A bunch of people got to play through Ground Zeroes and have tweeted their impressions. You can see them all below.
Samual Cassado:
Just saw the ending. Goosebumps. Disbelief. Shock. reboots game I'm going back in.
It's lovely to see how intense @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN's passion is for proper, epic, emotionally driven, high-end productions.
Dazz Brown:
I'd like to point out that this game is not a 2 hour game... Ground Zeroes is a great demonstration of the FOX Engine.https://twitter.com/TheVGResource/status/433771993989529600
The game doesn't play like a standard MGS game in this sense. Several missions, each range from 30 mins to 2 hours.https://twitter.com/TheVGResource/status/433781467684929536
The game now really requires you to look at your surroundings. Objects make noise and get knocked around.https://twitter.com/TheVGResource/status/433779531493543938
Get Ground Zeroes on PS4, not XB1. Way better visuals, frame rate, everything... I believe @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN said so himself.https://twitter.com/TheVGResource/status/433809854252064768
Sam Smith:
Finished GZ for the first time in about 90 minutes. Total game completion? 9%. I think that tells you all you need to know.https://twitter.com/Crunch_King/status/433788807809212416
The ending to Ground Zeroes is crazy exciting. Kojima is still the absolute best at what he does.https://twitter.com/Crunch_King/status/433782476159188992
Once you get used to him (and stop thinking of Jack Bauer), Kiefer is actually really good as Snake. I've been converted.https://twitter.com/Crunch_King/status/433820024612982784
The whole thing feels faster paced as a result, less reliant on cutscenes with more storytelling through gameplay. It's great.https://twitter.com/Crunch_King/status/433820165386424320
Douglas Nerd:
Controls are much, much better than in MGS4. Really easy to do all the stuff you want, easier to interrogate enemies etc.https://twitter.com/DouglasNerd/status/433786128366178304
I'm only playing on PS4, but I think Mr Kojima has already said that the PS4 version is smoother than the One version.https://twitter.com/DouglasNerd/status/433782090841083904