Here's a Dark Souls 2 co-op guide by don.
Things Betwixt
There is no boss in this area and you can not summon.
There is no boss in this area and you can not summon.
Forest of Fallen Giant
- The Last Giant
Summon sign location: You will find signs predominantly at the Cardinal Tower bonfire but these can also be waiting for The Pursuer. There will also be signs at the top of the elevator and outside the boss gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 10 and 30.
Summon sign location: You will find signs in the Cardinal Tower bonfire or at the boss gate. They will also be placed next to the destructible wall for The Pursuer first encounter fight.
Recommended soul level: Between 15 and 35.
Heide's Tower of Flame
- Dragonrider
Summon sign location: Signs should be plentiful at the Heide's Ruin bonfire.
Recommended soul level: Between 20 and 40.
- Old Dragonslayer
Summon sign location: This boss should also use the Heide's Ruin bonfire for summons.
Recommended soul level: Between 20 and 40.
Cathedral of Blue
There is no boss in this area.
No-Man's Wharf
- Flexile Sentry
Summon sign location: The bonfire Unseen Path to Heide will gather summon signs.
Recommended soul level: Between 30 and 50.
Lost Bastille
- Ruin Sentinels Yahim, Ricce and Alessia
Summon sign location: At the bonfire The Tower Apart. Lots and lots.
Recommended soul level: Between 25 and 50.
Belfry Luna
- Belfry Gargoyles
Summon sign location: Outside the boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 25 and 60.
Sinner's Rise
- Lost Sinner
Summon sign location: The Saltfront bonfire.
Recommended soul level: Between 35 and 60.
Grave of Saints
- Royal Rat Vanguard
You can not summon for this boss.
The Gutter
There is no boss in this area.
Black Gulch
- The Rotten
Summon sign location: Signs will appear next to the second bonfire, Hidden Chamber. Also appear outside boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 50 and 70.
Huntsman's Copse
- The Skeleton Lords
Summon sign location: Bridge Approach bonfire. Occaisnally outside boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 30 and 60.
Undead Purgatory
- Executioner's Chariot
Summon sign location: Bridge Approach bonfire.
Recommended soul level: Between 30 and 60.
Harvest Valley
- Covetous Demon
Summon sign location: Outside fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 30 and 60.
Earthen Peak
- Mytha, the Baneful Queen
Summon sign location: Upper Earthen Peak bonfire or outside fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 40 and 80.
Iron Keep
- Smelter Demon
Summon sign location: Outside the boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 40 and 80.
- Old Iron King
Summon sign location: Next to Eygil's Idol bonfire.
Recommended soul level: Between 50 and 90.
Belfry Sol
There is no boss in this area and you can not summon.
Shaded Woods
- Scorpioness Najka
Summon sign location: Outside the boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 60 and 90.
Shrine of Winter
There is no boss in this area.
Doors of Pharros
- Royal Rat Authority
You can not summon for this boss.
Brightstone Cove Tseldora
- Prowling Magus and Congregation
Summon sign location: Outside boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 70 and 100.
- Duke's Dear Freja
Summon sign location: At the Chapel Threshold bonfire or outside the boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 70 and 120.
Drangleic Castle
- Twin Dragonriders
Summon sign location: Outside the boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 90 and 130.
King's Passage
- Looking Glass Knight
Summon sign location: Central Castle Drangleic bonfire.
Recommended soul level: Between 90 and 130.
Shrine of Amana
- Demon of Song
Summon sign location: Outside the boss fog gate.
Recommended soul level: Between 100 and 140.
Undead Crypt
- Velstadt, The Royal Aegis
Summon sign location: Undead Ditch bonfire or staircase leading down toward boss area.
Recommended soul level: Between 100 and 140.
- Vendrick
Summon sign location: Undead Ditch bonfire or staircase leading down toward boss area.
Recommended soul level: Between 125 and 175.
Aldia's Keep
- Guardian Dragon
Summon sign location: Outside boss fog gate. Rarely at the Foregarden bonfire.
Recommended soul level: Between 110 and 150.
Dragon Aerie
There is no boss in this area.
Dragon Shrine
- Ancient Dragon
Summon sign location: At the Shrine Entrance bonfire or on the bottom of the large staircase heading up to the boss room.
Recommended soul level: Between 125 and 175.
Dark Chasm of Old
- Darklurker
You can not summon for this boss.
Memory of Vammar
There is no boss in this area and you can not summon.
Memory of Orro
There is no boss in this area and you can not summon.
Memory of Jeigh
- Giant Lord
You can not summon for this boss.
Dragon Memories
There is no boss in this area and you can not summon.
Throne Of Want
- Throne Watcher and Throne Defender
Summon sign location: At the King's Gate bonfire in Drangleic Castle.
Recommended soul level: Between 125 and 175.
- Nashandra
Summon sign location: At the King's Gate bonfire in Drangleic Castle.
Recommended soul level: Between 125 and 175
If you have any other Dark Souls 2 hints, tips, or notes about co-op, please post them below. Thanks for your contributions and for visiting the site.
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