Here's a full list of FF14 materials and ingredients needed to make all alchemy crafts by mstieler.
I decided to start in on lists of just what all you need to make everything on the various Crafting Classes
NOTE: This is a list of what you need to make one of everything in Alchemy.
Some of the recipes call for earlier-crafted stuff (Growth Formula Delta Concentrate calling for Growth Formula Delta, which in turn calls for Quicksilver); unless I seriously screwed something up, all of that should be accounted for. Top of the list shows how many of the various ingredients will be needed to do all this (so you can get however many Quicksilver, Distilled Water, Growth Formulas & Inks you'll need in total when you get to them).
I know that some of the materials here are craftable by other classes. If someone wants to list those and what their costs are, that would be awesome; otherwise, once I've got the rest of the lists done, I'll alter them to the component parts of the other class craftables (instead of Leather, it'll be 1 Earth Shard and 1 Animal Skin, etc.).
- 21 Distilled Water
- 58 Quicksilver
- 4 Growth Formula Alpha
- 3 Enchanted Copper Ink
- 3 Enchanted Iron Ink
- 5 Growth Formula Beta
- 2 Enchanted Silver Ink
- 8 Growth Formula Gamma
- 8 Growth Formula Delta
- 5 Enchanted Gold Ink
- 2 Enchanted Rose Gold Ink
- 4 Growth Formula Delta Concentrate
- 2 Acidic Secretions
- 2 Ahriman Wing
- 1 Aldgoat Horn
- 2 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Animal Skin
- 1 Ash Branch
- 3 Ash Log
- 1 Ash Lumber
- 2 Bat Fang
- 2 Bat Wing
- 10 Beastkin Blood
- 1 Beehive Chip
- 2 Belladonna
- 2 Black Scorpion
- 2 Bloody Grimoire Binding
- 1 Blowfish
- 10 Blue Landtrap Leaf
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 2 Blue Yarzon Leg
- 1 Bone Chip
- 1 Brittle Picatrix
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 1 Chanterelle
- 58 Cinnabar
- 1 Cloves
- 4 Cobalt Ingot
- 4 Copper Sand
- 1 Coral Butterfly
- 3 Cotton Yarn
- 3 Darksteel Nugget
- 2 Dart Frog
- 2 Desert Saffron
- 1 Dew Thread
- 1 Effervescent Water
- 5 Electrum Ingot
- 1 Electrum Sand
- 1 Elm Log
- 1 Eye of Earth
- 1 Eye of Fire
- 1 Eye of Ice
- 1 Eye of Lightning
- 1 Eye of Water
- 1 Eye of Wind
- 3 Filtered Water
- 3 Flax
- 2 Formic Acid
- 2 Gil Bun
- 5 Gold Sand
- 1 Goobbue Fang
- 2 Grass Viper
- 2 Green Pigment
- 1 Grenade Ash
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 1 Hammerhead Shark
- 2 Hard Leather
- 2 Hempen Yarn
- 2 Hippogryph Leather
- 1 Imp Wing
- 2 Iron Sand
- 1 Jellyfish Cnida
- 7 Jellyfish Umbrella
- 1 Karakul Skin
- 1 Latex
- 2 Lavender
- 2 Leather
- 12 Lightning Cluster
- 277 Lightning Shard
- 8 Lime Sulphur
- 1 Linen Yarn
- 2 Mandrake
- 2 Maple Branch
- 2 Maple Log
- 1 Marjoram
- 2 Matron's Mistletoe
- 1 Megalocrab Leg
- 2 Minium
- 3 Mistletoe
- 1 Moor Leech
- 5 Morbol Vine
- 21 Muddy Water
- 9 Mugwort
- 1 Mythril Ingot
- 1 Mythril Sand
- 1 Nutmeg
- 3 Oak Branch
- 2 Oak Log
- 6 Ochu Vine
- 2 Pearl Ginger
- 1 Princess Trout
- 2 Pudding Flesh
- 1 Puk Wing
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 1 Raw Amber
- 1 Raw Amethyst
- 1 Raw Aquamarine
- 1 Raw Garnet
- 1 Raw Goshenite
- 1 Raw Heliodor
- 1 Raw Peridot
- 1 Raw Rubelite
- 1 Raw Spinel
- 1 Raw Tourmaline
- 1 Raw Turqoise
- 1 Raw Zircon
- 1 Red Landtrap Leaf
- 2 Red Pigment
- 104 Rock Salt
- 4 Rosewood Branch
- 1 Rosewood Log
- 1 Sagolii Sage
- 1 Sandworm Fang
- 6 Scalekin Blood
- 4 Shriekshroom
- 1 Silex
- 8 Silver Ingot
- 2 Silver Sand
- 1 Silver Shark
- 20 Spoken Blood
- 1 Spruce Lumber
- 1 Tarantula
- 4 Thavnairian Mistletoe
- 2 Tinolqa Mistletoe
- 4 Treant Sap
- 1 Trillium
- 14 Trillium Bulb
- 2 Twinthread
- 2 Vampire Plant
- 5 Viscous Secretions
- 3 Voidsent Blood
- 18 Volcanic Rock Salt
- 2 Walnut Log
- 19 Water Cluster
- 508 Water Shard
- 1 White Scorpion
- 1 Wolf Fang
- 1 Woolen Yarn
- 1 Yellow Ginseng
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 1 Yellow Yarzon Leg
- 1 Yew Branch
- 4 Yew Log
- 1 Yew Lumber