In Skyrim, followers (or companions) are more usable than ever before. They fight with you, carry your things, and stay loyal to you no matter what. Most followers have a task you must accomplish before they join you. Once you complete that task, they will join you for good. Here is the list of followers you can find in Skyrim.
A few follower tips:
- You can have one human and one animal follower at all times. However, some quests allow additional followers to join you temporarily.
- Always give your followers some good equipment (For their class). They will equip the best items from what you give them, but make sure it suits their class. So warrior followers get heavy armor, 2 handed swords, mages get staves, archers get bows, and so on.
- Give your follower a torch and they will use it when it's dark. Just remember to take the torches away from them or have them wait somewhere when you are trying to sneak, as the light will make sneaking a lot less effective.
- Followers match the level that you are when you meet them, but they don't level with you. Also, all the followers have follower caps that keep them from leveling past a certain level. The level cap is different depending on the character. The only follower who goes to level 81 is J'Zargo. All Housecarls level to 50, assuming you were level 50 when you met them. (Thanks to an anonymous site visitor comment for the above fix.)
- Your followers also have their own skills which improve as they level.
- If you lose your follower (because you fast traveled somewhere or ran too far ahead) don't worry about it, they will eventually appear again and continue fighting by your side. If you don't want to wait, just use the Wait command and they should appear right after.
- If their health reaches zero, they will collapse. To heal them back up, use a healing spell or let them heal on their own (only works out of combat). Important Note: If a follower receives a large enough attack, they will die, permanently.
- There are about 45 different followers total in the game.

Types of Followers:
- Hirelings
- Housecarls
- The Companions
- College of Winterhold
- Dungeon Followers
- Other Followers
- Dark Brotherhood
- Animal Followers
Hirelings can be hired for 500 gold each. If you dismiss them, there is a chance they will charge you for for their services if you decide to rehire them again. (The chance depends on how much they like you.)
Belrand (Spellsword, uses one-handed weapons, light armor, restoration and destruction.)
Location: Solitude.
Vorstag (Warrior, uses one-handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Markarth.
Stenvar (Knight, uses two-handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Windhelm.
Janessa (Archer, uses archery, light armor one handed weapons, sneak and block.)
Location: Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun.
Erik the Slayer (Slayer title only after quest) (Barbarian, uses two handed weapons, light armor, block and archery.)
Location: Whiterun Hold, Rorikstead. (Thanks to the anonymous comment for this fix)
Quest: Before you can hire Eric the Slayer you must complete his quest. When you talk to Erik he will explain to you that he wants to become an adventurer but his father won't let him. You will have to convince his father by passing a speech check. After you convince his father to allow Erik to become an adventurer, go back to Erik and tell him he can follow his dream. To hire him, leave the area for some time, after you return Erik can be found at the back of the Frostfruit Inn, at which point he can be hired by the player for 500 gold.
Marcurio (Mage, uses destruction, restoration, alteration, conjuration and sneak.)
Location: Bee and Brab, Riften.
Notes: One of the few mage class followers in the game.
Housecarls will become your followers after you complete each quest for the Jarl of the hold you are currently in.
Housecarl class: Every housecarl follower is a warrior who uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.
Housecarl of: Whiterun.
Housecarl of: Windhelm.
Argis the Bulwark
Housecarl of: Markarth.
Housecarl of: Riften.
Jordis the Sword Maiden
Housecarl of: Solitude.
The Companions
These followers can be found at the Companions faction headquarters located in Whiterun. After you join the faction, do each of their quests to recruit them.
Vikas (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Athis (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, light armor, block and archery.)
Note: Athis a one handed expert trainer.
Ria (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Torvar (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Farkas (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, smithing and speech.)
Note: Farkas is a heavy armor master trainer.
Aela the Huntress (Ranger, uses archery, light armor, one handed weapons, sneak and speech.)
Location: Farm outside of Whiterun.
Note: Aela is an expert trainer for archery.
Njada Stonearm (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, block and speech.)
Note: Njada is a block expert trainer.
College of Winterhold
These followers will join you after you become a member of The College of Winterhold and complete each of their quests.
J'Zargo (Sorcerer, uses destruction, illusion, heavy armor and one handed weapons.)
Onmond (Sorcerer, uses destruction, illusion, heavy armor and one handed weapons.)
Brelyna Maryon (Mage, uses illusion, conjuration, alteration and sneak.)
Dungeon Followers
These followers will join you after you clear the dungeon they are in. But note that if they die during the process, you will fail to recruit them.
Golldir (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, archery, heavy armor and block.)
Location: Hillgrund's Tomb (Whiterun Hold)
Illia (Mage, uses destruction, conjuration, restoration and alteration.)
Location: Darklight Tower (The Rift).
Quest: Explore the Darklight Tower with her, if she survives, she will become your follower.
Erandur (Priest, uses restoration and conjuration.)
Location: Dawnstar
Quest: You have to accept the quest from Erandur in Dawnstar which takes you to to Nightcaller Temple. After you clear the temple he will become your follower.
Other Followers
The rest of the followers / companions in Skyrim. These followers will join you after you complete the quest they are involved in or a task / favor they give you. Note that if they don't survive the quest, you will not be able to hire them, so be careful and keep them alive as best you can.
Lob (Archer, uses archery, light armor, one handed weapons, sneak and block.)
Daedric Quest: The Cursed Tribe.
Eola (Nightblade, uses destruction, alteration, one handed weapons and sneak.)
Daedric Quest: The Taste of Death.
Adelaisa Vendicci (Townsperson, uses alchemy, smithing, enchanting and speech.)
Quest: Rise in the East.
Ogol (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, sneak and archery.)
Daedric Quest: The Cursed Tribe.
Aranea (Mage, uses destruction, restoration, conjuration and alteration.)
Daedric Quest: The Black Star.
Ugor (Ranger, uses archery, light armor, one handed weapons, sneak and block.)
Daedric Quest: The Cursed Tribe
Erandur (Healer, uses restoration, conjuration, alchemy and speech.)
Daedric Quest: Walking Nightmare.
Benor (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Morthal.
Ahtar the Jailor (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Castle Dour, Solitude.
Uthgerd the Unbroken (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Whiterun.
Borgakh (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, archery and sneak.)
Location: Mor Khazgur.
Cosnach (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Markarth.
Sven (Townsperson, uses alchemy, enchanting, smithing and archery.)
Location: Riverwood.
Ghorbash (Archer, uses archery, light armor, sneak, block and one handed weapons.)
Location: Dushnikh Yal
Derkeethus (Archer, uses archery, light armor, sneak, block and one handed weapons.)
Location: Darkwater Pass
Faendal (Archer, uses archery, light armor, sneak and one handed weapons.)
Location: Riverwood.
Note: Faendal is a journeyman archery trainer.
Kharjo (Warrior, uses one handed weapons, heavy armor, archery and block.)
Location: Ahkari's Caravan.
Mjoll the Lioness (Knight, uses two handed weapons, heavy armor, block and archery.)
Location: Riften
Riggu Knot-Beard (Townsperson, uses alchemy, one handed weapons, smithing and enchanting.)
Location: Kynesgrove.
Annekke Crag-Jumpter (Archer, uses archery, light armor, block, one handed weapons, and sneak.)
Vorstag (Class unknown.)
Location: Markath
Dark Brotherhood
These followers will join you after completing the Dark Brotherhood quests.
Dark Brotherhood Initiate (Assassin, uses sneak, one handed weapons, archery, and light armor)
Location: Dawnstar Sanctuary
Cicero (Assassin, uses sneak, one handed weapons, archery and light armor.)
Animal Followers
The animal followers are similar to human followers except that they can't carry your items.
A wardog at Marcarth Stables. can be bought from his owner for 500 gold.
There is a dog in an abandoned cabin (Meeko’s Hut).
There is also a stray dog you can encounter in a random world encounter.
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General Gameplay:
Skyrim Tips and Hints
Skyrim Guide / Walkthrough
Followers / Companions Guide
Skill Training Guide
Skill Trainer Locations
Skill Book Locations Guide
Crafting Guides:
Weapons & Armor Crafting Guide
Ore Locations List
Alchemy Guides:
Alchemy Guide
Alchemy Effects and Ingredients
Build & Class Guides:
Skyrim Mage Guide
Character Build Guide
Racial Differences
Dragon Shout Locations
Rare Item Locations Guide
Buying Houses Locations
Innkeeper Locations
Standing Stones Locations
Stones of Barenziah Locations
Crimson Ninroot Locations
Quests Overview & Checklist
Bug Collecting Guide
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