Page five of the L.A. Noire Walkthrough. (Back to Main Menu)
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Arson Desk Cases
The Gas Man
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|Steffens House Fire|
Clue- Heater serviced by Ryan; P.O.I.- Matthew Ryan
When you get to the house, go to the left side of it and look on the ground
near the fence for a charred box. It's the heater.
Don Steffens
Before you even get down to asking questions, he'll hand you a new clue- a
competition ticket.
Travel competition- Truth; You get a new clue- the Suburban Redevelopment fund.
Suburban Redevelopment- Doubt
Use a phone to get a Suburban Redevelopment address.
|Gulliver's Travel Agency|
John Cunningham
Find the Steffens and Sawyer families in the ledger.
Suburban Redevelopment- Truth
Promotional travel contest- Doubt
|Sawyer House Fire|
For some reason, the bodies of the victims are listed as a clue if you use
intuition, even though they offer no clue. Also, after looking at both the
bodies and the regulator valve(below), the investigation music was still
going, even though intuition said there were no clues left. Not sure if this is
a glitch or if I'm missing something.
Clue- Regulator valve
After talking to the coroner, look on the ground just off of the front right
corner of the house. It's kind of small.
After looking at the valve, you'll see someone across the street. He starts
running, so chase him down. After you question him, head over to Suburban
Redevelopment and watch the cutscene there.
|Fire Station No.32|
Clue- Instaheat Model 70; Clue- Heater serviced by Varley; P.O.I.- Reginald
You get all of this as you talk to the Lynch. When he asks you piece together
the chain of events, take the bunsen burner(on the far right) and connect it
to the gas supply, on the left. Now attach the regulator valve, the blue thing,
to it, and finally put the ballon on the end of that.
|Instaheat Factory|
Ivan Rasic
InstaHeat Model 70- Doubt; You get a new clue- Rasic's statement involving the
faulty nature of the Model 70s.
Heater service history- Lie; Use the heater serviced by Ryan/Varley to prove
the lie.
Clue- Varley's/Clemen's/Ryan's Criminal Records; P.O.I.- Walter Clemens
After looking at the gas fitter list, use the phone to obtain the criminal
records. Then go back and talk to Rasic.
Clue- Clemens' anarchist pamphlet
Look in his locker. It's part of the left-most group.
Clue- Ryan's anarchist pamphlets
Look in Ryan's locker, part of the middle group. You'll find a lot more
pamphlets in here.
Clue- Mosquito coils
Look in Varley's locker, part of the right-most group. Open up the package to
examine the coil.
|Clemen's Worksite|
Walter Clemens
Knowledge of Varley- Doubt; You get a new clue- Clemens' statement.
Employment with InstaHeat- Doubt
Knowledge of Ryan- Lie; Use Clemens' anarchist pamphlet to prove the lie.
|Varley's Worksite|
Varley runs away when you get there. You can end this pretty quickly by firing
off a warning shot.
|Ryan's Worksite|
Ryan also runs, but in a truck. You'll have to chase him down, though a
construction site. Watch out for workers roaming around.
|Wilshire Police Station|
Matthew Ryan
Anarchist literature- Lie; Use Ryan's anarchist pamphlets to prove the lie.
InstaHeat Model 70- Lie; Use Ivan Rasic's statement to prove the lie.
Suburban Redevelopment- Doubt; You'll get Ryan's statement.
Attempted murder charge- Doubt
Reginald Varley
Work at Sawyer residence- Lie; Use the heater serviced by Varley to prove the
Suburban Redevelopment- Lie; Use Walter Clemens' statement to prove the lie.
InstaHeat Model 70- Lie; Use the mosquito coils to prove the lie.
Charge one of the suspects to close the case.
A Walk in Elysian Fields
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|House Fire|
Clue- Bodies moved
You get this automatically by watching the cutscenes. Also, it's not a clue,
but you'll still need to examine the bodies. You get a couple more cutscenes
and you can move forward with your investigation.
Clue- Family photograph
Laying on the floor in front of the bodies.
Walk out of the front door and look left. It's laying in the yard.
Clue- Water heater
Walk out of the front door and turn left, then turn left again and go along
the side of the house. The charred box is laying on the ground. It's not a
clue, but you can also examine the hole in the house made by the explosion.
Clue- Cigarette butts; Clue- Boot prints
You need to talk to the neighbor, Dudley Forman. Before you do that, look
around the small tree in his front yard, by the victims' yard. You'll find
the butts and boot prints.
Dudley Forman
The neighbor. Talking to him automatically gets you a new clue- the victims
had won a weekend vacation.
Morelli fire witness report- Doubt; You'll get a new clue- the houses were
being demolished.
Planned demolitions- Doubt
Promotional travel contest- Truth
Suspicious activity- Doubt
Clue- Origami crane; Clue- Elysian Fields flyers; P.O.I.- Leland Monroe
You get this after your partner hands you the paper crane.
Use the phone afterwards to get the Elysian Fields address and check for
|Rancho Escondido|
When you get to the housing area, you'll have to brawl with a couple of angry
Clue- Poor cement quality
Your partner will kneel down and look at the foundation to the right of the
chimney. Examine it.
|Elysian Fields|
Leland Monroe
Elysian linked to arsons- Doubt
Promotional travel contest- Lie; Use the Elysian Fields flyers to prove the
Local land acquisitions- Doubt
Rancho Escondido fire- Lie; Use the poor cement quality to prove the lie.
Clue- List of contractors
Look at the list Monroe's secretary puts out for you. You'll find Herbert
Chapman's name on it. Use a phone to get Chapman's address.
|Chapman's Apartment|
Clue- Mosquito coils; Clue- .45 caliber ammunition
Look in the trunk of the car. You'll also find the Elysian Fields flyers in
After you close the trunk, you'll spot Chapman. He hops on the trolley and
takes control of it. That thing will blow through traffic, pushes cars to the
sides, so be careful, or you'll hit them. Try to damage the side a little bit.
Once one of the side panels are off, and after you've chased the trolley a
bit, your partner will start shooting at the wheels. This stops the trolley.
Chapman gets off, packing heat. Shoot him to close this case.
House of Sticks
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|California Fire & Life|
Clue- Settlement letter
You get this by looking at the letter Elsa hands you.
Clue- Buchwalter case file
Examine the letter underneath the pink paper in the file
Elsa Lichtmann
Disputed claim payout- Doubt
Connection to Buchwalter- Doubt
Motive for dispute- Truth; You also get a clue- a slip of paper with Elsa's
|Elysian Field Site|
Clue- Cement delivery receipt
There are two desks pushed together in the building. The receipt is on one of
Clue- Demolition order; Clue- Company memo
Both of these items are on the lone desk in the building.
Clue- Broken wood
Exit the first building and fight the man outside. Beat him down and he'll
tell you where the demolished house is. Go over there and head around to the
back of it on the left side. You'll see a red flag in the ground. Investigate
the wood here and piece it together. It says Keystone Films.
At this point you'll be chased into a trench by a bulldozer. Adjust the camera
so you can see the bulldozer behind you and keep running forward. Take shots
at him whenever you get a chance to slow him down. You can also actually shoot
the driver, but you have to be pretty lucky to catch him when the front end is
down. If you can't kill the driver, just keep shooting to slow him down and
run to the end. Once you're out of the trench, use a phone to get the address
for Keystone Film Studios.
|Keystone Film Studios|
Clue- Lumber delivery receipt
Jump the fence to your left and look on the first pile of lumber to your left.
It's hard to see, but there's a receipt on the end of one of the planks.
Clue- Inferior quality lumber
On the opposite side of the receipt you should see another pile of lumber.
Check the end for a small sign that says Inferior Quality.
Clue- Film canister
Hop back over the gate, then hop over the other gate, the one to your right.
Keep going straight until you see an open door to your left with "Screening
Room" above it. There's a table to your right just after you enter. You'll
find the empty film canister on it.
Clue- Film
Open the vertical case in the middle of the room. You'll need to adjust the
focus of the film and the speed. It's going in reverse right now. When you
think you've got it, flip the direction switch to start the film over from
the beginning and watch it.
Use the phone after you're done to talk with Curtis Benson and Elsa Lichtmann.
|Elysian Fields Site Two|
Enter the house across the street with the flickering light. Go upstairs and
you'll be ambushed by three guys. You'll need to fight one of them off, but
eventually you'll still be put down. After a couple of cutscenes, you manage
to escape from the trunk of the car. Run down the alley. A red car stops on
the street in front of you. Get in and drive away. They'll be right behind you,
so you'll need to use the alleys and side streets to try and get away from
them. Keep an eye out for narrow roads on your mini-map and use them. You'll
ditch them for good as you get close to Elsa's apartment. Once there, the
case is closed.
A Polite Invitation
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|Curtis Benson's Apartment|
Clue- Insurance agreement
There's a desk by the front door. You'll find this letter on it.
Clue- Share certificate
In a folder on the glass table by the desk.
Also, if you bust into the bedroom, you'll find a 12 year old girl in Benson's
Curtis Benson
Motive for fraud- Lie; Use the share certificate to prove the lie.
Suburban Redevelopment- Lie; Use the insurance agreement to prove the lie.
Buchwalter case settlement- Doubt
|California Fire & Life|
Clue- Buchwalter case file; Clue- Improved land value
Go up to your office and re-open the case file on your desk. Tap on the upper
right corner of the blueprints, where the latitude and longitude are. Also,
tap on the pink slip to get the improved land value.
|Hall of Records|
P.O.I.- Courtney Sheldon
Talk to the guard, then go upstairs to the Land Registry Office. The guy up
here will lead you to the S section. Find Suburban Redevelopment in the
ledger and tap on Courtney Sheldon's name at the bottom.
Clue- Elysian lot number 1876988
Go over to the lat/lon dials that the guy leads you to. The latitude should
read 034-04-29, and the longitude should read 118-17-58. After this, go over
to the adding machine and put in 1876988 divided by 90,000, then pull the
lever. The number is 20, but you have to add 1, so it's 21. The 21st letter of
the alphabet is U, so search the U section. You'll find the lot number on the
second page in the ledger, third from the top.
After you've found the lot, four guys will come in and start a firefight with
you. Watch the bookshelves to your right. A guy with a shotgun likes to flank
that way. After you've taken them out, watch the cutscene and you'll wind up
back at your apartment. Answer the phone.
|Leland Monroe's Mansion|
This is one big firefight you're about to get mixed up in. There are plenty of
thugs guarding the grounds of the mansion, but you'll have plenty of help
taking them all on. There are more people inside though, and you'll be alone.
In fact, when you kick open the first door, step back, or you'll be ambushed
by the two people on the other side. Keep fighting your way through the
mansion until you get to Monroe himself.
On the cabinet behind the desk in Monroe's office.
You won't get clues, but you still need to check out some things before you
can move on. The photograph by the Newspaper, the open safe (and contents
within), and the folder on Monroe's desk all offer insight. This closes the
A Different Kind of War
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|Rapid Exterminators|
On the main counter.
Visit the other two exterminators and you'll finally get the location of your
mystery arsonist.
|Dr. Fontaine's Surgery|
Clue- Morphine cabinet
As you follow Rusty to the body, keep an eye out for a gray cabinet with glass
doors to your left. Once you find it, look inside and you'll see a stockpile
of morphine.
Clue- Fontaine's blackmail papers
As soon as you enter the room with the body, look on the desk to your right.
You should see a folder. Open it up and tap on both papers in here.
Clue- Crystal ball
Laying on the ground in front of the white cabinets/bookcase.
Clue- Freeway route
Look on the desk in the room. You'll see a notepad. Shade it in to reveal some
kind of map. Back out of it and check the newspaper next to it. Cole will put
the paper under the shading. Turns out it's a freeway, and Leland Monroe's
housing divisions were being built right in the path of it.
On the same desk as the freeway route.
You can also examine Fontaine's body for some more insight.
|Ranch Bunkhouse|
Clue- Flamethrower
Check the table to your right just after entering the bunkhouse.
Clue- Photographs of Okinawa
Once you enter the Origami room, look at the pictures hanging on the wall.
Clue- Origami cranes; Location- L.A. River Tunnels
On the table covered in...origami cranes. Also, look at the blueprints above
this table.
|L.A. River Tunnels|
You'll have to escort Kelso to the river tunnels. A ton of cops will be after
him. Disable them as they come and make sure Kelso's car doesn't take too much
damage. Once you're actually at the tunnels, you'll have a lot of shooting to
do. The place is crawling with bad guys. Keep going until you find yourself in
waist high water. You'll climb a ladder to get out of the water, and there will
be a guy to your right. Kill him and explore the room he was standing in front
of. It has some weapons in it.
Keep going until you have to go down some stairs. Kill the guys down here and
head into the room at the end. You'll find a flamethrower. Head down the ladder
and the room will start to fill up with water. You'll need to cross over to
the other side. There's a ladder in the opposite corner. To get over there,
you'll have to use one of the platforms with guard rails around them in the
middle of the room. Use the furthrest one. You can use the pillars as cover,
since a guy pops up on the other side. Climb the ladder, clear this hallway
out, then go upstairs and take the two guys up here down. After a few
cutscenes, the game is over.
L.A. Noire Walkthrough: Collectibles