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Vice Desk Cases
The Black Caesar
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|Junkies' Apartment|
Clue- Radio station note
Check the left pocket of the victim on the floor. The note says "JJ always
listens to 275 fm".
Clue- Numbers slip; Clue- Popcorn cups
There is a wallet on the floor in front of the couch. Look inside of it for
the numbers slip. Now examine the popcorn cup next to the wall. Flip it over
and you'll see that something was taped to the bottom of it.
Clue- Strange doodle
Look on the small round table in the same room as the bodies. It's a doodle of
cherries, a bell, and WIN.
Clue- Morphine syrettes
Just before you get to the kitchen, look on the floor to your right. There's
another popcorn cup with a syrette laying next to it.
Clue- Popcorn cups with morphine
On the kitchen counter, next to the bread slices, there's a popcorn cup with
a morphine syrette still taped to the bottom.
|Black Caesar Food Hut|
Once you get to the food hut, you'll have to chase the fry cook down. He'll
flee to the rooftops. After a while you'll have to fight him while your partner
fights another person up there.
Clue- Numbers racket; Location- Numbers operation
Walk into the food hut and open the case on the ground. There's a trumpet
inside. Pick up and examine the piece in the bottom right corner of the case.
You can tilt it around, then open it up to find more numbers slips.
Clue- Blue Room pass; P.O.I.- Jermaine Jones
In the case with the trumpet, just laying there. Flip it over to get a new
Clue- Morphine for distribution
Look in the big cardboard box next to the popcorn machine. You'll find a bunch
of syrettes ready to go.
Fleetwood Morgan
Morphine overdose victims- Lie; Use the popcorn cups with morphine to prove the
lie. You'll also indentify the distributor as
Jermaine Jones.
Numbers slips recovered- Doubt
Use the phone after you've questioned Morgan to find out the address for
Jermaine Jones.
|Jones' Booking Agency|
Clue- Morphine syrettes; Location- Ramez Removals
After talking to Jones, inspect the big radio by the piano. The first knob
turns it on. Use the second knob to turn it to FM. Use the third knob to turn
it to 275. The same 275 FM from the note at the crime scene. The top of the
radio pops up and reveals a stockpile of drugs and money. At this point,
Jones' two bodyguards fight you. Take them down and examine everything inside
the radio. Also, don't forget to check out the green label on the bottom of
the lid.
Jermaine Jones
Army surplus morphine- Doubt; You get a new P.O.I., Lenny Finklestein.
Involvement of 'Ottie'- Lie; Use the distributor identified evidence to prove
the lie.
Link to Ramez Removals- Doubt
Use the phone when you've taken Jones in to get an address for Ramez Removals.
|Numbers Operation|
If you've already been to Jones' place, you won't get any clues for doing this,
but you can still go to the red slot machine in the back corner of the room
Ottie's in and play with it. You need to get cherries in the first slot,
a bell in the second, and WIN in the third, just like in the doodle you picked
up at the crime scene. When a slot has the symbol you're looking for, press
hold underneath the slot. It won't turn the next time you pull the handle.
Get all three and the bottom of the machine pops open, revealing morphine
syrettes, numbers slips, and another Ramez Removals sticker. After doing this,
Ottie will run away, so get after him.
Clue- IOU Note
After catching Ottie, you'll automatically examine his cane. Investigate it
further and you'll open up the top, revealing the note.
Merlon Ottie
Army surplus morphine- Lie; Use the Finklestein identified evidence to prove
the lie.
IOU note from Jose Ramez- Truth
|Ramez Removals|
Shortly after arriving, Ramez takes off in a delivery truck. You'll have to
chase him. He isn't particularly fast, but the guy in the back will open up
the doors and start throwing crap at you. Your partner should put him down
pretty quickly.
Inside the warehouse, look to the left, you should see two desks. One of them
has the Newspaper on it. The other desk has a ledger. You can see that Ramez
is ordering a lot of ice, and that Ottie is ordering a lot of furniture from
Ramez. Neither of these are actual clues though, just insight.
There's some water on the ground. Follow it through the furniture maze until
you come out on the other side. There are some wooden crates blocking the door
into the next room. You'll need to use the ladder to get up to the very top
of this building. You can control a crane up there. It works like one of those
claw arcade machines. Move the crane until the light is on one of the crates,
then press A to grab it and move it somewhere else. Your partner lets you know
when the coast is clear. Go back down and enter the cold room. You'll find a
block of ice with something in it. Shoot the block and examine the morphine
syrettes. After the cutscene, Ramez runs back into the furniture maze. Be
careful, because he picks up a shotgun. He likes to ambush you as you run
after him.
|Polar Bear Ice Company|
You'll immediately get into a firefight with the goons at the ice company.
Fight your way through all of them until you get all the way up to Finklestein.
After a short cutscene, quickly pull out your gun and put him down before he
puts you down. Follow your partner to the large crate and open it. There's a
huge supply of morphine in here. This closes the case.
The Set Up
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|Boxing Stadium|
On one of the tables in the middle of the dressing room.
Clue- Bookmakers' odds
Look in Hammond's locker. You'll also find a telephone number. Visit a phone
to have it traced.
|Hotel El Mar|
When you arrive at the El Mar, you'll need to look in the ledger for Hammond.
He isn't using his real name, but he is British, so look for the prominent
Brit in the ledger. Doesn't get more prominent than Winston Churchill, room
Clue- Telegram
Look in the trash can that's been knocked over, by the window. A telegram from
Hammond to his mother.
Clue- Movie ticket stub
On the dresser, by the box of chocolates.
Clue- Magazine Coupon; P.O.I.- Candy Edwards
Examine the magazine on the small round table. Look in the lower right corner
of the second page. You'll find that one Candy Edwards has filled out the
coupon here.
Clue- Bookmakers' payouts
Look on the night stand to the left of the bed.
|Candy Edwards' Address-Aleve Motel|
As soon as you enter Candy's apartment, you'll have to fight some guy who just
punched her. When he's down, look in his pockets. He has a list of bookmakers
and a switchblade.
Clue- Bus ticket
Look on the dresser in Candy's apartment.
Clue- Cunard Ascania
On the dresser, next to the bus ticket.
Candy Edwards
Whereabouts of Hammond- Lie; Use the magazine coupon to prove the lie.
List of odds recovered- Lie; Use the bookmaker's odds to prove the lie.
Plans to leave town- Doubt
You'll have to tail Candy after staking out her apartment. This is simple, and
you can do this without using cover or incognito to get the achievement. All
you have to do is stay as far back as possible when following her. Sometimes
the icon will flash, indicating that you're lagging too far behind. Just run
forward several steps and keep the distance.
|First Bookmaker's Office|
Clue- Bookie's notepad
After talking to the bookmaker, go to his phone and examine the notepad. Use
the pencil to shade it in. You'll find out where Candy's going next, the
Examiner Drugstore.
|Examiner Drugstore|
Clue- Yellow Cab Co. card
Talk to the bookmaker, then look by the phone for a yellow card. Afterwards,
use the phone to trace the location of the cab. Talk to the bookmaker again
when you're finished.
|Bus Depot|
Once you find the cab, Candy comes out and gets back into it. Tail the cab
all the way to the bus station. Get out and take a seat in the first chair
you can find with a newspaper on it. Candy will wander around for a few seconds
and then go into the bathroom. Go towards the bathroom and you'll hear
screaming and shots. Enter to find Candy, dieing in a bathroom stall.
Clue- Revolver
It's on the floor just outside of the stall, by the handbag. Examine it further
and you'll find that one shot has been fired.
Clue- Movie ticket; Location- Egyptian Theatre
Examine the handbag on the floor next to the gun.
|Egyptian Theatre|
After all the cutscenes, you'll have to take down three men inside the
theater. One is on the balcony to your left, so watch out. Once they're all
down, the case is closed.
Manifest Destiny
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|111 Club|
Clue- Blue Room pass; Clue- Morphine
In the room where the band was playing, look in the middle of the floor for a
case. There's a trumpet inside and three piece below the trumpet. Take each
piece out and put it back. A secret compartment opens up.
Clue- Morphine
Actually, another update to your clue. Examine the body laying on the floor in
the band room. Look in his right pocket for a syrette.
Clue- Valor cigarettes
There's a back room off of the band room. Enter it and look for a big crate
of cigarettes.
Clue- BARs; Clue- Coolridge heist
In the back room, against the back wall, you'll find a rack of BARs. After
examining them you'll also make the connection to the Coolridge heist, a theft
of Army supplies from the SS Coolridge.
You can also examine the other two dead bodies. One is in the main room,
sitting against the bar. Exit the main room back into the hallway and turn
left. You'll see another room with another dead body in it, along with an open
safe that wasn't even messed with. You don't get clues from all this, just
The Hostess
111 Club shooting incident- Doubt
Knowledge of McGoldrick- Truth
|The Blue Room|
Elsa Lichtmann
Army surplus morphine- Doubt
Morphine overdose victims- Doubt
After you've finished questioning her, you'll have to tail her back to her
|The Mocambo Club|
Meyer Cohen
Finkelstein drug operation- Doubt
111 Club shooting incident- Doubt
|Hollywood Police Station|
Clue- Stolen BARs; Clue- Stolen Valors; Clue- Manifest
After talking to the cop working robbery, he'll show you a manifest of the
items on the Coolridge. Go to the second page and you'll find all appropriate
materials circled in red.
|Bus Shooting|
When you get to the site of the shooting, you'll have to take down some guy
on the rooftop with a BAR. Best way to do this is to go left. There's a fire
escape in the alley. Use it to get onto the roof of the building you're
standing by. You'll have a clear line of sight at the shooter, and there's
plenty of cover up here. Once you take him down, you'll automatically get up
onto the rooftop where he's at.
Clue- Sniper's pocketbook
Check the right pocket of the dead shooter.
Felix Alvarro
Informed of Coolridge heist- Doubt
Motive for shooting- Lie; Use the sniper's pocketbook to prove the lie. You'll
also get a new P.O.I.- Courtney Sheldon, and an
Use a phone to get Jack Kelso's address. Head over there and you'll pick up
Kelso via cutscene and take him to the police station.
|Hollywood Police Station|
Jack Kelso
Army surplus morphine- Doubt
Ex-Marine McGoldrick- Truth
Arms stolen from Coolridge- Truth
SS Coolridge robbery- Doubt
|Robert's Diner/Alleyway Crime Scene|
You'll need to chase the suspects down. You won't be able to stop them before
they get to a predetermined destination, though. They'll get out and take cover
in an alleyway. Put them down, then examine the scene.
Laying in the alley between the two bodies.
Clue- Copy of manifest; Clue- Shooter's notebook
Check the left pocket of the first body for the manifest. Check the right
pocket for the notebook.
|Hollywood Post Office|
Clue- Beckett's confession; Clue- Business card
When you arrive at the post office you'll be engaged in a shootout. Take them
all down and you'll be placed in front of a dieing man. He'll tell you that
he knows Courtney Sheldon, and then he dies. Also, check his left hand for the
business card.
Clue- Note
There's another alcove in the bank. There are papers laying outside it and some
blood stains on the wall. There's a dead guy in the alcove. Examine his left
pocket to find the note.
|Grauman's Chinese Theatre|
When you get to the theater you'll have to chase down two thugs in a vehicle.
When you finally stop them, don't let your guard up. They'll get out and start
shooting at you. Put them down quick.
|Meeting Place|
Once you get to the meeting place you'll have to deal with a lot of enemies.
Take out the first two guys and the guy on the roof to your right. More will
be hanging around in the alley to the right. A couple will try to get into a
car, so put them down quickly, and don't forget the guy high up on the fire
escape on the right side. There's also a guy on the roof at the end of this
particular alley. There are two guys on the ground there as well. Take them
out to end this firefight.
|Hollywood Police Station|
Courtney Sheldon
6th Marines being targeted- Lie; Use the note to prove the lie.
SS Coolridge robbery- Lie; Use Beckett's confession to prove the lie.
After the questioning and the ensuing cutscenes, you'll be demoted to Arson.
L.A. Noire Walkthrough: Arson Desk Cases