Here are a bunch of useful GTA 5 hints, tips and tricks.
- Interaction - You can interact with NPCs by pressing right on the D-Pad (consoles) or pressing E on PC.
- Point of Interest - Use the "point of interest" feature on your map to mark places like liquor stores and other useful locations.
- Bike transport - You can transport a bicycle in the back of a truck.
- Finding a bicycle - You can find a bike near the cable car (or bring your own) and then take it on the cable car up to the top, then ride your bike down the mountain.
- Blue dots on the map are side missions you can find in the world.
- Orange skull icons on the map are special rampage missions which can only be done by Trevor.
- Mission Icons - To figure out which story missions your current character can do, look for the larger mission icons on the map. The map icons are color coded: (The mission icons for Michael are blue, Franklin is green and Trevor is orange)
- Number of missions - When changing between the three characters, the number below each character represents available missions for each character.
- Security Vans - You can smash the rear doors of a security van (gruppe) by shooting the handlebars to open the doors, use explosives, or destroy it somehow, this will drop suitcases with money. Security vans can sometimes be found as random events near gas stations.
- Robbing Stores - You can rob liquor stores for cash, check out the shop robberies map and guide for more information.
You also can rob any store in the game if you walk inside so that the door closes behind you, then begin to walk out, but stop half way so your character is keeping the door open with it swung outside, this will allow you to equip a weapon and point it at the store clerk.
You can shoot the registers and money bags will drop on the floor. (Note that not every store has a cash register)
- Health recovery - If you need to recover your health, you can find medkits inside your safe houses, or find a liquor store and buy some food.
You can also find vending machines around the map and sometimes in Ammu-Nation.) You can also try finding a prostitute at night and picking her up. You can switch characters to recover your health as well.
- Hiding - You can hide from police in large bushes. The player arrow will turn grey if the police are unaware of you.
- Guns Discount - Completing all of the shooting range challenges earns you a discount off everything in Ammu-Nation and at the same time raises your shooting stat.
- Ammo toggle - To buy full ammo for your gun in Ammu-Nation, there is a button you can press to toggle between Full Ammo and buying just a clip. On Xbox 360 it's X, on SQUARE on PS3 and SPACEBAR on PC.
- Turning off your flashlight - Press right on the D-Pad (E on PC) to toggle the flashlight on your weapon.
- The driving stat is the first stat you should try to improve since you will be using it the most in the game. Check out our GTA 5 stats page for more information on how to raise your stats.
- Run and gun - If you slightly hold the right trigger, you can run and gun. You can also do a combat roll while holding either the left or right trigger and pressing X / Square (consoles) or SPACEBAR on PC while holding right mouse (aiming) with a weapon.
- Flipping people off - You can press L1 on PS3 or LB on Xbox 360 while in a vehicle to flip people off. (First make sure no weapon is equipped by pressing X on Xbox 360 or square on PS3 to switch to Unarmed.)
On PC, first cycle to "Unarmed" then hold the right mouse button and move your mouse to flip people off. (Make sure you're in first person for more laughs)
- Diving - You can do a dive by jumping then hitting B (Xbox 360), Circle (PS3) or R (PC).
- Adder car location - You can find an Adder car at this location. These are rare. Check back often if it isn't there the first time. (Video)
- Rare cars location - You can find rare cars like the Infernus, Cheetah, Bullet, Colt Voltie and more at this location. You can also find tuned cars at this location.
- Special cars garage - Each character has access to the their own Garage (indicated by an icon on your map, Michael has the Vinewood Garage, Trevor has the Pillbox Hill Garage, and Franklin has the Grove Street Garage)
In these garages you can store 4 cars per character (by pressing right on the D-Pad), as well as access any cars bought online or added in the free DLC packs (such as the business and high life updates)
Note that in the PS4, Xbox One and PC versions, these special cars spawn in regular traffic instead
Also on PS4, Xbox One and PC these garages must be bought first for $30,000 after the "Father / Son" mission for Michael.
- Drag racing - While at a red light, rev your engine a little and try honking. Sometimes the car next to you will give you a mini drag race.
- Exploring - If you want to explore somewhere far away on the map, you can get back to the mission areas quickly by switching characters.
- Fast travel - You can fast travel by setting a marker on the map and then calling a cab. (Found in the phone contacts, scroll down to "Downtown Cab Co.")
- Helicopter location - You can also explore early in the game using a helicopter. Check out our GTA V helicopter location map to find one.
- Parachute location - You can find a parachute by going to the top of the highest mountain on the map. (location & screenshot)
The parachute is located next to the cable car exit. (Press A on the 360, X on the PS3 or E on PC to deploy your parachute.)
Once you have one in your inventory, it will be automatically equipped when you jump). Eventually you will be able buy a parachute from Ammu-Nation.
- Scuba diving gear - There is a boat with scuba gear located behind the Ship Yards at one of the Piers. It doesn't have a wetsuit or flippers, but it will allow you to dive underwater as long as you want. (Once you get in, leave the boat to equip the scuba gear.) Here is the location.
- Shamal plane: Here's the location at the airport where you can find a shamal (small jetliner).
- Jumbo jets - You can fly the big passenger jets (the 747 with 4 engines, not the 737 with 2 engines) at the airport by standing under them and pressing Y (Xbox), Triangle (PlayStation) or F (PC).
- No wanted level at the airport - You can avoid getting a wanted level at the airport if you purchase a plane hangar.
- Crop duster - You can get a crop duster airplane at the Trevor's McKenzie Field air strip as they often land there.
- Twin engine plane - Once you buy the McKenzie Field Hangar property, a twin engine plane will spawn in the hangar.
- Landing quickly - If you need to land somewhere fast with your plane but can't find a runway, try a beach or a freeway.
- Buying vehicles online - You can also purchase planes and helicopters (elitastravel.com) using the in game Internet browser accessed through your phone.
Military helicopters and other military vehicles (including the tank) can be purchased on warstock-cache-and-carry.com. After you buy a vehicle, it will be delivered to the airfield hangar.
- Transport helicopter - The Cargobob helicopter (which you can buy at warstock-cache-and-carry.com) can hook up to and carry cars (as seen in this screenshot) and other vehicles.
- Steady flying - If you hold (LB + RB) or (L1 + R1) while flying a helicopter, it will help keep it from wobbling. (On PC the keys are on the right keypad: 4 and 6)
- Easier boat turns - To turn sharply in a boat, hold R1 (PS4/Xbox One), A (Xbox 360), X (PS3), or SPACEBAR (PC).
- Online shopping - Buying things online tends to be cheaper than in the game shops.
- Closing the browser fast - To close your Internet Browser quickly, press Y on the Xbox 360, Triangle on PS3, on PC you can click the X at the top right of the browser window.
- Quick cash - Killing pedestrians after they have visited an ATM will give you a decent payout.
- Survive falls - Trevor can survive falls from great heights using his special ability. Killing enemies will fill the meter.
- Drive-by help - Franklin can use his special ability for precision drive-bys. Driving fast without hitting anything will fill the meter.
- Increasing bullet time - Michael can increase his special ability with yoga. Headshots and stealth takedowns will fill the meter.
- Evading cops - Driving into subway tunnels or parking lots is a good way to evade a wanted level.
Switching cars is also another good way. When you switch cars, the player arrow on your mini-map turns grey, meaning the cops won't be able to detect you. (Even if they drive by you!)
- Searchlights tip - You can shoot out the searchlights on police helicopters.
- Climbing steep hills - Keep mashing jump to climb hills and some cliffs easier.
- Dialing phone numbers - To dial phone numbers on your cellphone, open your contacts list then press X on the Xbox 360 or Square on PS3.
Then press the button again once you type in the number. On PC, first open the cellphone with the UP arrow, select Contacts and press ENTER, then press SPACEBAR to dial phone numbers with the arrow keys and ENTER.
- Pausing cut scenes - You can pause during cut scenes.
- Finding a Fighter Jet - Check out this video to find a Fighter Jet.
- Finding a Mini-Gun - Check out this video to find a Mini-Gun.
- UFO Easter Egg Location - Here's a video that shows where to find all 3 UFO easter egg secrets.
- Finding full body armor - Go to the Vehicle Impound (found on your map as a car icon or if it's not there here is the location) and then into the police station, there is full body armor laying on the ground next to the double blue doors on your right as soon as you pass the row of chairs.
There's also a vending machine to the right of you as you enter the police station.
- More Cash from Heists - To make the most cash during a heist, always pick the most skilled gun man, drivers, hackers, etc.
- Reclaiming lost vehicles - You can reclaim lost cars at the impound. Walk up to the car icon on the map and press right on the D-Pad (consoles) or E on PC.
- Tow truck - You can find a tow truck at this location. (Near LS customs.)
- Free car upgrades - Buying Los Santos Customs makes all car upgrades free at that store.
- Faster mod shop scrolling - Hold RT or R2 (360/PS3), or simply hold up or down (XOne/PS4/PC) to scroll faster while in the mod shop.
- Permanent car customizations - Try customizing your character's default cars since they always spawn in their driveway, whatever customizations you buy, will stay on the car forever.
- Hanging out with other characters - You can use your cellphone to call the other main characters to hang out.
- Advancing the plot - If you're not sure how to advance the plot and do more missions, try switching characters.
- Email tip - Reply to your in-game emails. This is useful for immersing yourself in the lives of the main characters.
- Stock advice - Check out this image for some great stock investment advice. You can invest in one company, then attack its rival to make some money.
- Buying shares quicker - When investing in stocks, you can hold down X (PS3), A (Xbox 360) or hold down the left mouse button on PC.
- Investing tip - Another great way to take advantage of stocks is to do what the game tells you to do during the assassination missions.
See who you are targeting, then pay attention to the mission dialog (or check the brief option in the pause menu) and find out who the competitor is and then invest in the opposition while on the mission.
You can also quit the mission to invest with your other characters first.
- Saving Lester's missions - To make more money after the main storyline, it's recommended to save Lester's assassination missions. (The ones he gives to Franklin. The first one must be completed to advance the story but the rest can be saved.)
- More money tips - For more money making tips, check out the how to make money in GTA V article.
- Higher difficulty - Try turning off both the HUD and radar for an immersive and much more difficult experience. (You won't be able to see where the police or other people are on the minimap.)
- Screen filter - In the PS4, Xbox One and PC versions of the game, if you switch to first person mode and your character is wearing sunglasses, the screen will have an annoying filter. You can go into your inventory BACK/SELECT (console) or M (PC) and change the "Glasses" setting to "none" to remove this filter.
- PC FPS Tip - If you don't have a really powerful computer, in order to prevent stuttering in the PC version of GTA V, you may want to limit your FPS to a number your PC can handle.
One way to do this is to set vsync to half (this will limit you to 30 fps), another way is to download an FPS limiter. You can use Inspector on Nvidia, or Riva Tuner Statistics Server on AMD.
Once installed, look for the "Limit FPS" setting and set it to something you think your PC can handle. (try 35-50 fps for a smoother gameplay experience.)
Some GTA Online Tips: - Free-aim tip - If you want to play multiplayer, practice aiming in the "Free Aim" targeting mode (you can change it in settings > targeting mode > free aim). In GTA Online, the auto-aim is turned off. (Just like in GTA IV) So you should get used to the free-aim mode.)
- Depositing your money anywhere - You can go to the bank website online on your phone and deposit your cash without having to go to an ATM.
- Free shotgun - Go to ammunation and scroll to the right (next to the rocket launcher) for a free shotgun. (You have to buy ammo though)
- Helicopter Tip - You can find a helicopter at this location.
- More GTA Online tips - Check out the full GTA Online Tips and Hints page for a lot more helpful GTA Online tips and tricks.

Also please consider sharing this page if any of these tips were helpful to you. Thanks for visiting.