Here's the Microsoft E3 2014 media briefing live stream with updates, coverage and details about the games shown.
Below are all the official game announcements and some details:
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
- First game covered is CoD Advanced Warfare
- Xbox Players will be getting add-on content before other platforms
- Release date: November 4
- Full day night cycle
- dynamic weather
- 1080p
- Nurburging is free today for Forza 5 owners, 100% realistic version of the track
- Release date: September 30
- Beta will be released this fall
- New content will arrive on Xbox first
Assassins Creed Unity announced and gameplay shown. Details:
- Biggest game world yet
- Form your own four-man brotherhood over Xbox Live
- Co-Op included
Sunset Overdrive:
- Gameplay trailer shown
- Chaos squad announced, 8 friends earn loot co-op and save the city
- Release date October 28, exclusively on Xbox One
Dead Rising 3 Arcade DLC Shown:
- Dead Rising 3 Arcade DLC announced, four player co-op on Xbox Live
- Cosplay as your favorite capcom characters
- New super moves and power-ups
- Available now
Dance Central: Spotlight
- Available in September
- Download only
Fable Legends Shown:
- For the first time in Fable, you can be the villian
- Multiplayer beta will begin this fall, visit fablelegends.com to sign up and for more information
Project Spark:
- New gameplay trailer shown
- Rare's Conker is in the game
Ori and the Blind Forest:
- New announced 2D platformer from Moon Studios
Halo Master Chief Collection Announced:
- Includes Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4.
- Microsoft has announced the Halo Master Chief collection.
- It includes Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4.
- All the content is unlocked from the start in all 4 games.
- All the games will also run at 1080p 60 frames per second.
- Halo 5 Beta included
Halo 5 Guardians:
- Halo 5 Guardians Beta announced
- A new 2D side scrolling game from Playdead, scheduled to launch in 2015
- A highlight reel shown featuring a bunch of upcoming games including Slash Dash, Threes, FenixRage, Fru, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Hellraid, Below, #IDARB and more
Rise of the Tomb Raider:
- New trailer shown
- Release date: Holiday 2015
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:
- New gameplay video shown
- Huge open world shown, ability to travel anywhere including the mountains in the distance
- Incredible graphics showcased
The Division:
- New gameplay footage of The Division shown
- DLC and other addon content will be available on Xbox One first
- New game by Hideki Kamiya and Platinum Games exclusive to the Xbox One
New Crackdown Game:
- New crackdown game revealed for the Xbox One
- Team is led by original creator of Crackdown, Dave Jones.