Super Mario Galaxy 2 Walkthrough

Here is a Super Mario Galaxy 2 walkthrough by Iceman22n86.

Super Mario Galaxy 2                                                          
by Iceman22n86 ([email protected])
version 0.60

Table of Contents
1.)Version History
3.)FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)
4.)Controls/Game Play Functions/Power Ups
5.)Important Info/General Tips
   6.002)Sky Station Galaxy
   6.003)Yoshi Star Galaxy
   6.004)Flip Swap Galaxy
   6.005)Spin Dig Galaxy
   6.006)Fluffy Bluff Galaxy
   6.007)Rightside Down Galaxy
   6.008)Bowswer Jr's Fiery Flotilla
   6.009)Puzzle Plank Galaxy
   6.010)Boulder Bowl Galaxy
   6.011)Hightail Falls Galaxy
   6.012)Honeybloom Galaxy
   6.013)Wild Glide Galaxy
   6.014)Cosmic Cave Galaxy
   6.015)Bowser's Lava Lair
   6.016)Tall Trunk Galaxy
   6.017)Cloudy Court Galaxy
   6.018)Haunty Halls Galaxy
   6.019)Freezy Flake Galaxy
   6.020)Beat Block Galaxy
   6.021)Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy
   6.022)Bowser Jr's Fearsome Fleet
   6.023)Supermassive Galaxy
   6.024)Sweet Mystery Galaxy
7.)Comet Coin Locations
8.)Coming Soon
9.)Legal/Contact/Source Info

1.)Version History
0.20 - Introduction


       Controls and Game Play Functions

       Important Info/General Tips before starting

       Walkthrough (World 1 along with comet coins)

       Coming Soon Section

       Legal/Contact/Source Info

0.35 - Added comet coin description for Bowser Jr's Fiery Flotilla in
       section 6 under 6.008

       Added Walkthrough for World 2 (including comet coins)

       Added a few more power up descriptions in section 4

       Added 1 new important info/tip in section 5

       Added comet coin locations in section 7

       Added new Advanced controls/Game play functions in section 4

       Added one new FAQ in section 3

       Fixed some spelling errors

0.50 - Added walkthrough for World 3 up to Haunty Halls Galaxy

       Added walkthroughs for Prankster Comet Stars in World 1, and a
       couple in World's 2 and 3

       Added some of Yoshi's power ups in section 4

       Added a new advanced control in section 4

       Fixed a section error
       Fixed another spelling error

0.60 - Fixed the FAQ in section 3 regarding prankster comets and comet

       Added to one of the tips in section 5 regarding 1-ups and how many
       you get per increment of coins collected

       Added Walkthrough up to World 3 including prankster comets and comet

       Fixed more spelling and gramatical errors

       Added more comet coin locations in section 7

       Added one more advance control in section 4

The instant success or Mario's first galactic adventure set development of
the sequel into motion much sooner than anyone could have expected. This is
also Nintendo's first true 3D Mario sequel, which leaves much to the
expectations of the true fans of the series, but I'm here to tell you that
this is without a doubt the best Mario game to date. The first Galaxy got
things going with it's innovative level design and interesting power ups,
but Galaxy 2 pushes the envelope further with even more content, and a
plethora of Stars to collect, power ups to experience, and secrets to
behold. I hope this guide aids all of you who are seeking extra assistance,
and hopefully you enjoy the game as much as I know I will for years to

Improvements Over The First Super Mario Galaxy
The addition of Yoshi (obviously)

Not as many stars per Galaxy helps you feel less overwhelmed

Battle Royal Portals - Throughout the game are small, round, blue colored
                       portals that send you to a planet to eliminate a
                       certain amount of enemies in a given time frame.
                       You'll earn 3 1-ups upon defeating the last enemy.
                       This is also detailed in section 5.

Improved navigation in the overworld. It works practically the same as any
of the old 2D sidescrolling Mario Bros. games.

You can store your star bits with a Toad aspiring to be a banker. Star bits
that are stored can also be shared by other players with different save
files on the same Wii system.

Better and more power ups

3.)FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to play Super Mario Galaxy before I play Super Mario Galaxy 2?
A: Absolutely not. However, playing the first game will familiarize you
   with the layout of the game engine and the control scheme, as they are
   virtually identical. Getting acclamated with the power ups and the
   timing for certain functions can go a long way when attempting to play
   the sequel. Then again it could go either way, meaning you could play
   either game first to get familiar with the universe to help when you
   decide to tackle the other game.

Q: Do the Mario Galaxy games play just like Super Mario 64 and Sunshine?
A: Yes with a few new moves and functions. Firstly, the jumps are all
   identical, including the 3 step front flip, and the wall jumping. They
   added a spin move for attacking to replace the regular punch from Super
   Mario 64, and most of the power ups are temporary but you can always
   dawn that specific suit as many times as needed. Also navigating through
   each level is much different, as most of the time you'll be forced to
   move upside down on a planet, and shoot through the air via the spin
   move on a transporting star.

Q: Is this really the best game the WII has to offer?
A: Argueably yes. In my personal opinion this game is only second next to
   Twilight Princess, but Mario Galaxy 2 is the WII's highest rated, and
   best all around reviewed game on the market. In fact, it's one of only
   4 games all time to get a perfect 10/10 from, and they are
   very strict about their ratings.

Q: Is the co-op any better?
A: Much better but still limited in it's approach. The 2nd player has the
   ability to pick up coins, freeze enemies, and spin attack. It's
   certainly more useful in the last game, but it still doesn't exactly
   pave way for deep muiltiplayer in future iterations.

Q: How do I use Comet Coins?
A: The first prankster comet will appear after the 4th star (29th overall if
   you're following this particular guide) in World 3, provided you enough
   comet coins. After that it is apparenlty random which galaxies get
   prankster comets, again provided you have enough comet coins in the first
   place. In my game the first one that appeared was for the Yoshi Star
   Galaxy, so this guide starts with that one and bounces around based on
   which ones appeared after that. If you follow the guide to the T from
   the start, you should have the same or similar progression.

More FAQ's pending for the future, provided I receive any. Anyone with a
FAQ they would like to submit can do so by emailing me at
[email protected]. Any other questions regarding the game or FAQ can
also be sent to the same email address.

4.)Controls and Game Play Functions      

Control Stick - Move character
C button - Center camera behind character
Z button (hold) - Duck
Shake Nunchuck - Spin attack

Move remote - Moves star cursor (also picks up star bits automatically when
              moved over them. Star bits can also be collected manually)

A button - Jump, talk to other characters (context sensitive)
B button - Fire star bits
Minus button - Pause menu
Plus button - Pause menu
D-pad up - First person view (pan with control stick)
D-pad down - Back to third person view
1 button - No known function
2 button - No known function
Shake Remote - Spin attack

Advanced Controls
Long Jump - Tap Z then A quickly and consecutively while running

Flip Jump - Hold Z then press A (move control stick in desired direction

Side Jump - Move in any direction, quickly move the control stick in the
            opposite way you're moving, then press A when you see Mario
            kick one foot down and start to turn (as if he's running
            line sprints)

Triple Jump - Jump 3 times in a row (must press A right when you land each

Wall Jump - Jump towards a wall then press A when you see Mario drag his
            hand (Move control stick towards the opposite wall afterward
            and repeat until you reach the top)

Spin Jump - Use a spin attack at the height of any other jump for a little
            extra leap

Ground Pound - Press Z at any point while in the air (used to trigger
               switches and attack certain enemies)

Extra Air - Perform a spin attack at the height of any jump to gain a
            little extra leap

Launch Star - Perform a spin attack when near a launch star (the large
              orange ones) to be sent to the next planet/area of the

Skate - When on an Icy platform perform a spin jump to send Mario into a
        skating motion. From there you can move, spin, and jump normally
        but all under the restrictions of the smooth surface

Tree Climbing - Bump into a tree or jump into it to grab it. From there you
                can climb to the top and jump off for more momentum. This
                also applies to flag poles and any other thin narrow
                structure that is climbable

Swimming - Press Z to dive under water when you are on the surface. Tap A
           to swim, and shake the remote to spin forward. (which is faster)
           Surface to the top by tapping A while holding down on the
           control stick

Player 2 Controls
Remote - Moves star cursor (collect star bits)

A button - Freezes a nearby enemy (press after you highlight with the
           remote cursor)
         - Collect coins and other items (not star bits)

B button - Fire star bits

Shake remote - Spin attack (works the same as Mario's just less range)

Yoshi Controls
A button - Jump
B button - Swallow enemy or item (provided the target reticule is showing)
D-pad up - First person view (pan with control stick)
D-pad down - Back to third person view
1 button - No known function
2 button - No known function
Shake Remote - Spinning skull attack (replaced Mario's spin attack)
Shake Nunchuck - Spinning skull attack
C button - Center camera

Advanced Yoshi Controls
Double Jump - Jump twice in a row (press A right after you land from the
              first jump)

Flutter Kick Jump - Hold A down after any regular jump to make Yoshi hover
                    in mid air for a brief period (helps clear large gaps)

Multi-target swallow - Move the star cursor over up to 3 targets quickly
                       then press B after the reticule is on all of them to
                       have Yoshi attack/swallow all targets consecutively.
                       Can also be done with only 2 targets

Dismount Yoshi - Hold Z and press A (just like a flip jump)

Yoshi can also move at normal speed through the mud traps found throughout
the game, where as Mario's movement is bogged down considerably

Game Play Functions
Checkpoint Flags - Throughout each level you'll see Bowser flags which are
                   converted to Mario flags when you touch them. After that
                   you'll be sent to that area if you die at any point
                   later in the level

Chance Cubes - Sometimes you'll run into large cubes that have symbols of a
               1-up, Bowser, and either coins or star bits. Use your spin
               attack to activate the cube, and whichever symbol is face up
               when it stops moving is what you'll receive. The Bowser
               symbol makes an enemy appear

Launch Stars - These large orange stars will send you to the next planet in
               most cases. Use your spin attack to activate the stars when
               you are hovering inside it

Jump Stars - These are smaller orange stars that will propell you upward
             to either smaller planets or unreachable platforms. Use the
             spin attack to activate them when hovering inside

Pull Stars - These are smaller blue stars with bubbles around them. Hold
             down A when you have your cursor over one and it will pull you
             into it's orbit, but it will only last for a few seconds until
             you need to find either another pull star, or a planet to land

Ghosts - After completing certain stars, ghosts will appear in certain
         galaxies to challenge you to beat your completion time for that
         specific star


1-Up - 1 extra life

Life Mushroom - Increases your total hit points from 3 to 6. Once your hit
                points go back to 3, however, the capacity will stay back
                at that number

Spin Drill - The spin drill is used to drill through one side of a planet
             to the other. Shake the remote to use it. Mostly used to reach
             high platforms that are otherwise unreachable with any sort of

Cloud Mario - The cloud power up is used to create temporary platforms for
              Mario to use. They only last for 5 seconds at a time, and
              when you use all 3 clouds you have to gain another power up
              for more. Creat a cloud by shaking the remote. It's best to
              create the cloud at the height or end of each jump for
              optimal usage

Fire Flower - The fire flower can be used to take out enemies, or
              structures such as boxes that may be blocking your path
              otherwise. The fire flower is only useable for 25 seconds at
              a time, unless you find another one before that

Rock Mario - The Rock Mario upgrade has no timer on it, but you'll lose it
             if you touch water or get hit by an enemy attack. Shake the
             remote to start a roll attack, and use it to bowl over enemies
             and certain breakable structures to reveal items or create
             bridges etc. The roll attack will last for only 4 seconds at a
             time before it reverts back to normal mode

Bee Mario - Bee Mario works the same as it did in the first Galaxy game.
            Hold down A to fly for as long as the fly meter stays up. When
            you release A in mid flight you will float downward, but when
            you collect coins your fly meter will regenerate

More power up descriptions coming in the near future.

Yoshi Power Ups

Hot Pepper - Grab a hot pepper to make Yoshi run much faster. While in this
             state he is also capable of scaling vertical slopes. The hot
             pepper wears off after about 10 seconds or so

Blimp Fruit - Swallow a bimp fruit to make Yoshi puff up and float into the
              air. You can control Yoshi in any direction with the control
              stick as you float up. The fruit only lasts for a certain
              amount of time, but you can always collect another fruit to
              continue upward. Hold A to make Yoshi hover in one spot until
              you run out of air

Bulb Berry - Swallow a bulb berry to illuminate the area around you and
             Yoshi, while making invisible platforms appear and become

5.)Important Info/General Tips
Here is some general info and tips about the game that you should know
before you get started.

1 - Always take the time to collect star bits. You'll need as many as you
    can get in order to unlock secret galaxies and other things in the
    game. They also provide a 1-up after collecting so many

2 - Coins are the only thing that refill your life. You only get 3 hit
    points unless you get a Extra Life Mushroom, so if you're down even one
    point make sure you find a coin asap

3 - Stomping on enemies to eliminate them earns you a coin in most cases.
    Defeating them with a spin attack, however, typically earns you star

4 - Yoshi is your fail safe. When you're on him you are invincible for at
    least the one hit that will separate you from him, so if he's available
    in the area, make it a priority to get him

5 - If you dismount Yoshi you'll have 12 second window before he dissapears
    and you have to re-collect him by breaking the nearest egg. It's not a
    big deal usually because there are egg nests scattered on almost every
    planet in a galaxy which Yoshi is in

6 - You do not receive a 1-up for each 50 coins/star bits that you collect
    unlike the first game. You will receieve one for a certain amount of
    star bits in each level (those numbers will hopefully be provided soon)
    I do know that you get a 1-up for every 100 coins you get, and that  
    carries over from the overworld

7 - 1-Ups do not carry over when you reload the game. Just like the first
    game you'll have to collect 1-ups all over again if you quit and come
    back. You'll start with 4 however, and collecting more is very simple
    in most cases.

8 - If you collect a comet coin in a level, you must complete the level in
    order to keep it. Even if you have already gotten that particular star,
    the game will not let you keep the coin if you decide to exit to the
    overworld map via the pause menu. You must collect a star after getting
    a comet coin, otherwise you lose it

9 - If you're struggling with one particluar star then don't hesitate to
    skip it. You don't have to collect every star to complete the game, and
    you can always come back to it

10 - Galaxy 2 has checkpoints just like the first game, so take advantage
     of them. Whenever you see a Bowser flag, touch it to trigger the
     checkpoint. If you die anywhere thereafter, you'll get to restart at
     the point of the flag

11 - Don't forget that shooting star bits at most enemies will stun them so
     you get a small window to attack without fear of getting hit. Most
     people will have plenty of star bits to suite their needs, but don't
     go crazy on them because they are also needed in bulk amounts to
     unlock secret galaxies and stars

12 - After you collect the "Every Planet has it's Price" star you'll be
     able to store your star bits with a Toad banker on your ship. These
     star bits can be shared with other players with save files on the
     same Wii system

13 - If you're navigating around a planet and you end up moving upside
     down, remember that you'll keep moving forward as long as you are
     holding the control stick in the same direction. Even though it looks
     like you should be moving the other way, you'll still be moving in
     the same direction

14 - Whenever you have the option to purchase either a 1-up or life
     mushroom from a blue luma, take it and get the life mushroom.
     Especially if you are about to fight a challenging boss

15 - After you complete the "Puzzling Picture Block" star, you can talk to
     the pink toad to the left of the steering wheel on your ship for a
     1-up. From there on in, you'll receive 5 1-ups from Peach each time
     you load your game

16 - The order in which the prankster comets appear may vary. This guide
     details the order that I was personally exposed to, but that order
     may differ for you

This section details step by step instructions on how to obtain each and
every star located in the game. In the early versions of this guide I'll
describe the loactions of the easier stars to get, and just enough of them
to complete the game on the first playthrough. Further versions will include
instructions for all of the rest, including the prankster comet and other
secret stars.

World 1: The Great Space Journey Begins

So the story is the same as always. Peach invites you to the castle to
chomp on some cake and watch shooting stars, but of course Bowser crashes
the party and kidnapps her for the trillionth time. Press A progress
through the opening sequences until you can finally take control of Mario
where you'll be in a 2D side scrolling level. Move to the right while
collecting as many star bits as you can. You'll see two toads dancing on
to of a series of boxes. Jump up there and collect the star bits in the
top box, then the two coins in the other boxes below you. Keep moving to
the right, go past the pipe and you'll eventually trigger a page turn to
the next area. Move towards the glowing object in the bushes in front of
you. A cut scene will insue and you'll gain the alliance of the Luma,
giving you the ability to use the spin attack. Keep going, destroy the
glass casing with the spin attack to collect the star bits in there, then
slide down the hill and keep going right. Break the two glass traps on the
bottom and top of the next series of boxes and collect these star bits.
Jump up the next hill, collect the coins with a flip jump if you want, then
proceed to the next "page" by moving all the way to the right of the screen.

Free the trapped Luma with a spin attack, then head into the castle near
bottom of the hill in front of you. In the next area you'll be able to move
in 3D. Free the trapped Luma if you wish, then move all the way to the
right of the area while collecting coins and bits, and you'll trigger a
cut scene at the bottom as you move forward. Bowser informs you that you
are too late, then gloats about his plans as he makes a galactic escape
into the depths of space. When you take control again, break the 2 glass
traps you see on either side of you, then head forward through the
courtyard towards the two lumas waiting for you in the alcove in the front
of the castle entrance. A cut scene will trigger, and you'll get to use a
launch star to leap to your first galaxy, and your first star.

6.002)Sky Station Galaxy

Star #1
Peewee Pirhana's Temper Tantrum
The Luma will inform you of the situation so listen if you feel like it.
When you are back in control, take the time to collect all of the star bits
and coins in the immediate area. Take out the goomba near the cylinder
house in the middle first. When you're satisfied, jump on to the orange
pipe and go down it. Collect the 1-up that is caged here, then go back
down the pipe to the other side again. Now go down the green pipe to your

Take out the goomba in front of you (he may already be charging) after you
come up the pipe. Turn right, collect the coin in the bushes, then take out
the two goombas to the right before collecting the star bits in the item
box right above them. Keep going right, get any star bits you see, then
spin attack the thin glass in front of the cage to collect another coin.
Now head up the protruding slope to your left in the middle of the area and
collect the coins. Spin attack the large glass at the top, speak to the
Luma, then drop down into the hole that you opened up in front of you. On
the other side, move around and talk to the Luma who keeps saying "over
here!" He will transform into a launch star so you can head to the next

Grab as many star bits as possible while you're in flight mode before you
land on the next planet. After you land, scale the platforms in front of
you, take out the enemy nearby, then turn right. Eliminate the two other
enemies along this stretch so you're not interupted when attempting to jump
and scale the higher platforms. Stand on top of the transparent platform
to the north of you, then hop up to the higher ground once it takes you up.
Get on to the next platform and it will take you up so you can hit the item
box and collect some star bits. Go up the ledge to your right then jump
on to one of the platforms on the right when it appears. Walk off it and
touch the flag for a checkpoint. Move to the north and grab the jumbo coin
with the ? symbol, then collect the music notes as you follow them and the
Luma to the south side of the blue platform you're on. Turn right at the
bottom, jump over to the grassy ground, then quickly collect the 3 1-ups
that will disperse (provided you collected all of the music nots). Perform
a spin attack in the middle of all the small round stones that are imbedded
in the ground below you to collect a few more star bits. Now head north
towards the far right corner of the ground you're on. You'll see a small
blue platform in a narrow alley of sorts. Stand on it and perform a spin
attack to be warped to a battle royal.

Grab the star dead ahead of you then lay waste to all of the enemies on the
platform. When the last one is defeated you'll earn 3 1-ups that disperse
much like the ones near the small stones in the last area. Collect the
1-ups and you should have enough time to get the remaining star bits and
coins in the area. Don't doddle here because once the timer runs out, you
are automatically warped back to the main galaxy.

Upon you're return, head down and go up the platform on the left in the
middle of the grounds. Take out the enemy when you get to the top then keep
moving north. Head up the platforms one by one as they appear, then talk to
the luma at the top on the left. Use the launch star after he transforms
and you'll be taken to a series of tiny planets very quickly.

Jump to the planet on the right, then spin to use the jump star. Let Mario
pass the larger launch star and he'll make his way back to the first
planet. When you run into another jump star just below the first planet,
spin to use it, then quickly jump from the first planet to the second to
collect the coins that dropped from the ? coin. Now use the jump star on
the second planet again, but this time let Mario go all the way to the
third and larger planet on the right. Use the launch star here to get to
the next series of planet.

After you land, grab the flag for a checkpoint then long jump over the mud
trap and continue forward. Take out the paragoomba if you wish, then turn
right. Wait for the moving platform to come by, then hitch a ride and
stand in the middle to eventually get a 1-up as you move by it. When you
see grass again, long jump over to the right and move upward while taking
out the enemies nearby. Jump on the second moving platform when it comes
by and stand in the middle. Ride it for a bit and you'll eventually see the
first comet coin which will be in the middle of the platform as you move by
it. After that wait until you see the 3 paragoombas in a line patrolling a
narrow path leading upward. Move up that path and talk to the luma at the
end when it appears. Use the launch star after he transfmorms to get to the
next planet.

After you land, kill the enemy, grab the life shroom and snag the
checkpoint flag. Now keep moving forward and you'll end up on the other
side of the planet. Scale the platforms while taking out the enemies, then
use the launch star to reach the planet with your first boss fight.

Boss: Peewee Pirhana
The first boss is generally a cake walk. Move around to his backside and
use the spin attack to crack the egg he's carrying. Do it 3 times and he'll
run away from you. Move in the opposite direction in the path line and
you'll bump into him eventually. When he sees you he'll turn around, giving
you the cue to smack his exposed tail. Before you completely crack the egg
he will only move towards you slowly to try to attack you, and after a few
seconds he'll use a jump attack (but only if you haven't cracked the egg
shell). After you attack his exposed back the first time, the egg shell
will regenerate, and you'll have to repeat the process just once more
before he dies. In round 2 he becomes much more flustered, but a lot faster
and more aggressive at the same time. He will sometimes do the jump attack
2 or 3 times consecutively, so be aware of that. Don't forget to collect
coins if you get hit. There are some protruding light fixtures on the
planet that can be shot with star bits in order to get a coin, so don't
forget about that too. Congratulations, you have earned the first star.

Upon Peewee's defeat you'll be confronted by a group of lumas along with a
large purple one who is their leader. He fills you in on more details and
offers you a proposal. They'll let you use their ship to collect the
remaining power stars so you can save Peach, and the Lumas can go on living
peacefully. After the cut scene you'll be able to explore the ship, which
now looks just like Mario's face. There are a few star bits and coins to
collect, so go for it if you feel so compelled. Otherwise you can talk to
the different color lumas and read the signs in order to learn more about
Mario's advanced controls and jumps, along with other tips on the game.
When you're ready to proceed head to the top where the purple luma is
chilling, and step on the platform in front of the wheel to take control
of the ship. From here you can navigate to any level in the game that you
have unlocked. Further galaxies are unlocked by collecting a certain amount
of power stars, as these are needed to fuel the ship that you are on. It
just so happens that you have enough stars to access the Yoshi Star Galaxy,
but I would recommend collecting the second star back in the Sky Station
Galaxy first.

Star #2
Storming the Sky Fleet
Turn right or left and make your way to and down the green pipe in the
middle of the area. Avoid the rolling chomps if you want, but you can also
destroy them for star bits. Stand in front of one of the ball plants and
position yourself so you can launch it towards the incoming chomp. Use the
spin attack in the right direction in order to do it. When you're on the
other side of the planet, talk to the luma on your right who is caged up
in a glass tube. He informs you that there is a key somewhere that unlocks
his cell. Turn left and head to the second chomp that is rolling around in
circles near a chest. Destroy it with the ball plant, then collect the key
he was holding. The cell will unlock and you can now use the luma as a
launch star after talking to him.

When you reach the next planet, move forward and try your best to avoid the
incoming bullet bills. Turn left until you see a small platform with a
star on it. Grab the star on the small platform in the middle if
you wish, and use it to take a few of them out for star bits. Now move down
towards the end of the tube like planet and head left until you find a door
that will open automatically for you, granting you entrance inside. Touch
the flag for a checkpoint then keep moving right. Drop down to the gap on
the right, then the left and watch Mario fall. Shake the remote like crazy
and try to collect as many star bits as possible which are spread out all
over you. If you want to get every one of them, all you have to do is drop
down to the left where the flag was and repeat the process by going down
the gaps on the right again. When you're satisfied head right and past the
patrolling wisp orb, then jump up and take out the enemy in front of the
rolling platforms on the cylinder mechanism. Hop on one of the platforms
when it comes by, then long jump to the next one when you have the chance.
When you reach the 3rd set of moving platforms, hop on one of them, then
wait a bit until you see a lone rock spitting enemy moving around in front
of another small blue warp spot. Flip jump to the higher platform to reach
it. This battle royale is the same as the first one. Just grab the star and
wipem out. No sweat. When you return, perform a flip jump, then wall jump
off of the wall behind you and spin at the height last one to collect a
lone coin hovering high above.

Jump back onto the moving platform and let it take you 2 levels up until
you see a 1-up behind a wall. Jump over then duck to move through the small
gap and collect it when you reach the other side. Move back onto the
platform and let it take you to the launch star that you no doubt saw on
the way up to the free guy. Take the launch star to the next planet.

Grab as many of the star bits that follow you during flight as possible.
When you land on the new planet, snatch the checkpoint flag before you do
anything. Jump over to the platform on the left and collect the 1-up next,
but mindful of the giant bullet bill that will fire over and over every few
seconds. Now you have to turn all of the blue squares yellow simply by
walking over them. If you turn one yellow then walk over it again, it will
turn back into blue so make use of your long jump if you have to. When they
are all yellow a new set of platforms will appear to the north of your

Reading the sign will indicate a warning of cosmic clones. Once you step on
the first platform a shadow mario like character will appear and chase you.
Juse keep moving and jumping as you follow the path of the blue squares,
turning them yellow and they won't be able to catch you. You can even back
track a little if you have to because they will mimick you're every
movement and direction. When the squares are all turned yellow the cosmic
clones will be defeated, and you'll have earned some star bits in their
place, and a launch star will appear, which you can use to advance.

The final planet is a synche. Grab the checkpoint flag then move forward
after the bullet bill fires off. Wait for the second one to fire in between
the two cannon outlets, then long jump over the mud trap to the other side.
You'll see the star locked up in the glass tube in front of you. Wait for
the 3rd bullet bill to give you a window, then move left and jump over the
gabs until you reach the end with a poll and 3 pirhana plants. The 2
regular ones can be disposed of at your leisure, but the large spikey one
holds the key to the star. Spin attack the plant ball in the direction of
his ugly face after he tries to attack you, then collect the key. Be
mindful of the bullet bill on the other side as you make your way back to
the star. If you wait for the bill you can destroy it with the plant ball
below you, otherwise wait for it to explode then move as fast as you can
back the other way (you'll have plenty of time but stick to the edge of the
platforms to be safe). After you collect the star the galaxy will be done..
.... for now.

Star #34, Prankster Comet Star #5
Peewee Pirhana's Speed Run
Simply defeat Peewee Pirhana the boss in under the alotted time. Skip the
coins and star bits and use your long jump often to get through each area
faster. Focus on getting as many of the clock symbols as possible, which
give you 10 more seconds for each one you collect. If you can make it to the
end with 10-20 seconds left, it is possible to defeat the boss with just the
4 remaining clocks provided. Don't forget you can always skip this if you
find it too frustrating or challenging at the moment.

This galaxy is now complete *

There now should be a prankster comet over the Boulder Bowl Galaxy in
World 2. See section 6.010 for details on how to complete it.

6.003)Yoshi Star Galaxy

Star #3
Saddle Up With Yoshi
Move up and destroy the small rock for a star bit. Jump over the mud trap
in front of you then destroy another rock for a coin. Take out the pirhana
plants with a spin attack for star bits, or stomp on them for coins. Keep
moving up and take out the rock spitting enemy near the two spikey plants
at the end of the strip. Hop up to the next level by using the blue spring
jump mechanism. Avoid the magikoopas initial magic blast then quickly stomp
on him before he teleports. If he does teleport, simply run around to the
right side of the glass tube then take him out right when he reassembles
himself. Spin attack the goomba that he creates if he managed to so. When
you defeat him the glass tube will disinegrate and you'll be able to free
Yoshi from the egg by jumping on it, or busting it open with a spin attack.
Wait for Yoshi to finish talking then jump on his back to saddle him. Move
towards the upper left corner of the area and have Yoshi swallow the enemy
and two fruits nearby (one in the ground on the left, and the other popping
in front on the small mountain). Go around to the otherside of the hill
(or mountain w/e) and use the blue spring jump along with a flutter kick
jump to get to the top and collect the second comet coin. There is an item
box down and to your right beyond a shallow pool which contains star bits.
You can hit it using the flutter kick jump, or a flip jump. There are also
many more fruits and glass structures with star bits spread out on the
opposite side of the first area so take the time to collect them. If you
eat enough fruits you'll earn a 1-up (I believe it's 10-15). When you're
satisfied head north to the middle of the area through some mud traps
leading towards the next platforms. Break the glass fixtures to the left
and collect the coins/star bits. Take out the floating pig looking enemy
nearby by attacking with yoshi's tongue, then use a spin attack when you
have it locked on to his mouth. Stand on the blue portal to the right and
spin attack to warp to the battle royale mini game.

There's no star for this one, but you can eliminate the enemies fast with
Yoshi. Target 2 enemies at a time and swallow them with his tongue and
they'll be taken care of in no time. Grab the 1-ups when they appear and
wait for the timer to warp you back.

Now move up towards the 3 rock spitters guarding the large fruit that you
see nestled on the next platform. Take out the enemies however you wish,
then swallow the large fruit by holding down the B button after swallowing
it, then holding the control stick in the opposite direction. When Yoshi
swallows it you'll earn some star bits, and a launch star will appear. Use
it to reach the next planet.

During flight you'll pass a large volcano that erupts with many star bits
as you go by it. Shake the remote and use the cursor to collect as many as
you can.

When you land on the next planet, grab the checkpoint flag right in front
of you before you do anything. Breaking the glass on top of the planet in
front of you will reveal a launch star, but take out the other structures
around the area first to get some star bits. There is a chance cube to
your right which can be activated with a spin attack. When you're satisfied
use the launch star to reach the next planet.

Move left or right and scale the bottom part of the planet to collect a few
star bits, coins and fruits. There is a coin on top of a bone structure
to the left so grab it if you want. Now move up the platforms near the sign
that you saw when you first landed, and use the blue spring to jump up to
the next level. Grab the fruit in the left corner, then turn right and
flutter jump with Yoshi past the spikey plants on the right to land on the
other side. Keep moving right, grab the fruit on the wall above you and
take out the pirhana plant. Use the flutter jump to scale the cement like
platform in front of you, then turn left and move north up the next series
of platforms. Grab the fruit on the right, and take out the pirhana plant
on the left. Circle around the left side of the planet from here, and use
the flutter jump to get past the spikey plant and clear the gap. Scale the
cement platforms while moving up to the top of the planet. When you reach
the top, swallow the 3 rock spitters simultaneously, then move to the
rock platform on the north end. Aim at the flower above you and hold B to
have Yoshi swing off of it with his tongue to reach a tiny planet. Take the
launch star at the top to get to the last planet.

When you land, attack the paragoomba with Yoshi's tongue then swallow him
after he lands. Jump over to the next platform and touch the flag for a
checkpoint. Turn left, jump over, and use the flower to reach the 3rd
platform or just jump over to it. Swallow the rock spitter when you land.
Move to the edge of the platform and attack the paragoomba with Yoshi.
Target the handle on the side of the platform in front of you, then hold B
to have Yoshi attach his tongue to it. Now hold the control stick in the
opposite direction to pull the platform out so you can use it to get to the
other side. You don't have to use this platform but you will receive 3
coins for doing so. Stun the spide on the other side with Yoshi's tongue,
then simply run into him or stomp on him to eliminate him. Jump up to the
end of the platform near the egg nest. Dismount Yoshi, then do a couple of
wall jumps to reach the platform with the coins above you. Get back on
Yoshi, then use the flower to the right to reach the platform above you to
the right. Stun the spider with Yoshi's tongue then take him out. Wait for
the wooden platform to come to you, then hop on it. When you're in range,
stun the spider with Yoshi, then jump at him to take him out. Hop over to
the next platform when the wooden on reaches the end. Use Yoshi to pull out
the platform ahead of you using the handle then collect the star bits that
appear, and the 1-up. Wait for another wooden platform to come down from
above you, then use the nearby flower to launch yourself up to it. Move to
the right side of the platform, then take out the paragoomba that you see
when you reach the top. Launch yourself up to the platorm on the left using
the flower above you, then land on the rock spitter to stomp it and earn a
coin. Wait for the platform to move to the top, then grab the star bits in
the item box on your left. Take out the pirhana plant in front of you, then
use the flowers above to launch yourself up to the platform where the star
is on the right. When you break the star free it will move up above you, so
you have to use the other flowers to the left to get it. Launch yourself up
with the first one, use the second, then use the second again in the other
direction to reach the star.

You'll now be able to use Yoshi whenever you're running around the ship.
His egg will appear on top of the nose of the ship, so use a flip jump and
a spin attack to reach him. Use the flowers you see above you on the right
to reach a small planet with several fruits. Each time you eat all of these
fruits you'll earn star bits and a 1-up. When you're ready, head back to
wheel to get to the map again.

Star #4
Spiny Control
Move north towards the main area like you did in the last level. Ignore the
spiny and crack the Yoshi egg at the end of the strip. Take out the pirhana
plants for bits or coins if you wish. Stun the spiny at the end, then
swallow him. Jump up to the main area using the flutter jump. Aim the spiny
at the structure in front of you and shoot it with B to shatter it, and
collect the star bits. You can knock the lakitu off it's cloud with Yoshi's
tongue, then either stomp on him or kick him. Use the two spinies on the
left to take out the other glass structures in the area, including one with
a blue portal on the left ahead of you.

There's no star in this one, and the level consists of goombas spread out
across a medium size planet. Use Yoshi to target 2 at a time as you take
them out. Even if you only take out one at at time, you should have just
enough time to complete it. Collect the 1-ups when you're done and wait for
the timer to warp you back.

The launch star for the next planet is trapped behind a structure near the
hill where the comet coin was in the last level in the left corner of the
immediate area. There is a 1-up trapped on the other side though, near
where the large yellow fruit was in the last level. You'll need a spiny to
break it out of there. There's also a couple of other strucuters that can
be broken with a spiny holding star bits, along with several fruits to be
collected. When you're satisfied take the launch star to the next area.

Grab as many star bits as you can after the volcano erupts to your right
as you're flying by, then grab the checkpoint flag as soon as you land.
Eat the fruit on the narrow strip to your right, then stun and swallow the
spiny ahead of you. Stand in the middle and aim the spiny at the glass
structure you see on the other side in between the other two. Wait for the
lakitu to throw another spiny at you, then jump and launch the one you have
in Yoshi's mouth. It will either take out the lakitu, or break the
structure behind him, freeing up the luma who will turn into a launch star
which will appear to your right. If you end up taking out the lakitu
instead, swallow the spiny that he just threw at you and quickly take out
the structure before he appears again. You can also take out the other two
structures for star bits if you want. When you're satisfied use the launch
star to reach the next area.

There is another launch star in the middle of the flight path you are on,
and I highly recommend using it to reach a secret series of planets. It
appears merely a second or so after you launch from the previous one, so
use your spin attack the moment you cross paths with it. This series of
planets holds a 1-up, a life mushroom, and some coins and bits. Each planet
has it's own center of gravity, so you can't die here. Jump up to the small
grey planet you see, then jump towards the flat platforms around you. Jump
over to the left and keep going until you reach the life mushroom. The
1-up is visible from here, so head left to reach the platform it's on, then
move to the bottom side to collect it. When you're satisfied, wait for the
small planet that is orbiting the one with the launch star to reach you,
then use it to get to the one with the launch star. Use the launch star to
get back onto the normal path towards the star.

When you land, break the glass structures in front of you for some bits and
a coin. Stun the spiny and spit him out over the edge to get rid of him.
Target the handle of the platform on the left, and pull it out with Yoshi
to collect some bits and the 1-up. Now move back down and do the same with
the platform on the right to get some coins. There two platforms will be
pulled back in automatically after about 10-15 seconds, so don't dawdle.
Go up to the next area and take out the lakitu. Pull out the platform with
the handle on your right, then quickly swallow the spiny on your left.
Jump up to the glass structure above the pulled out platform, and shoot the
spiny at it to free up the launch star. Use it to get to the last planet
where the star is. There is a 1-up on the tall platform above you near the
launch star, but I have yet to find a way to reach it. If anyone knows how
to get it, email me and I'll put it in the guide giving you full credit for

Boss: King Dark Lakitu
Grab the checkpoint in front of you, then leap up to the high platform
using the flowers above you and a flutter jump. Wait for the cut scene to
end, and the boss fight will commence. When he throws a spiny at you, stun
then swallow it and wait for him to stand still before he throws another
spiny. Jump up a little, then launch the spiny in his direction with B.
After you hit him once he'll get mad and use lightning attacks as he hovers
over the platform you're on. Just stay in the bottom right corner to avoid
it, then wait for him to throw more spinies at you. Swallow one of them,
then wait for him to stand still and launch it at him again. After the 2nd
hit, he will immediately throw two more spinies at you. Swallow one and
hold on to it. He'll throw two more right after, but it's only a tiny
window so I recommend waiting and holding on to the spiny you already have.
Wait for his cloud to light up, and he'll use the lightning attack once
more. Avoid it and the other spinies by sticking to the corners of the
platform. The other spinies will get killed if he hits them with the
lightning, so lure them towards it if you want. When he's done with the
lightning attack he will throw spinies at you while moving, so you have to
aim carefully if you're going to get him for the 3rd time. After the 3rd
hit he will be defeated and the star will appear on the platform you're on.
Remember to collect the star bits that he drops after each time you hit
him, and keep in mind that any of the spinies that he threw on the platform
will disappear after each hit as well.

Star #30, Prankster Comet Star #1
Spiny Rainbow Romp

Note: This star is only available after collecting enough comet coins and
after collecting 29 stars

This first comet star is easy, provided you are good at controlling Mario
when he is in Star mode. You'll have 60 seconds to eliminate every single
spiny in the area. Start by grabbing the star in front of you, then quickly
running and long jumping over the mud trap. Keep moving until you get to
run speed and take out these first few spinies, then jump up to the next
level using the blue spring. Start running to the left, taking out the spiny
that is right next to you. You can run through the water provided you are at
full speed with the star. Take out the spinies in the bottom part of the
pond, then quickly jump up and to the left to take out two more on the 2nd
level. Make sure you still are in run mode otherwise you'll get bogged down.
If that happens, use long jumps to move around faster and take out the
remaining spinies. Run behind you to the right and jump off of the stone
platform towards the spinies near the small narrow hill on the left. Grab
the star near the hill and continue around the right side of it, wiping out
any spiny that you see. After you make it all the way around the hill, turn
left and wipe out the spinies nearby. You should have enough time to take
out the bulk of the remaining spinies in the middle of the area. Grab another
star when you need to (there are 3 surrounding the platform where Yoshi
would normally be) to take out the rest. When they're all gone the star
appears above where the egg nest used to be.

This galaxy is now complete *


After the first comet star is collected, another prankster comet should
appear over the Cloudy Court Galaxy. See section 6.017 for details on how
to complete it.

6.004)Flip-Swap Galaxy
Note: This galaxy is only available when you feed 300 star bits to the
hungry Luma that appears on your ship after calling it in the overworld

Star #5
Think Before You Shake
Before you start, remember that everytime (and I do mean EVERYTIME) you
use the spin attack by shaking the remote, the platforms will switch from
blue to red or vice versa. Keep that in mind, especially if you are using
the spin attack to eliminate enemies. The best strategy here is to use
regular jumps to move among the platforms, and swap them accordingly
using the spin attack in mid air, to make the other color platforms flip
up before you land on them. Of course, you CAN navigate the entire area
with well timed long jumps, so keep that in mind as well. When you reach
the second platform, take out the two goombas and the rock spitter, then
grab the star bits trapped in the glass. Make the blue squares appear, then
jump on the one to your right. Long jump towards the red square ahead of
you when you have an opening in between the laser traps, then flip em with
the spin attack to make the red appear. Jump over to the 1-up and flip em
again so you can collect it. Long jump towards the two blue squares to your
left when there is an opening. Now jump towards the 3 red squares ahead of
you and flip em in mid air to make them appear. Move over to the far right
red square. Now either long jump to the red one ahead of you when there is
an opening, or flip to the blue ones for an easier bout. Scale the tile
platforms and collect the coins along the way, while ignoring the trapped
goomba (or kill him it's up to you). Grab the checkpoint flag at the top,
then position yourself at the end of the tile platform.

The next area is a LITTLE trickier. Giant rolling chomps will be coming at
you from every direction, but you can manipulate the pattern of squares to
make them fall off. First off, switch to the blue squares if you aren't on
them already. Now long jump across to the ones ahead of you, and from there
you can long jump diagonally towards the tile platform ahead. Get to the
top and break the glass here for some bits. Switch back to the blue squares
and wait for the rolling chomp to your left to fall off. Quickly jump over
to the blue ones ahead of you, then long jump to the lone square to the
right. Wait for the chomp to your right to appear and immediately fall,
then jump and switch to the red squares. Quickly run to the left and long
jump to the 2 red ones in the left corner. Now wait for the chomp to your
left to appear and fall, then quickly jump and switch to blue. Long jump
to the lone blue square ahead of you before that same chomp appears again.
Now long jump over to the blue square in the right corner and collect your
third comet coin. Long jump to the blue square to your left to reach the
next tile platform.

Break the glass to the right to get some bits, then long jump over to the
red square ahead of you. Turn left and jump to the next red square when
there is an opening. Now long jump to the red square on the right when you
have an opening (or switch to blue to make it easier). From here you can
long jump diagonally to the nearest red square ahead (even though it looks
like it's out of range) or use the blue squares after switching. Now turn
diagonally left and long jump to the last red square you see when you have
an opening in between the laser traps ahead. Collect the star on the tile

Star #36, Prankster Comet Star #7
Purple Coin Flip'N'Sprint
You have 3 minutes to collect the 100 purple coins scattered in the level,
which is way more time than you need. Long jump between the blue squares
to start, collecting the first few coins along the way. Flip to red to get
the 2 coins at the end of the first sequence. Snag all of the coins in the
circle on the platform, then grab the 1-up. Jump over to the left and spin
switch to blue in mid air to collect these two coins. Now long jump to two
more diagonally across from you when there's a gap between the laser traps.
Long jump all the way over towards the blank red squares and spin fip them
just before you land. Jump and flip back to blue and get the 2 coins in
front of you. Now jump and flip back to red onto the square to the left,
then quickly jump forward again and switch back to blue when there is an
opening and collect these two coins. Long jump over to the blue square in
front of you. Now jump and flip back to red when there is a gap in this
laser trap and collect the two coins. Jump over to 2 more diagonally right
towards the tiled platform. Go past the laser trap and jump over the corner
of the platform that intersects with another red square with 2 coins on it.
Now jump over to the nearest blue square and flip it to land on it. Flip
back to red and grab the coins below you. Now make your way up to the top
of the tiled platform.

Jump past the laser trap and switch to blue if it's not up already. Jump
onto the lone blue square on the right. Wait for the chomp to appear on the
other side and fall, then quickly switch to red, collect the coins then
jump onto the tiled platform on the left near the end. Get to the top of
this platform and position yourself near the edge after collecting the
circle of purple coins.

Switch to red if it's not already up and stand on one of the first two
squares. Wait for the chomp on the left to appear and fall, then switch to
blue and quickly collect the coins. Then quickly jump over and flip to red,
collect the first 3 coins, then jump over to the lone blue square in the
corner on your right and flip them to land on it. You'll be safe here, so
take your time in approaching the next sequence. Wait for the chomp on the
far left corner of you to roll off of the blue strip, then long jump to that
strip and quickly jump to the left and flip to red so you can land on one
of the squares here. Now wait for the same chomp to appear and fall, then
switch to blue at the end of a long jump forward towards the lone blue
square ahead of you. Wait for the chomp on the right to appear and fall,
then switch to red, walk over to the edge and jump over to the tiled
platform on the left. You should have about 1 minute left so don't panick
because you're almost at the end.

Grab the coins in the circle then leap over towards the 4 coins under the
red square and flip it to land safely. Long jump over to the other red
square that looks like it's out of range (make sure you jump over the laser
trap). Grab the coins here, then flip to blue as you jump towards the coins
on your left. Jump over and collect the next 4 with a regular jump, then
walk over to the 3rd square and long jump towards the last set of 4 coins
when you can clear the laser trap at the same time. Jump over to the tiled
platform to grab the last coin and the star will appear.

This galaxy is now complete *

A prankster comet is now orbiting over the Tall Trunk Galaxy in World 3.
See section 6.016 for details on how to complete it.

6.005)Spin Dig Galaxy

Star #6
Digga-Leg's Planet
First off, take the time to collect all the coins and bits on this planet,
and take out the driller enemies just by jumping on them, or butt stomping
them. Move around until you see the Spin Drill power up. Turn right and
stop on the next circular indentation that you see. Shake the remote to
spin through the planet and land in a cage on the other side. Collect the
1-up, then spin back to where you were. Turn right again, and spin through
the next indentation you come across. Collect all the coins at the top
here, then spin back again. Now move south until you see another
indentation and spin through that one. Talk to the luma at the top here and
he'll turn into a launch star for you to use after you speak with him.
Take it to the next planet. Note: The spin drill won't come with you, but
there are plenty more in the next area.

Grab as many star bits as you can during flight, then take out the plant
enemies around you when you land. You can either spin attack them or stomp
them, but watch out for the spinning petals when they are in attack mode.
Grab the spin drill on your right and drill through the platform that it
was on. Grab the bits on this side of the planet, then move to the small
platform in the upper right corner. Drill through this platform and collect
the coins on the top of the opposite one on the other side. Jump off of it
to the right and grab the comet coin on your way down. Now move to the
upper left corner of this side of the planet, and drill through the small
platform there. Move to the right of this pillar, then drill through it
while standing on that side. Talk to the luma and use the launch star that
he transforms into.

Grab the flag for a checkpoint, then head to the circular platform by way
of the yellow platforms. Make sure they are solid before you use them, and
don't forget about your long jump if they start to disappear. Take out the
enemies moving around the edges of the platform, then head to the left side
and collect the 1-up that you see. Now go back to the right side and take
the blue portal to another battle mini game.

Grab the star and wipe out all of the plant enemies. Collect the 1-ups and
the coins/bits before the timer runs out. When you are transported back,
head to the upper left corner of the circular platform. Jump over to the
end and collect the coins, being mindful of the paragoomba and transparent
platforms in the process. A luma will appear and turn into a launch star,
so use it when you're ready. There are bits hidden inside the grates on the
outside edge of the circular platform, so use your cursor to collect them
if you wish.

Take out the goombas on the next planet as you see fit. Grab the spin drill
on the left side and spin through the planet from any spot. Collect the
coins inside the planet, then move to the top near a circular patch of
dirt that looks darker. Spin through it, and use the launch star at the
top. Talk to the Toad Brigade Captain, then talk to the blue luma who will
sell you either a 1-up or life mushroom for 30 star bits. I recommend the
life mushroom because you are about to fight a boss. When you're satisfied
use the launch star on the bottom of the ship, but NOT before getting the
checkpoint flag.

Boss: Digga-Leg
Quickly grab one of the spin drills on either side, then move back to the
middle of the planet opposite Digga-Leg. Wait for him to spit out a driller
enemy towards you, then stomp on it as soon as he appears on your side.
When Digga-Leg exposes his backside (a large belly like glass casing with
the star hidden inside), drill through the planet when you are aimed at it
to come out the other side attacking. Quickly drill back to the other side
or you'll get squished after he leaps into the air. Collect the bits that
he drops with your cursor as well. After the first hit he will send another
drill enemy, so stomp him as soon as he appears. Digga-Leg will jump around
left and right for a bit, so just move around the other side to coordinate
your position for aiming once you get an opening to attack. He will send
one more driller enemy at you, then he will expose his weak side again
after you see him let off some steam (that's your cue). Drill throug again
quickly because he will move around a bit the second time he exposes the
weak side. Drill back through again before he comes down from his jump, and
collect the star bits he drops. Now he will send 4 straight driller enemies
at you, so stay in one spot and jump a split second before they appear from
the other side to stomp them. Follow Digga-Leg again as he jumps
franticly left and right and prepare yourself for the final blow. He will
send 4 more at you before he exposes the weak side for the final time, so
be careful that you are stomping the middle of their body before you try
to take them out. Make sure you have a good angle when he exposes the weak
side, then take him down. The star will appear where he was destroyed.

You can now talk to the toads and the brigade captain by taking the portal
on the ship.

Star #7
Silver Stars Down Deep
Read the sign to beware of cosmic clones. When you land on the planet after
jumping down from the platform, you'll be chased by 2 clones. When you
break the glass that is holding the jump star to the south, the clones will
disappear. After that you can explore the planet freely. There are a few
spin plants to uncover, so find them and spin attack them to open them up.
The one that goes all the way around the tallest platform can be used to
reach the top, and get some star bits there. Shake the remote and continue
to shake it when near a vine to ride it all the way to where you're going.
Take the jump star to the top of the nearby platform and use the vine to
reach the next planet.

Spin attack on the blue portal to warp to the mini game. Take out the plant
enemies asap using jumps mostly, and collect as many of the 1-ups, coins,
and bits as possible. When you are warped back, take the green pipe down to
the next area.

This area is a 2D sidescrolling level. Hop down and grab the spin drill,
then stomp the driller enemy to your right on the bottom of the next
platform. Spin down towards the lone coin on the left and you'll be
propelled back up by the metal on the bottom. Drill down to the next area
through the dirt where the driller enemy was and you'll be propelled by
metal to the right. As you land you should be able to stomp on the driller
enemy below you, otherwise avoid him and defeat him later at your whim.
Drill down the right side of this area and collect the coin. Now move back
to the farthest left you can go, and drill down from above the star bit
that you see. This will earn you a coin, and propell you back up. Now move
to the right of the stip you're on and drill down to be propelled to the
left, then down again to the next area. Avoid the lightning wisp and head
down the pipe on the right side.

Grab the spin drill and move all the way to your right. Drill down from
here when the wisp is on the other side. Now stand in the middle and drill
downward when the two wisps below you give you an opening. On the next
platform, go back to the right side again and drill down when it's clear.
You should land on an orange pipe that will take you to the next part of
the planet on the other side.

Grab the surrounding star bits then free up the launch star and use it.
Collect as many bits as you can after breaking them out of the glass as you
fly by it. Grab the checkpoint on the toad ship, then use the launch star
on top.

After you land on the next planet, drop down to your left and take out the
driller enemies down there. Keep moving left and up through the other side
of the planet while avoiding or killing the drillers. Grab the spin drill
and the first silver star you see and keep moving forward between the small
gates. Eventually you'll see some star bits, so grab them as you move
forward. When you reach the end you'll see the platform where first landed.
Stop here and drill through the planet to get the second silver star. Drill
back out and head back the way you came. Drill in anywhere in between the
two red gates that you come across to collect the next 2 silver stars. Take
out the goomba and grab the star bits that are in the middle of the planet
on the left with your star cursor. Now drill down from the left where the
4th silver star was which will take you back to the original platform you
landed on. Drop down to the left and drill down in between the two small
blue gates. Perform a side jump towards one of the walls, then do wall
jumps until you reach the last silver star. (You can also walk to the other
side of the planet and drill down from there to drop onto the silver star)
Now drill back down to the narrow path you came from and keep going left
and up until you see the star.

Star #32, Prankster Comet Star #3
Digga-Leg's Daredevil Run
This is the same as star #6 except you will be brought straight to the boss
fight will Digga-Leg, and you only get 1 hitpoint so if you get hit once,
you're done for. See the section Boss: Digga-Leg under star #6 for details
on how to beat him. This one is fairly tough, so feel free to skip it.

A prankster comet will appear above the Puzzly Plank Galaxy in World 2. See
section 6.009 for details on how to complete it.

6.006)Fluffy Bluff Galaxy

Star #8
Search for the Toad Brigade Captain
Move forward onto the wooden bridge and wait for the stomp bird to hover
over you. Avoid his attack by moving away from his shadow as he is about
to drop on to you, then stomp him to grab a coin. Long jump from the round
platform to the smaller one on the left. Grab the Cloud flower to gain the
Cloud Mario upgrade.

Note: Touching water while in Cloud Mario form will
lose the upgrade, but there are plenty more spread out in this level. Also,
When you use up the 3 clouds you'll have to grab another upgrade to gain
3 more. Shake the remote to create a cloud that Mario will automatically
be able to use as a platform. The cloud will only last about 5 seconds
though, so you can't stay on it long. If you are trying to reach a platform
that is far away, it's a good idea to either flip or long jump then spawn
the cloud as late as possible to cover more ground, and conserve the other

Flip jump up to the platform above you to the left (you don't need to use
a cloud). Bait the stomp bird then take him out, then head north through
the shallow water and platforms towards the cloud platforms you see at the
end. Flip jump from cloud to cloud until you reach the last one. Flip jump
from here then spawn a cloud at the height of your leap. Jump up to the
next platform and take out the pirhana plants nearby, as well as the
stomping bird. Now move to the upper left corner of the area. Grab the
checkpoint flag and position yourself at the end of the cloud platform in
front of you. Long jump to the next platform ahead, using a cloud if you
need to. Creat a cloud below the shadow of the item box, then use it to
grab the bits inside. Grab the cloud power up behind you, then long jump to
the next set of cloud platforms ahead. Now long jump all the way towards
the island you see below you, and use a cloud near the end so you don't
take damage from the fall. (I don't think you'll take damage anyway) Now
talk to the toad and wall jump up to the launch star in between the narrow
height in front of you, but watch out for the stomp bird too.

As you are flying up, grab as many star bits from the cloud platforms you
see below you with your cursor. After you land, read the sign that warns
you of cosmic clones. When you land, you'll be followed by at least 2 of
them, so be careful. Grab all 5 of the small star fragments and the clones
will poof. They are all spread out along the waters of the planet, and are
easy to spot. When you get the 5th one the launch star will appear so you
can go to the next planet. Before you go you can grab another comet coin
which is hidden above the small cone like beacon in the middle of the
planet. Despite common belief, you don't have to have the cloud power up
to retrieve it. Simply Perform a flip jump and do a spin attack at the
height of your leap, and you should be able to get it no problem. When you
are satisfied, find the launch star at the top of the planet and use it.

Grab as many star bits as you can on your way down to the next planet, and
grab the checkpoint flag when you land. Grab the cloud power up that you
see ahead on the right, and watch out for the stomp bird nearby. Create a
cloud below the floating item box and use it to collect the bits inside.
From this cloud, you can long jump to the top of the moving thwomp trap on
the right, and on to the green platform after that. Jump to the moving
cloud platform and use it to grab the item box with bits inside. Now jump
off of the moving cloud platform, and on to the stationary one on the left.
Flip jump towards the moving thwomp when it starts to move out, then use a
cloud to reach it, and the 1-up on top of it. Now flip jump to the top of
the area and use a cloud to reach it if you need to. Grab the star bits in
front of you and talk to the weird looking wooden creature. Take out the
fire spitter and the pirhanas surrounding you, then long jump towards the
cloud upgrade in the bottom left corner to grab it. Now jump up to the
ledge of the pond in the middle and long jump towards the swing with the
handle. Move the control stick back and forth until you're high enough,
then jump up to the canopy above (use a cloud if necessary). Take out the
pirhana plant then hop up to the next level of the tree. Talk to the toad
captain to learn about a monkey who has the power star. Grab the cloud
upgrade and continue. Jump over the cloud platforms and keep heading north.
When you reach the volcano like mountain with the clouds surrounding it,
head left. Long jump in a downwards direction and create a cloud at the
latest time possible. Now flip jump towards the left and create another
cloud. Keep doing this until you reach a large cloud platform with a 1-up,
and another cloud upgrade. Now long jump back to the right and create a
cloud near the middle. Long jump again, create another cloud, and that
should be enough to hop up to the mountain where the monkey is. Talk to him
and he gives you the star.

Star #9, Hidden Star #1
Every Planet Has It's Price
Head back to the Fluffy Bluff Galaxy and choose the Toad Brigade star
again. Grab the cloud power up in the left corner of the first area. Flip
jump up to the platform behind you. Now flip jump to the right and create
a cloud at the height of your jump. Repeat the process until you are in
range of the large canopy above the tree to the north. Long jump on to the
tree and use the jump star to reach a hidden cloud platform. Grab the ?
coin in front of you and collect as many of the coins as possible. Talk to
the hungry luma and it will inform you that it needs 100 coins to
transform. Now long jump off of this platform in a Northwest direction and
try to land on the platform with the pirhana plants. Grab the cloud upgrade
and take out the bird and pirhanas using stomps so you can get coins. Now
create a cloud below the item box that is above where the pirhana plant
use to be. It's a coin box, so create the cloud right blow it so you can
belt out as many as possible. Now walk over to the far left corner of this
area and use talk to the tv to watch a hint video about cloud making. When
the video is over, you'll be able to eliminate all the enemies here again
for coins, and get the coin box above the pirhana plant again. Grab the
cloud power up and go for it. Now head back up to the cloud platform where
the hungry luma was, and redo the ? coin to get even more coins. You can
repeat this process as many times as needed to get 100. When you have 100
talk to the luma and take the pink launch star after it transforms to get
to the secret planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag and the cloud in front of you. Flip jump up to the
first wood platform you see, then the second to the right (or take the
moving cloud platform). Flip jump towards the 3rd wood platform above you
on the left, and use a cloud to reach it. Grab the power up if you need it,
then flip jump up to the next platform on the left using a cloud. From
here, long jump towards the rotating platform with the 1-up near it, and
use a cloud to collect it. Now head back and flip jump up to the moving
cloud platform when it reaches you. Get on the cloud that moves from left
to right at the top and grab the upgrade at the end if you need it. Now
flip jump up to the higher platform when you're in range, then again on to
the wood platform above on the right. Grab the cloud if you need it, then
flip jump up to the rotating platform and create a cloud to the left of it.
Flip jump above the rotating platform and create another cloud above it.
Jump up to the next wood platform on the left and grab the cloud upgrade.
Flip jump to the left of the next rotating platform and create a cloud to
the left of it. Flip jump again and create a cloud at the height of your
leap, and you should be in range of the star.

You now have the option of storing star bits with the toad banker hanging
out in the bottom left corner of the top of your ship. Star bits that are
stored can be used by any player on any save file on the Wii system.

Star #16
The Chimp's Stomp Challenge

Note: This star can only be acquired after you complete Rock and
Rollodillo in the Boulder Bowl Galaxy in World 2.

Talk to the Chimp on your left at the start, and he'll inform you of a
stomp challenge. When the game starts you'll have 120 seconds to stomp as
many enemies as you can, and collect the coins while you're at it. If you
stomp enemies in a row, you'll earn more points per consecutive stomp, so
keep that in mind. You get 100 points per stomp, and 100 per coin. You'll
get 200 points if you stomp an enemy without touching the ground after
stomping a first enemy, and 300 points for every enemy after that, as long
as you don't touch the ground.

Start by stomping the 4 rock spitters each in a row on the bridge then
collect the coins. Now flip jump up to the cage where the goombas are, and
stomp all of them. Quickly long jump out of the cage to the left and head
towards the 4 rock spitters you see under the bridge in the water below it.
Stomp these 4 and collect the coins. Don't worry about the star bits for
now. Turn around and move back towards the goomba cage. Turn left and use
the jump star. When you land, try to land on the rock spitter, then hold
left on the control stick and you should be able to consecutively stomp  2
more enemies on the bridge. Turn right and head north as you stomp the 2
goombas and 2 more rock spitters down this stretch. Take the jump star up
to the higher ground. Stomp the 5 rock spitters in front of you and collect
their coins. Now the circle of the several rock spitters in the upper left
corner. Make sure you stomp on as many of them as you can before landing to
earn 300 points each. When they're all gone hit the item box for some more
coins, then grab the 1-up above the tree in the bottom left corner if you
have time for 1000 more points. If you got 10,000 or more points then you
will have earned the star.

Upon completion of the Chimp's Stomp Challenge, you will now be able to
keep track of the stars and comet coins you've collected along with seeing
where you can get more stars in the available levels by using the clear
blue sign that appears to the left of the steering wheel of the ship.

6.007)Rightside Down Galaxy

Star #10
Breaking the Laws of Gravity
You'll start off being forced to go down a pipe as you land. Drop down the
first platform and grab any bits and coins that you want. Drop down to the
very bottom as you collect coins/bits and take out the paragoombas. At the
very bottom in the left corner is a switch that you can but stomp to earn
a few coins. Move to the right and shake the remote near the large flower
to reach the next area above you. As far as I know there is no way to
destroy the hopping spiked enemy here, so just jump over it or avoid it any
way you can. Jump up and hit the switch with a spin attack to reverse the
gravity in the room. Move right and collect the coins as you go. Jump over
to the platform when it moves all the way to the top (remember the gravity
is reversed). Wait for the platform to move to the bottom, then jump off of
it to the right. Jump up to the next platform and hold here. Wait for the
giant pirhana to strike, then stomp on his head when you have the window.
Collect the bits he drops then use the flower behind him to reach the
bottom of the room with regular gravity.

Stomp the two goombas here, then grab the ? coin and slide down the rail
to collect the small coins. Grab the checkpoint flag at the bottom, then
jump up towards the platform near the read reversed gravity. Jump onto the
platform then wait for it to reach the platform in blue gravity below you.
Jump onto that platform then off of it to the right onto the next series
of walkways. There is a blue portal for a battle mini game at the bottom
of this section, so i recommend doing it before you go to the next set of
platforms. Jump up and get on the platform going up when you have the
chance. Long jump across the gab then spin attack the blue switch to
activate it, and reverse the gravity. You can stomp on the spiked enemy
nearby now because his spike it on his bottom side. Flip jump your way back
to the beginning of the area. Jump onto the first platform on the other
side, and use it to jump towards the bottom left of the screen where a coin
box is hidden. Use the same platform to jump towards the platform below the
1-up, and use the gravity to your advantage to retrieve it. Get back on the
far right platform and use it to jump towards the wall on the right where
you see a large chomp rolling out of a cannon like structure. Wait for the
right time, then jump over and sprint towards the right. Long jump over the
first gap and stand still next to the whomp that is coming down on the next
platform. Wait for the whomp to start moving back down, then go up and over
the platform. Repeat with the next whomp infested platform until you reach
the end where gravity will switch back to normal (blue). The comet coins is
in the red gravity to your left. Wait for the whomp to move up, then go
back to his platform and flip jump towards it with a spin attack at the
height to reach it. Or you can long jump from the bottom spot of the blue
gravity section.

Slide down, grab the checkpoint and read the sign if you want. Wall jump
off of the right side then grab the fire power in the left corner.

Note: The Fire Flower power up is temporary. It lasts for about 25 seconds
give or take so make sure you keep track of it.

Torch the box in front of you by shaking the remote to fire, then collect
the bits that are trapped in the glass. Now drop down to the left and head
right on the first floor. Torch all 3 of the boxes guarding the next fire
flower. Grab that fire flower and wall jump your way up to reach reverse
gravity on the right. Torch the box on your left for more bits, then torch
3 more boxes on the right to grab another fire flower. Destroy the two
boxes blocking your path, then grab the checkpoint flag as you keep moving.
Jump onto the green platform ahead, and you'll be brought back into 3D
movement. Take out the goombas as you see fit, then follow the path upward.
Do a spin attack in the middle of the round stone circle at the end for
star bits. Jump onto one of the moving platforms when you have the chance
to continue. Jump off of the platform, then move right, down, up, then
right again as you jump the gaps and follow the path. Jump up over the
ledge in front of you and you'll be back to 2D movement.

Wait for the whomps to move up then jump up the ledges and quickly move
forward to the right. Same thing applies with the next 3 whomps, only in
reverse gravity so be careful about your timing. Once you reach the last
whomp in blue gravity, you'll need to be quick and start jumping past the
red gravity ones asap. When you land on the first platform of the red
gravity whomps, run right and quickly long jump to clear the last 2. Run
towards the end section which as 4 different gravities running through it.
The first one will take you up, then right, then down towards the star. If
you're having trouble make Mario slide on the walls with his gloves as if
you are tyring to perform a wall jump.

Star #11, Hidden Star #2
The Great Crate Incinerator
Move through the level like you normally would. At the bottom of the very
first area take the flower up to the next level by shaking the remote.
You'll notice a pipe on the ceiling above the spiked enemy. Jump over the
enemy, activate the switch, then move back to the left to get to the pipe.
Go down it. Grab the fire flower in the middle and torch all the boxes in
the room. One in the bottom left corner will reveal and 1-up, and one in
the upper right corner will reveal an orange pipe. Take the orange pipe to
reach the trash bot's planet.

Talk to the robot on your left and he'll ask you to torch all of the crates
in the area. Grab the fire flower and get to work. You only have 20 seconds
to take all of them out, but as it turns out it's literally JUST enough
time to getem all. Sometimes you can get more than one at a time because
the fire flower will go through the boxes as it destroys them so remember
that. After the last box is destroyed you receieve a star from the robot.

This galaxy is now complete *

6.008)Bowser Jr.s Fiery Flotilla

Star #12, Grand Star #1
Gobblegut's Aching Belly
Move forward and turn right, taking out the enemies as you go. These
shelled foes can only be taken out using the spin attack. Turn north at the
end of the wooden walkway and continue forward. Go down the green path and
watch out for the rotating fire ball trap. Spin out the enemy at the end
and stomp on him. Grab the bits in the item box, then turn left. Wait for
the whomp to move down then perform a flip-wall jump off of it. Use a spin
attack at the height of the wall jump while moving left back towards the
whomp and this should get you on top of it. Wait for the whomp to move up
again and you'll be able to reach the comet coin above him. Continue to the
left. Jump up to the purple platform and take out the magikoopa that appears
in the middle. Move on to the narrow green platform to your left and hit the
blue switch with a spin attack. This will open the large door red door in
front of you. Go through the door, spin attack the bone koopas, then use the
jump star to reach the planet above you.

Move forward then left as you avoid the fire trap, and take out the bone
koopa. Jump over to the green platform on your left to collect some bits
and coins. Otherwise move forward then right, avoiding the 3 prong fire
trap nearby. Watch the hint video if you wish, then keep going right. Jump
over the gap and collect the coin. Take out the bone koopa, then the
magikoopa and goomba dead ahead of you. Grab the bits in the item box then
move left. Avoid the dual fire trap, and the one above you as you make your
way all the way to the left where a life mushroom is waiting for you to
collect. Now head upward and scale the rest of the platforms, while
avoiding the fire traps with good timing. Use the launch star at the top
to reach the planet with the boss fight.

Boss: Gobble Gut
Gobble Gut is a large snake/dragon like creature who moves in, out, and all
around the planet you're on. He'll start by attempting to chomp you with
his teeth as he moves around the outside. After a few seconds he will split
the middle of the planet and dig through it. When he does that, you must
spin attack the large red lobes on his body, one at a time. It's better to
wait by the second half of his body so you can see the lobes coming at you,
rather than guessing when they're coming from the other end. After you hit
3 of them, he'll go into a second phase in which he is faster and more
aggressive, but the same strategy for beating him applies. The remaining 3
lobes are a bit more difficult, but stick to it and you'll eventually beat
him. When he's dead, the first Grand Star of the game appears at the top of
the planet. Go get it.

After you get the Grand Star there will be a cut scene in which the head
luma explains that you opened a portal to the next world.

Star #48, Prankster Comet Star #11
Fiery Flotilla Speed Run
You will have 2 minutes to defeat the boss Gobble Gut again. You'll be
sent straight to his planet and right into the fight. Look at the Gobble
Gut section of star #12 for details on how to defeat him. This is one of
the easier speed runs in the game. Grab the star at the top of the planet
after you defeat him.

This galaxy is now complete *

A prankster comet should now appear above the Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy
in World 3. See section 6.021 for details on how to complete it.

World 2: Shooting Through the Stars

6.009)Puzzle Plank Galaxy

Star #13
The Puzzling Picture Block
You'll begin on the side of a block shaped planet. Start out by moving up
towards the orange trampoline you see above you. Jump on it to start
bouncing, then perform ground pound in mid air above it to propell
yourself high enough to hit the item box full of star bits. Grab the bits
then turn left and ground pound the block sticking out of the side of the
planet for a few more. Now head to the opposite side and do the same thing
on the block sticking out here for a few more bits. Now walk to the under
side of the planet and do a ground pound on the circular symbol you see in
the middle to knock the middle of the planet down to the ground below you.

Ground pound each of the caterpillar enemies to eliminate them. Do a ground
pound on each of the 4 red trampolines you see in each corner. The bottom
left will give you star bits, the upper right gives you coins, while the
upper left will make music notes appear. Follow the notes as they appear and
collect them all to receive 3 1-ups while you listen to a tune from Super
Mario World. The bottom right trampoline will make a launch star appear in
the middle of the ground so use it when you're ready to head to the next

Start by following the coin trail to the other side. Do ground pounds on
each of the wooden stumps on both sides to collect a few bits and coins.
Ignore the hungry luma for now. If you want you can head down the green
pipe and grab the ? coin down there to collect a few dozen smaller coins.
Head back through the pipe to the other side of the planet. Now move up to
the highest platform that you see and stomp on the rock spitter. Do ground
pounds on all 3 of the protruding platforms until you can go no further,
starting with the HIGHEST one. Now walk back to the opposite side of the
planet, scale the platforms and take the launch star to the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag when you land then turn left and head north along
the platform. Quickly make your way down towards the comet coin on the left
while avoiding the circular saws. The platform under the comet coin will be
cut off almost immediately so you have to jump on it, grab the coin and
quickly jump back to the main platform. Jump over the half circle in front
of you, then wait for the two saws to split the wall so you can perform
wall jumps to reach the top. At the top, move forward and stay away from
saws and the half circle platforms they are cutting. Turn right at the end
of the green platform, then quickly move forward and scale the next one.
These next 3 platforms will all be taken down by large saws, but very
slowly so you have to keep moving. Turn left at the top of the first one,
then scale the last one and turn left towards the red trampoline. After you
ground pound the trampoline a jump star will appear at the end of the light
brown platforms to the left, but each of the 3 idle saws will begin cutting
so don't waste any time getting to it. Use a spin attack to activate the
star to reach the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag and talk to the blue luma to purchase either a
1-up or life mushroom for 30 bits. Use the launch star when you're

Grab as many star bits as you can when flying through the air after you
break the glass before you land on the final planet.

After you land, move up to the top flat side of the planet. The goal is to
ground pound each section until you come up with the right picture, but you
can only ground pound a section if it has the sun like symbol on it. Start
by pounding the one on the side to your right. Pound it a few times and
you'll see that the picture you're going for is obviously some sort of bug.
Now move to the left side of the picture and look for another symbol on
bottom left side of the planet, and pound it in a few times towards the
right side. Now head north and pound in the symbol on the far side of this
direction to complete the puzzle, and prepare yourself for a mini boss
fight. There are also 2 circles of star bits on the east and north sides of
the puzzle, so grab them with your cursor if you wantem.

Bait the metal bugs by letting them see then charge you. When they are
moving backward, flip jump above them and ground pound the small one to
eliminate it. After that the big one will turn red and become irate,
charging at you more aggressively. Grab the bits he drops to start, then
attack him with a ground pound after leaping over him as he charges at you.
When he's finished the power star will appear above him.

You can now talk to the mail toad which is the pink one to the left of the
steering wheel when you enter the ship. He has a letter from Peach along
with a 1-up for you.

Star #14, Hidden Star #3
Bugaboom's Back
Start out like you would as if you were attempting the puzzling picture
block star. When you reach the planet with the 3 poundable platforms, head
down the green pipe on the other side of it. Grab the ? coin then collect
as many of the normal coins as possible. Head back up the pipe and grab as
many coins as you can up here until you reach 70. Talk to the hungry luma
and feed him the coins. He'll transform into a pink star so you can launch
to the hidden planet.

When you land, grab the checkpoint flag along with the cloud power up. Do
a long jump towards the next island platform, then create a cloud at the
end of your leap. Jump off the cloud to the next platform and grab the next
power up. Stand on the edge of this platform, do a flip jump then create a
cloud at the height of your leap. Repeat the process until you reach the
large island with the tree in the middle.

Boss: Bugaboom
Veterans of the first Galaxy game will recognize this boss, but for don't
worry if you're a newcomer because he's not very challening. All you need
to do is ground pound his back 3 times. Create clouds when he's getting
close to you, then jump on his back to hitch a ride. Do a ground pound for
the first strike. Grab the star bits that he drops as you flies away. Now
you have to pound him while he's flying. Create a cloud a littler higher
and wait for him to fly by, then ground pound him when he's close enough.
Grab the bits as he flies away again. The 3rd time looks more difficult,
but it really isn't. Use the same strategy as the 2nd hit. When he's done
for, grab the star.

Star #33, Prankster Comet Star #4
Purple Coin Shadow Vault
This star can be very easy, or very difficult depending on your approach.
For the sake of the validity of this guide, however, I think I'll go with
the easy approach. Once you enter the pipe, you'll have 60 seconds to
collect all 100 purple coins, and there is no way to heal yourself. Cosmic
clones appear right away and start following you. They keep appearing too,
there is literally no limit to how many will follow you. Just collect the
coins row by row horizontally and this shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
Make sure you have Mario run around in a circle once or twice just to slow
the clones in the back down a little. If you have to back track at any
point, try to long jump back then move around a little and wait for the
clones to get close to you, before you attempt to pick up a straggler. When
all 100 purple coins are collected, the star will appear and all of the
clones will poof into star bits. Collect the bits and the star and it's

This galaxy is now complete*

A prankster comet will now be hovering over the Sky Station Galaxy, which is
the very first one in the game. See section 6.002 for details on how to
complete it.

6.010)Boulder Bowl Galaxy

Star #15
Rock and Rollodillo
Start by eliminating the green rock spitters surrounding the rock mario
power up. When they last one is defeated the glass tube will be unlocked.
Grab the rock mario power up.

Note: Shake the remote to activate the rolling rock attack. In this form
you can move in any direction, and even jump while moving. Once you hit
something you will be brought back to normal form, but you can repeat this
until you lose the power up by touching water or getting attacked by an
enemy. The Rock Mario power up does not have a timer on it, but the roll
attack itself will automatically stop after 4 seconds.

First, roll towards the giant purple crystal to the left and hit it twice
with the rock power up. It will break and reveal the comet coin, so collect
it when you see it. Roll over all of the sharp rock structurs surrounding
the area to collect some bits and coins. Now start a roll and jump over the
small ledge to the north and whack the tall, narrow metal structure to knock
it down and form a bridge to walk across. Shake the remote and boll over
the bowling pins for some star bits. Jump over the small ledge then start
another roll and the arrows will blast you over the gap to the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag then jump over the wood fence. Use the roll attack
to take out the enemies, the sharp narrow rocks, and the large rolling
rocks. If you lose your rock upgrade there is another one on the far left
side of this planet. When all the enemies on the surface are defeated the
launch star will be free. Use it to get to the next planet.

Grab as many star bits as you can when you break the glass during flight.

When you land, grab the rock upgrade and start rolling over the rock
spitters and large rolling rocks circling the planet. You can't destroy the
chomps with the roll attack, so be careful about them. There are small
gold lights on the surface everywhere, so shoot them with star bits for
coins if you need health. Bust open the sharp narrow rock on the left side
of the planet to reveal a green pipe. Go down it and spin attack the chance
cubes (there are 6 of them). Head back up through the pipe, then roll
towards the purple crystal at the top of the planet. Roll attack it twice
to free the jump star, then use it to reach the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag then buy a life mushroom from the blue luma if you
can. Use the launch star at the top to reach the last planet and prepare
for a boss fight.

Boss: Rollodillo
Despite his rather large stature, Rollodillo is actually quite soft. He'll
start out by simply running around and trying to bite you with his mouth.
Grab the rock upgrade to your left and wait for him to expose his back.
Roll attack his backside for the first strike. After that he'll get mad and
start to roll at you while in his spiked form. Grab the bits he drops after
the first hit then quickly run to either side to avoid the incoming attack.
He will roll around the planet twice then he'll get dizzy. Roll attack his
backside for the second time when you have the window. Repeat the process
for two more strikes and he'll be done for. The star will appear where he
was defeated so grab it and move on to the next one.

The pink toad will give you a new letter from the chimp in the Fluffy
Bluff Galaxy inviting you to play a game for a new star. See section 6.006
for instructions on how to get star #16.

Star #35, Prankster Comet Star #6
Rolling Crabber Romp
Use the launch star asap. Grab the rock power immediately and get to work.
You have 60 seconds to wipe out all of the craps on the planet. Keep
shaking the remote for the inital cluster of enemies, and roll around as
much as you can aiming at them. When the crowd thins up, make sure you are
facing the desired direction before starting a roll. If you know you're not
going to be able to finish in time, at least try to grab some of the 1-ups
surrounding the planet. When they're all dead the star appears at the top.
Make sure you grab any 1-ups and bits that you want before nabbing it.

A prankster comet now appears over the Flip-Swap Galaxy in World 1. See
section 6.004 for details on how to complete it. The luma inside Mario's
hat will also receieve a letter from the pink toad on the ship, with 50
star bits inside.

6.011)Hightail Falls Galaxy

Star #17
Hot-Stepping Dash Pepper
Cross the bridge, collect the star bits and defeat the paragoomba as you
head to the other side. Eliminate the paragoomba behind the Yoshi egg, then
free Yoshi and saddle up. Move up the ascending platform and jump as much
as you can near the top to reach the hot pepper. Yoshi will now be able to
run fast enough to scale the slope, so go ahead and run to the top. Tilt
the control stick in the direction you want to go in order to control Yoshi
during a hot pepper upgrade. Grab the star bits at the top then use the
launch star to get to the next planet.

Grab the hot pepper and dash your way up through the middle section, then
turn right after it. Avoid the paragoomba and collect the coins if you
wish, then use the launch star at the top to reach the next area. You can
also collect more star bits on this section by going to the left at the
start and collecting the ? coin.

Grab as many star bits as you can from the hoard of them to the left as
you fly by.

Grab the checkpoint flag as soon as you land, and continue forward down the
platform path. The dark colored platforms will fall as soon as you touch
them so keep going. Grab the pepper and dash your way across the remaining
platforms. At the end you may have to use the flutter jump to reach the
platform with the launch star. Before you use it though, head to the right
and take the blue portal to another battle mini game.

Stomp on all the paragoombas one by one then collect the 1-ups and as many
bits and coins as possibly before the timer warps you back.

When you are warped back, jump back over to the launch star on the left and
use it to reach the next area.

Grab the checkpoint then stand in front of the pepper looking forward
towards the purple slope. Grab the pepper and star moving up it, turning
right at the first junction. Continue navigating until you reach the bottom
of the next platform, avoiding the protruding polls at all costs. Cross the
bridge at the bottom and speak to the hungry luma. Feed him 30 coins if you
have them, but don't use the launch star. Grab the pepper and head up the
next series of slopes when you see the moving platform above you move over
the edge of the first one. Move between the purple blocks, then grab the
comet coin at the top and let yourself fall back down to the bottom. Grab
the pepper again and this time navigate to the left when you go past the
purple blocks. Move downward past the poll to reach the bottom. Have Yoshi
tongue his way to the next platform by using the flowers above you.

When you reach the top, grab the pepper and navigate the slopes ahead. Turn
diagonally left when you see the first purple block, then left at the top.
Turn downward and grab the 1-up. Let yourself fall down to the platform
below you, then jump over the small fence back down to the platform with
the pepper below the start of the slope. Grab the pepper again and navigate
your way to the star, which is to the bottom right corner of where the
1-up was.

Star #18, hidden star #4
Silver Stars in Hightail Falls
Move through the level like you normally would, but collect as many coins
as you possibly can. Grab the ? coin to the left of the slope on the 2nd
planet for some extra ones. At the end of the 3rd planet, do the battle
mini-game again for more coins. Make sure you have at least 30 when you
reach the hungry luma at the bottom of the right side of the 4th planet.
Feed the hungry luma the 30 coins and take the pink launch star to the
hidden planet.

When you reach the hidden planet, simply use Yoshi to swallow all of the
poliwhirl looking enemies, and collect the 5 silver stars that 5 of them
were holding. When you get all 5 the power star will appear at the top of
the planet near the Yoshi egg nest.

Star #38, Prankster Comet Star #9
Hightail Falls Speed Run
Same as Star #17 except you have 3 minutes to complete the level, and there
will be molten rocks falling down from the slopes on the last planet instead
of the usually poll obstacles. Forget about everything in the level except
for the star and this shouldn't be a problem. If you're having trouble with
this star email me and I'll see if I can provide some tips, but there really
aren't any that are different from Star #17, so consult that portion of the
guide if you need help.

This galaxy is now complete*

There shouldn't be any more prankster comets at this point, so head on over
to the Haunty Halls Galaxy, section 6.018.

6.012)Honeybloom Galaxy
Note: This galaxy is only available when you feed the hungry luma in the
overworld map 700 star bits after calling it to your ship.

Star #19
Bumble Beginnings
Shake the remote as soon as you land on the vine to reach the top of the
planet platform. Grab the star bits from the plants in front of you, then
take out the goomba below. Wall jump up to the next platform, and take out
the goomba while collecting the coins on the way. Grab the handle on the
swing and jump across to the other side. Talk to the bee if you want. Jump
over the gap, grab the star bits from the plants, then wall jump between
the narrow gap to your right after taking out the goomba. Move left at the
top of the gap, grab the star bits, then wall jump your way to the bits
that are encased in glass on the left above you. Clear the gap and grab the
Bee Mario power up.

Note: The Bee Mario power up has no timer and you can use it as many times
as you need to until the fly meter runs out after holding A to fly. You
will lose it if you touch water or get attacked by an enemy however. When
collect coins mid flight your fly meter will regenerate to help you get

Hold down A to fly up to the next platform above you on the right. Turn
right and fly above the water towards the next power up. Fly up to the
cloud platform above you on the left, then to the one on the right that's
even higher. Jump/fly to the wood platform over the gap to the right. Now
fly as high as you can up to the next wood platform above you. Or you can
move forward below the platform and jump/fly over to the power up you see.
Move up to either the flower or cloud platform, then fly up to the one
above it. Avoid the enemies in the process. Fly from the flower platform
when the floating enemy is all the way down and drop to the platform to the
right of him to collect the comet coin. From here, fly to the cloud that is
above and to the left of you when the enemy gives you the window. From the
cloud, fly up to the platform on the right above you when the other enemy
is out of the way. Now the game will turn back to another side scrolling
view. Move right and collect the star bits from the plants. Fly over to the
vine that you see over the gap, then shake the remote when near it to spin
your way to the next area.

Spin on the next vine which will do a loop da loop downward and throw you
over the gap on the right. Bounce off the dark orange balls as you keep
flying to the right. Grab the ? Coin and collect the coins that appear.
Keep flying until you reach a cloud platform. Fly from this towards the
next platform to the right when the enemy gives you a window. Now fly up
to the small dark orange ball above you, and use it to bounce up towards
the larger ones. Bounce off one of those, then fly to the right to reach
the platform above the enemy.

Grab the checkpoint flag then start flying up at the poll. Grab the poll
and climb up it. Jump off of it to the right to the next platform. Fly up
to the left above you to reach the next platform. Jump over the fuzzy and
climb the poll here. Jump off of the poll and fly to the right when the
floating enemy gives you the room, and continue to the right. Jump up to
the poll coming out of the ceiling above you, and use it to fly to the
swing with the handle to the right. Jump from the first swing to the 2nd,
then off of the 2nd to the vine on the right. Spin through the vine and
through the second one which will take you downward by a loop da loop and
off towards some more orange balls to bounce off of. Bounce off one if you
need to and fly to the small green platform on the other side. Now the game
will change it's camera view again.

Grab the checkpoint then position yourself at the edge of the platform.
Fly to the blue platform above the spiked plant with the coin on it. Now
navigate between the 2 spiked plants ahead of you. Wait for the 2nd one to
strike then fly down towards the 3rd. Fly up past the 3rd on to the flower
platform. Jump off the flower platform quick before it eats you and fly up
to the next platform above you on the right. Fly over the spiked plant
here, then on to the flower platform next to it. Fly downwards to the right
and left, then right again towards a red platform on the bottom with a bee
upgrade on it. Follow the small plants hovering in the air that spit out
star bits. Now fly up to the plant platform above you, then quickly up to
the next platform past the spiked plant. Jump off of this one on to the
blue platform with the bee upgrade. Fly back up to the plant on the left,
then quickly up to the one above you, and from there to the cloud platform
above that. Now fly to the higher cloud platform when it's in range, and
when the floating enemy gives you the window. Fly up from this platform to
reach the star.

Talk to the mail toad to receive a letter from the bees in the Honeybloom
Galaxy, as well as a 1-up for a reward.

Star #20, Hidden Star #5
The Secret Wall Jump
Start the level like you normally would, but stop when you reach the first
swing with the handle (right after the first gap after the first goomba).
Jump on the handle and swing as high as you can possibly go. When you reach
the ALMOST peak of the swing moving right, jump off of it then perform a
spin jump to reach the wall with the wood planks on the right. Wall jump
off of it and go left into the alcove to grab some star bits that are
trapped. Now wall jump upwards until you reach the very top and land on a
grassy platform to the left. The star is right up there just a little
north of your location.

6.013)Wild Glide Galaxy

Star #21
Fluzzard's First Flight
Talk to the first small bird in front of you to learn how to glide with
Fluzzard. Hold the remote straight for the starting position. Tilt it
slightly to the left and right to turn. Tilt it SLIGHTLY down to do a
nosedive and gain some speed, and slow down/move upward by tilting it up.
The goal is to glide with Fluzzard through the forest and through the gold
ring at the very end. Pop balloons for star bits and take your time as you
get used to the controls. The comet coin is located at the very end right
in front of the gold ring, and is hard to miss. There's also a hidden
entrance to the left of the 3rd checkpoint so keep an eye out for it. When
you cross the gold ring you'll be brought back to the start and the small
bird will award you with a star.

Star #46
Jungle Fluzzard Race

Note: This star can only be acquired when you receive the letter of challenge
from the birds later in World 3.

The trick to winning the race is to stay low most of the time. When you star,
turn left immediately and stay close to the water so you can continue to
get speed boosts with nose dives. It's ok if you touch the water because
you'll just be bounced back up and you won't lose a lot of momentum. It's
much better than holding up to slow down and clear the way, because you will
lose all of the momentum that you had. When you come to the clearing with
the 2 holes in the wall that enter the cave, take either the one on the
right , or the 3rd opening on the very very bottom. Follow those instructions
and don't do anything rash, and this star won't take you more than a few

This galaxy is now complete *

6.014)Cosmic Cave Galaxy

Star #22
Twin Falls Hideaway
Stomp the koopa on the left side of the room and grab his shell. Walk into
the water and the shell will automatically start moving you. Tilt the
control stick in the direction you wanna go. Hold up on the control stick
to descend under the water as the shell moves you forward. Use the jump
star you see on the right near the end to leap out of the water and collect
some star bits as you dive back in. Surface back up by holding or tapping
A, or spinning in the upward direction. Grab the green shell to the right
above the surface on the platform and continue forward through the water.
As you move to the open area, grab the ? Coin then collect the smaller ones
in front of it. Now move slightly to the right but keep moving forward to
spot the comet coin inside of a crustacean shell. Now surface up to the top
of the water and jump up to the side platform surrounding the narrow castle
in the middle of the room. Go to the top and ground pound the red
trampoline. Jump down to the ice below, and start skating by using a spin
attack while moving. Head over to the hungry luma you see on the right. He
wants 15 coins to transform. You should have about 8-9 right now, so skate
around to find more. Once you have 15 go back and feed them to him so he
transforms into the pink launch star, and gives birth to a new planet.
Don't take the launch star yet, that's for a different star. Look around
and find a large elderly penguin standing alone on a wood platform. Talk to
him and he'll talk to you about the frozen waterfall. Head towards that
waterfall. If you're skating towards it, jump onto the wood platform to the
right of the waterfall to cancel out the skate. Walk over in between the
two ice falls, then wall jump between them until you reach the top. Spin
attack the glass twice to free the star.

Star #23
Exploring the Cosmic Cavern
Talk to the large pengin to learn that you must find a key to free the
luma in the glass. Get on the ice and start skating with a spin attack.
Make your way all the way to the end until you see a green pipe on a
platform with a small penguin. There are ice rock enemies along the way,
but they can be disposed of with one spin attack to deactivate their aura,
then another spin attack when they fall on the ground. Grab as many bits
as you want then head down the green tube.

Ground pound through the middle block and slide down as you collect the
bits and coins along the way. Swim down in the small pond and break the
box with a spin attack if you wish. Jump out of the pond and position
yourself above the solid block. Wait for a bubble to come by and burst,
then quickly move up the slope and wall jump your way to the top of the
next area. Grab the bits in the item box on the left, then clear the gap
on the right and continue. Jump over the spiked plant and grab the
checkpoint flag on the other side. Jump over gap with water and hit the
regular box on the other side for a coin. Now ground pound over the gap
with water and star swimming to the left and downward.

Navigate between the spiked plants and grab coins for air if you need them.
Keep going down and to the left until you see a vent shooting bubbles from
the left side of the cavern. Swim into the bubbles and they will push you
to the right as you swim with them. Collect the coins as you go for air,
then spin attack the blue switch on the wall at the very end to open the
cage below you. Swim down, grab the coin, and bust the box open for one
more. Hug the left side of the wall as you swim down past the giant eels
(they shouldn't be able to reach you, otherwise wait for them to go back
into their holes before moving past them). The second one will be on the
left side of the wall, so you'll have to hug the right side. Grab the star
bits in the narrow path at the bottom then head through the green pipe.

Move right, jump up, and grab the checkpoint flag. Now position yourself
below the structure with water above you. Jump up to get into the water and
start swimming. Swimg to the right and upward to collect a coin, then keep
going up, avoiding the squid like enemy in the process. Get to the top,
turn right, and snag the 1-up on the bottom of the next strip when the
coast is clear. Keep going to the right, and move upward at the end. Get to
the top, turn left, then jump out of the water onto the wood platform. Now
Jump into the next strip of water that leads you up. Swim upwards to the
top, but take out the paragoomba if you wish. Jump out of the water at the
top and talk to the penguin. Jump into the floating water cube when it
reaches you and hold here. Now swim into the next floating cube when the
two of them touch each other. Then jump swim out of the second one up into
a 3rd one coming down from above when they touch. Jump out of the 3rd one
at the top and grab the key (use the spin attack if the jump isn't working)
.Then jump onto the platform on your right, grab the bits that are in the
form of a yellow star in the backround, then head on through the green pipe
back to the luma at the beginning.

Talk to the luma and he'll transform into a launch star for you. Use it to
get to the next planet. Grab as many star bits along the way of the flight
after you break the glass. Grab the checkpoint flag on the toad ship, then
talk to the toad on the bottom if you want. Take the launch star on top of
the ship to the last planet.

After you land, grab the spin drill on top and head towards your left
(Mario's right). Stand on the left side of the long dirt patch and drill
through it. You may need to reposition yourself a couple of times before
you make it through. When you get to the other side, ground pound the
mechanical frogs until you find a key. Grab the key, then spin drill
through the dirt patch that the key unlocked. Now swim to the top and jump
onto the platform with the star.

Star #24, Hidden star #6
Catch That Star Bunny
Start by selecting the Twin Falls Hideaway star. Grab the shell in the
beginning and swim all the way to the main ciruclar room with the gray
castle. Jump to the top of the castle and freeze the area by ground
pounding the red switch. Skate over to where the hungry luma was and use
the pink launch star to reach the hidden planet. If you didn't feed the
luma yet, skate around and find coins until you have 15.

Note: You don't necessarily have to freeze the water to reach the luma and
launch star

When you land, grab the checkpoint flag and talk to the golden bunny. The
goal is to catch him to acquire the star. After you can take control again,
turn left and ground pound the black ! switch the water to ice, so you can
skate and catch the bunny in no time. Follow him until you touch him for
the grab. Jumping makes you faster but also risks falling off the planet.
Just keep following him while skating and you'll catch up to him fast
enough. When you grab him he'll give you the star.

6.015)Bowser's Lava Lair

Star #25, Grand Star #2
Bowser's Big Lava Power Party
Talk to the luma ahead of you if you want, then move forward. A magikoopa
will appear at the end of the platform. Take him out to make a pull star
appear in the middle of the rolling fireballs. Hold down A to make the
star pull you towards it, then use a spin move to be released from the
bubble and onto the next planet.

Jump over the lava gaps onto the boxes and make your way to the top of the
structure where a luma is waiting. Ground pound the trampoline switch next
to you to reach the next planet.

Jump over the fireballs then wait for one of the boxes to come closer to
you so you can jump on it. Grab the life mushroom on the left before you
go any further, and the 1-up on the other side if you want it. Now make your
way to the top and free the launch star with two spin attacks, then use it
to get to the next area.

Grab the star bits during your flight to the next planet. They will be on
either side of you.

Move forward towards the end of the platform and grab the checkpoint flag
in the process. Jump to the flipping whomp platform, but wait until he is
not flipping. Turn right and jump towards the toads for a coin if you need
some health. Make your way to the circular platform with the hammer bros.
Take out the hammer bros. with two spin attacks, and a jump star will
appear in the middle. Use it to reach the next area, and snag as many bits
as you can that are in the sky in a star form before you land.

Jump up to the higher platform, turn left, and make your way across the
walkway to the red switch, avoiding the fire trap in the process. There is
a ? Coin on top of the fire traps which will make several smaller coins
appear below. Grab all of them to get a 1-up. Ground pound the red switch
to drop the platform down to the next area.

Stomp the bone koopas and keep moving forward. Jump to and from each of
the flipping whomp platforms with good timing. If you're having trouble,
you can always do a flip jump just before the whomp turns over and land
back on it to avoid getting thrown off. Wait for the giant walking whomp
to move ahead, then jump up to the green walkway. Do a long jump diagonally
towards the circle stone in the upper left corner. Ground pound it for some
bits, take out the bone koopa, then keep going to the right along the green
path. The comet coin is located high above this last walkway. Let the whomp
see you then climb on his back when he's face down on the ground. Move to
the middle then jump on his head when he starts to get back up. You may
have to wall jump off of the top of his back, then spin towards the top of
his head to pull it off. Grab the coin as soon as it's in range of a jump,
then get down and move right to where the luma is. Jump on the meteor and
ground pound it towards the purple gate with the bowser locks on it. Move
into the purple tractor beam and it will take you to the next area.

Move up, grab the checkpoint flag, then turn right. Talk to the loan toad
on the side of the planet for some bits and a 1-up (at least he says he'll
give you a 1-up). Head back to where you saw some bone koopas mowing down
a patch of grass. Head through the area and avoid the bone koopas along
with the holes they are digging. Grab the 1-up near the second set of
chompers if you can, then jump out of danger and start moving diagonally
to the right. Step onto the purple platform and get ready for it to move.
Try to stay in the middle or the front of it beacuse the back side may get
you killed. Grab the life mushroom on top of the 3 prong fire trap to the
right in front of you if you need it. Jump back onto the moving platform
and avoid the incoming attack by the magickoopa. He will disappear then
reappear to the right directly in front of the platform that you're
supposed to jump on to, so take him out when he's close. Get off of the
moving platform and keep moving right.

Get on another purple moving platform and prepare yourself to move. The
luma to Mario's left will warn you of the statues. Each set of statues will
create a laser trap in between them as you pass by. Stand at the very back
of the moving platform to avoid them all with flip jumps. After the first
one it's better to stand in the middle and jump over them. Take out the
hammer bros. with a few spin moves when you reach the other side then keep
moving forward. Grab the life mushroom off of the left flag pole if you
need it, then jump on the meteor and ground pound it towards the chains
that are locking the gate in front of you. Do it 3 more times to break all
of the locks. Let the tractor beam suck you into the portal, and take you
to the boss fight.

Boss: Bowser
Run around the planet and dodge the incoming meteors as best you can. Wait
for a larger glowing circle to show up, then run and long jump off to the
side to avoid Bowser's fist attack. Quickly find one of the meteors that
popped out and ground pound it towards Bowser to attack him. You'll only
have a few seconds before the meteors crumble up so you have to be quick
about it. Repeat the process for the second hit. After that he will become
faster and more aggressive. He'll also start to use a flame breath attack
after he sends the first wave of meteors at you. Dodge his fist again, then
hurl another meteor with a ground pound. Repeat the process until he's
dead which requires 4 hits. He will continue to shoot flames at you after
each wave of meteors, so be careful. Don't forget to scrounge up the star
bits that he drops after each hit also. When he's dead you'll be sent back
to the front of the gate you were at before, and the grand star will be up
for grabs.

The head luma will talk to yiou for a minute, then you'll be sent through
the portal on to world 3.

World 3: The Far Reaches of the Universe

6.016)Tall Trunk Galaxy

Star #26
The Floatcius Blimp Fruit
Start by exploring the bottom half of the planet to find star bits, coins,
and a 1-up on the left side hidden by glass. Grab Yoshi from his egg and
move to the top. Talk to the wooden geometric shaped creatures for info on
how to use blimp fruits. Before you do that, however, spin attack on the
blue portal to enter another battle mini game. Alternate between spins and
stomps to take out the pirhanas in a timely fashion. Collect the 1-ups
first, then grab as many coins and bits as you can before the timer warps
you back. Swallow one of the blue fruits to make Yoshi float
upward. Hold A to make him stand still, but this will still consume your
air meter. Float up to the branch on the right to collect a regular fruit.
Now flutter jump towards the upper left branch and target/swallow the blue
fruit up there to keep going up. Drop down onto the branch above that one
and collect the blimp fruit here. Keep moving up and to the left, avoiding
the spider in the process. Float past the spider and land on the branch
that is occupied by another woody like creature. Talk to him if you want,
but he's just oggling the life mushroom on the branch above you on the left.
The branch to the left of the spider has a regular fruit, so snag it if you
feel so inclined. To get the life mushroom, stand on the branch just above
the closest blimp fruit below you. Target the fruit with Yoshi's tongue,
swallow it then float up to where the mushroom is. When you're satisfied,
use a blimp fruit to reach the launch star on the far right branch at the
top of the tree.

Grab as many bits as you can as you fly through the tree, then grab the
checkpoint flag to the right of you when you land. Jump up to the top
platform and swallow the blimp fruit. First, float your way to the top
left platform which has a green pipe. Go down it, whack all of the chance
cubes, collect whatever you get, then head back up. Now jump across the
moving wood platforms all the way to the other side where another blimp
fruit is waiting for you. Swallow it, then float up towards the ? coin and
grab it. Ignore the comet coin for now and collect the small coins on your
way up, along with a second blimp fruit to help you get higher. Let Yoshi
run out of air at the top and let him fall back down. Grab the same blimp
fruit at the bottom and use the second one as well to snag the comet coin.
Then you'll have to restart from the bottom right again and use both of the
same blimp fruits to make it all the way to the top, then land on the grass
platform on the right.

Drop down (don't worry you can't die here) and grab the star shard below
you. Land on the platform below you and use this as a spot to grab the rest
of the shards in the area. There are 2 nearby and 1 below you, along with
the last one being inside the narrow grass walls below the Yoshi egg. Eat
the blimp fruit above the moving log platforms by jumping and targeting it
when there are no platforms to block Yoshi's tongue. When you are puffed up,
head to the right and keep floating up. Grab the second blimp fruit then
move Yoshi to the left towards the middle. Float up the narrow walls to
collect the final shard piece, and finally use the launch star that appears
right above you after.

Grab the checkpoint flag if you want, then drop down by way of the narrow
gap to the right. Stay on the left side of the fall to collect coins, and
use your cursor to grab as many bits as you can on the right side. After you
land, head left and jump up to where the blimp fruit is on the right (take
out the goomba first). Snag the fruit and start floating up towards the
star. Stay in the middle, then move to the left when you see the goomba.
Land on that platform, then target the fruit above you to continue. Move
right then left as you avoid the spiked plants then grab another blimp fruit
to keep you going. Land on the grass platform to the right. Eat the blimp
fruit here, then you'll have to eat 2 more on your way to the star while
avoiding a couple of spiked plants, and a paragoomba that is patrolling in
between them. Grab the star and you're done.

You can now visit a blue luma who will sell you a chance cube for 30 star
bits. The luma is located under a green pipe which is right near Mario's
left ear (the Mario ship...). This particular chance cube has a chance to
win up to 5 1-ups at once, but try not to get crazy with your star bits.

Star #27
Tall Trunk's Big Slide
Start by eliminating all of the enemies on the bottom half of the planet, as
well as collecting any bits and coins that may be trapped in glass. Grab the
same 1-up from before from the glass around the left edge near the top. Do
the battle mini game in the blue portal again if you wish for a few more
1-ups, coins and star bits. When you get back, grab the handle of the lowest
swing that you see and start moving it towards the lowest branch on your
left. Jump off onto the branch, and repeat the same thing for the next swing
above you on the right. Use that swing to reach the launch star, and use it
to get to the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag and move up past the two wooden planks and turn
left. Talk to the surrounding wood creatures for subtle hints about the
slide. When you're ready, jump onto the slide to your left/north to start
the mini game.

You're essentially on your own for this portion of the level. I can tell
you that there are a few 1-ups along the way, the first one being easy to
get as it rests between two spiked plants. Don't forget that you can slide
on any part of the log, and sometimes you will have to change that in order
to get into position for a jump later. Don't forget to jump over the hazards
of course, and collect as many coins and bits as possible. Popping balloons
will earn you more star bits, just like the glide mini game with the bird
in the Wild Glide Galaxy. It's generally a good idea to stick to the light
colored brown patch provided for you in some of the enclosed sections. When
you reach the end, talk to the wood creature with the triangle head to get
the star.

Star #37, Prankster Comet Star #8
Tall Trunk's Purple Coin Slide
You'll be sent straight to the tree slide from the last star you did in
this galaxy. There are 140 purple coins, but you only need to collect 100
of them. Just stick to the large groups when you are forced to decide, and
this star should be no problem. Again, you're pretty much on your own here.
Stick to the provided path and you will come out with 100 coins easy.You
also have the option to switch and play as Luigi by talking to him right
when you land in the galaxy.

This galaxy is now complete *

There should now be a prankster comet over the Hightail Falls Galaxy. See
section 6.011 for details on how to complete it.

6.017)Cloudy Court Galaxy

Star #28
Head in the Clouds
Move forward and take out the stomp bird first. Grab the cloud power up and
position yourself at the edge of the platform. Jump to the moving cloud
platform ahead of you, using cloud power if you need to. Long jump to the
grass platform on your right, collect the cloud power, then do the same
thing for the platform to the far left. Long jump diagonaally towards it and
use a cloud at the end of your jump. Grab the cloud power on here as well.
Make your way to the platform across from you diagonally right using a long
jump/cloud, or just use normal jumps and clouds as you go by the empty item
boxes and take out the paragoomba. Long jump and use a cloud to reach the
far platform in the middle, diagonally left from your location. Grab the
cloud power here then head backwards a bit. Flip jump over the edge back
towards the beginning of the level, and create a cloud at the height of your
leap. Keep doing this until you can reach the ? Coin you see above you.
Grab it, then use the remaining cloud you have to snag the coins above you.
Long jump from here back to the platform to the north of you. Grab the
cloud power then head up to the circular platform below the wind you see
blowing to the left. Flip jump up, create a cloud in the wake of the wind,
and ride the cloud to the higher platform to the left.

Jump on the drum platform on your left and bounce your way to the top drum.
Bounce on the top drum and create a cloud at the highest point, and use it
to reach the symbol at the top. Ground pound the red circle in the middle of
the symbol for some star bits, then use the launch star to reach the next

Grab as many star bits from the broken glass during flight as you can, then
grab the checkpoint in front of you when you land. Grab the cloud power in
the far left corner of the area if you need it, then talk to the pink luma
on your right behind you. Feed it the 30 coins if you have them, but don't
take the launch star just yet. Scale the platforms in front of you by
creating a cloud above the wind coming out of the bottom of the circular
wood panel moving up. Jump first, create a cloud, then ride it to the top.
Take out the goomba at the top, then head on to the battle mini game via the
blue portal dead ahead.

Stomp on as many paragoombas as you can in a row, and quickly wipe them out.
Grab the 1-ups and as many coins/bits as you can before the timer warps you
back. Ground pound on the redish trampoline below the cloud power to get up
to the next platform. Stomp on the rock spitter on your way down. Now ground
pound on the second trampoline, then create a cloud in the wake of the wind
you see blowing from the windmill to the left and ride the cloud to the next

Before you jump off to the top of this platform, fall down to the one below
it and collect the 1-up. Use your clouds of course. Grab the cloud power
next to the 1-up and use clouds to get back to the top. Take out the 2 goombas
here and the rock spitter near the launch star. There is an item box high
above you on the left which can be reached if you still have a cloud. If you
don't have any, drop back down to where the cloud power was and try to get
back up using only 2 clouds. Then you can use the last one to reach the item
box which is full of star bits. Take the launch star to the next planet when
you are satisfied.

Grab the checkpoint flag and the cloud power and keeping going right. Create
a cloud next to the wind blowing upwards, and ride it to the top as you avoid
the spiked plants by staying on the right side. Grab the cloud power on the
platform to the right, then create a cloud and ride it through the wind
blowing to the right next to the fan below you. Watch out for the stomp bird
above, then long jump over towards the moving cloud platform on the right,
using a cloud if you need to. Take the cloud platform over to the narrow walls
on the right, then wall jump up them until you can go no further. Create a
cloud at the top of your last wall jump, then keep going and get onto the
platform above you on the right. From here, long jump as far as you can go
before you hit the spiked plants and create a cloud just above them. Long
jump again from there and create another cloud right at the cloud power you
see to the left of the target platform. Jump off of this cloud onto the
wood platform to your right.

Now create a cloud at the height of a flip jump
above the wind blowing from the bottom of the circle here, but make sure the
walls above you are not collapsed inward. Grab the comet coin which is in
the alcove to the right, and hop off your cloud. This section is safe so you
can drop without worry, then grab the coin and cloud power on the left side.
After the walls move outward again, create another cloud in the middle and
ride it to the top. Grab the cloud power on the right side at the top of the
moving wall platform, then use as many clouds as you need to get to the
star, which is above the windmill that is blowing wind from right to left.

Luigi will be talking to you when you come back to the ship and inform you
that he will be out there looking for stars too. If you see Luigi in any of
the galaxies, talk to him and it usually activates a hidden star. I will
label these stars as "Luigi Stars" for future reference.

Star #29, Hidden Star #7
Silver Stars in the Purple Pond
Advance through the level the way you did for Star #28. When you reach the
island with the hungry luma (described in Star #28) take the pink launch
star to the hidden planet. Feed the luma 30 coins to make the star appear
if you haven't already.

Grab the checkpoint when you land and be careful of the water because it's
poison. Long jump over to the cloud platform on the left, then use jumps/
clouds to reach the first silver star on the left most platform. At this
point you'll be followed by cosmic clones so be careful about them. Jump
onto the cloud platform directly in front of the landing spot, then turn
right, grab the second silver star and long jump across the gap to the
right. Turn upwards and grab the 3rd silver star at the far end in the upper
right corner. Turn left and keep moving to avoid your clones. Use long jumps
or regular ones to clear the gaps ahead on the left. Turn right/upwards
towards the 4th silver star and grab it. Now move back down, turn left and
long jump your way across the two large gaps to reach the last silver star.
Try to run along either side of the cloud platforms, so that you have room
to move back past your clones if you need to backtrack. When all 5 silver
stars are collected, the clones will poof and the star will appear on the
landing sight where the checkpoint flag is.

A prankster comet should now appear over the Yoshi Star Galaxy, provided
you have found enough comet coins (not sure on the number for this first
one, but I'll post it in the future if I find out). Because this first
prankster comet is easy, I'll detail how to complete it right away. Go back
to section 6.003 for details on how to get it.

Star #31, Prankster Comet Star #2
The Shadow Lining
Get on the blue platform and turn right slowly. Move towards the star shard
you see on the right, but make sure there is a platform in front of you
before you move. After you grab the second shard you'll be followed by
cosmic clones to book it to the left. Grab the 3rd shard then turn right.
Snag the last two at the end up and down, then use the launch star after
the clones poof.

Run right and wall jump between the right side and the platforms that appear
as you go. When you get to the top, keep running right and stay a safe
distance from the cosmic clones. When you reach the end, wall jump between
the gap to reach a jump star. Use it to get to the platform on the right
side above you. Keep running and jump over the gaps between the platforms
that appear until you reach another jump star. Use it to get to the platform
with the star. More cosmic clones will appear when you move towards the star,
but will poof once you free it with 2 spin attacks. Grab the star and this
one is done.

This galaxy is now complete *

A 3rd prankster comet will now appear above the Spin Dig Galaxy, so head
there if you wanna complete it. See section 6.005 for details on how to
complete it.

6.018)Haunty Halls Galaxy

Star #39
A Glimmber of Bulb Berry
Turn right and move down the moving platform with the red carpet, grabbing
the item boxes with star bits as you go. Don't bother attacking the ghosts
because they are invulnerable to everything except for light. At the end
of the red carpet turn right and spin attack on the portal to enter another
battle mini game.

Ground pound each of the goombas with pumpkin heads to clear this one. If
you spin attack them it will knock their pumpkin shields off, but then
you'll have to deal with them as normal goombas, and the timer doesn't
alot for that much. Grab the 1-ups and as many coins/bits as you can before
the timer warps you back.

Take the launch star on your right to the next planet. Wait for the moving
platform to appear near the edge and follow the green path as it moves from
left to right, avoiding the ghosts moving from right to left at the same
time. Grab the checkpoint flag at the top of the platform at the end, and
snag the coin box to the right of it. Wait for the red platform to appear
then follow it up as it moves from right to left, and grab the 1-up in the
middle if you can. The next platform is a green one that comes from right
to left, so get on it when you see it and follow the path. There will be a
teaser intersection after a few seconds, but either path will make you end
up in the same place so don't fluster yourself over the decision. Eventually
a path will appear that will take you forward instead of sideways, so take
it to the next platform and hang there for a bit while avoiding the ghosts
coming in from left to right. Wait for the red platform to come in from the
left, hop on it and follow the path up, left, jump over the gap, then up
to eventually reach the platform with the green pipe surrounding by 3
ghosts patrolling it. You'll see the comet coin in the vacant area ahead of
you, so wait for the right time and grab it when you have the chance. Wait
for the platform to come in from the left then follow the path and you won't
have any problems. Go down the green pipe when you're satisfied.

Grab the checkpoint flag, free Yoshi and get on top of him. Swallow the bulb
berry and follow the path that appears in front of you when you move to the
right out of the large door. At the end of the path turn south to find the
key that opens the next door. Swallow the bulb berry nearby then head north
to find a coin box. Grab the same bulb berry again and head through the door
moving right. Move down the stairs and grab the 1-up, then quickly head back,
turn north up the other stairs and grab the coin box. Swallow the bulb berry
nearby on the right and keep going. Jump over the small gaps in the floor,
grab the coin box on the other side, then swallow another bulb berry before
turning south. Head down the hallway ignoring the item box on the right, then
turn right at the bottom. Shake the remote to get the puffer enemy off of you,
then head through the door moving right. Follow the path and jump over the
gaps with the flutter jump when you have to. You should hear the star
shimmering by now. At the end of the path, jump up on to the bookcase, turn
left, jump over the next section, use the flower with Yoshi's tongue and
flutter jump up to reach the star.

Star #40
Sneaking Down the Creepy Corridor

Note: You can switch to Luigi in the beginning of this level if you want.

Move down the red path like you did for the last star, and take the portal
to the same battle mini game with the pumpkin headed goombas on the right
at the end. Keep moving down the next narrow red path to reach the launch
star at the end. A giant boo along with several smaller ones will start to
follow you once you pass the warning sign, so make it snappy. If you have
to you can look back at them to freeze them. Use the launch star to reach
the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag in front of you and continue to the right. Grab the
coins on both sides then jump on the moving platform when it reaches you.
Jump off, turn south and keep moving downward. Avoid the chomping ghost as
well as the holes it creates in the floor. Turn left at the bottom and jump
on the moving platform when it reaches you. Jump off, turn south and head
all the way to the edge. Turn around to freeze any boos that are following
you as you wait for the moving platform. Jump on it when it reaches you, and
keep looking in the other direction. Use the jump star when you reach it to
get to the next path.

Grab the checkpoint flag and head north down the path while avoiding the
chomp ghosts and the holes they make in the floor. The platform will move
back and forth alterately, so take your time and backtrack a little bit if
you need to in between the chomp ghosts. Turn left at the end of the path
and follow the next one moving left then right. Make use of your long jumps
to clear the gaps that the chompers are creating. When you reach the end
a giant boo along with a few smaller ones will appear and start to follow
you as you make your way south towards the star. Keep moving/jumping and
don't look back. The star is above a few of the green platforms that start
to disappear the second you step on it, so quickly jump off of the last one
and grab the star.

Star #42, Prankster Comet Star #10
Spooky Cosmic Clone Chase
This star is exactly the same as the Sneaking Down the Creepy Corridor star,
except you will be followed by cosmic clones the whole way, and the giant
boo and his possy at the end won't make an appearance. Just keep following
the path and make use of your long jumps and this shouldn't take you too
long. See star #40 details if you're having trouble, or feel free to email
me about it. The cosmic clones will disappear once you free the star from
the glass with two spin attacks. Before you grab the star, take the time to
collect as many star bits as you want from the area behind you with your
remote and star cursor.

This galaxy is now complete *

6.019)Freezy Flake Galaxy

Star #41
Bowser on Ice
Star but ground pounding the tree stumps surrounding the cabin for some star
bits and coins. Head over to the other side of the planet and collect the
star bits up in the trees. Move back to the top, grab the fire flower and
use it to destroy the goomba sculptures on this side, and the bottom side of
the planet. Grab the bits from the top sculpture after you destroy it, then
use the launch star that was hidden by the sculpture on the bottom.

Talk to the bunny on your left if you want. Grab the fire flower and use it
to destroy as many of the goomba sculptures and frozen pine trees in the area
as possible. There are item boxes hidden by these trees to your left in the
beginning, and one on the bottom on the right. There is a green pipe hidden
by another to the right of the large Bowser sculpture, but ignore it for now.
There is a 1-up hidden by another tree in the far left corner to the left of
the Bowser sculpture, so grab it if you want. Get the fire flower again, and
use it to destroy the large Bowser sculpture in the bottom right corner.
You'll need to hit it 3-4 times with fire balls until it's gone. Grab the
checkpoint flag behind it and head down the slide, collecting as many coins
as you can in the process.

When you land, take out the enemies in the area then grab the fire flower in
the right corner to take out all of the ice blocks you see on the structure
in the middle. The comet coin is located in an alcove on the side of the
structure, so take out the ice blocks above it to collect it. Destroy the ice
blocks above you on the left to reveal a green pipe. Go down it and grab the
checkpoint flag in the next area.

This area can be navigated with long jumps, or by spin attacking the large
snow balls in the direction you want to go to create temporary platforms
for you to walk on. Jump over to the platform on your left and take out any
enemies nearby. Spin the snowball towards the platform you see ahead of you
on the right, and try to aim it at the flame rock enemy to wipe it out in the
process. Take the created path to that platform, then turn left and jump on
to the next one. Take out the enemies in this area, then manually move the
snowball towards the left edge of the platform, and spin it towards the
platform way ahead of you on the left. Head over to this platform, then jump
from one to the next all the way to the fire flower on the far one. Grab it
then head back in the opposite direction and jump over to the middle platform
with the Bowser sculpture. Destroy it to reveal the star.

A prankster comet should now appear over the Haunty Halls Galaxy. Go back to
section 6.018 for details on how to complete it.

Star #43
Sorbetti's Chilly Reception
Ground peach each of the tree stumps for coins and star bits, then move to
the bottom side of the planet and collect the bits in the tree. Grab the
rock power near the cabin on top and use it to destroy the two goomba
sculptures once again. Take the launch star to the next planet after
destroying the goomba sculpture on the bottom side.

Now you need to collect 5 star shards in this area. The first one is located
in the first glass structure on the bottom part of the planet to the right,
so break it and grab it. Get the rock power in the far corner opposite your
position, and use it to destroy the goomba sculpture to the left of the spot
where you landed in the beginning to reveal the second shard. Now use the
roll attack to destroy all of the rest of the sculptures and snow trees in
the area. The 3rd and 4th shards on inside the two goomba sculptures nearest
the corner where the Bowser one was for the Bowser on Ice star. The last one
is hidden inside the snow tree to the left of that spot. The launch star will
appear in the middle when you collect the last shard, so use it to get to
the next planet.

Take your time moving around this area because the platforms are hard to spot
unless they are right in front of you. Collect any of the star bits and coins
you want starting from the left side, and work your way to the right while
hugging the edge so you know you cover each area. Go down the green pipe off
to the right at the middle for 3 chance cubes. Go back up the pipe, then turn
left and keep going in that direction until you reach a small slide with a
blue luma and launch star at the bottom. The luma will sell you a 1-up or life
mushroom for 30 star bits, so buy one if you feel so inclined. Take the
launch star to the next planet

Grab as many star bits as you can during flight, then use the jump star at
the top of the next planet to reach the final one.

Boss: Sorbetti
Sorbetti is a giant spiked snowball creature with the grin and nose of a
clown, so it's hard to take him seriously. His weakness happens to be his
nose, and all you have to do is spin attack it 3 times to defeat him. He'll
roll all over the planet to try and attack you, so keep running in the
opposite direction until you see his nose coming down, then attack it with
your spin move. The trick is to get him to roll in a way where his nose will
eventually find it's way to the bottom. After you hit him for the second
time he will become faster and more aggressive, usually rolling around in
sideways fashion. He will be aiming towards your general direction, but he
won't be right on your tail like he was in the inital phase. After the 3rd
hit he will be defeated and the star will appear at the top of the planet.

Star #44, Hidden Star #8
The Chimp's Skating Challenge

Note: You can play as Luigi for this star by talking to him when you land
on the first planet.

Choose the Bowser on Ice star and make your way to the second planet. In the
bottom right corner there is a green pipe hidden by a snow tree. Destroy the
tree with the fire flower near the top of the landing sight, then head down
the green pipe to play a mini game with the Chimp from the Fluffy Bluff
Galaxy. He will challenge you to destroy as many green and gold enemies as
possible by skating into them. You will get 50 points per gold enemy, and
10 per green enemy. You will have 40 seconds to get as many points as
possible, and the enemies will disappear after a few seconds in each round
so be as quick as you can. If you hit a spiked enemy you won't lose points,
but you will lose precious time. Once you get 500 points or more the chimp
will reward you with a star.

This galaxy is now complete*

6.020)Beat Block Galaxy

Note: This galaxy only appears after calling the hungry luma to your ship,
and feeding it 1000 star bits. Kinda steep don't you think!?

Star #45
Step to the Beep
Grab as many star bits as you want from the sides, and get more from breaking
the glass behind you. The yellow and green platforms will alternate every
5 seconds. When you hear the beep sound once, you'll hear it two more times
and the platforms will switch on the 3rd beep. The comet coin is located
above a set of yellow platforms on the opposite side of the first 1-up that
you come across which is on the first set of platorms that force you to move
to the right. Grab the checkpoint flag on the solid platform at the end of
that stretch. Then you have to collect 5 silver stars that are on the
pyramid of platforms at the end. The first 3 are on the bottom floor, and
the last two are on the last 2 platforms just before the highest solid
platform. When you collect the last silver star, the power star will appear
at the top, and the platforms will stop alternating.

You will receive a letter from one of the birds of the Wild Glide Galaxy
informing you of a race challenge. Head back to section 6.013 for details
on how to complete the challenge and get the star.

6.021)Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy

Star #47
Silver Chomp Grudge Match
Veterans of the first Mario Galaxy will know exactly what is going on here.
For those of you who don't, move towards the ball and listen to the sign's
instructions on how to use the rolling ball. Hold the remote upward for the
starting position, then tilt it in the direction you want to go. The further
you tilt the remote in that direction, the faster you will go. You can jump
by pressing A, and you can still collect coins and star bits normally, along
with stomp on any enemy by simply rolling over them. Jump up to the hole in
the platform above to be shot out to the next planet like a cannon ball.

Roll around the planet and collect as many of the star bits as possible.
There is a key inside a half circle of paint brushes that will unlock the
glass tube you saw when you landed, so grab it after you've collected all
the bits and coins that you want, and use the launch pad that it unlocks
to reach the next area.

Grab the checkpoint flag in front of you, then jump up to the platform above.
Move slowly throughout this section and wait for the platforms to appear
before you decide your next move. Eventually you'll make a left turn and see
a platform with goombas running around on it. Keep going left to find a 1-up,
then jump over to the platform with the goombas as soon as it comes back
down. Ride the platform to the top. Now turn all of the blue ? switches to
yellow by rolling over them one at a time. If you roll over them again they
will turn back to blue. Once they are all yellow a bridge will appear in
front of you, so roll over it and use the launch pad in the next platform to
get to the next planet.

Grab the checkpoint flag, then quickly roll over and grab the comet coin
that you see ahead of you in between the two buzz saws before they cut the
large hole in the platform. Grab the ? coin on your left, collect the music
notes as you follow them, and grab the spoils at the end. Jump up to the
next platform on the right and follow the path until you see a clear bridge,
jumping over the buzz saws to avoid them in the process. Jump off of the
end of the bridge and get ready for a sort of a mini boss. Bump into the
silver chomp to bump him, and keep doing it until you knock him over the
edge. Be careful not to get bumped off yourself. Anyone who has played the
Mario Party games will recognize this mechanic from a specific mini game
found in the 2nd game I believe. After you knock him off of the edge and
turn him into space food, a bridge will appear to the north. Cross it, jump
onto the pink circle at the end, then grab the star that will appear at the
top of the flag pole.

The luma inside Mario's hat will receive a letter, and 50 star bits. A
new prankster comet should now appear over Bowser Jr's Fiery Flotilla. Head
back to section 6.008 for details on how to complete it.

Star #49, Prankster Comet Star #12
Masterpiece Speed Run
See star #47. Ignore all coins, 1-ups and star bits and just do it as fast
as you can. The key on the second planet has been moved to the middle of
the blue section, other than that it's the same as star #47. The platform
you reach after changing the blue squares to yellow has also changed. It's
now a green platform with many holes, so be careful and ignore the ? coin,
because it's not worth the time or the risk. When you reach the platform
with the silver chomp, bump him to the left then downward to take him off
the platform the fastest. Jump onto the pink circle at the end of the
bridge that appears, and the star will be at the top of the flag pole.

This galaxy is now complete *

Take the pipe on the overworld map to reach the next galaxy, Bowser Jr's
Fearsome Fleet.

6.022)Bowser Jr's Fearsome Fleet

Star #50, Grand Star #3
Bowser Jr's Mighty Megahammer
Wait for the 2 yellow platforms to appear, then jump over to the next
platorm and turn right, avoiding the melting lightning attack from the
enemy nearby. Move all the way over to the right, free Yoshi and saddle up
on him. Turn right and head north up the platform. Swallow the melty
lightning enemies for star bits, but only when they are in their normal
form which will be a purple color, otherwise you'll take damage and lose
Yoshi. Now swallow one of the bullet bills shooting out on either side, aim
it at the glass dome and break it by spitting out the bullet bill with B in
that direction. Jump to the next platform by way of the yellow squares when
they appear, then swallow the lightning enemies up here. Move over to the
upper left corner of the area and flip the blue switch with a spin attack,
or stand on the yellow platform then target/flick it with Yoshi's tongue.

The platform will start to move and you'll have to deal with avoiding spiked
meteors along the path to the right, and the incoming bullet bills from the
backround. Swallow any incoming bullet bills then shoot them back at the
enemies that are shooting them to destroy their ships. Also use a few of
them to take out the glass domes on either side of the enemies for star bits.
When you reach the end, Stay on the bottom yellow platform and use the bullet
bills from the nearby enemy to take out the spiked meteors, the enemy on the
right, and the large glass dome all the way down to the north ahead of you.
Swallow the lightning enemy then flip the blue switch
however you choose and quickly get back on the yellow platform as it starts
to move north. Avoid the spiked meteors and the incoming bullet bills as you
continue forward. Get on the moving platform at the end where the glass dome
was, and use the jump star in the middle of it's path to reach the next area.

Grab the checkpoint flag before you do anything. Swallow one of the two
bullet bills being fired from right to left, and shoot it at the koopa
enemy standing on the other side when there is a window. Swallow another
bullet bill, move to the end of the platform and shoot it at the statue
that the koopa enemy was standing in front of for a 1-up. Use the flowers
on the left with Yoshi to get up to the higher platform. Now move down to
the lower platform below you, swallow one of the bullet bills again, jump
back up to the higher platform, and destroy the glass dome with the bullet
bill and flip the blue switch with Yoshi's tongue while standing on the
yellow platform ahead of you on the right.

A pirate ship will come out of a purple portal on your left. Jump onto the
ship, then jump up to the high platform on the left and get the item box.
Quickly jump back onto the yellow platform which will be on the other side
by now. Avoid the spiked meteors and grab the life mushroom. Jump onto the
next ship and quickly (QUICKLY) grab the comet coin which is on the higher
platform to the left. Dodge the hammer bros. attacks and forget about him,
then jump back onto the yellow platform which is on the other side of the
ship by now. Swallow one of the bullet bills and shoot it at the glass dome
far ahead of you to destroy it. Jump onto the platform and purchase a 1-up
from the blue luma if you wish, then use the launch star when you're ready.
Don't forget about the checkpoint flag too.

Boss: Megahammer
Initially the goal is to shatter the blue glass lobes coming out of
Megahammer's chest, and one on his back. Swallow the small bullet bills and
shoot them at each lobe twice to break them. Use the jump star while you
have a bullet bill to leap to the other side so you have a clear shot at
his back. He will attack you with more small bullet bills and a large one
which he will shoot out of his chest. Avoid the large one because you can't
use it in any way. He will also eventually shoot out a redish looking ring
that spreads all the way out to the edges of the planet, so jump over it
when it gets near you. After you destroy the 3 lobes he will move into his
second phase and become more agitated and aggressive. He will now thrust
both of his hammers at the ground on either side of you creating shock waves
of the red circles, so stay in the middle and jump over the circles as they
come near you. Before all that he will shoot bullet bills at you, so swallow
one and shoot it at Bowser Jr's cockpit after you jump over the red circles.
It's best to swallow the first bullet bill, spit it out anywhere you want,
then use the second bullet bill to attack the cockpit after jumping over the
2 sets of circle attacks. This way you don't have to avoid the second bullet
bill as you try to aim at it. After you hit him the second time he will be
defeated and the grand star will be yours for the taking. Use the jump star
on the far side of the planet to reach it.

A cut scene will commence and you will now be able to travel to World 4
through the portal that opens up.

World 4: The Many Mysteries of the Cosmos

6.023)Supermassive Galaxy

Star #51
Huge Trouble with Big Wigglers
Coming soon...

6.024)Sweet Mystery Galaxy

Star #52
Bulb Berry's Mysterious Glow
Coming soon...

7.)Comet Coin Locations

#1 Sky Station Galaxy - Peewee Pirhana's Temper Tantrum
Located on the second moving platform made of granite on the planet where
you first see the paragoomba.

#2 Yoshi Star Galaxy - Saddle Up With Yoshi
Located at the top of the hill in the upper left corner of the first area
beyond Yoshi's egg. Use the blue spring and Yoshi's flutter jump to reach

#3 Flip Swap Galaxy - Think Before You Shake
Located on the lone blue square in front of one of the chomps in the far
right corner at the end of the second series of the rolling chomps.

#4 Spin Dig Galaxy - Digga-Leg's Planet
Located to the right of the second tallest pillar/platform on the second
planet. Use the spin drill on the other side of the planet to get to it.

#5 Fluffy Bluff Galaxy - Search for the Toad Brigade Captain
Located on the first planet after launching away from the launch star in
between the narrow walls at the very end of the initial planet. It's
hovering above a small cone like structure. Flip jump then spin attack at
the height of your leap to get it. You can also use the cloud power up to
get it, if you didn't already lose it by touching the water.

#6 Rightside Down Galaxy - Breaking the Laws of Gravity
Located in between the first two whomps who are in red gravity. Use a flip
jump when on the last whomp platform then spin attack at the height of your
leap to get it. You can also use a long jump from the bottom of the blue
gravity section.

#7 Bowser Jr's Fiery Flotilla - Gobble Aching Belly
Located above the whomp in the first area. Do a flip then wall jump off of
the side of the whomp when it touches the ground, then spin attack while
moving left to reach the top of it. When the whomp moves back up you'll be
able to reach it.

#8 Puzzle Plank Galaxy - Puzzling Picture Block
Located on the platform near the end of the first walkway with circular
saws. Grab the coin then quickly jump back to the main platform before the
smaller one falls too far down.

#9 Boulder Bowl Galaxy - Rock and Rollodillo
Located inside the giant purple crystal to the left of the very first area.
Use the roll attack with the Rock Mario upgrade twice to break it and
reveal the coin.

#10 Hightail Falls - Hot-Stepping Dash Pepper
Located in between the first two purple blocks on the slope above the
hungry luma. Grab the coin by using the hot pepper at the bottom, then let
Yoshi run into the wall above to drop back down so you can navigate the
rest of the slope with another hot pepper.

#11 Honeybloom Galaxy - Bumble Beginnings
Located in the small alcove in between the two floating enemies shortly
after you collect your first bee power up. Consult section 6.012 for more

#12 Wild Glide Galaxy - Fluzzard's First Flight
Located almost directly in front of the golden ring finish line. Very hard
to miss.

#13 Cosmic Cave Galaxy - Twin Falls Hideaway
Located in the crustacean shell to the right and ahead of the ? coin in the
main area with the gray castle.

#14 Bowser's Lava Lair - Bowser's Big Lava Power Party
Located above the second moving giant whomp along the green walkway just
before the luma who talks to you about the meteors. Let the whomp attack
you then jump on his back when he's face down. Stand in the middle of his
back then jump on his head as he stands up. Grab the coin when it is in
range of one of your jumps.

#15 Tall Trunk Galaxy - The Flotacious Blimp Fruit
Located in a small alcove to the left of the second blimp fruit as you make
your way from the bottom right to the top of the second planet where the
star shards are. You have to use both fruits to get it, then land back on
the bottom platform to advance further in the level.

#16 Cloudy Court Galaxy - Head in the Clouds
Located in the middle of the enclosing platforms at the very end of the
level below the star. It's inside the safe alcove zone in the middle where
there is also a cloud power up.

#17 Haunty Halls Galaxy - A Glimmer of a Bulb Berry
Located in the very last section before the green pipe that takes you to
the first bulb berry. Wait for the green platform to come from the left,
then follow the path up, left, then down to collect the coin and make your
way back to the previous platform.

#18 Freezy Flake Galaxy - Bowser on Ice
Located in a small alcove on the side of the block structure in the area
right after the slide after the first Bowser sculpture is destroyed in the
first area of the second planet. Use the fire flower to destroy the ice
blocks that are hiding it.

#19 Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy - Silver Chomp Grudge Match
Located in the middle of the platform that the 2 buzz saws are cutting right
when you land on the second to last planet before the silver chomp. Roll
over and grab it as soon as you land and before the saws cut the platform

#20 Bowser Jr's Fearsome Fleet - Bowser Jr's Mighty Megahammer
Located on top of the second pirate ship above the hammer bro on the left
during the last stretch of the moving yellow platform.

More Comet Coin locations coming in the near future.

8.)Coming soon
Walkthrough for World 4 and further
More Comet Coin Locations
Instructions for collecting all remaining stars including the secret ones
Secrets section
Enemy and other characters list

9.)Legal/Contact/Source Info
This guide may not be reproduced or redistributed for anything other than
private use without the consent of the author. As always, I am open to this
guide being hosted on other gaming websites, provided I am familiar with and
trust them so don't hesitate to email me.

Any questions related to Super Mario Galaxy 2 or this guide can be
forwarded to the following email address: [email protected]

The names of the characters, stars, challenges, and levels in this guide
were taken directly from the game. The strategies and tips provided in
relation to all of them, however, are completely original and are derived
from my own personal approach to the game play.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Copyright 2010 Nintendo.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 FAQ/Walkthrough by Iceman22n86:
Copyright 2010 Iceman22n86 (Isaiah Ray Bos)

Thank you to GameFAQ' for hosting this guide, and providing gamers
with all the info they could want for over 15 years.