Page six of the L.A. Noire Walkthrough. (Back to Main Menu)
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(Page Top)1. Grauman's Theater
Hollywood District. Go to the left-most part of the district (and the map).
Find Hollywood Boulevard, going East/West. Follow it East until you see two
North/South roads coming off the top of Hollywood called Orange and Orchid.
They connect Hollywood with Franklin. The theater is on Hollywood Boulevard
between those two streets.
2. Hotel Roosevelt
Hollywood District. Go to the left-most part of the district and find Hollywood
Boulevard. Follow it East until you see a smaller street coming off the bottom
of it called Orange. The hotel is at the intersection of Hollywood and Orange.
3. Max Factor Building
Hollywood District. Go to the left-most part of the district and find Hollywood
Boulevard. Follow it East until it intersects with Highland Avenue. The
building is on Highland just South of the intersection.
4. Musso & Franks
Hollywood District. Follow Hollywood Boulevard East until it intersects with
Highland. Now keep going, but count the number of streets that come off of the
top of Hollywood. The third one should be a perfectly straight, unnamed road
connecting Hollywood with Franklin to the North. The grill is at the
intersection of Hollywood and the unnamed road.
5. Crossroads of the World
Hollywood District. Find Sunset Boulevard. It's an East/West street that cuts
through the entire district. Go East on Sunset until it intersects Las Palmas.
It should be the second street that creates a four-way intersection with
Sunset. The mall is on Sunset, just past the intersection.
6. Brown Derby
Hollywood District. Follow Hollywood Boulevard East until it intersects with
Vine Street. The building is on Vine, just South of the intersection.
7. Bullocks Wilshire
Wilshire District. Go to the bottom of the district and find Wilshire
Boulevard. It's an East/West street. Follow it East until you see a street
coming off the bottom of it called Westmoreland. The building is on Wilshire
just after that intersection.
8. L.A. County Art Museum
Wilshire District. You should notice a pretty clear boundary between Wilshire
and Central Districts. Central roads are all slanted, but when they hit a
certain North/South line, they all become horizontal, and this is where
Wilshire starts. That North/South line is a street called Hoover. Find where
Hoover intersects 8th Street in the very bottom of the district. The museum
is on Hoover, just South of the intersection.
9. Westlake Tar Pits
Wilshire District. Find the Southern-most road in the Wilshire District. It's
a short, small East/West street called San Marino. You should notice a short,
odd-looking curved road branching off the bottom of it. That road leads to
the tar pits.
10. Park Plaza
Central District. On the Western side of the district, find 6th Street. It
runs East/West. Follow it East until you see two streets coming off the bottom
of it called Carondelet(sp?) and Park View. Park View is the one running right
next to the big park. The plaza is on 6th between those two streets.
11. MacArthur Park
Central District. On the Western side of the district, find Wilshire Boulevard.
Follow it East until the road intersects Park View. You should see a pretty
obvious big square on your map where the park is. It's in between Park View
and Alvarado.
12. The Good Samaritan Hospital
Central District. Find Wilshire Boulevard, a large East/West road, and follow
it East past Alvarado. Keep going until it intersects with Witmer, a small,
short road. Turn left(North) onto Witmer, then take the next right onto an
unnamed street. The hospital is on this street between Witmer and Lucas.
13. The Mayfair Hotel
Central District. Find 7th street, an East/West road just below Wilshire.
Follow it East, past Alvarado, until you see a small road coming off the top
of it called Witmer. The hotel is at the intersection here.
14. Intolerance Set
Central District. Find 8th street, an East/West road, and follow it East. You
should notice that the street kind of dips to the South, then comes back up
again and straightens out. Right where it straightens out it intersects
Francisco Street. The set is at this intersection. This is just before 8th
intersects Figueroa.
15. Christ Crown of Thorns
Central District. Find 9th street and follow it East until it hits Figueroa, a
large North/South road. Now go back to the West to the first unnamed road
coming off the bottom of 9th. It should be one block away from Francisco
street. The church is at the intersection of 9th and this unnamed road.
16. Los Angeles Examiner
Central District. Find 11th street, which begins just before Figueroa, and
follow it East until it intersects with Broadway. The building is just South
of the intersection.
17. RKO Theater
Central District. Find 8th street and follow it East until it crosses Hill
Street. This is just before it hits Broadway. The theater is at that
18. Main St. Terminal
Central District. Find 6th street and follow it East until it crosses Main
Street and Los Angeles Street. The terminal is between both of those roads.
19. Pershing Square
Central District. Find 5th or 6th street and follow them East until they
intersect with Olive. This is before you hit Broadway. The square is between
Olive and Hill, and between 5th and 6th.
20. L.A. Public Library
Central District. Follow 5th street East until you get between Flower and
Grand. The library is right there.
21. Angels Flight
Central District. Follow 3rd street East until it crosses Hill. This is just
before it hits Main. It's at the intersection of 3rd and Hill.
22. The Bradbury Building
Central District. Follow 3rd street East until it crosses Broadway. This is
just before it hits Main. It's at the intersection of 3rd and Broadway.
23. Hall of Records
Central District. There's an East/West street called Beverly that eventually
turns into 1st if you follow it East. Keep going East on 1st until it
intersects Broadway. Turn left(North) at the intersection. Turn right at the
next intersection onto a very small road. The hall is on this small road.
24. El Pueblo de Los Angeles
Central District. There's a long road on the East side of the district called
Alameda. It's not tilted. It runs perfectly North/South, for the most part.
Now find Los Angeles Street and follow it North until it runs into Alameda and
stops. There's a black circle just West of that point. This is the site. It's
between Los Angeles and Main Streets.
25. Union Station
Central District. Find the long, perfectly North/South road called Alameda on
the East side of the district. Now find Los Angeles Street and follow it
North until it hits Alameda and stops. The station is on the East side of
Alameda just below this intersection.
26. Chinatown
Central District. Find Broadway, a long North/South road in the middle of the
district, and follow it North to the edge of the map. Chinatown is the last
block before you go off the map. It's on the West side of Broadway.
27. L.A. Cold Storage Co.
Central District. Find 4th street. It begins just before Figueroa. Follow it
East past San Pedro until it hits Central Avenue. The building is there,
between Central and Alameda.
28. 4th Street Viaduct
Central District. Go to the far Eastern end and find 4th street. Now find
where it intersects with the Los Angeles River. The viaduct is at this
29. 6th Street Viaduct
Central District. Go to the far Eastern end and find Whittlier Boulevard.
When it crosses the Los Angeles River, it turns into 6th street. The viaduct
is at that intersection.
30. National Biscuit Company
Central District. At the far Eastern end, find 7th street and follow it West
until it intersects with Mateo. Turn right(North) here and you'll find the
building at the intersection of Mateo and Industrial.
(Page Top)1. "Shrink Says: The Mind is the Final Frontier"
Case: Upon Reflection
Location: Alleyway Crime Scene. As soon as you arrive, walk down the alleyway
until you see some crates to your right, next to a staircase. The
Newspaper is on one of those crates.
2. "Alienist Fontaine Provides Help to Troubled Vets"
Case: The Driver's Seat
Location: Black Residence. On the dining room table.
3. "Shrink to the Stars Promises Mental Breakthrough"
Case: A Marriage Made in Heaven
Location: Ray's Cafe. On the bar next to the bartender.
4. "Dope Floods Streets: Cops Chase War Surplus Contraband"
Case: A Fallen Idol
Location: Silver Screen Props. Marlon Hopgood will lead you to a sound
stage. To get there, you have to go back outside, then into another
building. When you first get outside, look to your right and you
should see an area with tables and dumpsters. The Newspaper is on
one of the tables.
5. "Family Burnt to Death: Cops Say House Fire Deaths Are Suspicious"
Case: The Red Lipstick Murder
Location: Henry Residence. Just after you enter, look on the floor in front of
the cabinet.
6. "Missing Morphine: Cops Say Goons Fighting Dope War"
Case: The White Shoe Slaying
Location: Hobo Camp. Just inside the hobo's "house", on the makeshift table
made from crates.
7. "Mickey Cohen: Heir Apparent to Bugsy Siegel"
Case: The Black Caesar
Location: Ramez Removals. Just after entering, turn left and you should see two
desks. The Newspaper is on one of them.
8. "Alienist Fontaine Working Selflessly to Help the Infirm"
Case: The Set Up
Location: Boxing Stadium. Enter the dressing room and look on one of the tables
in the middle of the room.
9. "LAPD Vice Scandal Could Go all the Way to the Top"
Case: Manifest Destiny
Location: Alleyway Crime Scene. After chasing the two goons in a car into the
alleyway and killing them, look on the ground between their bodies.
10. "Housing Development Burns: Ex-Servicemen Irate as GI Houses Razed"
Case: A Walk in Elysian Fields
Location: House Fire. It's in the front yard on the right side, if you're
facing the house.
11. "Suburban Redevelopment Fund Promises 10,000 New Homes"
Case: A Polite Invitation
Location: Leland Monroe's Mansion. After fighting your way through his personal
army, you'll come to Monroe himself in his office. Look on the
cabinet behind his desk for the Newspaper.
12. "Crusade Against Corruption: Petersen Pledges to Clean Up LAPD"
Case: A Different Kind of War
Location: Rapid Exterminators. On the main counter. Should be right in front
of you after you talk to the guy.
13. "The Face of Progress Says Mayor of Developer Leland Monroe"
Case: A Different Kind of War
Location: Dr. Fontaine's Surgery. In the room with the body, look on the desk.
(Page Top)Any website may use this guide, as long as it is kept intact and proper credit
is given. Contact me at snapzilla2050 [@] stewiesminions.com if you have any
questions about the guide or the game.
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