Call of Duty Black OPS walkthrough by Brad Russell.
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- A Brief Foreword
- Controls
- Starter Tips
- The Guide
- Mission 01: Bay of Pigs
- Mission 02: Vorkuta
- Mission 03: Baikonur
- Mission 04: Khe Sanh
- Mission 05: Hue City
- Mission 06: Hong Kong
- Mission 07: Arctic Circle
- Mission 08: 'Nam
- Mission 09: Laos
- Mission 10: Big Eye 6
- Mission 11: Yamantau
- Mission 12: Laos Part 2
- Mission 13: Rebirth Island
- Mission 14: The Rusalka
- Author Info / Copyright
A Brief Foreword
(Page Top)The change of scenery and mix of things to shoot compliments the schizo of a
story. The story was nice, a little far into left but does keep itself in
check before going over the deep end. It's just good they didn't set it in
Vietnam and make that the gimmick.
Also, has deep ties to World at War, so feel free to revisit that game before
or after - probably after if you're reading this.
We're getting close to a change of gameplay or something really epic in the
story. But of course the answer is to release more games that are very
similar to the CoD style verbatim.
(Page Top)XBox 360
A - jump
B - crouch; hold for prone
X - use, reload
Y - switch guns
RB - throw lethal
RT - fire weapon
LB - throw tactical
LT - aim
RS - look; click for melee
LS - move; click to sprint
D-PAD - inventory and special items
BACK - multiplayer score
START - pause game
Starter Tips
(Page Top)#1. Reloading on the run is a nice option when you want to speed up a fight.
#2. Finish off an enemy if you can, as they tend to either fire while wounded
or drop a frag as they die.
#3. Two ways to aim. Either look down the sights to aim or use the assist-aim.
The assist aim brings your crosshair to the nearest enemy, and all you have to
do is fire and you should at least graze him. But using the sights before you
see enemies can allow you to better pick your targets. Either way works, and
of course the correct answer is to use both.
#4. Advance. Some parts require you to move up for your allies to move and/or
to stop the flow of baddies. So the common practice is to stop, cover, shoot,
kill a few, and move up when you have an opening.
#5. Stick to a side of the battlefield, it's pretty much the tactic used in
every fight.
(Page Top)Call of Duty: Black Ops
Not Visible = hard to read. Get the right settings after, and you're asked
about graphic content. If you played the last game, Modern Warfare 2, you could
be looking at anything ranging from being tortured to killing innocent people
to real war footage, so just say yes and continue. Just go with regular.
And if you picked being tortured, you win! Your prize? More torture!
*NOTE: Turn on subtitles from the pause menu. You can pause cutscenes.*
Bay of Pigs
(Page Top)You have one target, so aim and shoot him. Now do your best not to hit your
other two friends not named Woods, as they look alot like your enemies. Just
go out into the streets and just follow, no real need to help shoot. Turning
down the next street it picks up and you need to find cover and probably use
your grenade function on cars, just careful with your allies around. The
challenge is when enemies are around and your allies are like right next to
When you move up toward the food cart two more cars will zoom by, so stay to
the left on the sidewalk. Then just run up and into the alley on the left
as a ton of cops show up and block your path - don't try to fight. Get in
the car. Reverse, hold gas and kinda steer but not really, and scene.
*NOTE: As I can tell, using your slight auto-aim that happens when you
hold aim and it kinda focuses on an enemy, that is the best thing to use
for aiming.*
Follow Woods down the zipline, and then melee the guy inside the house.
Just follow Woods until you hit the stairs, then kill the four tangos, them
Commies! Move up and at the next slope just peek around the corner and snipe
what you can. Moving up, careful of the right side by the wall as enemies
may be hiding.
*INTEL: In the house before the slope.*
Up the steps, stay at the first window, to the very left and look through it as
your team enters the room and you pick off the enemies at the hall. Now go up
through the left corridor of rooms as Woods moves up the hallway. You can
flank some enemies to the right in the hall, then a few in the next room. At
the intersection, Woods will run up and into a room on the left, so just
follow rather than fight all the enemies down this hallway. Clear your way up
and take point at the door.
You bust through in slo-mo so take out the three enemies. You do it again
at the next door, but only shoot one round at the head of the dude. On the
balcony you got a few enemies.
*NOTE: Run, crouch, change weapons, it's all there.*
*INTEL: On the upper walkway area coming up, it's in the right-side rooms.*
Now you begin a slow chop through the upper level. Best to follow Woods until
you hit the big square, then go left and around. Woods should already be down
on the steps when you come around, so follow him down and out into the open.
Pick up the RPG but don't lose your gun or swap it out. Save the RPG for the
trucks that pull up. Until then, pop the dudes up high on the towers and
anything you can shoot on the ground.
Just listen for the chatter on the radio until you hear or see the backup
arrive, then move down slowly and follow Woods into the field. Rappel down and
just run to the plane at the other side of the airfield.
*INTEL: Pick up the intel in the first hangar, on a stair thing by the
sliding doors.*
Mow down what you see moving. Try to hit the barrels and parked gas trucks.
After an engine is hit, be ready to run to the AA gun nearby. Then just fire
in the general direction of the stuff ahead of you.
(Page Top)When you have rock, use rock. Up the tunnel you may run into a guard, so
knife him and follow your friend all the way to the lift.
PICK UP THE HANDGUN! You're basically doomed to fail if you don't. Wait on
the side of the door for it to open, then run to the right with Raznov to
behind the coal cart. Stay right behind it as you move and just watch the
flanks. It's best to just free aim than look down the sights, but either
*INTEL: At the mid-way point up the tower, at a comms console.*
Just keep protecting your sides until you reach the end. After the tower
blows up, rush up and head to the top. Nail all three targets, and they go
like this:
Left - close
Middle - farther
Right - little farther than middle
Then head back down where you are armed with a shotgun. Blow the lock outside
and either help or let you team do most of the work. Pick up the AK's and you
will see a helicopter show up. So stick to walls and move up through the
right-side path as most of the enemies should be looking down the left path, so
flank them, but watch for enemies to your right. Move up and stick to the
right side of the buildings until you have cleared some tangos and can see
the doorway that is marked. Run for it, and then up the steps, grab the hook,
and tag the chopper.
Enter the building and start the tedious clearing of narrow corridors. Very
simple, peek around corners, stay behind cover, and run between cover. In most
cases the game is just waiting for you to cross invisible checkpoints which
let it know to advance your allies, so the quicker you move the more likely
you are to speed up the enemy retreat.
This first hall has two sliding things with two enemies behind them, and lots
more at the sides. Clear what you can and move up to either flush out or get
a sight on the guys behind the barrier. Doing so will bring up a few more guys
at the back, so clear and advance.
Up the stairs, just shoot a volley that way and then do a quick dash up to some
cover in the hall, and by doing this you should see the alarm lights go off.
Then you can just run around the corner and the door will start to fall.
Slide under and when in control run into the room across from the door and
press the button. You can just chill here for a while as your team moves up and
clears most of the tangos.
*INTEL: In the corner room, on a desk.*
Go up and hit the enemies dead ahead, then get the ones to your right and if
any rappel down. Cross over and into the next area where you must protect
Rez from the dudes that blow through the door. These guys that move slow and
in dark clothes are hard to kill, so headshots are even more important to
hit. Then Rez will come back, but just peek around the corner and look up to
the left to hit two guys on a roof, maybe another just outside the window,
and then two more just around the corner heading back to the area you came
Now you must protect Rez as he opens a big door. It starts easy with just
weak enemies from the floor, but then the corner blows open and the heavy
enemies will come out along with normal ones. You have some allies, but they
won't keep everything at bay, you have to prioritize the enemies from the
When the door opens, run in and grab the machine gun. Careful of allies and
there will probably be a ton of commies in the corner, so cut through it and
watch your nine (that means your left). Stop at the window and mow down what
you can see, but try to conserve ammo if you can; not counting every bullet,
but don't hold the trigger. Hit up about three trucks, then go right and hop
down onto the field of play.
Bridge, catwalks, enemies up high further down the path, and of course all the
chop on the ground. Cut through it all, but stick to the right for cover. When
you see the end around the vehicles, run up and it should trigger the tear gas.
*INTEL: Before you get on the bike, turn and grab this intel on the bottom of
a shelf thing by the wall.*
Get on and accelerate. Unlike the car from before, this time you are in full
control. You can fire (probably your aim button) and just follow Rez to the
left - use the markers if you somehow lose him.
When you clear a truck, get close and you'll get on. With the turret just
shoot what's moving, but don't waste time on the chopper. When you get the
chance to jump, take it.
(Page Top)Again, follow Woods. At the end of the "pipe" stand next to him so he hands you
the binoculars. Follow him up to the pipe and crouch, then slink around, hop
over the spot he does, and then melee your target up ahead.
Follow all the way to the tall building. Your two buddies will lead the guards
away, then get ready to enter hot. Just go through the door to close it and
avoid the guys behind you, but you must quickly work to clear this tiny room.
Using the spot between wall and electronic thing is a good hiding spot.
*INTEL: Third floor, on the right side.*
For the next two stairs, just barely peek over them and hit the enemies, or
get them when they move to you. Climb the ladder and push over the guy ahead
of your, then turn and take out either enemy at your side.
Post up on the corner with crossbow in hand. Two vehicles, then your guys will
move up. These bolts are pretty limited in radius, but they will get trucks.
One more up ahead, then start aiming for single targets, and you can hold your
breath as you aim. Then you'll switch out bolts for a hook, and aim it at the
window and fire. Get ready and just aim at the guys on the right.
You're on the clock.
Now hop over and stay with Woods as he goes right on the narrow path. Then
start peppering the enemies to the left and climb up the ladder - not like a
drunk, go straight up. Then use the vent thing and pick off commies until all
is quiet. Move up and clear the open area, then cross over and go right. Stay
atop the ramp and pick off enemies, then move up but by ready to pick off more
as they move to the vent in the corner. Kinda move fast and clear the flat
surface ahead.
*INTEL: After you blast the wall upcoming, grab the intel in the corner.*
Turning the corner, pop the guys up higher and then toss frags and/or
special grenades to the left. Clear a path and head to the wall and blast it
when you can. Go in then come back out and wait for the box in front of the
hole you blew to open. Pick up the homing rocket, fire, aim it, and let it
Now you have to escape. Crawl under the debris and make your way down the
service tunnel. Follow Woods down and clear out the corner spot. Chop your
way down the next few tunnels, with a room in between. Frags help, but peeking
out a corner is always the way to go.
After the tunnels you hit a comms room, so head right and hopefully you can
pick off guys that move up. Crawl your way to the other side and look down the
next tunnel. Clear a path down and through to the room on the right, a smaller
comms room with some tangos. Clear it, then clear your way into the room at the
corner, but this room is tricky as enemies can move all around you.
*INTEL: In the smaller of the comms rooms described in the previous paragraph,
against the left wall by a window.*
Carefully move up the next tunnel, an enemy will follow a scientist on the
left, and you'll see smoke up ahead. Toss a frag, move up, thee enemies will
be in the smoke, hopefully you got them, and then move up to end mission.
Khe Sanh
(Page Top)Drag him up and then follow Woods, again. You got Charlie on your left, so
clear a few out and move with Woods. Up ahead you will circle and "island"
and for most of this trench fight just know that usually anything on the
left is bad, the guys on the right are allies. Not trying to understate the
difficulty here, but see guys in white, shoot them. Look up and for a few
in the trenches.
Hold the crouch button to go prone under the tank and crawl. Keep following
and head to the big defensive position. Grab the detonator on the sandbag and
wait for him to tell you to pull it, and do so.
Don't rush to the next one, there is plenty of Charlie in your way, so clear
your path to the detonator, grab it, and hide up a bit among your bunkers to
pull it. You can follow Woods to the far-side bunker and pick up the RPG, but
don't spend it. Mow down some enemies and wait for the tanks to roll up, then
switch and start blasting them. You can let them get up close, but you only
have a few shots. There are more lying around, but just make each shot count.
*INTEL: In the back of the area, among some munition on the ground in front
of the long shed.*
Mow down a bit more and follow Woods when he retreats to the other side of your
fortification, but careful not to just drop down the hole. You'll live, but
still. The China Lake grenade launcher is a pretty nice gun to swap out your
RPG with.
Up ahead, reload and get ready, but stand far behind Woods. When he goes down
give him some time and then follow. You could go to the right, but it's almost
a dead end. You need to work your way left. You can spend all night here
fighting Charlie, probably rack up 10,000 kills and they would still be
running up on ya. So doesn't matter if you stop to use the turrets, just make
your way down. I say just shoot with your gun, but it's on you. If you need
something, there is an M16 to the right in the first bunker.
*INTEL: On the slope upcoming, it's in a bunker toward the bottom on the
left side, perched on the "window".*
What you'll do is head down to the first stop, clear anything coming up on your
left and then clear the right bunker. Then run down to the left bunker and
mow down a few enemies. Watch Woods knock down the barrel, then go to where
he is in the middle, find the second barrel to the right, and kick it over to
set the trench on fire and stop the endless flow.
Head down either the trench or above it and clear the place of Charlie. Stop
at the corner heading into the woods for Woods to catch up (lol). Some flak to
the left but not much, you can just being your ascent up the hillside. Not
much for cover, and your team will gladly walk past enemies and leave you to
kill them, sooooo good luck with that. But do try to get up fast. Get to the
top, take cover behind the barriers, and the scene should roll. Just aim and
*INTEL: In the dark corner of the building, on a shelf.*
Follow up to the jeep and get in. Shoot what enemies you can, but some are
allies. Drive around until the tanks show up. Get on the TOW missile and aim it
close to the tanks and fire, then guide it the rest of the way. You do this a
few times and that's that. And I've always wanted to use this Futurama line,
"Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW missile!"
Hue City
(Page Top)*NOTE: The Dragon's Breath shotgun does burn and it is surprisingly good at
3 guys in the hall, and up ahead you get an assist from a chopper. More in the
burning room, but watch for the civilian that runs out first. Guys drop in to
help in the burning hall, then blast your way to the other side. Through the
door you can save a civilian, and up ahead you can shoot tangos through the
windows, but not sure if you can save the people, but you can try, wouldn't
hurt. Clear through, a few guys at the top of some stairs, and then fight it
out with the guys down below. You can swap out to your rifle for distance.
Approach the safe room, hit the guy through the door, and the next up in the
hole in the ceiling.
Through the door your guys should take out the two tangos, but there are more
further up that can get you through the windows, so blast your way out and to
the left where you can duck for cover on the balcony. From here you need to
watch for the guys across the room, down below, and the ones up here, such as
through the two doors nearby. Once clear, go down and through the next door you
meet an old pal.
*INTEL: Shortly after picking up Reznov, this intel is in a tiny room through
the doorway on the right.*
Follow the group all the way to the charred building where you can pick up a
radio. Get it, aim for the left building, and set a target on it. Switch to
your rifle and clear the guys across the road, then hop down and get next to
the tank. Use your equipment (d-pad on consoles) and get your radio to tag the
building at the end of the street.
*INTEL: At the second corner of the street, head straight into a building to
find this on a desk.*
Stick to the right side building as the tank turns the corner and just wait for
the enemy tank to arrive. Give it a little bit of time to rumble down the road,
then tag it with the radio. Stay behind cover as air support clears it, then
make your way to the enemy building on the left, clearing out the higher areas
of course. Blast the dudes in this building and through the window, just watch
for enemies hugging the walls nearby. From this building, look out to the
northeast and tag the building that is hard to see, and it should have a
marker on it too.
Head up and when the gate is opened just dash to the other side where Woods
will be opening a blocked door, so help out by mashing the button. Swap to your
fire shotgun and move up. Three guys up top and more down the path. Hop over
and take the right room for what I couldn't really make out, but I guess you
fell. Move up, blast two Charlie, then three more. Go inside the room and plant
the charge on the ceiling, then come out and detonate.
*INTEL: When engaging the horde of Charlie, head into the left building with a
hole on it and find this in the corner.
At the LZ you are told to defend the position. Get on the turret on the sandbag
and hit the guys to the east, shouldn't be too hard. Once they fall back, you
need to fall back too. The second wave will be from the east and south (both
sides) and a tank will come from the east. So fall back to the very corner in
a charred building and just pop enemies you see to the south. You'll get air
support, so tag the tank and get ready to make a dash for the dock behind you.
Run and run some more to end the mission.
Hong Kong
(Page Top)*NOTE: Turn and find on a desk.*
Hard to aim, but just try to get targets into the middle of your reticle. Clear
this room, hop on the desk to your right, and climb up. Three more guys at the
corner, including a guy with a shotgun. Then clear the next hall. At the stairs
watch your right and get the guy through the window. On the roof, kill the two
guys or don't, and watch for Clarke to jump. You need to get a running start
and then jump; use the dash button that is.
If you make it, go through the hole to grab what you want. I say get the sniper
and the shotgun, but if you have any other preference feel free. The hallway
is a series of alcoves and rooms. For the first one, run up to your right and
hit the guy to the left through a barred door. Do this over and over, just be
careful at the end of the second half of the hallway as two guys should run at
you after they toss a flashbang.
Past the room with the blarring TV, three guys will be on the balcony garden
area. Through the doorway ahead hit the guy through the barred door. Now get
out your sniper rifle if you brought it and use it to clear the opposite
Now begins what should be a tedious clearing of a bunch of tangos all over the
place. Hop down and clear the guys up ahead in the metal shack thing, and
then take out the guys up high in a nearby building, guys in windows to the
right, guys below this metal shack, guys on the sides, and there should be one
guy on top of this shack too. But wait, there's more. Once you go down the
steps, you are stuck in a doorway and must clear some snipers and others to
get through. One option would be to slip through and hide to the left and hope
they come to you, but as for the snipers there aren't a whole lot of options
other than to out-duel them.
Hop the pipes down and then blast the two goons up ahead after you hop down.
Follow and you can wait for the conversation to end, then take the slide and be
ready to do some blasting as the enemies pop up; if you need cover, just spray
at them and slip to the left. If you look up you can see a bit of a scene play
*INTEL: After the slide, go behind a half-wall for this on some junk.*
Next is a sorta speed-based bit. When he opens the little gate, just carefully
hop your way down to the marker. Hop over and wait for the door to blast open
to blast right back; should only need 3 good rounds. Move up and try to just
tag the first two with two shots, reload now if you need, and up ahead there
are two in the doorway and one up above. Head out, blast the guy in front, and
then drop down.
Two more enemies will pop up, and around the corner is a guy through a barred
door. You can take a moment to rest, then pull out the sniper rifle and get
ready to tag a few guys up ahead, including an RPG to the right. Move to the
second safe area where you can load up, and now is the time to consider
swapping out the rifle for the Drum Mag on the crate. Do so and defend the
point for just a few waves of enemies, nothing major.
*INTEL: After the fourth or last drop, turn to find this on some trash.*
Follow Clarke through and hop down, then do another sprint jump. After that,
head left and clear the two guys below. Important, you need to be at full
health when you make these drops or you will die. So just follow the hops down,
kill the guys in your way, and you'll soon slide down a ramp. Hold the button
to pick up the gun and trade fire when pinned down. Then move forward and
you'll stand so you can get in the van.
Arctic Circle
(Page Top)*NOTE: The guy Dimitri should ring a bell if you played World at War, because
if you forgot, that was you. And I guess may as well remind you that Reznov
was the main dude you followed in that game too.*
Move up for the scene. After that, climb up and then descend down the hill,
helping any of your comrades fend off the Nazis in white. Head straight down,
and approaching the bunker be sure to clear the windows. Around the corner,
heading toward the marker, some burning Nazis and then move forward to the
next area.
*NOTE: You may notice this Petrenko guy running around like a hero. Well,
because that was you once, lol.*
Kinda sad that they are trying to surrender, but oh well, take them out and
move left to the hangar. Clear your path so you can move to the left, behind
a truck, and then into the next hangar. Move through it and shoot the Nazis
through the doorway. Through the hangar, post up a small barrier and then
toss a frag or two through the opening to the next building. Cautiously enter
as there could be a guy just inside the building and there will be more further
in. At the steps, use the bottom of the desks to shoot the others, then blast
your way into the back room.
*INTEL: In the corner of this back room.*
Now head back out and you are given mortar control. You send mortars by tossing
your alternate grenade. So face the danger alley and run to the right side
building. Clear any enemies nearby and through the doorway toss a mortar to the
building ahead of you. Run in, clear it, and go up to toss a mortar at the
bridge and/or other building connected to the bridge. Then get on the ground
and either mortar or frag the Nazis in front of the hangar, approach and clear
the ones inside, and get in.
*INTEL: Inside this hangar.*
Head through and you start a slow grind up to the final building. Stick to the
left the whole way, and other than clearing out a building you can take it
pretty easy on the left side. At the choke point, just clear the ground and
advance to the doorway in the corner. Clear inside of it, clear the guys up
on the second level, and make your way to the objective.
Just follow, not much more than that. I'll leave the spookiness to you. After
seeing some gruesome stuff, make your break out to pick up a gun, to the left,
and then take out the Russians and Brits. Clear the narrow hall and then chuck
a frag or two further up so you can advance into the open area. Clear the
ground and go right to plant the bomb.
*INTEL: At the very end, before you get on the rope, this is at the foot of
the steps.*
You're on the clock now. Turn and shoot the beam to make a path. Head up and
through and there are Brits as you see daylight. Kill them, but from here on
out we are just in running mode. Don't stop to fight, just keep bolting and
hit what you can that is in your way. You will be running pretty much straight,
and clear anything that is not in dark clothes. If the area just above the
steps are clear, run up, tight turn right, and hit the rope to end the mission.
(Page Top)When you can, shoot back. When you have to, mash the button. Swim up to the
boat to get on and take a gun, then use it to shoot anyone on a boat. Once
finished, swin to the opposite bank where your guys are fighting Charlie down
the creek. Help them fight up and eventually the fight is over.
*NOTE: I believe there is a blur effect on the sides of the screen when you are
running low on breath, so just keep that in mind.*
Follow Woods as you swim upstream. At the open water, stay underneath and
swim to the boat and press melee as soon as you are prompted to. After the
meeting, swim to place the charge, then hop up with Woods. Hop over the window
and melee your guy on the right. Crouch and move up to the next guy and take
him out.
*INTEL: After killing the sleeping dude, move into the next room and turn
around to the left to find this in a corner.*
Drop down and place the charge nearby, then swim to the other side and get up.
Follow to the stopping point and detonate when ready. Unload on the left side
guys as you move up. At the heart of the village, break to the right, but be
careful as there will be Charlie waiting, and some that come on boats in the
river. Clear it all, follow the right side path, and finish up whoever is in
the village.
*INTEL: After clearing the village initially, head directly to the other side,
in the upper left hut, and this is inside.*
Then swing back around to the river where a huge boat has arrived. Pick up the
rocket launcher and use it up on the big boat and anyone else you see, but get
your Commando gun back.
After your choppers arrive, wait for them to clear to hit the guys up on a roof
to the right. Then clear a path up to a doorway. Stay inside as an MG nest will
pop up, so just aim at the tippy top of it to kill the gunner. Clear it up,
move up, kill the guy inside the building, and mop it all up as you approach
the rat hole.
*INTEL: In the tunnels, after Rez kills a guy, take the left path soon after
and shortly after going under some vines you will find this sitting against
the right-side.*
Enter and follow. Don't shoot the first guy you see, but do shoot the guy that
jumps out next. Move up and kill three enemies at the next room and you'll get
a new pal. Move the barrier and go through. He will handle the first enemy,
but you have the next three that pop out up ahead, and just keep moving
straight ahead until you hit the tunnel that moves left, and from here you can
pretty much expect an enemy every 5 feet or so, and then you'll hit the end.
Open it up, look around, open up the next path, and then just press forward.
With rock in hand, dig.
(Page Top)*INTEL: On the crate as you are heading to the boat.*
Move up to the boat and get in. You're the gunner, driver, and in charge of
refreshments. Head out and you'll notice that even while aiming your boat
will turn with you, so keep that in mind. Move up and the first buildings you
see will be Charlie's so blast away. Your missiles reload when spent up, so no
worries there. At the open lake, just use your machine gun on the rocket trucks
and it should be easy enough to get all 3.
Head for the gate and get ready for a long ride. And all you really need to do
is pop towers, enemy buildings, and the odd truck on the side. Not much happing
until after you cross under an indestructible bridge, then you'll have a truck
on the right, towers in the distance, and two inbound boats. Take it all out
before you rush in, and then you have two more towers up ahead. When you
approach the open area, you have a massive, mean boat that appears, so you can
try to use the buildings as cover, but just unload all you got into it and hope
you kill it fast.
*INTEL: Just on the ground after you hop off the boat.*
Move up to land and get out. Just up ahead you'll get a quick ambush, so be
ready to kill three VC. Then it's just a slow grind up the stream. Charlie from
all over up ahead, and when you start moving up the stream, not far you'll see
a thick tree up ahead and your guys should yell sniper. He's at the very top of
this tree, hard to see, but just shoot up there to get him.
Move past the bend and enemy choppers will appear. Another sniper in a tree,
and just clear everything down below among the ruins. Clear it out and hop
down, then go up the slope and get the sniper to the right. At the top you got
a few enemies, but some that may be farther to the right and harder to see, but
your team should get them.
You'll know it's safe when the music dies. Approach the wing and crouch, then
slowly move up and be careful not to go too fast at the top. Once something
explodes, you're all clear.
*INTEL: After you cross over, it's right on the ground if you hop down a step.*
Grab either this or the other China Lake and use it on the ants below. Soon two
boats will appear on the right, so take them out. Once the choppers swoop in,
it's game over.
Big Eye 6
(Page Top)Boost and lift off. Scroll around and send your team east, and they will
get in the building shortly.
Enemies pour in from the right, middle window, and left door. Just don't hit
your friend in the crosshairs.
Just north of the building there are two enemies, so scroll over them and
press the move button when the reticle is red so your team will kill them. Then
move them to the marker nearby.
The next marker is just SE, but order your team to the trees and have them
dig in (melee button for some) which I guess makes them go stealth. After the
patrol passes, just order your team to the target building.
*INTEL: After the fight, grab this on the desk just below where you entered.*
Your guys are in white, remember that. Just take cover where you are and
dispatch anything not in white. Enemies are sneaky to hide to the right, and
be careful of the ones further down, but from this spot you can get them.
Plant the charge, stand back a bit, and detonate. Maybe approach the door to
Just order your team up twice.
(Page Top)Move up when told, and not long the door will open and you need to go prone,
which is to hold the crouch button, and don't move. Follow to the rappel
points and hook up. The key to this is to press the rappel button, let go, and
after a second you need to brake. Do this to safely get down. At the next
point you'll be rappeling into a window, and you need to target the guys
further back, not the guy you're kicking in the face.
Now move up and you'll have two tangos on the left, so pick one and Weaver
gets the other. Switch to your crossbow and move up. You have two on the right,
two inside the left building, and one patrolling on the left. Bolt each one and
move up. Two in front for the comms building, and your pal takes out the one
you don't. Then move right for a guy on top of the garage, a guy on the
vehicle, and one more inside the garage. One more guy as you take the steps on
the right of the garage.
*INTEL: In the second floor closet at the comms room.*
Shoot the hinges of the door and go through to the next door. You bust in hot,
so mow down anything below. Cross over to the other side where two more enemies
will be in a closet, then go down the steps to trigger the enemies to appear,
but you can always come back up for the high ground. Long wave of enemies will
pour in from the top and bottom, so just take them out as best you can.
When clear, go disable the dish. Follow the path down and after the scene do a
running leap over the gap and hold sprint as you follow Weaver. At the marker,
just keep going. Shoot the chute when you can.
Move up and start shooting dudes before they notice you. Take cover at the big
cement block in front of you and clear to the right side first, then middle,
and if Weaver didn't already you can mop up the left side. Move up to finish
off whoever is left, then run up to the marked door down the road.
*INTEL: Before entering the control room, pick this up in the middle of the
hangar, on a platform thing.*
Toss a frag deep inside and move up slowly as you clear. Then make your way
into the big hangar. After the bit is over, go out and to the right. Hug the
fence as you move up and your guys should get the left side. Approach the
opening and toss frags and peek around to take everything out, most important
is the turret gunner. Clear the area and get on the turret. Now just mow down
anything that moves and you'll be off.
Laos Part 2
(Page Top)*INTEL: In the first big cavern, in the right-side corner.*
Shoot the two VC in front of you. Move up and it's basically just a big clear
for a long while. Nothing you haven't seen before. Just take your time, no big
rush. At the second big room, guys will drop from a hole up to the right, so
you could focus on them. And after that just run up on the guy and shoot.
*INTEL: At the camp, to the far right on a table.*
Coming out, don't target the patrolling dude - I shot him and he was frozen...
so target someone else. Clear the area and get to the chopper! You don't have
to worry about elevation, you just need to move, strafe, and fire. Not much
to do until you hit the open spot with enemy boats and buildings. You want to
clear those out, and then an enemy chopper appears.
To down a chopper you want to always be strafing to the side, squeezing the
machine gun fire on them, and you want to fire your rockets in volleys. One
rocket at a time is bound to fail unless you have ungodly accuracy and know
where the chopper will be. So get a bunch of rockets loaded up and fire them
all to the spot where you think that helicopter will be in 2 seconds or so.
Once down, move directly over the river and approach the enemy cave and blast
it. At the village, target all the towers, trucks, anything marked, and what
enemies you can see. Again, always stay strafing to the side.
Move up the river some more until you are hit by two choppers. As is the
standard practice when given two targets, focus on one. Burn down one and then
the other. Same tactic of rockets in volleys and you'll be good.
Head up to the next marker and you'll land... eventually. Grab the big gun and
whatever else you think may help. Move up and he will get things started. Just
move up the path. I found it best to just look down the sights the whole way.
When approaching the base, lob in a bunch of frags and try to move in to get
Woods to move up. Clear it up and then go to the marker. He mentions a flame-
thrower, but whatever you think is best - I prefer the big gun myself.
*INTEL: On the left, before you head for the target dude, on a crate.*
Move up to the next area and it's just a slow war of attrition. You need to
clear what you can to the left and then lob frags to cover your approach up the
right side. The stream of enemies should stop eventually, then move to the
stairs, but watch for the guys inside and any that may be following you. Then
just go to the door to hit your target.
Rebirth Island
(Page Top)*INTEL: To the left on the ground shortly after your kill.*
Move up to the wall Rez is next to and wait for the door to be open-able. Then
sneak behind the dude and melee. Now just follow his lead all the way to the
next commie to kill. Then to the hiding spot, then to the ladder. Be ready to
melee when going up. Up another ladder, hop on a pipe to hop up, and through
the door.
Follow the path down and when the hatch opens, pop both dudes. Hop down and
start clearing a path. You want to go left and stick to that side as you move
up. Just move up and through the lab area, watch the left doorway, and when
you make your break for the exit just watch your back for trailing tangos.
*INTEL: It's in the middle of the lab area, where the monkey cages are. It's
timed, so you have to be running (advised on easy mode) and you just run in,
grab the intel, and run out before the door closes. Don't worry if you grab it
and get trapped, it still counts.*
In the next area, again, follow the left wall and clear anything up, down, and
all around. When you clear the thing in the middle, watch for enemies above.
Other than that, just break for the door and through to the objective.
You got two RPG's on the roof, then hit both cars and mop it up. More around
the next corner and then you hit a big area with a chopper, so take it out
and then target vehicles. A key here is to not sweat all the infantry, just
get what you can and take out big groups. When you round a curve and look down
a long road, hit the guys on the ground, the incoming truck, and anything else,
just make sure you take out the RPG on the ground.
*NOTE: Remember, you can hold your breath to steady your aim.*
Now begins the hardest part of the game by far. Run to the right and hide
behind the wall. What you are going to do is sweep from the left side of the
field to the right, very cautiously as each hit will damage your suit, and if
you take just a small amount of damage you will die. So feel free to sit back,
cheese it, let your allies do most of the work, and the moment you feel an
enemy looking at you, duck. When it's clear, move up to the stairs and go to
the top to see if there are more enemies incoming. Move up a little as some
enemies may pop up to the right, make sure they are clear and move up to the
left. Post up at the house and then slide into the doorway.
*INTEL: After the building blows, and before you enter the two-story
building, turn right and it's on a stove in a house.*
Down the alley, just let your team go out and do most of the work, again. If
anything, just aim high, but don't run out just yet. If you do come out,
run left and hide behind the building as more guys should come out from the
corner left. Peek to clear and move up. Head through the building and try to
quickly hit the guy incoming through the door and the guy outside and across
the way a bit. Then use the window on the right to snipe dudes farthest away,
then work your way down.
Enter the other building, careful for an enemy, and move out. Clear the enemies
outside and you'll have two choppers. Grab the missile launcher. To use it,
focus on a chopper for a few seconds, maybe you will hear the click, and fire
for the missile to seek it out. Repeat for the other one.
Follow the path to leave the poison, and start clearing out the bottom of
the slope. Guys all over, and clear out the shack to post up at the wall, but
not go inside. Move left and up to the wall, and from here you can wait for two
guys up on the right side roof.
Stick to the left wall and move up to approach the entrance on the right. Use
the windows to clear your way in. Toss a frag or two down the left hall and
when you go down be ready for incoming. Enter the decom room when open, then
four guys as you descend.
Feel free to swap your missile launcher for a shotgun and head down. You'll
pass through some familiar-looking ground, and should be just one guy to chase
down and kill. Then you'll see a group of guys running by, so let them go.
Follow them and then start picking them off in the big room. Just four or so
enemies to kill, then follow to the door and open.
During the reveal segment there are a few intels to grab.
*INTEL: Shortly after starting, it's left of the first intersection.*
*INTEL: Head right (opposite the marker) after you see the numbers 1323 on a
wall, in the dark near the doors.*
*INTEL: Along the main path, in an office, on a desk by TVs on the wall.*
The Rusalka
(Page Top)You'll get control soon, so just hit targets with rockets, and usually it's
just a little below the markers. Sweep to the back and then back around,
hitting whatever you can. As you protect the team on the ship, you'll get to
the end and no more markers. At this time back up and fly away as an enemy
chopper will appear. It just takes good aiming/luck with the rockets because
those are what will get it down, so happing aiming - aim ahead of where you
think it will be, but not too far, and if you can get it when it's still then
fire away. Crash land in the general direction of the helipad.
*INTEL: Inside a container on your path soon after landing.*
Nothing fancy here, just bring up the rear of your team and hit what you can.
In the middle you will have a TOW missile to pick up, and use it on the two
choppers above - aim almost directly at them. Then just grind your way to the
*INTEL: After you head down, and inside the room, go behind the first desk
to find this underneath it.*
Head down and get the three in the locker room. And three more down at the
bottom. Make your way out and start hitting guys all over. Head up through the
little shack thing and clear it. From here you can mount your assault on the
guys coming out of the corner doorway. Lob some frags at them, and when going
down just be careful not to hit friendlies to the right.
Swim down and hopefully you don't hit the invisible wall glitch; if you do
just save and quit and reload. The Famas is a beast as the assist-aim, so keep
it. Simple cover and clear, nothing fancy. Do it for a while and move up, then
to the right side cover and clear the guys you can see above and then in the
corner. Head through and be ready for one up the stairs.
Two more at the top, then more around the corner through the doorway, and they
may come at you, but you might be able to rush in to trigger the surge. Rush in
or play it safe, go in to trigger the water. Swim up and hop out.
Two guys in the hall, and two more at the end. Climb the ladder, watch for the
one nearby guy to jump out at you, and there are more at the end. Toss a frag
into the room and then peek and pop to clear it out. Move up to the left and
wait for enemies to pop out through the right doorway, or toss a frag at them.
Cautiously move up the stairs for two guys at the top. Probably running low on
ammo, so feel free to grab the drum mag or whatever.
*INTEL: Under the desk in the tiny room.*
More guys to clear up here, so just take it slowly, they are a bit tough, and
then approach the console. Be ready to grab shortly, and then do the choke
(which I guess is clicking both sticks at the same time for some consoles).
Follow for end.
Stick around for the ends, nice credit music, and then the epic last level.
No, this is a real last level, very serious.
* 5. Author Info / Copyright *
Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od0BTc0aNBs
Intel location video, not me.
Here is my website:
Here is my list of guides on gamefaqs: (copy & paste)
Follow me on twitter @ TheGum25
You'll find all my other guides here too and perhaps something else you may
Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to thank me, if you want
to talk, or if you want to ask a question. Efforts to get in a guide need to
be exceptional as I dislike updates unless it's absolutely necessary, and I
don't think I've updated an older guide.
The golden rule: keep it short. If I see a wall of text I'm probably moving
on. I've gotten real bad with emails lately. And flamers don't even bother, it
won't work.
My email: [email protected]
Title of your email should be: Black Ops
PS - To GameFAQ's users, if you like the guide, click "recommend" at the top
of the guide, but only if you like it.
PPS - I cannot fix bugs, glitches, or achievements/trophies not hitting.
I have other guides floating around too. They are:
Resident Evil 4
Dead Rising
Gears of War
Lost Planet
Rainbow Six Vegas
TES IV: Oblivion
Shivering Isles
Knights of the Nine
The Darkness
Halo 3
Half-Life 2
HL2: Episode One
HL2: Episode Two
Call of Duty 4
Assassin's Creed
Mass Effect
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Perseus Mandate
Sam & Max Episode 203
Devil May Cry 4
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Metal Gear Solid 4
Alone in the Dark (360)
NCAA Football 09
Madden 09
Dead Space
Gears of War 2
Prince of Persia (2008)
Call of Duty: World at War
Resident Evil 5
Modern Warfare 2
Assassin's Creed 2
World of Warcraft
Mass Effect 2
Heavy Rain
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Crackdown 2
Halo: Reach
Dead Rising 2
CoD: Black Ops
I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask
me, and all because I write these little guides.
Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of
this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder.
In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of
GamePro, but I am.
Look to gamerstemple.com for a slew of random reviews.
Here is my list of sites:
GameFAQs (main host site)
GamersTemple (http://www.gamerstemple.com/)
CheatCodeCentral (cheatcc.com)
*NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and
some that I just don't keep track of.*
All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the
guide be ad-free and in this text format.
This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Copyright 2011 Brad Russell