Here is a side-by-side comparison video of the combat in Grand Theft Auto 5 vs Max Payne 3.
1 - Franklin's crouched-walk approach to the car is much faster than MP3, it's a little hard to tell here because the MP3 character presses the cover button from further away which smoothly automates to the car. This "fast crouch" was present in both Episodes From Liberty City and Red Dead Redemption, but not GTA IV.
2 - When Franklin is walking toward the building while firing from the hip, he is walking a bit slower than the MP3 character, but when he brings the gun up to his shoulder on the 5th and 6th targets, the walking speeds seem the same.
3 - The GTA V camera has been backed away from the character a bit so that you can see more of your surroundings at once.
Thanks to datarace1 for the video and description.
Also check out the 12 new screenshots of GTA V Rockstar released yesterday.
GTA V will be released September 17, 2013 on the Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.