Quantum Break Will Take Elements From Alan Wake And Max Payne

Quantum Break Will Take Elements From Alan Wake And Max Payne

Remedy Entertainment has announced that their upcoming action game on the Xbox One will take elements from Alan Wake and Max Payne. See the full quote below.

“We’ve taken a lot of the learnings about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and we hope to raise the bar further. We’ve taken a lot of the learnings about cinematic combat and shooting mechanics from Max Payne to push those further. We’re building on those for what will hopefully be the ultimate Remedy experience.”

“The game and TV show ship together as one cohesive package. The episodes of the TV show are interwoven with the episodes of the game. The storylines take place in the same location. Hypothetically you can watch one or play the other but you’ll get so much more out of it if you combine them together. This is clearly a strategic move for them as well as us. This is something – we have crazy ideas – but we need to fall back and let the full force of a company like Microsoft see it through.

“There’s no way on God’s green Earth that we would take on a venture like this on our own. We might have the appetite but there’s no way we could.”

Quantum Break is being developed by the Finnnish game developer, Remedy Entertainment and will feature live-action videos blended with regular gameplay. The game was originally revealed with a teaser during the Xbox One reveal on May 21, 2013. A Quantum Break TV series is also in production, and how you play the game will impact the show. The show will also inform you how to play.

Quantum Break is an Xbox One exclusive and currently has no known release date.