Minecraft Headed to PS4/PS Vita in Q2/Q3

Minecraft Headed to PS4 PS Vita in Q2 Q3

Mojang have announced that Minecraft the PlayStation 4 edition and Minecraft for PS Vita will arrive in either Q2 or Q3 of this year.

Mojang's Owen Hill told Polygon:

"Yes — we are planning to release on PS4 and Vita at around Q2-Q3 this year. We’re not able to share more specific dates yet though, sorry. We’d rather be vague than disappoint people! They probably won’t be released simultaneously. We’re going to release on each format as soon as it’s ready."

It has also been confirmed that news about Minecraft's cross-buy/upgrade options on the PlayStation platforms will soon be released. If you own the digital version, there may be a discount for the PS Vita edition.

PlayStation Minecraft players will also be able to transfer data between the PS3 and PS4 versions.