Good Time Club _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ As with the policemen or the cultists we faced early on in the game, the applicants are yet another type of standard fodder enemies present in Bioshock Infinite. They only appear during the Plaza of Zeal areas of the game and are usually equipped with pistols, shotguns and melee weapons. They are relatively weak, with a few shots from a pistol or a melee swing or two killing them. A headshot will result in an instant kill against these guys. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Fink Applicant \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Grenadier \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Almost everywhere from Finkton onwards _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ As with the rocketeer, these Founder/Vox soldiers are tougher than your standard run of the mill soldier type. They are heavily armoured, so are more durable to not only weapon damage, but explosive damage too. These guys are equipped with grenade launchers and are quite accurate. Using cover and whilst advancing and planting headshots are the fastest way to defeating these enemies. Sticking vigor effects on them that increase weapon damage (e.g. Murder of Crows, bucking Bronco) is also a good way to whittle away their health a little quicker. Note that there are both Vox and Founder variants of the grenadier. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Grenadier \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy:Large Rocket Turret\____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Shantytown, Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ We'll only encounter the large rocket turrets a few times during the game, but they are quite a formiddable force when you do encounter them. They appear as large, bronze/copper objects featuring a number of barrels that can quickly loose numerous rockets in your direction. As they can burn a large amount of ground in mere seconds, it is important to either find some good cover or keep moving (sky-lines are great for this) when you encounter them. In addition to wall mounted turrets, these can also be found on the underside of some zeppelins and gunships. On these vehicles, destroying the large rocket turret will also destroy the vehicle. Unlike other automatons, this form of turret is not susceptible to the Possession vigor. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/New Enemy:Large Rocket Turret\ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Vox Soldiers \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ The Factory, Emporia, Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The Vox soldiers are almost identical to the Founder soldiers except they are equipped with Vox weapon variants instead. As such they are a more advanced version of the standard fodder enemies such as the policemen and Fink applicants that we encountered earlier and a little harder to kill. They are more heavily armoured, making them a little more resistant to and are also equipped with more advanced weapons including repeaters, heaters and burst guns. As with the regular Founder soldiers, the Vox soldiers will take cover and try to kill you from safety and will run between cover to get a better angle on your position. As with the previous enemy types, aim for the head and stay in cover to deal with these guys in a time-effective manner. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Vox Soldiers \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Siren \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Emporia _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The siren is one of the tougher enemies you will encounter in the game. They appear as ghosts in appearance and have a number of abilities that make encounters with them difficult. Firstly, they have a shockwave attack they will unleash if you get too close to her that will force you back and is quite damaging. Secondly, and most annoyingly, sirens have the ability to resurrect dead people...dead people with guns. She won’t just stop at one or two zombies either; she will continue to spawn them until she has a veritable army. Additionally the siren has the ability to perform short range teleportation similar to the crows so she can escape your attacks and spawn enemies elsewhere. When facing the siren, you need to weigh up whether to attack the ghost directly or to kill the enemies she has spawned. When she dies, all of the spawned enemies will die as well, however she usually stays at the back of the battlefield or stays very mobile moving from place to place making shooting her difficult without being shot to pieces by her thralls. For those favoring a direct assault, the Return to Sender vigor is | | quite useful in protecting you from damage whilst you attack her | | directly whilst also giving you an offensive tool in the throwable | | shield. A good tactic is to throw Devil’s Kiss or Shock Jockey traps at her whilst she is stationary and reviving enemies as when the enemies hit the floor, they will also activate the trap damaging her and killing or wounding almost all of them in the process. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Siren \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Mannequins \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Comstock House _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The Mannequins only appear in Comstock house. You will find they looked like a partially phased out version of citizens with creepy masks on. They are usually found in large groups of 8-10 guarding a room. They remain relatively still and are passive, even if you walk up and touch them. They will stay like this until you alert a Boy of Silence. When alerted to your presence, they will rush you in a large pack and use melee attacks to damage you. As with the policemen or the cultists they are relatively weak, their danger lies in the large numbers. If you do accidentally alert a pack of them, you should cut large circles around the area to draw them together and drop traps into their midst as you go. Fortunately conflict with these guys can almost always be avoided, as long as you don’t bother the Boy of Silence in their room. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Mannequins \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Boys of Silence \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Comstock House _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ The Boys of Silence, like the mannequins are only found in a short section of the game in Comstock house. They can be identified by the large metal helmet on their heads with the large earpieces sticking out on either side. These guys act sort of like the security cameras in Rapture from the first two Bioshock games. They Stand in a specific location and will survey the room around them. You can tell where they are looking by the spotlight that illuminates the area they are investigating. If they look at you, the spotlight will turn yellow and they will assume an action pose. If you are unable to escape his gaze behind cover for a second or two whilst the beam is focused on you and yellow, it will turn red and the Boy of Silence will sound an alarm before teleporting from the room. The alarm will cause all of the mannequins in the immediate area to attack you. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Boys of Silence \ \_____________________________/ ______________________________ / New Enemy: Heavy Soldiers \____________________________________________ \______________________________/ \ /Locations: \ \___________/ Comstock House, The Hand of the Prophet _______________________________ /Description & general tactics: \ \_______________________________/ These Founder soldiers are just like regular soldiers. They use the same weapons (shotguns, machine guns etc.) and tactics as the regular soldiers. Where they differ is in their armour. As with the rocketeers/grenadiers these enemies are heavily armoured, so are more durable to vigor, weapon and explosive damage. As with the other armoured enemies, traps, sustainable vigors that increase weapon damage and headshots are the order of the day when facing these enemies. _____________________________ \____________________________________________/ New Enemy: Heavy Soldiers \ \_____________________________/ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[CLTBL] ______ _ _ _ _ _ / _____) | | | _ (_) | | | | / ___ | | | ____ ____| |_ _| | _ | | ____ ___ | | / _ \| | |/ _ ) ___) _)| | || \| |/ _ )/___) | \____| |_| | | ( (/ ( (___| |__| | |_) ) ( (/ /|___ | \______)___/|_|_|\____)____)\___)_|____/|_|\____|___/ ________________________________ | Campaign Collectible Locations | |________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== There is a huge number of Collectibles littered throughout your journey through Columbia and they come in a number of forms. This collectible locations guide will give you a complete list of all of the different collectibles in the game sorted by type and then checkpoint. I have included a brief description for the location of each collectible to assist you in finding them. The different collectibles include: > 80 Voxophones. These collectibles are small tape recorders that allow you to listen recorded messages from some of Columbia's more prominent residents. Listening to these gives you a little extra back story into the city and its people. Collecting all 80 will unlock the 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy. > 26 Kinetoscopes. The Kinetoscopes are similar to the Voxophones in relaying some additional back story to the denezins of columbia, but they do it visually. Using a kinetoscope shows a short, silent movie about the titular topic. Watching all 26 Kinetoscope and using all 11 telescopes will unlock the achievement/trophy 'Sightseer'. > 11 Telescopes. Telescopes are found in a number of locations in Columbia and allow you to zoom in on specific structures or landmarks nearby. using all 11 telescopes and watching all 26 Kinetoscopes will unlock the achievement/trophy 'Sightseer'. > 25 Infusion Upgrades. Infusion Upgrades are used to increase the base attributes of your Health, Shield or Salt status bars. The first infusion is given to you as a shield, the following 24 allow you to choose which of the three attributes you want to improve. Collecting all 25 Infusion Upgrades will earn you the achievement/trophy 'Infused with Greatness'. > Equippable Gear. Although its technically not a collectible that works towards unlocking achievements, it is incredibly useful. Gear can be found in small gift wrapped boxes either from defeating some of the more powerful enemies such as handymen or located tucked away in hard to find places. Gear gives Booker some passive perks that alter gameplay in some way, usually to make things easier. Here are some shorcuts to allow you to quickly jump down to the collectible/s that you are interested in locating: > Voxophone Locations ...................... [VXCTL] > Kinetoscope & Telescope Locations ........ [KSCTL] > Infusion upgrade Locations ............... [INCTL] > Equippable Gear Locations ................ [GRCTL] =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Voxophone Locations [VXCTL] =============================================================================== There are a total of 80 Voxophones to be found in Columbia. These collectibles are small tape recorders that allow you to listen recorded messages from some of Columbia's more prominent residents. Listening to these gives you a little extra back story into the city and its people. Collecting all 80 will unlock the 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that you do not need to collect all 80 of these in a single playthrough to unlock the achievements as you are able to load checkpoints from the main menu and gather any that you have missed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Voxophones are listed in chronological order: ============================== Welcome Center ============================== 01. ‘Love the Sinner’ ______________________________ After arriving in Columbia, get out of the pod and down the stairs to the left. Around the statue here are three other doors. Go through the door to the left first (it’s the room with flowers all over the floor). At the far end of the room, look in the alcove to the right. Here you will find your first VOXOPHONE. 02. ‘Undeserving’ ______________________________ When you reach the giant statue of the prophet, look to the right. Wait for the floating shop named “Hudson’s” to dock.go inside and behind the counter you’ll find another VOXOPHONE. 03. ‘Everyman, All at Once’ ______________________________ When you reach the grocery store, continue over to the next platform that docks on the left. Climb the stairs and follow the road to the end. On a table in the garden here is another VOXOPHONE. 04. ‘For I am Lonely Too’ ______________________________ After the first Dollar Bill vending machine, continue onwards. As you round the corner and continue along the road, you will be prompted to hit the interaction button to look at a statue that is morphing. Look at the base of this statue to find the VOXOPHONE. ============================== Raffle Square ============================== 05. ‘Solution to Your Problems’ _______________________________ After Killing the first few policemen, go through the gate and down the stairs. Look between the cages on the left for a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Comstock Center Rooftops ============================== 06. ‘Half a Jew’ ______________________________ Once you have picked up the shield upgrade, the woman who gives it to you will move. Enter the kitchen and grab the VOXOPHONE from the table to the left. 07. ‘Otis’ Nimble Fingers’ ______________________________ After you work your way across the rooftops and jump in through the skylight, locate the stairs leading down to the right of the exit. At the bottom of the first set of stairs, go past the next set leading down and enter the door on the right to find a bedroom. On a shelf here you will find a VOXOPHONE 08. ‘A New Hunt’ ______________________________ After exiting from the building with the printing presses, kill the enemies and go down the nearby stairs and climb up on the stage in the grassy area to find a VOXOPHONE. 09. ‘The Gift of the Emancipator’ _________________________________ Once inside the Fraternal Order of the Raven building you will come across a large statue of John Wilkes Booth. Enter the door to its left first to find a small bar of sorts. As you enter the patrons will become hostile so kill them all. Afterwards head up to the bar and pick up the VOXOPHONE. 10. ‘The Lie of the Emancipator’ ________________________________ Clear out the altar room in the fraternal Order of the Raven building and make your way down to the lower room. Look on the benches for a VOXOPHONE. 11. ‘Symbols of Our Lady’ ______________________________ Keep going on from the altar and eventually you will find a projector room. Loot the large central table and enter the door on the left. Inside look on the desk at the far right, directly below the ‘Protecting Our Race’ seal on the wall for a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Monument Island Gateway ============================== 12. ‘Another Ark for Another Time’ __________________________________ Ride the very first sky-line until you come to a stop inside a building. Hop down and kill the Founder soldier here. Proceed into the room to the right. Grab the VOXOPHONE from the desk in here. ============================== Monument Tower ============================== 13. ‘Tiger by the Tail’ ______________________________ After using the frieght hook to jump over the gate, you can go up and enter Monument Tower. As soon as you are inside, look to the left and check out the open locker there for a VOXOPHONE. 14. ‘To R.Thompson Re: Fuses’ ______________________________ After the room with the three levers, go into the door to the next room. In the hallway here, take the first left and enter the door. Inside you will find a VOXOPHONE on a desk against the right hand wall. 15. ‘A Reward Deferred’ ______________________________ As you enter the next room, look on the desk directly in front of you for a VOXOPHONE. 16. ‘The Source of her Power’ ______________________________ After working your way through a couple of observation rooms, you will go back out onto the wooden walkways and climb a ramp. At the top enter the door and grab the VOXOPHONE from the chair on the right. ============================== Battleship Bay ============================== 17. ‘Born in the River’ ______________________________ Once you are back in control on the beach at the start of the area, head up to the very back of the area and beneath the main structure, you will find a red and white striped shed with wheels. Beneath this you will find a VOXOPHONE. 18. ‘Heaven’ ______________________________ Continue into the first building and when you reach the Dollar Bill vending machine continue past it and through the door at the far end of the hallway opposite where we came in from. Inside, in a basket on the right you can pick up a VOXOPHONE. 19. ‘A Dog’s Loyalty’ ______________________________ When you enter the arcade, go to the opposite side of the room to find the White bathrooms. Enter the male bathroom. On a table next to a row of sinks there is a VOXOPHONE. 20. ‘Take Her Alive’ ______________________________ After the ambush at the ticket office, climb the stairs and go through the now open gate. At the top of the stairs, turn to the right and enter the open office at the end of the corridor. Inside there is a VOXOPHONE. 21. ‘The Golden Path to Heaven’ ______________________________ Before exiting to the gondola platform, find the room you can enter to the left of the stairs. Inside, climb the stairs down to the very bottom and look beneath them for a small workbench area with a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Soldier's Field ============================== 22. ‘A Place in the World’ ______________________________ Once you reach the welcome Centre, go left and find the locked door. Get Elizabeth to unlock it. Inside, you’ll find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk against the left wall. Additionally if you follow the room to the end there is a small office with a lock pick on the desk, a safe you can unlock and an open locker with a VOXOPHONE inside. 23. ‘I am his Mirror’ ______________________________ Once you reach Soldier's Field, enter the Ice Cream shop to find a VOXOPHONE inside. 24. ‘Viewing the Infinite’ ______________________________ Still in the main Soldier's Field area, find the Founder’s Bookstore. Inside at the back of the room there is a VOXOPHONE on a desk at the top of the short flight of stairs. 25. ‘Never Seen the Face’ ______________________________ After getting off the lift in which you need to change a fuse, make your way around the display in the very centre of the main area and find the door on the far side of the room marked ‘Employees Only’. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door for you. Once it is unlocked, enter with caution and look to the left. There is an auto-turret in here. Destroy it. After that is done, work your way down the right hand wall of the room, here you will find a desk holding a VOXOPHONE. 26. ‘A True Soldier’ ______________________________ When you reach Sky Road, head up the stairs in the main area of the ticket building and look against the railing overlooking the ground floor you will find a propped up Carbine. On the ground next to it is another VOXOPHONE. 27. ‘Vox Contraband Inventory’ ______________________________ From the previous Voxophone, head across the road to the 'Fellow Traveller' building and make your way inside. As you enter, Go over to the bar. Enter the door behind and to the left of the bar and grab the VOXOPHONE stuck on a cupboard on the back wall of the room. 28. ‘Their Sun is Setting’ ______________________________ Complete the optional task by going to the bathrooms in the 'Fellow Traveller' and find the Vox Code. Head over to the ticket office and find the cannon. Inside the barrel of the cannon is the book. Return to the code and Elizabeth will tell you what to do. in the next toilet room, interact with the hat on the hat rack here to open up a secret passage nearby. Enter the passage and climb down the stairs to the room below. On the bench here is an INFUSION UPGRADE and on the desk in the centre of the room is a lock pick and a VOXOPHONE. 29. ‘A Final Stand’ ______________________________ Upon arriving at the Hall of heroes Plaza after the sky-rail sequence, drop down to the ground. Take the stairs nearby down and investigate the parked gondola. Inside it, there is a VOXOPHONE on a chair. ============================== The Hall of Heroes ============================== 30. ‘Comrades of Necessity' ______________________________ After entering the Hall of Heroes, enter the door to the right of the Minuteman’s Armory machine and you’ll find a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Inside The Hall of Heroes ============================== 31. ‘Unconditional’ ______________________________ Continue through the Hall of Heores until you are in the exhibit 'The Memorial to Our Lady'. Once you go beneath the bridge and Elizabeth unlocks the door, upon entering the next room, look in the side area to the right and you’ll find a VOXOPHONE on the chair in front of a fireplace. ============================== Hall of Heroes Gift Shop ============================== 32. ‘A Soldier’s Death’ ______________________________ After the Courtyard fight with Slate's men, drop down to the ground level and rather than proceeding to the right as the game wants you to, go through the open door on the left side of the room. On the left side of the room is a work bench with a VOXOPHONE on it. In the tool box behind this, you can also locate an INFUSION UPGRADE. ============================== Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza ============================== 33. ‘Calling You Out’ ______________________________ When you get back to Soldier's Field, look for the building with the ‘Hotel Soldier’s Field’ sign on it. Use the sky-line closest to this and the freight hooks nearby to access a balcony on the upper level of this building closest to the gondola platform. Use the Shock Jockey vigor on the power conduit here to open the door. Proceed inside here and on a bed you can grab another VOXOPHONE. ============================== Finkton Docks ============================== 34. ‘God’s Blueprint’ ______________________________ When you arrive in Finkton Docks, look to the left to find the building with ‘Delivery centre’ written on the side. Enter this building, turn left and look between the pair of desks along the left-hand wall of the room for a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Beggar's Wharf ============================== 35. ‘Shame of my Service’ ______________________________ After chasing Elizabeth through the Wharf you will enter a building at the end. As you enter, you will see Elizabeth disappear through another tear. Behind a partition on the left hand side of this room is a pair of desks with one holding a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Worker Induction Center ============================== 36. ‘A Product Like Any Other’ ______________________________ When you arrive in the room with the broken elevator, enter the open door behind the counter on the left. On a desk in here you will find a VOXOPHONE. 37. ‘Seed of a Lie’ ______________________________ Soon after the previous voxophone, once you have cleared out the basement of the building of enemies, before entering the elevator, check out the lockers to the right of it. Inside the open locker is a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Plaza of Zeal (Part 1) ============================== 38. ‘We’ve Need of a Shepherd’ ______________________________ As you enter the door leading to the Gun Smith's Shop, on the table directly in front of the door is a VOXOPHONE. 39. ‘The Invisible Color’ ______________________________ Find the Dollar Bill vending machine in the back right corner of the area. Run over to this and continue to follow the wall past it until you find a VOXOPHONE on the ground near some boxes against a wall. ============================== The Good Time Club ============================== 40. ‘Changing My Tune’ ______________________________ After the stage fight is over, go through the opening in the curtain and exit the stage via the door here. On the dresser to the left as you enter there is a VOXOPHONE. 41. ‘His Design for Cruelty’ ______________________________ In the basement of the Good Time Club, you will reach a corridor that stretches to the left with a number of cells lining either side. Before proceeding in that direction, look on the nearby stool for a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Plaza of Zeal (Part 2) ============================== 42. ‘A Truer Allegiance’ ______________________________ This requires completion of another optional task. Grab the code book from the basement of the Good Time Club and return to the Plaza of Zeal and proceed up the street on the left hand side of the large central building. If you hug the left hand wall as you, go you should see an opening at the end. Through here is a small wooden docking area overlooking the clouds. There is a locked door here that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick). Inside, with the code book in hand, Elizabeth will tell you what to do. Go over and interact with the clock on the right hand side of the scrawled note. This will open, revealing a hidden safe. Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE and a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Shantytown ============================== 43. ‘Fanning a Flame’ ______________________________ Go into the basement of the Graveyard Shift Bar. Look on the bench nearby for a VOXOPHONE. 44. ‘Trapped’ ______________________________ Before entering the Bull House Impound, take a sky-line back up to the upper level on the right (where the RPG tear is) and in a small niche in the covered area you will find a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Bull House Impound ============================== 45. ‘That Goddamn Key’ ______________________________ Once you have entered the Bull House Impound, clear the first room of bad guys and climb the stairs. Continue along the upper level and enter the middle door you come across. Duck into the small office on the back left. Inside you’ll find a lock pick on the floor as you enter and a VOXOPHONE on a desk to the right. 46. ‘Terminated’ ______________________________ From the above Voxophone, loot the rest of the top floor and then head back down the stairs to the lower level. Make your way over to the stairs leading down on the far left side of the room. Near the top of these you will find an open door. Under a desk in here is another VOXOPHONE. 47. ‘Kindling’ ______________________________ After going through the tear in the basement, once the scene finishes, go back up the stairs. At the top you will find a VOXOPHONE on a desk that was not previously there. ============================== The Bull Yard ============================== 48. ‘That Eternal Shore’ ______________________________ When you get back to the main Shantytown area, go down and look in front of the Graveyard Shift Bar, you will see that there is a dead Handyman here. Under the body you will find a VOXOPHONE. 49. ‘Drawing Dead’ ______________________________ From the previous Voxophone, go on into the Graveyard Shift Bar. On the left hand side of the bar inside is a new VOXOPHONE. ============================== On to the Factory ============================== 50. ‘All Debts Paid’ ______________________________ When you get back to the Plaza of Zeal after completing the Shantytown area, enter the door leading to the Gun Smith's shop again. On a shelf to the left you will find another new VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Factory ============================== 51. ‘A Child Needs a Protector’ _______________________________ Once you reach Fink's Office and the Vox soldiers turn on you for the first time. Kill them all. When it is clear, look on the chalkboard in the back, right corner of the room to find a VOXOPHONE. 52. ‘Apology’ ______________________________ After the clocktower fight, enter the clocktower itself. Before following Elizabeth through the door straight ahead, check out the door to the left to find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a table and inside the door to the right you will find a VOXOPHONE. ============================= Port Prosperity ============================= 53. ‘Coming for Comstock’ ______________________________ Once you reach the first vending machines in Port Prosperity, continue down the hallway to the right of the vending machines. Around three quarters of the way up the hallway, look out for a chest on the left with a corpse on it. There is a VOXOPHONE on the floor below the chest. 54. ‘Whispers Through the wall’ _______________________________ When you enter the large room with the pair of telsa coil tears, clear the area. When its safe, look back to where you entered the area. There is a ticket office to both the left and the right of the stairs. The office on the right contains a safe and a small storeroom near it that contains a VOXOPHONE. 55. ‘A Window’ ______________________________ When you reach the turnstile to exit the area, look for a side area beneath the overhead walkway. Have Elizabeth unlock the door here leading to the Founder’s Bookstore (requires 1 lock pick). As you enter look to the right. On a counter beside a teddy bear you will find a VOXOPHONE. 56. ‘Sally’ ______________________________ Still in the Founder's bookstore, go down the stairs at the back of the area. Kill the enemies that follow you down and look in the centre of the room for a VOXOPHONE. 57. ‘One and the Same’ ______________________________ After grabbing the previous Voxophone, head back to the Salty Oyster and go over to the bar on the left.Look beneath the cash register for a previously non-existent button here. Hit this to open the nearby door. On a table inside you will find a new vigor – Return to Sender, a lock pick kit, an INFUSION UPGRADE and in a metal tub on the left of the room a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Downtown Emporia ============================== 58. ‘A City Suspended’ ______________________________ After the scene with Songbird, you will take an elevator down and it will crash. Exit the lift and clear the area. Once the fight is over, use the sky-line to access the upper balcony on the far side of the area from the elevator. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door here (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you’ll find a VOXOPHONE. 59. ‘Beyond Redemption’ ______________________________ After killing the snipers, cross the bridge. As soon as you are over, enter the open door on the right. Find the stairs leading downstairs. At the bottom, kill the Vox soldiers ahead of you. When they are dead, go and look where they were sitting. Behind the table on the right you will see a carton on a shelf with a VOXOPHONE in it. 60. ‘The True Color of my Skin’ _______________________________ When you reach the fight between the Vox and Founders on a street with the bridge/walkway above it near the camera store, clear it and look at the tears. About halfway between the end of the left side of the bridge and the tear for cover on the left hand platform you can find a locked door that Elizabeth is able to unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR on the left counter and a VOXOPHONE on the right. 61. ‘Pen Pal’ ______________________________ As you reach Z.H. Comstock Victory Square, make your way over to the large building at the top of the stairs on the left. Check out the base of the statue of the woman directly in front to find a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Memorial Gardens ============================== 62. ‘Out of Thin Air’ ______________________________ After dealing with the Siren for the first time in the Memorial Gardens, return to the street. When we are back on the street, turn right and follow the crumbling ledge here. Once you are back on the street, turn around to see an open door to a building floating behind us. Jump over to this. Approach the red tear to hear a bout of contemporary music. Also in the room you will find a VOXOPHONE. 63. ‘A Theory on Our “Death”’ ______________________________ Once you enter the Laboratory Lutece building, go up the stairs. At the top enter the open door to a bedroom. On the left side of this room you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a table. On the right side of the room, on the floor between the bed and the left hand bedside table you will find a VOXOPHONE. 64. ‘On the Entropy of Genes’ ______________________________ Still inside the Laboratory Lutece building, find the tear on the ground floor. Ignore the tear here for a moment and enter the open door to the right. Here on a table at the back of the room is a VOXOPHONE. 65. ‘Child of Science’ ______________________________ once you interact with the tear in the Laboratory Lutece building, it will disappear. After it is gone, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE. 66. ‘The Imagination of God’ ______________________________ As you proceed through the Market District, keep your eye out for a shop called 'Hudson's'. Go inside. Downstairs you will find a safe we can open. In the small side-room near the safe, there is also a code book on a shelf that we can grab. Take this to the bank and when you reach the vault, go through the left hand door in front of it. Follow the hallway all the way to the until you enter an office at the end. Look on the desk here for a another Vox code. With the codebook in hand, Elizabeth tells you what to do, so interact with the type writer. This will unlock a secret room nearby that contains an INFUSION UPGRADE, a lock pick bag and a VOXOPHONE. 67. ‘No Longer’ ______________________________ When you reach the tear in the bank, ignore this for now and enter the room to the left. There is a safe in here Elizabeth can unlock. Behind this is a VOXOPHONE. 68. ‘A Broken Circle’ ______________________________ Still in the same area as the previous Voxophone, interact with the tear. After the tear disappears, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE. 69. ‘The Customer is Late’ ______________________________ find your way back to the camera store and unlock it to find the final tear. Interact with the tear and once it disappears, look on the table behind where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Comstock House ============================== 70. ‘A Leash’ ______________________________ After the first encounter with one of the Boys of Silence, enter the elevator. Inside the elevator is another tear and a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Atrium ============================== 71. ‘The Value of Choice’ ______________________________ When you run into the second Boy of Silence, enter the door to his right. After entering the doorway, enter the door directly to the left beside the ‘Where we Weep’ sign. Inside a coffin at the base of a furnace you will find another VOXOPHONE. 72. ‘Debts’ ______________________________ In the room with the fourth Boy of Silence. You will notice the gift on the table behind him that contains a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. Carefully work your way between the crates when he is not looking. Grab the gear when safe to do so and then continue into the room behind the wall here. Grab the VOXOPHONE from the table. ============================== The Warden's Office ============================== 73. ‘A Last Chance’ ______________________________ Once you reach the security Centre, ignore the stairs for now and look in the back right hand corner of the room to find another projector on a desk. Sitting on the desk next to this is a VOXOPHONE. 74. ‘Smothered in the Crib’ ______________________________ From the previous Voxophone, go up the stairs. At the top, follow the walkway around until you find the Warden’s Office. Inside there is a VOXOPHONE. 75. ‘Ending It’ ______________________________ When you enter the elevator again, grab the new VOXOPHONE that is now here. ============================== The Operating Theater ============================== 76. ‘Pavlov’s Bell’ ______________________________ After rescuing Elizabeth, have her unlock the door directly across from the gate where we need to go for the objective. Inside at the top of the stairs is a desk with an UPGRADE INFUSION and a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Hand of the Prophet ============================== 77. ‘An Ultimatum’ ______________________________ Once you have cleared the Comstock Rooftop of enemies, return to the building at the end of the bridge and have Elizabeth unlock the door here (requires 3 lock picks). Once inside, enter the door to the left to find a VOXOPHONE on the floor between 2 desks. ============================== Hangar Deck ============================== 78. ‘What’s Done is Done’ ______________________________ After riding the first sky-line up to the next deck, clear your way to the control panel to drop the pods from the next sky-line. At this point don't press it just yet. Instead, go down the nearby stairs. At the base you will find a locked door that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick). Enter the door. Inside, go through the back of the room via the doors either side of the headless patriot. In the next area you will see a table with a VOXOPHONE on it next to a flag. ============================== Engineering Deck ============================== 79. ‘The Mirror of Sin’ ______________________________ Following the scene with Comstock, enter the door behind the fountain. Climb the stairs and follow the wooden walkway until you reach another short set of stairs. At the top of these, ignore the larger set of stairs leading up once more for the moment. On this platform here are two doors we can enter. The door on the left is an office area with a desk inside with a VOXOPHONE and a hand cannon sitting on it. 80. ‘The Prophet is Dying’ ______________________________ Following the scene with Comstock, enter the door behind the fountain. Climb the stairs and follow the wooden walkway until you reach another short set of stairs. At the top of these, ignore the larger set of stairs leading up once more for the moment. On this platform here are two doors we can enter. The door on the right is a bedroom and in here on the bed is the final VOXOPHONE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and have acquired all of the Voxophones along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Eavesdropper’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Kinetoscope & Telescope Locations [KSCTL] =============================================================================== I have listed the Kinetoscopes and Telescopes together as you will need to find and use all of them in order to unlock the 'Sightseer Trophy/achievement. A little bit of information about each: There are a total of 26 Kinetoscopes in Columbia. The Kinetoscopes are similar to the Voxophones in relaying some additional back story to the denezins of Columbia, but they do it visually. Using a kinetoscope shows a short, silent movie about the titular topic. Unlike any other collectible, some Kinetoscopes appear multiple times throughout the game. They will only count the first time that they appear. As such I have only listed the first instance of each. There are a total of 11 Telescopes in the game. Telescopes are found in a number of locations in Columbia and allow you to zoom in on specific structures or landmarks nearby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that you do not need to collect all of these in a single playthrough to unlock the achievement as you are able to load checkpoints from the main menu and gather any that you have missed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Kinetoscope and Telescope locations are listed in chronological order: ============================= Welcome Center ============================= 01. Kinetoscope: ‘Father Comstock’s Gift of Prophecy' _____________________________________________________ When you reach the giant statue of the prophet, look to the right. Wait for the floating shop named “Hudson’s” to dock. When it does cross over and head inside. Walk up and check out the first KINETOSCOPE on the left side of the counter. 02. Kinetoscope: ‘Beware the False Shepherd!’ _____________________________________________ After the parade floats go by, go across the bridge. On the far side head to the grocery store on the right. Look against the wall to the left of the entrance to find a KINETOSCOPE. 03. Telescope 1 ______________________________ Immediately after receiving the telegram from the boy, turn left and find a TELESCOPE nearby. 04. Kinetoscope: ‘The Envy of all his peers’ ______________________________ When you find the entrance to the Fairground, before going in the gate check out the KINETOSCOPE on the wall to the right. ============================= Comstock Center Rooftops ============================= 05. Kinetoscope: ‘A Look Back at Opening Day’ _____________________________________________ As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see three KINETOSCOPES in front of you. This is one of them. 06. Kinetoscope: ‘The Prophet Stands up to Foes: Within and Without!’ _____________________________________________________________________ As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see three KINETOSCOPES in front of you. This is one of them. 07. Kinetoscope: ‘We Secede from the So-called Union’ _____________________________________________________ As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see three KINETOSCOPES in front of you. This is one of them. 08. Kinetoscope: ‘Danger on all Sides!’ _______________________________________ After exiting the house with the printing presses, clear the area. Afterwards climb the stairs to either side of the Dollar Bill vending machine and turn left at the top. Look behind the tent here for a kINETOSCOPE. 09. Telescope 2 ______________________________ After killing the Crow in the Fraternal Order of the Raven building, continue until you find yourself back outside. As you exit the building, look to the left to see a floating barge. Jump over to this and use the TELESCOPE on board. ============================= Monument Island Gateway ============================= 10. Kinetoscope: ‘Uncanny Mystery in Columbia’ ______________________________________________ As soon as you enter the station, look to the right to spot a KINETOSCOPE. 11. Telescope 3 ______________________________ On the first sky-line you use, you will come across a blue platform to the left of the sky-line with a Founder soldier. Jump down and kill the soldier and his friend inside. Check out the doorway to the right inside the maintenance area here you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk. Return to the balcony. Head over and use the TELESCOPE on the right hand side. ============================= Battleship Bay ============================= 12. Kinetoscope: ‘Battleship Bay’ _________________________________ From the first beach you start the area head over to the door with the lines of fence pickets in front and go inside. Follow the short passage around until you find the next exit. Look on the wall opposite this for a KINETOSCOPE. 13. Kinetoscope: ‘Solving the Irish Problem’ ____________________________________________ Once you reach the Arcade, go to the opposite side of the area to find the White bathrooms. Follow the hallway past the bathrooms and at the end you will find a KINETOSCOPE. 14. Telescope 4 ______________________________ following the gondola ride, climb up to the top tier of the platform. In the centre of the railing looking back towards the gondola you will see a TELESCOPE that you can use. ============================= Soldier's Field ============================= 15. Kinetoscope: ‘A City in the Sky? Impossible!’ _________________________________________________ As you enter the soldier's Field Welcome Centre, go down the stairs and take a right. Go down the smaller set of stairs and enter the door here to find a miniature map of Columbia. Against the back wall you will find a KINETOSCOPE. 16. Kinetoscope: ‘Mighty Songbird Patrols the Skies’ ____________________________________________________ After going beneath the ‘Soldier’s Field’ sign, take a left. There is a small observation deck to the left before the ice cream shop that has a KINETOSCOPE on it. 17. Kinetoscope: ‘Who are the Vox Populi?’ __________________________________________ After leaving Soldier's Field, you will end up in Sky Road. Enter the ticket building here. On the left hand side of the lower level in the room closest to the main area you will find a KINETOSCOPE. 18. Kinetoscope: ‘Who Needs the Power Company?’ _______________________________________________ Before entering the door to the Hall of Heroes, look to the right and grab the KINETOSCOPE at the end of the pathway. ============================= Hall of Heroes Gift Shop ============================= 19. Kinetoscope: ‘The Lamb is the Future of the City’ _____________________________________________________ Before entering the open doorway to the main gift shop area, check out the pair of KINETOSCOPES sitting either side of the door frame. This is one of them. 20. Kinetoscope: ‘Behold the Miracle Child! A Prophecy is Fulfilled!’ _____________________________________________________________________ Before entering the open doorway to the main gift shop area, check out the pair of KINETOSCOPES sitting either side of the door frame. This is one of them. 21. Kinetoscope: ‘A City Mourns…’ _________________________________ After your first encounter with a motorized patriot in the gift shop, check out the KINETOSCOPE which is attached to the circular desk in the centre of the room. ============================= Worker Induction Center ============================= 22. Telescope 5 ______________________________ When you regain control at the start of this area, turn to your left to spot the gondola. On the railing to the left of this is a TELESCOPE you can use. 23. Kinetoscope: 'The Path of the Vox Populi…’ ______________________________________________ Just after the previous telescope. As soon as you enter the building, turn to the left. At the end of the hall here you will see a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. On the wall to the left of this is a KINETOSCOPE. ============================= The Good Time Club ============================= 24. Kinetoscope: ‘Crime Comes to Shanty-Town…’ ______________________________________________ Once you are inside the club, climb the stairs to the top. Here you’ll find a KINETOSCOPE next to a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine 25. Kinetoscope: ‘The First Lady’ _________________________________ After the stage fight, go down to the lower level. From the end of the stage that is jutting into the room, look straight ahead to find a short hallway with a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. To the left of this is a KINETOSCOPE. 26. Kinetoscope: ‘Gun-smith Set Free’ _____________________________________ After using the tear in the basement, return back the way you came. When you reach the area where we picked up the first Kinetoscope you will notice that whilst the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine is still here, the KINETOSCOPE has moved from its left hand side to the right hand side. Go and grab it for another KINETOSCOPE. ============================= Shanty Town ============================= 27. Telescope 6 ______________________________ As you enter the Bull Yard, you will see a good number of soldiers in the courtyard below. Look up to the left. Hop up to the freight hook here and drop down to the upper ledge here. A little further along the railing is a TELESCOPE. ============================= The Bull House Impound ============================= 28. Kinetoscope: ‘Fitzroy Spotted!’ ___________________________________ Once you are inside the police impound, move up and through the open gate in the distance. As soon as you are through, ignore the door to the next area in front and instead enter the open office. There is a KINETOSCOPE in here. ============================= The Factory Courtyard ============================= 29. Telescope 7 ______________________________ After destroying the zeppelin, return to the bridge to find the gate is now unlocked. Climb the stairs to the top. Just at the top of the stairs, before entering the building use the TELESCOPE here. ============================= The Factory ============================= 30. Telescope 8 ______________________________ Once the clock tower fight is over, go to the far platform and find the TELESCOPE on the railing (near the tesla coil tear). ============================= Emporia ============================= 31. Telescope 9 ______________________________ Before taking the gondola to leave the area, look on the right hand side of the gondola station for a TELESCOPE. ============================= Port Prosperity ============================= 32. Kinetoscope: ‘Lutece’s Brother Arrives in Columbia!’ ________________________________________________________ Inside the Salty Oyster, go past the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine and between the two bathrooms you will find a KINETOSCOPE. ============================= Memorial Gardens ============================= 33. Telescope 10 ______________________________ As soon as you are past the gate leaving Z.H. Comstock Victory Square, look to the left for a TELESCOPE. ============================= The Atrium ============================= 34. Kinetoscope: ‘Sunrise’ ______________________________ When you run into the second Boy of Silence, enter the door to his left. On a pillar near the dead end here is a KINETOSCOPE. 35. Kinetoscope: 'Hummingbird' ______________________________ After killing the crow and the founder soldiers climb the stairs. At the top go into the hall on the left. There is another tear here. After it vanishes continue down the corridor nearby and at the end you will find a KINETOSCOPE. 36. Kinetoscope: ‘Battleship Falls’ ___________________________________ Keep going through the level until you reach a projector room. Climb up and through the broken window at the back of the room. Go through the door at the left of the room here and look to the right to find the final KINETOSCOPE. ============================= The Hand of the Prophet ============================= 37. Telescope 11 ______________________________ Look to the left of the barge that we hijack in order to get to the Prophet's Zeppelin to find the last TELESCOPE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and have viewed all of the Kinetoscopes and looked through each telescope along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Sightseer’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Infusion Upgrade Locations [INCTL] =============================================================================== There are a total of 25 Infusion Upgrades that are scattered throughout Booker's journey through Columbia and they are by far the most useful of the collectibles in the game. Infusion Upgrades are used to increase the base attributes of your Health, Shield or Salt status bars. The first infusion is given to you early on as a shield, the following 24 allow you to choose which of the three attributes you want to improve. Collecting all 25 Infusion Upgrades will earn you the achievement/trophy 'Infused with Greatness'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that unlike the other collectibles, YOU MUST collect all 25 Infusion Upgrades in a single playthrough in order to earn the achievement/trophy 'Infused with Greatness'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Infusion Upgrade locations are listed in chronological order: ============================== Comstock Center Rooftops ============================== 01. Upon entering the Blue ribbon Restaurant, a woman holding a tray will block your passage. Go up and grab the first INFUSION UPGRADE from her. 02. After entering the Fraternal Order of the Raven building, kill the cultists in the altar area. Once the room is clear, inspect the altar to find the INFUSION UPGRADE. Grab the key next to it. 03. Once you have the key mentioned above, backtrack through the level until you are back at the Landsdowne Residence (the house you entered the first time from the skylight on the roof). Enter the building, go down the stairs on your left and enter the door on the right just past the next set of stairs leading down. Once inside, use the key on the giant blue chest in the bedroom. Within you will find the INFUSION UPGRADE. ============================== Monument Island Gateway ============================== 04. On the first sky-line you use, you will come across a blue platform to the left of the sky-line with a Founder soldier. Jump down and kill the soldier and his friend inside. Check out the doorway to the right inside the maintenance area here you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk. Return to the balcony. Head over and use the TELESCOPE on the right hand side. ============================== Monument Tower ============================== 05. When you enter the room with the VOXOPHONE on the desk directly in front of you. Look around the right hand side of the desk, tucked away behind it is an INFUSION UPGRADE. ============================== Battleship Bay ============================== 06. Following the ambush in the ticket office, go up the stairs when the gate opens and follow the hallway to the left. Continue around the corner to the left. Here, you want to enter the first door on the left. Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk against the right hand wall. ============================== Soldier's Field ============================== 07. As soon as you enter the area, go to the left side of the room. Grab the lock pick from the floor in front of the locked door and get Elizabeth to open it (requires 1 lock pick). Inside, you’ll find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk against the left hand wall. 08. At Sky Road, complete the optional task by going to the bathrooms in the 'Fellow Traveller' and find the Vox Code. Head over to the ticket office and find the cannon. Inside the barrel of the cannon is the book. Return to the code and Elizabeth will tell you what to do. in the next toilet room, interact with the hat on the hat rack here to open up a secret passage nearby. Enter the passage and climb down the stairs to the room below. On the bench here is an INFUSION UPGRADE and on the desk in the centre of the room is a lock pick and a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Hall of Heroes ============================== 09. After entering the Hall of Heroes you will come to a statue room where you will need to fight off a couple of groups of enemies. After the fight the door at the far end of the room will open. Ignore this for now and proceed into the room from which the enemies came. Go to the back, right hand corner of the room to find an INFUSION UPGRADE on the table here. ============================== Hall of Heroes Gift Shop ============================== 10. After the Courtyard fight with Slate's men, drop down to the ground level and rather than proceeding to the right as the game wants you to, go through the open door on the left side of the room. On the left side of the room is a work bench with a VOXOPHONE on it. In the tool box behind this, you can also locate an INFUSION UPGRADE. Note that you may need to jump up on the table in order to find an angle from which to pick this one up. ============================== Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza ============================== 11. As soon as you enter the First Lady's Airship, turn right and grab the INFUSION UPGRADE from the table here. ============================== Fort Franklin Pier ============================== 12. When you need to rescue Elizabeth from the dock police station, clear out all the bad guys. Once the area is clear, enter the lower level of the police station. Look in the cell on the left hand side and you should be able to grab an INFUSION UPGRADE from between the bars. ============================== Worker Induction Center ============================== 13. When you reach the out of service elevator in the main lobby of the Worker Induction Centre, look for a locked door on the left side of the area. Have Elizabeth open it (requires 5 lock picks). Inside there is an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk. ============================== The Good Time Club ============================== 14. Following the stage room fight, drop down to the lower level and look for the Dollar Bill vending machine. To the right of this is a door we can go through. Inside you can grab an INFUSION UPGRADE from the bar and a lock pick from under one of the tables. ============================== The Plaza of Zeal (Part 2) ============================== 15. This requires completion of another optional task. Grab the code book from the basement of the Good Time Club and return to the Plaza of Zeal and proceed up the street on the left hand side of the large central building. If you hug the left hand wall as you, go you should see an opening at the end. Through here is a small wooden docking area overlooking the clouds. There is a locked door here that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick). Inside, with the code book in hand, Elizabeth will tell you what to do. Go over and interact with the clock on the right hand side of the scrawled note. This will open, revealing a hidden safe. Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE and a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Shanty Town ============================== 16. After getting off the lift, move forward, past the vocal preacher and continue onwards until you reach a railing. In the distance, you can see a sign reading ‘The Graveyard Shift’. Turn to the left and follow the railing until you come across a couple of hostile citizens. When they attack, kill them and grab the INFUSION UPGRADE (Infusion 1/1) that was sitting on the crate behind them. ============================== The Bull House Impound ============================== 17. After the first fight in the lobby of the Bull House Impound go into the door to the left at the top of the stairs. There is a locked door in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks) that contains an UPGRADE INFUSION and a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 18. This requires us to complete an optional quest to retrieve a key. We can grab the key from the basement of the Graveshift Bar in the main Shantytown area. Once you have it, return to the Bull House Impound. Once you have entered the Bull House Impound, clear the first room of bad guys climb the stairs. Continue along the upper level and enter the middle door you come across. Duck into the small office on the back left. Inside you’ll find a VOXOPHONE on a desk to the right. Use the keys on the big, blue chest nearby to open it and grab your reward – an INFUSION UPGRADE. ============================== The Factory ============================== 19. After the clocktower fight at the end of the Factory, enter the clocktower itself. Before following Elizabeth through the door straight ahead, check out the door to the left to find an INFUSION UPGRADEon a table and inside the door to the right you will find a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Emporia ============================== 20. As soon as you enter Port Prosperity station, turn right and have Elizabeth unlock the gate there (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE at the end of a hallway in a metal tub. ============================== Port Prosperity ============================== 21. After grabbing the Voxophone from the basement of the Founder's Bookstore, it will start an optional task to investigate the Salty Oyster bar. Head back to the Salty Oyster and once inside, go over to the bar on the left. Look beneath the cash register for a previously non-existent button here. Hit this to open the nearby door. On a table inside you will find a new vigor – Return to Sender, a lock pick kit, an INFUSION UPGRADE and in a metal tub on the left of the room a VOXOPHONE. ============================== Memorial Gardens ============================== 22. Once you enter the Laboratory Lutece building, go up the stairs. At the top enter the open door to a bedroom. On the left side of this room you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a table. On the right side of the room, on the floor between the bed and the left hand bedside table you will find a VOXOPHONE. 23. Continue through the Market District until a firemen appears. Once you have dealt with him turn around and look for a sign saying ‘Wilson Bros. & Company’. This building has a door we can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). There is an INFUSION UPGRADE inside. 24. As you proceed through the Market District, keep your eye out for a shop called 'Hudson's'. Go inside. Downstairs you will find a safe we can open. In the small side-room near the safe, there is also a code book on a shelf that we can grab. Take this to the bank and when you reach the vault, go through the left hand door in front of it. Follow the hallway all the way until you enter an office at the end. Look on the desk here for a another Vox code. With the codebook in hand, Elizabeth tells you what to do, so interact with the type writer. This will unlock a secret room nearby that contains an INFUSION UPGRADE, a lock pick bag and a VOXOPHONE. ============================== The Operating Theater ============================== 25. After rescuing Elizabeth, have her unlock the door directly across from the gate where we need to go for the objective. Inside at the top of the stairs is a desk with an UPGRADE INFUSION and a VOXOPHONE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and picked up all of the infusions along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Infused with Greatness’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Equippable Gear Locations [GRCTL] =============================================================================== Although the gear in Bioshock are technically not collectibles that work towards unlocking achievements/trophies, it is incredibly useful. Gear can be found in small gift wrapped boxes either from defeating some of the more powerful enemies such as handymen or located tucked away in hard to find places. Gear gives Booker some passive perks that alter gameplay in some way, usually to make things easier. There is a large number of different pieces of Gear in the game and picked up Gear is randomised. This means that picking up the same box twice is unlikely to yield the same piece of gear. For a list of all the equippable gear available in the game check out the list after this shortcut: > Equippable Gear ......... [G3AR0] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: The following list may be incomplete. As there are no achievements/trophies tied into these items and there is no in-game stat tracker that I am aware of, it is entirely possible that i may have missed some Gear locations. If you find one that is not listed, please head down to the contact section below and swing me an email! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following Equippable Gear locations are listed in chronological order: ============================== Comstock Centre Rooftops ============================== 01. In the Fraternal Order of the Raven building. When you reach the room with the large circular table in the centre and a projector playing, look to the right to see a bookcase. Run over and interact with this to unveil a secret room behind it. Inside you will find a present containing some EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 02. After killing the first crow (and the soldiers that show up after), enter the next building. As you go inside, immediately look towards the centre of the room to see a broken vending machine. On the ground next to it you will find another present containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Monument Island Gateway ============================== 03. After riding the sky-line until it forces you to jump off and go through the second floor of a building, kill the 3 soldiers inside. When they are all dead, return to the bedroom area and look behind the bedside table on the right to find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Battleship Bay ============================== 04. After meeting Elizabeth, continue until you pick the first lock. When you reach the Dollar Bill vending machine continue past it and through the door at the far end of the hallway opposite where we came in from. Inside, in a basket on the right you can pick up a VOXOPHONE. On the table to the left of this is a gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 05. The 5th piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR may appear in one of two spots. Where it appears is dependent on a decision you made at the start of the game. If you decided to throw the baseball at the inter-racial couple, it will appear in the arcade next to one of Fink's employees. If you decided to throw the ball at Fink, it will appear in the hallway leading to the Arcade. > Location 1: (Threw the ball at Fink) ____________________________________ On a bench in the hallway next to the inter-racial couple. This is just before you enter the Arcade proper. > Location 2: (Threw the ball at the inter-racial couple) _______________________________________________________ As you enter the Arcade proper, look on the table to the right for a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR 'Compliments of Mr Fink' apparently. ============================== Soldier’s Field ============================== 06. After getting off the lift in which you need to change a fuse, make your way around the display in the very centre of the main area and find the door on the far side of the room marked ‘Employees Only’. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door for you. Once it is unlocked, enter with caution and look to the left. There is an auto-turret in here. Destroy it. After that is done, work your way down the right hand wall of the room, here you will find a desk holding a VOXOPHONE and a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 07. Once you reach Sky Road enter the Ticket building. Go to the back left corner of the lower floor to find a locked door. It requires 3 lock picks to unlock. inside you will find a present containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Inside the Hall of Heroes ============================== 08. Inside the door marked ‘Employees only’ in the Peking Exhibit you will find a piece of gift wrapped EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 09. Inside the door marked ‘Employees only’ in the Wounded Knee Exhibit you will find a piece of gift wrapped EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza ============================== 10. After exiting the Hall of Heroes, clear the outside area. Once the area is clear, check out the rightmost section of the main building (opposite the Dollar Bill vending machine). You will find another power conduit; hit this with Shock Jockey to unlock the nearby door. Climb the stairs here and do a 180 at the top, head to the end of the walkway and grab the lock pick kit and gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR from the table. 11. When you get back to Soldier's Field, look for the building with the ‘Hotel Soldier’s Field’ sign on it. Use the sky-line closest to this and the freight hooks nearby to access a balcony on the upper level of this building closest to the gondola platform. Use the Shock Jockey vigor on the power conduit here to open the door. Proceed inside here on a bed you can grab another VOXOPHONE. On the bed stand nearby, there is a gift wrapped new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 12. Go to the carousel. To the right of this is a toy store you may have explored earlier. The door is now locked, but interacting with this will allow you access. Inside you will find another power conduit. Hit this with Shock Jockey to open another locked door. Here you will find another new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Finkton Docks ============================== 13. On the far side of the docks from where you start, there is a building marked ‘Employees only. Inside, behind a desk next to a policeman you will find a gift wrapped piece of new EQUIPPABLE GEAR. Note that picking this up will turn all the police in the area hostile. ============================== Worker Induction Centre ============================== 14. At the start of the area, if you go on board the gondola, there is a door that Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks). Inside is a present containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== The Plaza of Zeal (Part 1) ============================== 15. Use the freight hooks to jump up to the low roof surrounding the central building and have a look around, you’ll find a volley gun, a lock pick and hidden away behind the Chen-Lin sign, you will find a sniper rifle and gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 16. After killing the handyman, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== The Good Time Club ============================== 17. In the basement of the Good Time Club you will find a prison with a number of cells. Elizabeth can unlock the door to cell 8 (requires 5 lock picks). Inside you will find a new piece of EQUIPPALE GEAR. ============================== Shantytown ============================== 18. As you exit the slum area and work your way towards the Bull Yard, you should be able to spy a gift box at the base of a statue on your right. Grab this for a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== The Bull House Impound ============================== 19. After the first fight in the lobby of the Bull House Impound go into the door to the left at the top of the stairs. There is a locked door in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks) that contains an UPGRADE INFUSION and a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== The Factory ============================== 20. As you enter the first room with an elevator, look for a tipped over cart near some bodies, beside this is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 21. When the vox turn on you, kill them and then enter the side room to the left. As you enter, you’ll find one of each of the three types of vending machines: Veni! Vidi! Vigor!, Minuteman’s Armory and Dollar Bill. There is a gift hidden on the ground behind the Dollar Bill vending machine containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 22. After killing the handyman during the clock tower fight, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Emporia ============================== 23. As soon as you enter Port Prosperity station, Look behind you and up above the entrance to find a tear to bring in a frieght hook. Have Elizabeth phase this in and hop up to it. From here look for a nearby platform with a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Port Prosperity ============================== 24. Enter the Salty Oyster (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, check out the right side of the room. Beneath one of the tables here is a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 25. Have Elizabeth unlock the door to the Founder’s Bookstore (requires 1 lock pick). Look on the central counter for a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Downtown Emporia ============================== 26. After killing the handyman during the first fight in the area, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 27. In the sniper area, cross the bridge and you will see a door to the left, this one has a lock on it that Elizabeth can open for you (requires 3 lock picks). Kill the aggressive citizen inside and head upstairs to find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 28. When you reach the fight between the Vox and Founders on a street with the bridge/walkway above it near the camera store, clear it and look at the tears. About halfway between the end of the left side of the bridge and the tear for cover on the left hand platform you can find a locked door that Elizabeth is able to unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR on the left counter and a VOXOPHONE on the right. ============================== Memorial Gardens ============================== 29. After killing the siren for the first time, the two strangers will show up to chat. Once they disappear, go up to the tomb at the top of the hill behind them. See the pair of torches on either side of the gate? Hit each of them with a regular Devil’s Kiss attack and they will light up. After which the gate will open. Inside against the back wall you will find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 30. As you go through the Market District keep an eye out for a green and white tent. Behind this you can find another locked door. This one Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, find the back room and there is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR in there. 31. When you reach the bank vault door. Enter the door to the left. Follow the path here until you reach a corner. There will be a door in front so head on in here. On the ground on the right hand side of the room is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. 32. When you reach the back of the vault. Ignore the opening for now and continue past it to the dead end. Here you will find a corpse next to a twisted metal grill on a door. Behind him you will find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== The Atrium ============================== 33. In the room with the fourth Boy of Silence. You will notice the gift on the table behind him that contains a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. Carefully work your way between the crates when he is not looking. Grab the gear when safe to do so and then continue into the room behind the wall here. ============================== Warden’s Office ============================== 34. After entering the Security Centre, find the stairs and look on the desk opposite the base of them to find a gift containing another piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Hangar Deck ============================== 35. After riding the first sky-line up to the upper deck, head down to the far side of the ship from the control console. There is a locked door here. Have Elizabeth unlock it (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, at the very back of the room on a desk is a gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ============================== Engineering Deck ============================== 36. After killing the handyman on the Engineering Deck, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: The preceding list of eqippable gear may be incomplete. As there are no achievements/trophies tied into these items and there is no in-game stat tracker that I am aware of, it is entirely possible that i may have missed some Gear locations. If you find one that is not listed, please head down to the contact section below and swing me an email! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[M1999] __ ____ ____ ____ ______ _ / |/ __ \ / __ \ / __ \ | ___ \ | | /_/ ( (__) | (__) | (__) ) | | _ | | ___ _ | | ____ | |\__ / \__ / \__ / | || || |/ _ \ / || |/ _ ) | | / / / / / / | || || | |_| ( (_| ( (/ / |_| /_/ /_/ /_/ |_||_||_|\___/ \____|\____) ______________________________________ | 1999 Mode Hints, Tips and Strategies | |______________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 1999 Mode is an unlockable gameplay mode in Bioshock Infinite that plays around with a few gameplay elements and tweaks the difficulty to make the game harder and more challenging than a standard run through the campaign. It is a throwback to tougher, more difficult games in the 90’s that did not include a whole lot of hand holding, checkpoints and objective markers to be accessible to the masses and as such can be a little tough for the average gamer. The 1999 Mode can be unlocked in two different ways: 1. By completing the Bioshock Infinite campaign on any difficulty. 2. Entering the Konami Code at the main menu. Key presses: > Playstation 3: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, O, X > Xbox 360 : Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A > PC (Default) : Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right,Esc,Enter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: for unlocking the 1999 Mode, you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Should Auld Acquaintance’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once unlocked, 1999 Mode can be selected from the main menu. Whilst playing through 1999 Mode, there are a few changes to the standard gameplay that should be noted before you begin. These include: > If you die, the respawn cost has increased to $100. If you have insufficient funds to respawn upon death, the game will boot you to the main menu and you will have to start all over again. > There are fewer Player respawn areas and checkpoints. Enemies will regain a large amount of their health upon the event of Booker respawning. > Player’s total health pool is smaller in size and will deplete much faster than the standard difficulties. > Shields take a few seconds longer to start regenerating and will also recharge at a slower rate than usual. > Enemies have higher health and can cause more damage. > Enemies drop less ammo when killed and there is less ammo lying around in the environment. > You can no longer use the Navigation arrow to show you where to go. There are three achievements /trophies that are tied into 1999 Mode: ‘Should Auld Acquaintance’, will unlock once you have unlocked 1999 Mode, whilst ‘Auld Lang Syne’ is awarded upon completion of the game on 1999 Mode and ‘Scavenger Hunt’ is awarded upon completion of the game on 1999 mode without spending any money at the Dollar Bill vending machines. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 1999 Hints and Tips [H1999] =============================================================================== There is no doubt that 1999 mode is much more challenging than the standard difficulties and the tweaks to gameplay change the focus of gameplay a great deal. As this is the case, here are a few tips and tricks that will help you out in completing the 1999 Mode and make your progress through it a little less painful. > Loot everything! There is less money lying around in this mode and you need it for both upgrading your weapons/vigors AND respawning, so it is imperative to check every object and grab every silver eagle you come across. > You need to hold onto as much money as possible in order to prevent perma-death and a game restart. As such, you will want to only upgrade one or two weapons (one long range and one short-mid range) and a vigor or two that you feel comfortable with. > Find and use your lock picks. They will grant you access to extra infusions, equippable gear and safes containing precious silver dollars. By following the above walkthrough, you should have more than enough lock picks to open every lock in the game. > Pick up all of the infusions! They will boost your base stats well above the starting level and give you more of a chance against the denizens of Columbia. > As you pick up infusions, focus on maxing out your shield first, whilst health and salts are also important, the shield can regenerate on its own and supplement Booker’s health bar. The more shields you have the longer you can live in a fight! > Upgrade Possession with ‘Possession Aid’ to make sure that you can convert just about any foe into a temporary ally. Two guns are better than one! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Difficult Confrontation Strategies [S1999] =============================================================================== Coming Soon! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[ACHMT] _ _ /\ | | (_) _ / \ ____| | _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ | |_ ___ / /\ \ / ___) || \| |/ _ ) | | / _ ) \ / _ ) _ \| _) /___) | |__| ( (___| | | | ( (/ / \ V ( (/ /| | | ( (/ /| | | | |__|___ | |______|\____)_| |_|_|\____) \_/ \____)_|_|_|\____)_| |_|\___|___/ _ _______ _ _ | | (_______) | | (_) ____ ____ _ | | _ ____ ___ ____ | | _ _ ____ ___ / _ | _ \ / || | | | / ___) _ \| _ \| || \| |/ _ )/___) ( ( | | | | ( (_| | | |_____| | | |_| | | | | | | | ( (/ /|___ | \_||_|_| |_|\____| \______)_| \___/| ||_/|_| |_|_|\____|___/ |_| ____________________________________ | Achievements/Trophies Unlock Guide | |____________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Bioshock Infinite has 50 achievements and 51 trophies. These are awarded for experiencing the single player campaign, using vigors, the environment and sky-lines to kill enemies in various ways, utilising each of the games weapons, nabbing all of the collectibles and undergoing some additional miscellaneous tasks. Below you'll find a categorised list of the achievements/trophies in the game and how you can unlock each one. As there is a bit of information to scroll through, please use the below shortcuts to navigate the below section more quickly. > Game Completion Achievements/Trophies ..... [ACMT1] > Story Achievements/Trophies ............... [ACMT2] > Combat Specfic Achievements/Trophies ...... [ACMT3] > Vigor Specfic Achievements/Trophies ....... [ACMT4] > Weapon Specfic Achievements/Trophies ...... [ACMT5] > Upgrade specfic Achievements/Trophies ..... [ACMT6] > Collectible Achievements/Trophies ......... [ACMT7] > Miscellaneous Achievements/Trophies ....... [ACMT8] =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Game Completion Achievements/Trophies [ACMT1] =============================================================================== These achievements/trophies will unlock once you complete the game on the specified difficulty. If you complete the game on the harder difficulties the lower difficulty achievements/trophies will also unlock. Note that completing the game once on any difficulty will unlock the 1999 Mode difficulty. Here's a list of said achievements/trophies: > Tin Soldier - Completed the game on Easy difficulty or above. > Saw the Elephant - Completed the game on Normal difficulty or above. > Stone Cold Pinkerton - Completed the game on Hard difficulty or above. > Should Auld Acquaintance... - Unlocked 1999 mode. > Auld Lang Syne - Completed the game on 1999 mode. > Scavenger Hunt - Completed the game in 1999 mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill vending machine. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Story Achievements/Trophies [ACMT2] =============================================================================== The following 9 achievements/trophies will all come with story progression, so as long as you finish the game these should be pretty much un-missable. Here's a list of said achievements/trophies: > Written in the Clouds > Welcome to Monument Island > Shock Tactics > First Class Ticket > Armed Revolt > Working Class Hero > Blood in the Streets > Higher Learning > The Bird or The Cage =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Combat Specfic Achievements/Trophies [ACMT3] =============================================================================== There are 10 achievements/trophies tied into the games combat system and using the environments, tears and sky-lines to kill opposition forces in specific ways. Here's a list of said achievements/trophies and how to accomplish each: ============================== On the Fly ============================== Description: Killed 30 enemies while riding a Sky-Line. How to: Whilst riding on a sky-line, shoot and kill 30 enemies. Use the throttle or decelerate and use the iron sights on your weapons to make this task a little easier. ============================== Bolt From the Blue ============================== Description: Killed 5 enemies with a headshot while riding a Sky-Line. How to: Whilst riding on a sky-line, you need to kill 5 enemies with a head shot. grab a carbine or a sniper rifle (these are the easiest weapons for the task) and hop on a sky-line. Use the decelerate function to slow down your movement on the sky-line and use the iron sights on your carbine or the scope on the sniper rifle to make it easier to line up your shots. ============================== Aerial Assassin ============================== Description: Killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Line Strike. How to: Whilst riding a sky-line, you can put your reticule on enemies on the ground below you. A small, yellow indicator will appear on the ground below them when they are susceptible to a sky-line attack. Hit the jump button when this occurs to launch down and land on them. Note that you should only do these on the weaker enemies as it will kill them. Do this 20 times to unlock the achievement/trophy. ============================== Industrial Accident ============================== Description: Killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Hook Execution. How to: The sky-hook is your melee weapon and a sky-hook execution can be performed on enemies who are low on health. If you are close to an enemy with low health you will see a small skull appear over their heads, when you see that hold down the melee attack button and Booker will perform an execution. Repeat another 19 times to unlock this achievement/trophy! ============================== Strange Bedfellows ============================== Description: Killed 20 enemies using allies brought in through a Tear. How to: Once you reach the Hall of Heroes, Elizabeth will gain the ability to use tears in the environment to bring in weapons, frieght hooks, auto- turrets, pieces of cover and environmental hazards. To earn this achievement/trophy you need to bring through allies - auto-turrets, mosquitos and Motorized Patriots during combat and have them kill enemies. Once 20 have been dispatched by this method, this one will unlock. ============================== Bon Voyage ============================== Description: Killed 20 enemies by knocking them off Columbia. How to: you are able to attempt this once you have picked up the Bucking Bronco and Undertow vigors. During combat, try to find enemies standing near railings, edges or on the dropships. Use the vigors here and they should be knocked off the edge to their deaths. If you are not having much luck with Bucking Bronco, once you pick up Undertow at the Factory you'll find it much more effective. A good place to farm this type of kills is to load up the 'Hand of the Prophet' chapter. Get on the gunship that transports you to the prophet's zeppelin. As you proceed a number of dropships will attack you along the way. Hop onto those dropships and use Undertow to clear the deck of enemies in a single blow. Reload the previous checkpoint and do it again until you have enough kills. Once 20 people have been killed like this, the achievement/trophy will unlock. ============================== Skeet Shoot ============================== Description: Killed 5 enemies while they are falling. How to: Again, we'll need to use the Bucking Bronco and Undertow vigors to help us out. Use bucking Bronco to knock enemies in the air and wait for them to drop once the elevation effect wears of and shoot them on the way down before they hit the floor. Alternatively, you can use the Undertow vigor. Use the secondary function to grab enemies to you. As they are on the way, let go of the vigor button and pull out a machine gun or some other mid-range weapon to shoot them before they land. Once 5 people have been killed like this, the achievement/trophy will unlock. ============================== Hazard Pay ============================== Description: Killed 10 enemies by utilizing environmental hazards. How to: During the way through Columbia, you will find a number of environmental hazards that we can use to help dispatch enemies. These include firework barrels, oil slicks that can be ignited with the Devil's Kiss vigor and water puddles which can be electrified by using the Shock Jockey vigor. Once 10 enemies have been killed like this, the achievement/trophy will unlock. ============================== David & Goliath ============================== Description: Killed 20 "Heavy Hitter" enemies. How to: As you progress through the game you will encounter a number of heavy enemies called 'heavy hitters'. These include: > Crows > Firemen > Motorized Patriots > Handymen > Sirens > Boys of Silence. Once you have killed 20 of these types of bad guys, the achievement/trophy will unlock. As long as you kill all the enemies you encounter throughout the game, you will likely get this before you finish your first playthrough. ============================== Heartbreaker ============================== Description: Killed a Handyman by only shooting his heart. How to: When you are fighting with a handyman, you will notice that they have a large weak spot in the centre of their chests. This is their heart. To earn this achievement/trophy you will need to kill a handyman by only hitting their heart. This can be quite tricky as the handymen can move around extremely quickly. Here are a few tips to make this a little easier: 1. Play on a lower difficulty. this will reduce the number of shots you need to hit him with to kill him. 2. If you have the Handyman Nemesis Gear (unlocked by playing the Industrial Revoultion mini-game that you can find here: (http://www.finkmanufacturing.com/). This will increase damage you do to handymen by 50%. 3. Make sure you clear out the area of other enemies before focusing on the handyman so you won't be distracted. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Vigor Specfic Achievements/Trophies [ACMT4] =============================================================================== The following 5 achievements/trophies are unlocked upon experimentation with the game's vigors. They require you to unleash all of the combination attacks in the game, kill a certain number of enemies under the influence of vigors and using specific vigors to perform certain tasks. Here are the related achievements/trophies: ============================== Well Rounded ============================== Description: Used all 8 Vigors against enemies. How to: Simply use all 8 of the available vigors on enemies during the game. Although it is fairly obvious, here is a list of the vigors that are in the game and a brief description as to where you can find them for the first time: > Possession ------> From the fairground in the Welcome Centre. > Devil's Kiss ----> Defeating the first Fireman enemy. > Murder of Crows -> Defeating the first Crow enemy. > Bucking Bronco --> On the way to the Hall of Heroes. > Shock Jockey ----> From Slate at the Hall of Heroes. > Charge ----------> In an office on the bridge between Shantytown and the Plaza of Zeal. Must be picked up on the way back! > Undertow --------> In the final room of the Factory before the clock tower. > Return to Sender-> In the secret room in the Salty Oyster Bar in Port Prosperity. ============================== Vigorous Opposition ============================== Description: Killed 75 enemies either with a Vigor or while the enemy is under the effects of a Vigor. How to: This is one of those achievements that you will work away at over time. enemies that you kill using a vigor attack, or those that are under the influence of a damage over time/crowd control vigor attack (e.g Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco, Undertow, Devil's Kiss etc.) when you shoot them to death will count. Once you have killed 75 of them in this manner, the achievement/trophy will unlock. If you only use vigors semi-regularly, you should still get this one before the end of your first playthrough. ============================== Mind Over Matter ============================== Description: Killed 20 enemies using Possessed machines. How to: This achievement requires the Possession ability. You must use the vigor to possess machines and have them kill your enemies for you. The machines that can be possessed include: Auto-turrets, Rocket turrets, Mosquitos and Motorized patriots. ============================== More for Your Money ============================== Description: Lured 3 enemies into a single Vigor trap 5 times. How to: This one requires that you plant a trap and have it go off and damage three enemies simultaneously. After you've done it once, repeat the process another 4 times until it unlocks. A great place to earn this one is whilst fighting the sirens in the Memorial Gardens. When she brings back the dead, 3-4 enemies will appear around her and float beside her for a few moments. Plant a trap on the ground below them. When the enemies land, the trap will go off and damage them all. The best traps to use for this purpose are the Devil's kiss, Murder of Crows and Bucking Bronco. ============================== Combination Shock ============================== Description: Performed all 8 of the Vigor combinations. How to: There are eight vigor combination attacks in the game that can be used by using a pair of vigors on an enemy in quick succession. here is a list of the combinations that count towards the achievement/trophy and a short description about what they do: 1. Devil's Kiss + Possession ------> Possess an enemy and then use Devil's Kiss on them. The affected enemy will run around, spreading flames to other enemies in the area. 2. Devil's Kiss + Murder of Crows -> Lights the crows on fire, causing both crow and fire damage over time whilst increasing your weapon damage to the affected enemy. 3. Devil's Kiss + Bucking Bronco --> Use Bucking Bronco to suspend enemies in the air and then use the Devil's Kiss vigor to hit them to cause a chain explosion. 4. Devil's Kiss + Charge ---------> Toss a Devil's Kiss at a bad guy and then immediately do a charge attack for extra damage. This can be difficult if you have upgraded Devil's Kiss, so if you are having trouble, equip the Burning Halo piece of Gear and just use Charge normally. If the Halo effect goes off during a Charge attack, it will count towards unlocking this one. 5. Bucking Bronco + Charge --------> Use Bucking Bronco to suspend enemies in the air and then use the charge vigor to launch them into the distance. Great for knocking enemies off of cliffs! 6. Shock Jockey + Possession ------> Possess an enemy and then use Shock Jockey on them. The affected enemy will run around, spreading electricity damage to other enemies in the vicinity. 7. Shock Jockey + Murder of Crows--> Electrifies the swarm of crows, causing both crow and fire damage over time whilst increasing your weapon damage to the affected enemy. 8. Shock Jockey + Undertow --------> Hold down the undertow button to draw an enemy to you. As they arrive, they will float in front of you for a second or two, held in place by a tendril of water. Hit them with a blast of Shock Jockey to electrify them for an instant kill! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Weapon Specfic Achievements/Trophies [ACMT5] =============================================================================== The following 9 achievements are related to picking up and using all of the weapons that are located throughout Columbia. In order to unlock all of these achievements/trophies you must kill the specified number of enemies with the weapon listed. Here's a list of said achievements/trophies: > A Real Pistol --------------> Killed 25 enemies with the Broadsider Pistol. > Passionately Reciprocated --> Killed 150 enemies with the Founder Triple R Machine Gun or Vox Repeater. > Street Sweeper -------------> Killed 50 enemies with the Founder China Broom Shotgun or Vox Heater. > Big Game Hunter ------------> Killed 100 enemies with the Founder Huntsman Carbine or Vox Burstgun. > Loose Cannon ---------------> Killed 25 enemies with the Paddywhacker Hand Cannon. > Seasoned to Taste ----------> Killed 30 enemies with the Peppermill Crank Gun. > On a Clear Day... ----------> Killed 30 enemies with the Bird's Eye Sniper Rifle. > Master of Pyrotechnics -----> Killed 20 enemies with the Barnstormer RPG. > Here Little Piggy ----------> Killed 30 enemies with the Founder Pig Volley Gun or Vox Hail Fire. An easy way to do this is to load up a chapter with enemies near the start, choose a weapon and kill as many as you can. When you run out of ammo, reload the previous checkpoint. The kills from the previous run through will have been counted. As such you can just repeat the process of killing and reloading until the achievement/trophy unlocks. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Upgrade specfic Achievements/Trophies [ACMT6] =============================================================================== These achievements/trophies are all centred around levelling up Booker and his weapons/vigors. Here is the list of relevant achievements/trophies for this section: ============================== Raising the Bar ============================== Description: Upgraded one attribute (Health, Shield, or Salts) to its maximum level. How to: To upgrade Booker's attributes, you need to find and pick up Upgrade Infusions. There are 25 of these in the game. Each time you pick one up you are given the option to increase Booker's health, shield or salt capacity. To earn the achievement/trophy you must max out one of these three attributes. ============================== Kitted Out ============================== Description: Fully upgraded one weapon and one Vigor. How to: To upgrade weapons, you must go to a Minuteman's Armory vending machine and purchase them. Each weapon has four upgrades available, however the higher end upgrades will not appear until late in the game. Just keep checking each Minuteman's Armory vending machine that you come across! To upgrade Booker's Vigors, you must go to the Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machines. You are able to buy the upgrades here. There are two upgrades available for each vigor and like the weapon upgrades, some of the better upgrades will not make an appearance until late in the game. Just keep popping into the machines when you see them to check for new upgrades! Once you have fully upgraded one weapon and one vigor, this one will unlock for you! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Collectible Achievements/Trophies [ACMT7] =============================================================================== These four achievements/trophies are tied into finding and collecting each and every one of the Bioshock Infinite collectibles. We'll need to gather all of the Voxophones, watch all of the Kinetoscopes, use all of the telescopes and pick up every Infusion Upgrade to get them all. These are the achievements/trophies we are looking at right here: ============================== Infused with Greatness ============================== Description: Collected every Infusion upgrade in a single game. How to: To earn this achievement/trophy, you need to find and collect all 25 of the Infusion Upgrades that are present during the course of the campaign. You can find a locations guide to help you out in your search after the shortcut: > Voxophone Locations ................. [VXCTL] Note that unlike the other collectibles, YOU MUST collect all 25 Infusion Upgrades in a single playthrough in order to earn the achievement/trophy. ============================== Eavesdropper ============================== Description: Collected every Voxophone. How to: To earn this achievement/trophy, you need to find and collect all 80 Voxophones hidden throughout the game. You can find a locations guide to help you out in your search after the shortcut: > Voxophone Locations ................. [VXCTL] It should be noted that you do not need to collect all 80 of these in a single playthrough to unlock this achievement/trophy as you are able to load checkpoints from the main menu and gather any that you have missed. Just make sure you reach a save point after picking them up though! ============================== Sightseer ============================== Description: Used all telescopes and Kinetoscopes in the game. How to: To earn this achievement/trophy, you need to find and use all 26 Kinetoscopes and 11 telescopes that are found throughout Columbia. You can find a locations guide to help you out in your search after the shortcut: > Kinetoscope & Telescope Locations .. [KSCTL] It should be noted that you do not need to use all of these in a single playthrough to unlock this achievement/trophy as you are able to load checkpoints from the main menu and gather any that you have missed. Just make sure you reach a save point after interacting with them though! ============================== Dress for Success ============================== Description: Equipped a piece of Gear in all four slots. How to: To earn this achievement you must find enough pieces of equippable gear so that you can place one in each of Booker's 4 sockets: Hat, Shirt, Pants and Boots. Unfortunately Gear pickups are randomised, so it may take more than 4 pickups to obtain the required gear. Once you do have one of each type, simply equip them from the menu or upon pickup to unlock the achievement/trophy. You can find a locations guide to help you out in your search after the shortcut: > Equippable Gear Locations .......... [GRCTL] =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Miscellaneous Achievements/Trophies [ACMT8] =============================================================================== These achievements/trophies are a little bit random as I was unable to pool them together into another category. Mostly they revolve around using Elizabeth's abilities, but others require spending money, looting objects and going on a drunken rampage. Without further ado, here are the miscellaneous achievements/trophies offered in Bioshock infinite and a bit of information on how you can unlock each of them: ============================== Tear 'em a New One ============================== Description: Opened 30 Tears. How to: Once you reach the Courtyard inside the Hall of Heroes, Elizabeth will develop the ability to use tears to bring objects into the world to assist you during combat. Simply have Elizabeth open 30 different tears to unlock this achievement/trophy. ============================== The Roguish Type ============================== Description: Used Elizabeth to pick 30 locks. How to: Over the course of the game, you will find locked gates that you can ask Elizabeth to unlock. In addition to the story-related doors, you can also find doors to secret areas that require you to use lock picks to unlock. There are quite a few more than 30 locks to pick in the game so as long as you follow the guide and open every door you find, you will earn this in no time! ============================== Grand Largesse ============================== Description: Spent $10,000 at the vending machines of Columbia. How to: You need to spend $10,000 at any of the three types of vending machines - Dollar Bill, Veni! Vidi! Vigor! and Minuteman's Armory. If you are purchasing upgrades to weapons or vigors, this should come around 2/3 of the way through the game. Alternatively, you can load a chapter with a vending machine near the start (e.g. Worker Induction Centre), run over to it and spend all of your money and then reload the previous checkpoint and repeat the process until the achievement/trophy unlocks. ============================== Lost Weekend ============================== Description: Killed 5 enemies while you are drunk. How to: First you need to find a bar, or some other place with a bit of alcohol. Drink 3-4 bottles and then kill 5 enemies whilst Booker is intoxicated. The best place I have found to do this is in Shantytown's Graveyard Shift Bar. Go inside, drink until the screen goes blurry and then kill all the inhabitants before the effect wears off. There are more than 5 people in here so you should be able to get all of your kills at the one time. Note that this does not have to be done in one go, rather you can kill a couple and then find more beer and do a couple more. Once you have killed 5 people whilst drunk, you will earn the achievement/trophy. ============================== Coins in the Cushion ============================== Description: Looted 200 containers. How to: There are many objects that can be looted in Bioshock Infinite and as long as you keep scrounging around for ammo, money and other goodies, you should loot 200 containers well before the end of the game. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------[ESEGG] _______ _______ (_______) _ (_______) _____ ____ ___| |_ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ | ___) / _ |/___) _)/ _ )/ ___) | ___) / _ |/ _ |/___) | |____( ( | |___ | |_( (/ /| | | |____( ( | ( ( | |___ | |_______)_||_(___/ \___)____)_| |_______)_|| |\_|| (___/ (_____(_____| ______________________ | Easter Egg Locations | |______________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== There a number of Easter eggs, in-jokes and other amusing bits and pieces hidden throughout Bioshock Infinite. This section will contain some minor spoilers, so you should definitely steer clear of it until after you have completed the game. Once the game is done, you can load the relevant chapter from the chapter menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: This list is by no means exhaustive, these are just the Easter Eggs/Odd things that I noticed as I played through the game. If you know of any other Easter Eggs, or interesting/amusing bits and pieces, please let me know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a list of the campaign Easter Eggs listed by chapter and in order of appearance: ============================== Welcome Centre ============================== Original Bioshock Reference ___________________________ After getting out of the pod and entering Columbia, walk up to the preacher giving a sermon. As you approach him he will say "Is there someone new?" This was also the first set of words uttered by a Splicer in the first Bioshock game. Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ As you enter the city, you will find a small floating barge with a quartet singing on it. They are singing 'God Only Knows' by The Beach Boys. 1912 is a little early for beach Boys music isn't it? As such, on the sign behind the group you can read a note saying 'The music of tomorrow...Today!' I guess that justifies it! Hidden Lutece Twins ___________________________ After receiving the telegram, turn left and find the telescope here. Note you will need to interact with it for it to count as a collectible. Whilst viewing the city through the telescope, look at the platform just below you to see the Lutece twins. They do not appear before or after you use the teescope, only whilst you are actively looking through it. ============================== Monument Tower ============================== Star Wars Reference ___________________________ As you work your way through the observation windows in Monument Tower and behind the windows you will see Elizabeth open a tear to Paris. In the foreground is a cinema with a movie title in French that translates to 'Revenge of the Jedi'. This was the original name for the third released Star Wars movie (or 6th in chronological order of the series) before it was changed prior to release to 'Return of the Jedi'. Perhaps in this alternate world, the change was never made! Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ When Elizabeth opens the tear to Paris, listen to the background music. You will hear another modern song 'Everyone Wants to Rule the World' by Tears for Fears. The funny thing? It is playing whilst you look at the Star Wars reference and it wasn't released until 2 years AFTER Star Wars: Return of the Jedi! ============================== Battleship Bay ============================== Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ After waking up on the beach and interrupting Elizabeth's dancing. Hang out on the beach for a minute or two. After a little while you will hear an instrumental only version of 'Girls just Wanna Have Fun' by Cyndi Lauper playing over the speakers. Bioshock Infinite in-joke ___________________________ Once you reach the Arcade, Elizabeth will speak up about the new Dimwit and Duke show, saying it "It is supposed to be the best in the series, but was delayed three times". Bioshock Infinite is also the best in the series (in my opinion) and it too was delayed three times. Could this be a coincidence? or an Easter egg referring to the game itself? ============================== Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza ============================== Original Bioshock Reference ___________________________ After you reach the First Lady's Zeppelin, look on the counter near the controls. Here you will find a wrench that looks remarkably similar to the melee weapon from the original Bioshock. Elizabeth will nail you with it too during the scene. Note that is may not be an Easter egg as I have now found the wrench in other locations as well. Even so, it does bear a striking resemblance to the Bioshock wrench. ============================== The Plaza of Zeal ============================== Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ From the entrance to the area, head to the building in the back left corner of the zone (its the one with the Veni! Vidi! Vigor' vending machine in it. In the building you will find a red tear. Approach this and it you will hear the song 'Fortunate Son' by Creedence Clearwater Revival through it. ============================== Shantytown ============================== Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ When you arrive in Shantytown, the grammophone in the main bar area is playing an alternate version of 'Tainted love' by Gloria Jones. Elizabeth Sings ___________________________ When you arrive in Shantytown, head over to the Graveyard Shift Bar. In the basement at the foot of the stairs you will find a guitar that Booker can interact with. Do so and he will pick it up and play it whilst Elizabeth will twirl around the room and sing for you. ============================== Bull Yard ============================== Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ After leaving the police impound, you need to head back to Shantytown proper. On the way, stop at the stockade and listen to the woman sitting here. She will be singing the song 'Fortunate Son' by Creedence Clearwater Revival. ============================== Memorial Gardens ============================== Future Music in 1912 ___________________________ After defeating the siren for the first time, exit the cemetary. When we are back on the street, turn right and follow the crumbling ledge here. Once you are back on the street on the opposite side, turn around to see an open door to a building floating behind us. Jump over to this. Approach the red tear to hear another bout of contemporary music. this time it's 'Girls just Wanna Have Fun' by Cyndi Lauper again! ============================== The Operating Theatre ============================== Humerous Coded Message ___________________________ When you run into the old version of Elizabeth, she will give you a note. There is what appears to be scribble on the front with a picture of three cages. Well, taking a screenshot of the note, somebody has managed to decipher what the scribbles mean. The note reads: "I am a code. I should probably be changed over for something much more official in the future but I'll do as a stand it for now I suppose." For a picture of the note and how it was deciphered, check out this link: (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/46/codeqc.jpg) ============================== The Sea of Doors ============================== Big Daddy and Little Sister ___________________________ After you arrive in rapture and the story based obstruction goes out of view of the window, look out of the window. In the glass bridge a short distance away you will be able to make out a Big Daddy and a Little Sister from the first pair of Bioshock games. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: This list is by no means exhaustive, these are just the Easter Eggs/Odd things that I noticed as I played through the game. If you know of any other Easter Eggs, or interesting/amusing bits and pieces, please let me know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ _ _ _ | ___ \(_) | | | | | _ | |_ ___ ____ ____| | | ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ___ | || || | |/___)/ ___) _ ) | |/ _ | _ \ / _ ) _ \| | | |/___) | || || | |___ ( (__( (/ /| | ( ( | | | | ( (/ / |_| | |_| |___ | |_||_||_|_(___/ \____)____)_|_|\_||_|_| |_|\____)___/ \____(___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Contact Me [CNTCT] =============================================================================== If you feel the need to contact me, there are a couple of ways you can go about doing this. You can reach me at: Email ______________ sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com. Please include "Bioshock Infinite" in the subject line. Facebook ______________ Alternatively, you can check out my facebook page and ask a question and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sokkus/356910437737253 =============================================================================== About Me [INTRD] =============================================================================== Im 28, Australian and live with my lovely wife. I have been thrice named as the world sexiest hugging machine. I work full time and study at University full time as well. I write game guides as a hobby in what little spare time I have and have thouroughly enjoyed writing each and every one. Please head over to the website I write for - www.consoledomination.com to check out some of my guides, previews and reviews. If you enjoyed using this guide, or it has helped you along and you are on GameFAQs, Please hit the recommend button at the top of the page! Please feel free to send me an email with any suggestions or corrections and check out some of my other guides: Complete FAQ/Walkthroughs: __________________________ > Assassin's Creed III FAQ/Walkthrough > Bioshock Infinite FAQ/Walkthrough > Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Call of Duty: World at War FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Dead Space 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Dead Space 3 FAQ/Walkthrough > Deadlight FAQ/Walkthrough > Dishonored FAQ/Walkthrough > Farcry 3 FAQ/Walkthrough > Fable 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough > Halo 4 FAQ/Walkthrough > Homefront FAQ/Walkthrough > LIMBO FAQ/Walkthrough > Mass Effect 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Medal of Honor: Warfighter FAQ/Walkthrough > Resident Evil 5 FAQ/Walkthrough > Star Wars: The Force Unleashed FAQ/Walkthrough DLC content and other guides: _____________________________ > Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Bioshock Infinite Collectibles Guide > Darksiders 2 - Abyssal Forge (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders 2 - Argul's Tomb (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders 2 - The Demon Lord Belial (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Dead Space 2 - Severed (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition Skull Guide > Halo 2 Skull Guide > Halo 3 Skull Guide or as mentioned before, check out more of my guides and reviews at: www.consoledomination.com Thanks for reading! Enjoy! =============================================================================== Donations =============================================================================== After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for helping you out if you wish to do so. Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding. Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some time, money and frustration in some small way. By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated whether it be 10 cents or $10. Thankyou far all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my Paypal address is listed below, if not, don't forget to hit that recommend button at the top of the page to help me out! Paypal ID; sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com =============================================================================== Console Domination =============================================================================== Console Domination is an Australian videogaming website founded and staffed by true-blue Aussie gamers united in the love of gaming. 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Check out the site here: http://www.consoledomination.com/ Check out our Youtube Channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ConsoleDomination?feature=mhee =============================================================================== =============================================================================== SPECIAL THANKS [THNKS] =============================================================================== I would like to thank the following people/entities: - GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ. - Irrational Games for another awesome Bioshock game. Keep them coming! - My fiancee Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding. - And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQs so far. Contributors: - Hypnofunk for general spelling and other stuff. - Oliver Groot for pointing out a piece of Gear I missed in the Monument Island Gateway chapter. - Polskihammer for alerting me to a piece of Gear I missed and a couple of formatting errors. - Adamjp9 for pointing out a piece of Gear that i missed. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Version History [VERHI] =============================================================================== Date submitted: 15/4/2013 Version: 1.75 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide > Voxophone Locations Guide > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations Guide > Upgrade Infusions Location Guide > Equippable Gear Locations Guide > Weapons guide > Achievements/trophies guide > Easter Eggs locations > 1999 Mode Guide + Updated the format + Added 1999 Guide + Added a note about Season Pass rewards. + Added note about change of position of GEAR piece 5 depending on the decision made at the Fair. + Fixed some spelling mistakes. =============================================================================== Date submitted: 12/4/2013 Version: 1.72 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide > Voxophone Locations Guide > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations Guide > Upgrade Infusions Location Guide > Equippable Gear Locations Guide > Weapons guide > Achievements/trophies guide > Easter Eggs locations + Updated the format + fixed up some missing information. + added an additional piece of Gear to Emporia mission walkthrough/collectibles list =============================================================================== Date submitted: 10/4/2013 Version: 1.71 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide > Voxophone Locations Guide > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations Guide > Upgrade Infusions Location Guide > Equippable Gear Locations Guide > Weapons guide > Achievements/trophies guide > Easter Eggs locations + Updated the format + fixed up some missing information. + Added a little extra info to Siren enemy entry and Return to Sender vigor entry =============================================================================== Date submitted: 6/4/2013 Version: 1.7 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide > Voxophone Locations Guide > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations Guide > Upgrade Infusions Location Guide > Equippable Gear Locations Guide > Weapons guide > Achievements/trophies guide > Easter Eggs locations + General formatting and spelling updates. =============================================================================== Date submitted: 5/4/2013 Version: 1.5 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide > Voxophone Locations Guide > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations Guide > Upgrade Infusions Location Guide > Equippable Gear Locations Guide + Added new piece of equippable gear to campaign walkthrough + Added Weapons guide + added achievements/trophies guide + Added Easter Eggs locations =============================================================================== Date submitted: 5/4/2013 Version: 1.2 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide > Voxophone Locations Guide > Kinetoscope and Telescope Locations Guide > Upgrade Infusions Location Guide > Equippable Gear Locations Guide =============================================================================== Date submitted: 4/4/2013 Version: 1.0 Guide currently contains: > Completed walkthrough with all collectibles included. > Enemy List and strategies guide > Vigors guide =============================================================================== Date submitted: 3/4/2013 Version: 0.9 Guide currently contains: > walkthrough for 90% of the campaign. > Enemy List and strategies guide =============================================================================== Date submitted: 1/4/2013 Version: 0.8 Guide currently contains: > walkthrough for 80% of the campaign. ============================================================================== This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission first. Sites allowed to use my guide - GameFAQs.com - ConsoleDomination.com - GamingReality.com