EA President Talks Star Wars: Battlefront

EA President Talks Star Wars: Battlefront

EA's president had a few things to say about Star Wars: Battlefront and what DICE can bring to the experience:

"Battlefront is a vehicle experience, it's a character experience. DICE has proven, in how they develop Battlefield, as far as being able to do air, land, sea combat, all the way up to F-18s fighting. They've been able to demonstrate through the Frostbite tech and through their design capabilities and talent that they can create these huge, epic set-piece wars. That's kind of the dream of Battlefront. Hoth, the battle of Hoth. You've got space, you've got the surface, you've got infantry, you've got AT-ATs. That's the table stakes that they come in with. They know how to do that. They're really good at it."

"But they're not just going to ape what we've seen in the past. They're going to bring their own sensibilities and design ideas. We want to innovate. We want to try new things. You guys had a blog on your site that said, ‘hey, what would you like to see in Battlefront?' There's a lot of stuff in there that we're planning on doing. There's a lot of new stuff that we're looking at too. From our perspective, it's capturing that epic, Star Wars, all-out huge scale. That's what we'll go after."

- EA Labels President Frank Gibeau

I think it's great that DICE is handling Battlefront. The Battlefield series of games are very polished, highly popular and incredibly fun. I have played the Battlefield series since Battlefield 1942, and each one has been a success in my book, the graphics, gameplay, team work, vehicles, and overall the games are well done.

And of course the best part, 64 vs 64 player matches on the PC (and hopefully on next-gen consoles!), have always been the greatest part of Battlefield. If DICE can do for Battlefront what they have done for Battlefield, this could very well become the greatest Star Wars game ever made. I guess we will have to wait and see!

Star Wars Battlefront was originally teased at the E3 press conference June 10, 2013 (you can find the video below) and  is currently in development by DICE and there is no known release date, or even a prediction. But I would probably think sometime in 2014? Battlefront will use the highly realistic Frostbite 3 engine.