Obsidian Comments on Fallout: New Vegas 2

Obsidian Entertainment is hinting at some ideas for what a sequel to New Vegas would look like:

“I think if we were to do Fallout: New Vegas 2–or just a new Fallout–we would probably separate it from what the internal team at Bethesda’s doing. We’d keep it on the West Coast, because we’re West Coast people. They’re East Coast, so it makes sense.”

“And we need an interesting confined area. So I mean, it could be LA. Fallout LA,” he added. “That could be interesting. It’d probably be The Boneyard, which is from Fallout 1. It could be very different. It could be almost a Walking Dead meets Fallout-like thing because of all the radiation.”

- Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart
